77- T M E 0 N WEEKLY V li4 Nio 47 0R0N0ý0NNT-1 THURSDAY, DEC. 21th, 1950 per Year --SýQýPu'b11sher ûf 'rono Weekl R. Wade-1ell Appointed To « '7* y High Sthoôl>B 'a.1d By Twp.i Tîmes Died Suddenly of lý1,st V icaà Frâzes Tota"] Over q 9_ Durhafil Crop ASSO-o',-ý'L"béa Po.àî;sher und of t'ne 0ý1ý) T110 hip Coulicil illelt, in the Tii,,,ýs, Rly A!eýý,arAer ell Attended resb-,-, ýn, bis 5-Gth vlrï,,ý died s-ýlidldý--ri- -s of -C Township 00 At Lions Fijffrý > V ýj anliual illeetili- cif Ce -eath 15th. 1 -lý; hoïm ýii Clinfon, ()I-"tlàr- 11-le illeetîng,ýwas acted o-i;ýer by t'lie The elt le ,vý ..... )urhelm _ývel il), iýhe son of Mr_ aj.1ý Mîsý Da -",d Tbecash Biugo lielil JjýýÏ,, the New- Ci,,ýp Lliprr -y, the Lôwei il at on Wed rorrpstpr ýjjid repeiveli Lis tion lvas held ec castie iýüiirouii!ty T ii- i: f 1 blisenient oui there. the -eve., 'el- i4tii, by Deceltibev :)Lh wî i a l ýei attendance of one hunmlied and tweýý -,p ave 'e reeve, the Ne,,vý_isflé Lions w-s aliove the The, liate Roy Fori _3ter g, four of th !Ur. hip f re -n, Towns xPq ýdio1ps of the club both in tý-five farniers ri evc Decen(fber 141 e vears of sen'ce ir, the first wo l - 1 d gard to eýýitcrt)ýiiriiiieilt value and fin- -wus accepted ýhy in the Côunity. 1 1,181 Meifolu War. 'On his lle was Uniteti Âïl Port Hope, R, R, 1, Presidenîi. vras in Yll11l11ýriý,Ï,L- ýto 1),ne Ella Bouck, daugh- TIle ràpresentative, f roi, n the t4nVil- î char-e of the rnee7ýîi)g. 'tark, th,- Durhalyi,1 Colin t Sorrie hundred and tN,ý,eiity-five ter tO ýMr. C D Bouck aA la ta_ _1111inded people toak: the ioppor- 1 The and directu-rs -Týîgj,, SchoGI. Dîstrilct Board iligo net Mrs -ý>f Toronto ailid they, 1 tunity to place their chances for the > during the niorninýg to colliplete as re,ýideàin Beeton, where lie spent tbe busïiifflý, as, possible in POP ,.efïý This ýîpiPO!ý1it'mfflt went to will cash prizets bei g offered bv the New- Wskel Illuch of Y.r. Rý -R.' Wàd-del for twelve veiars in thýe pipting trade. in 1, KC., order to conserve -,-he ufternooa castle Lions c1ubý A total Of 19,15 the dKeas(ýd ïJurchased the be -for a üwo vear terni. The the tducaitional prograninie. Gak-hllle Star, which after two yearis 1 - - paid out dicing the evenirig in Il eýd-_one meniber on cf Clarkel is Qw r nip eýwîLh cash prizes rang- The ebiet speaker fo le a£' erno,,oi of p C(,,uiit,,y W h 'Stchoo1 Board üT, n n nioved to and- inil- froir $LM to $25.0ft. The jac--k- l1 was Dr. J. R. Weir, Hay and Pasture published the Oroiio Tinies for the, nlejnbers. This board, Jîs to qw S ecialist, Fdeld Depart- jast pot game with a v, p fourteen years. alue of $10.0 was ve nl -%"n and thýs wll Le carried over nient, fî rst ln 0. A. C.1, Reeentiy' Dr, 1 Roy was an ardent-fisber 1 of the 'year. v Weir made a study of pasture3 iir the' a to Thursday, Dececrber ý28th ývhcn the înan and a nieniber of the Oranh Hunt Câ1b a114 lie will be 11,0-111- the ib,)lai-d of sehoWL sec- Pl , 'ize will the'n bè $20ý.0- Hollanýd and Denniark. 'Il , flis set of s-iides nn this tour -,vas trort streillils of CI.milke- Tùïwnshiý,. H.- No. 122, Mr. Wad- 1 A tirâber cýf tle peterboloug'li -il niobý inst-,,uct,"ve. Du. -Weir also gave was a ii-ieniber'of the 0rono Masonic àpïdont1ilent, îOýn bielilia-if of the Lions -Welle fPfesený to instiract ili the a shorttalk ýon tle improvenient clov- 1,prucedure of the ganie and the Lmeti..l Lodge, No. 325, 0-f-ono Loyal Orange es. ers ai-id grasses, the, s'eed of whieh _N1oý. «* and the Le- ý7-njýn gailles were played Nvïtliiii ý1 able in limited qu; also a iiieniber iof the cilpaýýýedý a proc an l; are avail, -intities g-, tinie o am hour and a balf includiiig rbe questi1ý-,ns aslSd Dr Weir brougliu 0 Chiirch.- _Î, 2,13, box-two short jp r 1 l out smmý valu,,Cble inforniatioli. ýkibijc i1llýidaY. are his the Mr- Jýolin Ketchesson, the DistrictiTom, one diý-,,.ugi-iLýe,,i-, Pli(-, next regillar casli bingo is te fo bv tlie Of Torolito. t've ý-,ùr1S nov ard 'T'he trea1ýUXe1r M'as ln1131_,l-Uctý be hLld and New a1ilýt gave a ýb-ý'-t Li' ýtb '4kay the il g, ill*ý1il,ýeý,s 'IM E Soil, Speci, i alk on 1 Years lon December 98)th s'llarp nt 8 1) I'Penis. of, tivo sis'i'l' 1 S, -0lýGQioî P o L-'-ee Trust.ees. -ey C,)1q-ý[do and [V.'l-ý,_ b),A. Dicý cJub is anticipý,lting ll, L ---------- -- ----- --- $1,-f 4iïrý,co lar-er crowd on tilis lli",ht Mr. Jalres 1. !-'trow,-lý 1ý eweasti 0 R. Elwood 'Mi--_H1etoný -Pqrt nnî 'agrocinelit -- -- ---- 537.09 Eillgo lie the 1,11nin topie f 0 r R, 2, Newcastle ,i -ý,cuý,sef1 Iiis expi:ir- 1 iic, brother. Fr-d of Ex(,t,-rý 0iilarî,ý ience, wiffli spi1r_ý liod giý,ýiiii ful1eý-ll! ý1HrVî(,e wàý ileid îr tl,-- crips -,Lii, olpe!, wbiýýh on- -1 totni suill tu b(ý ti-ail,,,ýfelrCd to the Sillid"i'v, t 1 G lvitll RLv. F. ruu,;- Durham H-oisiein ers per ,î, ýpuid 1 Uvý&n,1,ý, 1'lý., p of ;01 WeýAs S-Mie f,)"ý ùdl, J. B. Tl-,,-iýjýell. Lerov Rolffli tbe Wir. UýC- ý_1 1M QU il ýt s 1 e ý;uçýý tui'es, Ee ià t ýt' ed f el- of, l'inv (-Cil yý,ýil' -w11ý -iluide ýi! t1u, ii, D'e C e ol - On lie a i1ý;C di.Pl bel, 9. I)izýtrict poý, 1 _1 j ýý 1to ti Sý, revjý,mT .,f -lie Pw)l-u,-J-ý to fý-l'tifïz w re 'f'le, (ý.qilîitv s;>,i el foi. -î, fý,oio )lid S', ag m". ts -el p,.-,,ýT ye-ir gave or 1 e ' ý1 -ra te --- ------- - Il , , . theý averag'- 'ird 1,C-ý,Ull1(-s fYý1- e'll,ýiloÏ-e. ý'ol rate .. -- -------- l' l'ý) -1 il elle ît &e - 1 Il priee Pen Llie proýSpe(-ý fo r Il aY fjiýe ai-s. Afrer co-nsitier, 31 violls Ve 'rate - ------------ --- cil - tbe first fie-Id ýs U- 0C-cidý-d to thp to -ce 'Aar- nijLýeil nf appoi 'flting il sql--ýiS agent ýadd red F, rre tel- Vx -r', (litý Pý)U'),3!s (If li---ik),'ýý('s Pei- ýhal arld M r-ý,. E, E Po -f ri to the itiý,,coniiiig ex T O 'f t'ýlp f'e1ý(l of iiýrCCtôrs, àîe î-î-d-1l!t-ýf1,ý- of fe,2d Ïs that 't i, il c:in be Useci t'O i i14'nr,ý :1Vý- ï1ild T4rlýý 1h(-m1ýlVesý tO-'ýSit f) t Ile for 1951; Ma[-, Suppliellient cut-[el'r OsIlawa, Tink- Wilf Jowiniall, John F, -tlDo'-nald ting the eaj-ly it gi-,ýeý he 0',1i1wf1ý Mr. ýl11d al - r Thi§ afteriliatb, a rell Clialice. U,ý l'e'. î r. C. D. 1,V 1 thf-, ULý _Ed, AlnllllPl .ý gaVü a sbort repoi't --k of lro l 1eý -1,11 otilier Wes Ross Stpvejis,ý been ', niiicl ýÀýes@ Wimnivý The directors cri ilie Projý'c'L. Thezic incluticd ille Five will eýect eir ýfficers' ,at -,the ' ! Jýî.VlTo!l)l. ,sý 1 Pç)1;ýdo Club. 1-. (il 1 -ii-los Ti"1111,)11711, Cýrojjj0: 'ý-A gural iiieeüiillg i1j-ý Ji-oi T. B --ctoi 'ol pres', -res with Rhiz- _PwOwn jolan îe jay W on; fy cOrfe e rui yi na- oliia ýced (-,alrý:, with iliJergrround,1 %,Vjs(ý hýttirg' 1- ni 1ý d'efLU lai ii ri d sell àTý3llagl1all-E ivith the iie-iv regU1atjùný root in fiv(, - po Rus,ý e 1 for, rëg-'s- Wd sëe lots to tiii-el, and -rt fflail, y X il H 1 C - .11 on of irale -calves -wý,ieh' -will be S< d furnisbed foi- -'l. pl-o1)ý 11wtoli, Tlalph Milleo'r'l' Ernest leili paltupe niýxtùri-__ TLe resulits oi (D. 11mvard ýTcYidleii, ýilýciissed --t thean-nual- of the, - ,ila ts ý\Vill rlôt be,,, ýAs-"c ý tilý)n in, Torý,'ito oll Jar- llary 'Ist, S. illiost of tlipýie e"'p(ýrlloen, Jack Byooîýs thankeld tne menibei-s and din- 1 knowr illitil wil-t _Vcar. ýTbjS year Ea-r] Dorrel", Girl Z Tne M ýs sio-na ry 1 >:-,oliý,qjiii Coulity iýs 'I ri be lionnoured ctýôýý,3 foir St],PP61ý' dMý!-Tllg Lis ý)o,ý heý i 1 the 0Uý Il t _'eed ci -la chU1,ých Se lvice- T't is ex- Jýl 1lji, Ïted Ch ýcll oif qan- trlwill te held in tlle Corn- net ýnE 1111, Til iou lied ulltil itv Ceritt'ýý È2 wlien the, d U ýtbout fille f 14O-cil i SýotL ýld Duiegate ta î'ý -0 r,- th i c4 's Ufiv i C A iiiiii il i the 0 rollo _T cý W_- il Hki VE R Y Týc rm ýj Dit fi lire a,ý Pre,ý1(1(, lii ý,LýL tioiiL]oýd Xej!o,,g-ý Part fjepe,ý of