flashdie acrs.thésk? ell, tic caogeiu te wether" Aà no ce eu dey tatde gt Sit semekudcf ien reorf late sme ofvu indums'riospeopl inade goclue v of 1ýthe sum1 iÉçcîy ay fies, a m~ r P csar 1areu nr I thoigtrno i elthe ime, 1he Altheaîhrgf ol og il lyv e a b t o t r v l c n 5er3 much, ireialyifIhae1 pa eut onmy rel cf baq s. Start theu dbopeSMery day c tonwCcr Howslm er-, nuec i tp wr dand ciehole, bad ams en- i l t iose, I tihae te mair the d'îrat:ou os te w nterb l five ii te i l er af n hé li tles agumnt aaln] iht-i i ote sio ery bvies. o instneeneL beus ç f vistd salost newr aý'ndo;ccd ce-s ealîedt dons, i pestla, plled igbt a across, vey csmoothly by manpà 'ilatig a iddencord Haroo ioorg)1 tbogotexcpt i h pee tehoonîon theae grup fl or; Sreepiee bin tiesement. boearit. Th!euias tire slkneen îts i] Ifirla, leepL, ting ce,_ large copboard mcm. Te ftend wh nothrttatin-the cii cou gorl)ýu inand eut te tbaieîit by gcing o n the liig e o ly the i; ltt ntî o telayo LAer inthe w ccigr 1 Wied, fo Ibid I cone harle djscutnte heyod or ni,'ý,is. Crany i w ( ajy to1, esb bautfu homes 1 bu t n stil1'i wbàt cvechav'witil- in oulr c cwnfor v llsar hig xxhih w hav wored hrd to gt ment, every, iltcovnec is nt- wce i 111e a 111 ehavEknow o atGÉ grFr,-br hth te 00w, t i fe wt Pirto et illuinaton. Eîvj('.f e i n't ecessa t eowit. ShulL Ki Ck Snld - 61 persins7m BriTin ar le îtîyab nons fmr f 'st businessmen 'n the uppef gr~de~ pa mcom a cf l9~. &l, o 1h peund sterling-97.5 per cent. A man making the equivalent of $5,600 a year pays 45 per cent ol il ju income taxes. Judge "Do~s the prisoner wîsh to challenge any of the jury?' Prisener: "Well, I think I could beat up that little guy on the en4Y Nobey lnowsthecause ýof eheune- tiom but we do know tMes ono' thing tz ap'h)pi .i~ And wben yentai e TNTL< the relZief is prolenî,ge. bca INSTANTINE centains flot One,bt thiree prov;en mv-idieil grdet Theýse tree,ýingredïints work tcgecht, to rn o flotonfatelfbt more roloned relief. Talce !NGmTANTIN- for fast haah reclief ton , .orr foi the pairns ni =mriior riaS anb dthe aches ac pafns that efen accomay od G'et InstasIàne today eZ' &stantn i 2-TabWe i 5 4 A- L k-, p