now 19 be sure youngest in 71 TOYS- 4 ke your -stock. Sfor the the oldest. display for ail seen now .... mlost e;citiiig cal toy. *s ani Sc anl electi * choose from ai-d glassware. MIrs. A. Jackson 'or MilhIkeýn vs ed Miýs. Ton4i LangstaIï on SatIur- Mi: ad MIrs. aerWhittaker ndi Kenneth of Toronto, wvith Mi ndMrs. J. T.Per. Mr. and is.Jack FElhio,'ttsSt onto. M1r. and Ms Harry Lane )f Platts- vilvîsiteýd lis mnI-ther, Ms W. C. liane, who we are glad Wio.1eport, is niuch iiproved,4e hea1th. MIr. Jcoe Sexsrnitih, wbno la stili Al Port Hope Hospital, continues verýy poorly. Mr. Lam-on Milison is inproving but sti11 under the doctor's careP. Mrs. (Rev.) D_ T. Lancaster is! spenting a few days with her daughter in Tomate. Rev. M"m. Lan- caster we'nt up aiso on Mvonda. Hocpe Rospital on Friday pendix operatdoni. Mis. Wim. Chester of sýpending a jew, days with Mis-. A. Redknap. Mr. Water Tink ca1ffed frielndjs while passing f rn to Muskoka, Midi., to visi e-r, Rev. E. W. Tink, . tim.e was pasto-r of the lo Mis. Johin Anderson lIeairt attack on Atur( wIassing awa'y about m44li funeral service was hel United Chur-ch, with Rerv. caster. iiaig Thie W. A. meeting Wedm~Ili-iht, Noveai1 a few Ottavva sfath- at ône, .John ditional L. 10ans up) 11d stances. lie dehts,-. hi etfer ono Sth, 9th unday Sdhoo! 011twno Mi. and Mrs. Percy Snelil ieft on Monday, miotorýing to Rochester to [ vîsit Mis. Sniell's sister, Mrsý. Cabh1e Mliss Grace Anderson, of_ et-[ meath, is visiting 'with 1ler sister , Mrs.ClarnceNichois. rK IRBYqÉ Mr. amd Mrs. Milton WnaMr. anid Mrs. Lavernie Patterson anid Gar vsiedwith Mr. and MNis. Bill Wa innan, MNrs. Bruce Little andi family viSit- ed lier parents. Little Janet stayed for a riait mwith her grandpaîents. The W. A. lad a quilting in, the chuich mn Tuesdlayiternloon. t On Tuesdlay eveingil, Novemhier 28,( the Sunday Sehool leld its annual meeting at the home of Mi. and Mi s. S Stanley Chapmn. Mucýh busi:nessý was discussed and reports showed a- veiy successful yearin oui Sunday Sdlioolwok The election ýdofficeis -Iwý $.25 te $3,40 [ $1.00oo t$3,00) ~u jj G o~o GOODS REVLON GWTr SETS