A. E, Eustace (DEC. 24th ristmas Carolg ceQ iidaty Schoo'1.g e Gifts lby ;kard Gandie spi-viceg Z«d DRI VING ety of otiier rood users- rve the following sug- J. emu MIr. and Mrs. Eai1 Taylor have t- ken an apartmlenit xithlVir?4s. A. Hiarris. sp-,eit the week-enid w Mr. anld Mr, V. Wilson. - i Mr. and Mrs. H. Barlow andRo- ger visited tMr.d Mrs. Shierlock Biarký,-v. Oshawa. Miss Lois Dean, Oshawa Hospital. 1 spenit tie -week-end wt Mr. andl lVrs. Hesper Dean. Weaure glad to' report thvt Mr. jack bas~ as returned home from tlhe OshawaiGen,,-a,]Hospita1. -Mr. Hudson soimetimie ago broke a nuro- ber of bones in hî-, leg. suffered fait- in~g froro an apple tree. Mr. Jack Arniott -is spendÏing the holiday se-asoýn with bis wife and famdilly. The managem~ent and players; of the Ol113no Juntiur Hockey GliÀbdeep-i ly regret the pas-sing of Mi-, Roy- - rstrSr-.. one of Oronqo's great citizensg. key binsdnes man, and r)ut-p mluility of -Oronilo. Junlior The 0O ono4 en a jump ~on verting one ýof The AlLa Wvi wi11 bl ons. CARD Mr. Jack Hu his fr-iends -and thfekiniss the OshawaCe TENDERS LE' A<iJUbe. wil] a1so n of NI,- ary and We R.E. LOGAN Phone 18-10 Christmas. is 'he sea~- son of happy surprPes .. and Christmas is e sea- son for happy wishq...... accept our too, for ýýou and yours. Merry Christmaý '14 ea~I ~AME WILLI t the KIDS -AS imu