By Rûberta Lce Q.IS àibsoiltely required that a per'san giv. the reasan for (3ecl½i.. -Ing aniivitation? A- it is n1o bligatry taton âo Soý, buitiiless it isa eym- mate reason, one -,shoydexpai why, and with regre't. Otberwise, "'Sry cannotacpt" n. might be dccu'ae4foi rpa- issg asy in-vitations i te futuire. ..When lîntreducing to er- ios, is-t proper ta say, "Mrs, Johnson, this les Mr. Norton; Mr. -Mortons, 1%rs. JQlulscin"? A. No; ît l& altagethetinncs eary ta nrIention ii h c me w Q. lould a girl ever send z. gift te- a iman whom slhe ijkes? . 'otunless sjie ;S ugaIged t tuIe. ofly gifts necLSsary are at Q. eit considered goo a irs bhen a g-uest lias firisbed his meal, topaI is plate awvay fron, hln? A. Th'is is vey(I-anre n that mcal anId is glad hl bas lin ished, 'l'le dishes should neyer be Q. Dae tiquette deniand that ýmen give up iheïr seats to vwomen on crowded buses and trolleys? A. Nb, tis P fot requftire any- lieîy as a babyilu bierars oisavery god friead (ofyOuIrs. 'Q. La it necessary for a w-Xho la travellng aloi-e ta prefixý "rs"or "MVise" ta her naine wbjen, lgngahotelregis'ter? A.Yes, ti ~ncsay Ota 33 ByRev. R. B, Warren, .A, BD., TIse.Stewajýrdsbip of Monex 2 COerIu.tis 9:4;Philipians 4>- carding as; be purposeth in bis besart, sG e l un igivo; ft ' rudg- iigyo inciy o r G)od oe a chuerul ivor. 2 Corirthang 9:7 A boy hdbeýen gien r ola fiorftIse colettou, e aso îhad( ten cents. Wbleu the plýate was pessed thie father inotod tiaici gois, put on the ton cents.lien he- inquired îai thý !soul ater hobcre- eebved fthis îreply: "The -preacher7 5k)id 'Thse Lord loveth acherfA givr.' I algiVe thinn entsCjfC more cheerCfkfly ïtitan ï cold thfjý, loar" Thiere are sanine adlts like t1at, boa, Giin fr th1eextenlsionlaiGad' Içigdo m~sîbe onx a voh-1ntaryv bai.Otiierise it i,, taxaiisvotý giisg t i rai ta e of u reaizethat aIl tIsai we baveý iselonga ta o t)d. WVe are but ste- * *ards, To give ta God ou 1e-ttbl of euireae or tlle titîse is batý acknwlcding hatwe are te wards. itbing was begihbefore the giving i'dteLaw by Mss for it -asprcse by Abraeliain (Ileb. 7:9). We e Gdte tlthe. Let as pay te Jeit, I aI clsurchme er wouîd sstona- tiCalî1y titlie, t4sere wou),beno Irun- tic appeals for ifandal. Nat aly wonl thfle chuch be able ta; iru At loca progrnand CLae for it ltseedy, but Ït woaild have lun1ch ta ieet fthe ineedaaiottu hoaten a- ojUnd tIse world, The man w1ho doos, efot giVeirveîÏ- ý lY-7jed inbi oh. île b-as missed 1tIse joy of !kuowinpg that, "ît is more heso p«gve tbn ta rceive." (ACbs 2015Y) Fatal aplprociaitce4thle gluts sent te- hlm i The-salonica andd na pli sos e rlômc hy tfise hUýCh t I fi1p l owevor, - ire dl otde penid ipori gifla, lMe si Zbv Iere uwhaiû-ever State Iam hrwIofr"te bcontîent." Satch mee bu isc ln Chrit Jeyus ta he rosld blipatyecant tis Pîlppats,"My lad shail suppy sil yor need accardîng a ïis riches il; glory by crs eu, rre that is iu Christ isih u ofyeî cut, amngyurrea icen \'linlike ta10go bn tjýinlg, you can iwys t areal argumenclt c'e tv popr mthdsin pre- parig gae rc vtal. (ldierd- t Fipo obl ra ly down anyI bardp-nd famt r,îd al- oweceruthr are cetaingTIer 'sa vem-,taolo, Vor1 )cInstance.lil pro ved( i'f t1C gm is hung for t s 1c ;o *l M u>t of hoewhlsoîlk 1-îird are bettl11(d 0r pfucSe, rathe takenl off the eatwqi be drier anld 1leS, lvorul a iest metbd u ud e s s t o g h - p i c t b e bi rd1,s iý, henl;p Itiheml mb ï)paraý.ffini t latilia s 1beenl' mlted ilu ater. tlhe slmal featiers an1d down ican lbe remaed. y pelin offtheparaffini btor sqirel are alw"ayssknnd but the may be,(-left (on1 until road fo cooingor freo'Ziing that b avemet ith wieie-approva1: VENISOIN' POT ROAST 3 Pounds ,Venisn Pot Roisat (Rump, Chuick, or Rouind) Ml l npsi A c k Il n. uur i usleat, anld adwaer Caerand sÎIlmer1 2 a 3 our, or mntîl meaut is tenderu.Aot4 iue before the meat-Is donc-,a Illte vegetablecs. Mkegravy fri bit drippings andsere w Ihlte pot VENISON ROLL-UPS I POund Ven1ison Rouind Steak (.nbThick) STeaspocnï,SaIt ',' Teas;poon Pepper ¼Pound Park- Saisage 2Srnali, Clea-ned Carrots Ï/ Cup Flour ¼ý'Ctip Fat ¼Cup Water METMOD Pndsekwt nîet ammelr fta'4-iuich thcý-knuss, Cnit mi relaîgnarpie s bu 2 ta4 ice.Srnl s ic w,ýith sait andpepr Carwiî sauisagev. Cpt arot ito strips 2 Inches long ud th1ick. 'lceca-irrat strips 0an top af sailsage. RaIljandtie e'Ch wi Vth- string, Or fsenwtlsbOthrÀ,ckýs. Flar iibty. ron uhot fat Add water, cvr dcaok lan tao 2 rorutitedr Mke aut 6 amaîl rI js V EN1SbON B U RGER S I Poaund Ground Vepison -1 Egg 1 Teaspoari Sait 1/ Teaspoon Pepper '/4 Cup Millv 8 Slices Qnion(/-ih Thick) 8 Ro-and Buns MVETHJOD -- Combine eat cgg, salit, pepperad ik Knead to mxwl.Farin luiito lnpt tics('-ic thick). Put a su-jceý afý ouiQu b)eeen two ptisand' pres cdges togeýther. Place an aa greased b railer tray sdpuit i n a prebeaed braier, 2 uces from dte ttBroil abot 4 ines ou c adiý aide Seve etwen oasted bhans. Makes 8 burgers, BRAISEI> STUFFED SWILD DUCk 2 Cu-ps Cool-cd Draiined WNý>i1d Rice ~4 T~spçonSait /' Teaspoon 1Peppcr ¼ TeapoonS2ge 2 TeaspoDons Milnce-dOno ¾ 4ýCvp Melted Butter 1 Cleanred, Dressed Wiid Duel- saIt, pe',-I age thym, onin jn but.r ftix wel. a te nsd of dck ighly w1t;sat. il i cavty xit wid-icedresiîg.Close string,. Place au1rackin rôýsting ROAST QUAIL Pickdrawand inge uailWip bidwit ra rwil-klrs on a rck iin asba1lio)hkig an Rostlu a moderate vn ,SOF P,2 hlionrs, or until edr SrlgSuggesticn: Serve oM toast, gauis&bed mith wedges. of lemo1, Ïta1rt 5ely andmuro s oie inbtter. IUTCELOVEN QUAIL Cenand dawquiPtqui in paper f-bag wt qa iot i t ica uail liihly. Bas. birds, on Il iii shailow býot fat ilu- a 30 inutes. SPANISH VENISON STEAK1ý 1POOInd VenýisOn Roun,-dSta (¼-ficl. Thick) ¼Cup FlOur 1 blCup Fat 7 M~ediunr, Onion, S1iced 1 Green Pepper, .slced 1 Teaspaon Sait 114 Teaspoan Pepper' A1/ CuPs Canned Tôatawes MECTHIOD l Ct tak ; ist seringpiees.Dredýge f hfor apd '!brawnon b 911 ideslu a fat. Adovion, green eposat pepr n ttoes. fcý Caver anýd s ,me bout 2 ta 2'"'huso otnti) tender. evs4 fal'aifour andthnopt . Bihe f ithese utoawîleal oVpry drap aifmaasses tacmeonti Q. How car, I prepare ago hame-mlade paste? -A. Ta-Llese-half ca a -lmp starçb an4 i lx lbtboo 'ywt lie Sm uatt a lar u water and bail ~ol o a f o Q.uWhen Should grape vines Ise tnslA. ted? b "ïýispu su labo Novemuber. Cat back t abalit tbree feet from ttbc groanld and bave witIs as mach af tile 3Osaspasbe Q. Hoýw ca I reat new lki gioves? waredbfore ptittig thin u Ilforl the f-t irsî bi. Tii ukes the- leather maore pliable. A ittietaci sprilAed onitheid itise glave will alam lte hencaie(tapu ou sud take Off, Swveden'ls New King And Prince-Kýing Guý'stav VI, 67> poses- woitbî his grrdsn heýnewv Crown Princ Cr Gustaf, age shorty after taking Qver is rnew duties ià Stockholm, Gcustaf V'i assuned Swvedish tbrone upon the deat of bis fathery long GUsta V h th trck o to strke agaînýst when ackig. Tus no damage is doue to the building when gra% is Woaded. That'-s Eas-ily Made Jifyou saved yvois Christias Card1s last yar itIla some zpiIlk in g sera punich, saine yarà and a needie you can milake saine 1mO'st attractive boes for snal gifts. These CllHobciutiguing lbI packages ta wbet the intorest of al yorfrieu1ds. Marlade or- jain Sil sail glasses mke erywec e -gifts sdtake an i1a fest'ive air wbeni ilcdlu ance of these lt!0 boxeýýs. Ju1t s ý2ect six cards as ilearly th tam ize cas osibe.Cut ta exat sze ù t piniking shecars- tak11ing off th naine ai bitelender -ad unch aroun1(1dite edge with " ' Lbit ncincb aprt. li sre oeaperky 'el"or or Itle lid. 'Thlatiads erri- taeic pner.m l ta form11 a box witb bbce loured yarn and you have if tde mostattractve litte nxus you can imaine. No likes ta thraw probty (card 1s and thiis is an enijoayablle and able w 1y)te make ulse 'ai thinl. Ifnd that yollr friends are utlY Surprsisedwilthtie iMea. littIe boxecs 1makeý different ners for box socials, t ts That Other re FouridHelpfu s abrtires suo widcly ascd f arm, we did away tv ith tire ire pump. We nisiotinted anr usable for refrigeration bt ateU for. use as an air mp -- na length iMlank, it eSA ri mator conu-)iiectedl by a V-heut for drivinig lt. We malde the ouitfit por- tal iha pair ai sinlal weels aia', e end-1( failte plank ,and zan aId laxu mwer bndeat the ýothier. W\,e can useitwhreeràheis A snillgasoède on e cousd niae tie lpump sable withou] dpeniu upon eîectricity. Tse shaulof a wornot file m-altes a very good wedge foýr ax, bsieor Ihatcliet. y* * * Ta store sweet patatoos sa theýy will remlain firi sund net put I clean thell, thon idry tharougblly -An store itelufi a bask'et betwreen laer i oats. I keepthn l dIry, wfmpla-ce. Wbien puttiing grainl i u agranary got cdoser 'y backînrg ta bbc win- doýw 'tac make s 1hcvei]in cair Usualyire tep hcks iup until tbe truck bits tbc graiuary, ofteu hre-aking ýbse sidiný. "To end titis, i nalda2" by 1" phu l a vetclposition Ou bbc graunary' for Thelinsid1e i arrn is, machi brigbter sincc e aite se vails opItlte wnos ;a igb't col- ar uthb srinPg ;aiter I have finsbd y Pai'ntiingin th', hne l,,,, Iput gt e i tligb-cl oueipailits for usýe in the lbari. Ifiisis iat enough, Ity 1buy a ltsl whtepaint t o ;addota It. B 1n~ akýin g tewlslighiter, thie pin posrvs hin. Wýe find that duat andcowebsdou stic-k To keep mly 3f)0)ilo!, wo spray tanik jfrom d ryîig uont dssring 'the winter monts, I puit l t to wl ýbcli I adfri 5 a 0 paunda ai fclakecaliumeboride be puit in dn barres) rn tlle sllmelr and used a lgalin rom year ta er dri e lbas evolvi systemwh-clot c is paing lhandcs.oroeýý gardenersfuram man fbrýoad beansonan is noa secret. He's tiaen te hck- aac ut ci grDening by a simple mehoibsed ion ho well-ratted vegtabe opo s ih h ces aroussct the seedU s a they are set and a-t intevals nas they graw,. FhicomIIpost flot onlosirishies th lslidanil hI es befare tbèey c-an ;nïîin crops, but i-£ encourages worms wibich arate theind.Ses a¶esoninto Itlo'Comjpost lyr anid If weeds shoiýw signai LfflouirishI- thuy -are promp't"]yly smotbeýred wxitlh a mulhing f lý,,(ltsi, And.Mr, Cuet nver, nôvcrer igs. His deIas- are bipg tested by h iorticiïltu-ral expets ha ec-arethaIt resultg, acbevd cmpre wththose Col- tane)y 1 more a mtàs WHAT JUST ONE VOTE D'ID One ýote h ge tOrue ai a kows-tbe d world1 lu1185cih ol a eucor -a manaurcby. jules hiurried homle. Afte oloi ta oI7! wais tnae, and FaneremlredlC arepulic by c'le vote! Teeis nli uttatteiins bas afected aIl our ives. FOR FPASTIR RELIEF ACHING MS MASSAGE WlELL1 Artistic Touch: ryadNv barr~ck inDen~ar arc be-ing il- sued with epodcton 1a aifit- ings b)y Matisse an the ir aos ___ artista s subtituesor pini-op girls, nýowband wifh W-onderful Nýew Fs u.lts îi ~K :~ U~ABLE TALKS J~ cJar~c~ And~w~