A gouV 4É .ia hn ,iy tcar. - eh ...... ....... .....$1295M,00 ' an ........... ... .... .... $1295.00 of the cleanest used cars we have ever seen efine Sédanette........ $1295.00 Radio, lieater, fog lighits, etc.o istom Sedan.......... ..$850.09 notor and tires recently, drives like a 1948 model. O ýh......... ..... .....$575.00 , only 65,000 miles, reconditioned motz)r ,n Pickup ..........$395.00 ich . . . . .. . . . . . $550.00 U eh, Standard ........ ..... $495.00 .n. . . . .. . . .$650.00 ]y 50,000 miles, imnaculate inside~ and out, inaI finish, Mlurry for fiis one. ?PS ARE WINTERI-ZED AND GU4RAINTEED AS IS SPECIALS f Sedan ..ý....... .... ýý....$295-00o Good miotor and tires 1 Sedan ................ $150.00 f .. . . . . . . ... $50.00 ZADES LIBERAL TEHLS, INS' GARAàGE . )no, Phone 86-2.Open 9a.r.9p.m. Mnn-Sat. Jteverend A. E. Eustace Minlsti SUNDAY, NOV. 2Cth 0 10 a.m.-Sunday &l!,iooýl. 0 U.00-iThe Riddle o Lif'e. 2.0û--Lesýkard. 3 .00- Kihiby, IJ Lfls is to i two cartonlso us hy CNR arri'Ved hr Thlanks for sai On1 opening Imiost of the ci tiofil, jome of be nepw. The acceatahle s urchl: thia t thl cartons ID. in Ln as bee cases Oirono Tinshp We Sdil And l" Instal Pease out inl Ili indica-LE op conI-- R. E. LOG Phone 18-10 cml ittorque u- B Village of the ;tatoie qn to the 1Municipl Electors of thle POlice awiiship of Clrke. that iiu conjillnee with ~ Irequire the presentce oýf the sïtid Elctors ination M~ln ntesaid VILLAGE 0F ORONO a t tl" h 'etu r f7 .0 0 o c l o c k . . o n FrIdlay, November 24 19ý50, at the Township Hall, Orono for the purpose of nom inating fit and proper persons for the office of THREE POLICE TRUSTEES for the Village of Orono; of whicl al Electors are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordigly. And if a greater xiumher of candidates titan required to fil the said offices, are nom- inated and maake the required declarafions, polis will be openied in the TOWNSHIP HALL, ORONO in the said Village of Orono, on mONDÂTDECMBR 4th 1ft50k, and wil be open front 9.00 o'cLock, a.ni. until 6.00 o'clock pv.m. and no longer. Given under my hand this 14th day of November, 1950. H. E. MILLSOIN, produce to see'. c 1style Gti~xomt~JnorHce S thrill ua(z ror h,,jno Il tlne exu this yeai- Tt i- belle-Ved other "D' Cl expc-ted to cco as Sttton, Uxb) cail club jrnt in of thefrl own botter >d. prov ide bte t ove fa 1great enition t( Juniiorý ,or call it "pulll." What we mean is uru wheels-to keep trucks rolling on schedule. tistained torque-at normal operat- G-MC Valve-in-hlead engine. EIVerY truck-built, designed for long 1f e in trucking srvice idçer fuli loads. Ligh torque is just one GC.c feature. You'Il find GMG'cs packed with added qualIity-extra-value in every part of the truck. That is the reason GMC's five the lowest-cost transportation you can buy. Corne in an~d let Lis prove that!, @ ;q/,47wreew 20 This chart shows how GMC en- Sgines develop maximum torque oo0 a t speeds as Iow as 800 revo- Slutions per minute. Check the Sspeeds in other engines before M0 ~ fuit torque is reached. ROYW.NIOHOLS of a * Less I. .t.L< PRESEN' Sin ToiI4t lavishlly... hours on e4 loeâ] smart, BowmanvIlle à% Ontarlo