amplet Tb(, 'Club (a ý!1d Dr rk.e(i giving a *A sideor Cffee tablé te lend gràc eA your enteraîning 18 r7 tIr fre1gt Sunday. hien trans- Mr.s. Wi. Si .AC nhas been the W. H. Carmanl Congratulati, LW Leroy Rvown,1 'Service of a baby girl. ýul Danice Miss A. M( Lip Hall, fromi visting ber 15th, Anderson of H Old Tynie Mr. C. S. Mc ,ýeni esing ea few wec p k UNI u pgSUNDAY,'.DE( g 1.0a.nm.-Wots tI3.0U .sKry 2.0p.m.--Leskar- Ovrono T. We LflCO-) th ne year.7 ýuiiunty Servlice PARK< ST. 'TED CIIIRCIt Revereuàdo R.Eustace Mfinuiter ~EBR10 ;hip. dc Word. Iln d. Harry Yarke, Presctt..Il _Mrs. Gladys Ganisby bas returried home from the Oshawa Hlosptal 1 much împroved in health. Mrs. Geourge McKenna moveld-, n Monday into the apartment 'ithe hoime ovied b.v Mr. P. Lunin. Mr. aind Mrs. Fred Trul spext Tuesday iToronto v'Mlsti ' g.with- Mi, and Mrs. Ross Stoneliùs. Miss Helen Carter of Winnipeg, and Miss M. A, Grahami have beeii recent guests of Miss Sadie Ron ~Mr. and Mins. Whni. Found cyf To- omto, visitd the fo-rmar's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dane Found over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Coryell of Leslard, are spending the winter with tlieir daughter, Mrs. Menzie Gihson of Weston.f Mr. an~d Mrs Gen ' Hancoýck and children Lynida and Mary, of Wark- wor-th, spent Sundpn -with the for- nier's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eg-ertoni Hancock. A bus loaid of W. 1. memibers, at the invitation of the Tyrone ITnstitute, journeyed to Tyýrone on Friday af- tOnoon Lst and' heard Mrs. Goiod- floos Brighton, speak on herl conti netal tour o'f Euro'pe asý a dele- gaIte to the AscitdCountry Wo7-1 1949 Chev. 1 1949 Ford C 1949 Chev. 1948 Pontîac 1948 Cliev. S 1948 wnvied by earefuil Tor-onto doctý ýerseat lheater. 1er ............. r, air coînditionlilg. ate inside and out. 1 inide and out. mall series m4 Otor, well kept hiejor. nde 1947 Chev.] Showroor 194~7 Chev. 1947 Chev. 1940 Dodg< INew motor an OIds., 1937 Chev. 1935 Ford $1625 $1400 rcoated iditioa thr ughout. If youl standing bu sets Sedan.. .. 0 guaraiite actd ai mileage. Sedan...... Sun visor, oï fit ,fr Coach. ..........$ 'Y dean. body perf Wt. We kçnow the ýere shouldebe 50,0010 miles of ng lefit,, this car. nal finish low mileage. e owner, N\reudriven. pd motor. The rest is just average. rd -model, dlean inside and out. )nditioned mnotoir, good tires. TTICIALLY BR TN IS WORLD OTIIER Scarfs, Skis & Poles Wagons4 4 Trîcycles Pedal Cars 1Sïiverware -Stainle I Stelel Men's gnd W0men's Watches Ideal for Gif t Giving Orono, Ontario world chanr nids fat from- eil Atkinsor club mleniber i twice hoe had the club. The Schoi estiablishcd soni( by bnving two of c~peeWorId tion in their beiý LAÇE YOURI Cakes, Pi (Cliickem »LIS }{AMS (drop et Ham, alread linner (10 to 12 M A*' 1 1) isy 1 iSuao ,l-n( Sa- I for vear butte; eV(-"rrported iegý and 4 21dswh à Sje bof th ation as two-VeIar-( ma W ik and' 555 poui AMBER IIQNEY 8 lbs. $1,35 TOIMATOES CHOICE 2 tins mis fo IC starl hopng. .-J oredi- Gloves Station Hats-. ,yone