* Rqbe Le~ correspondence carda iii they are s ery popular I taste for the short, in- of note. It is becoming noce cus'oniary for nien n to use thuse cards. bey shonld not bu used formaI correspondence. t form ,~h~ulii s hrdp sbant~ ni ich :ontiisues urt." i~ meat, eut at a~ cJaw~ d~ews. Q. good A. and n forma omtSait, re 50 de- for somle sggsionIs as t0 this nIew,-type pie crust egtilar kind, for thaýt matter. a 1 pùmpkiliug thbas reni t, éditintly oragy of sorts ta '~ erlog nft be R J)hT Ag yo 'd n cDrnstarch one sugar saegas' yay; asdalthough it's someting Tt won developerd ibyMthàuhô economiestafof onu oM the huge pillfing cmp n'isd. at'Lfi1rst sight,, 'Lm rte c\olutio11ary to Mme sorte=i-g, bouse ni dou; and you t;snfpiy sýth fo îingre(di- ent~ ogthrthen rpll t hi-, crp-sý 11weuto set o acd paperil Z uesifteýd fiour 1, 5teaspoons ,tait cliç~p saLad or cooking n il ¼CUP Cole, whle milk M1etho.d: M'iix 1flour and sait to- geter.Thn ad teiil and. minil.< i t onc1.e. usdrýe ilot to) blnd o1*ilad ïnili. Mauuthem lu the ,une cup, buq ~do not stirchai) ogtr.Stir diugp hgti'iy nil nixed. Round up dough and dlv- de, into halves. lte ec x siligh1tly. Pac1ot aîf betweenl two shets Mf wayed paper (ap. proxitiiantely il inllces sur) Rvll ont gently uni! CoirleOF dongh rce tges of ppr If bottolm paptr bcgilis to',0 k nirn, rml ilonother ide. Piet!off top papcr. if' doughi cracks or rek uxend lby pressinig edges togethecr, o;r by presýsiTlLZa s ci-ap1iîghtly ve je ptar, Lift paper and psryby tiop co0rner-s; they wil! liçlig togethier. Place, paper side up, iin1 8-inich or 9-inch pan. careflily Peel off. paper. Qenýtly e2ase and fit pastry into pari,. Trini even -with rii, Ro11 top crust ln sanie wî-ýY ami place over fillng. Tri to rim, Su! by pressing ge0ntl5ih foRk or by lltinig edge. Snip .3 or 4 sm1all sEts near centre,Baýke about 40 iiur in hot oyen (25 OF.) MW til on browu. For one-wmust pie inake ba< of recripe. place rolled doighi in Paix. Prirk thorolighly with fork. 'Bal«e 2-113inuites in verY hot oven I (~hîéstmas- Bedrock of Fait/i Biit on dthe bcdrock of faidi, rooted ii the hicarts of wi thej spirit of Christimis -goodvrill to ail men - is, our guiding force a.s we seekný thç, path t oward lasring pcaçe nicrh Chiritstmas is mnan5s bi~ againist dte darkness of tyrany.ii.bulwa;rk standing firmi and brixîgiag to the~ world strçnth1 ope ýjid coip<assion,. As r celebrate Chrîstmnas hi year, Jet Lis once againi affirmn our faithl in imiankinidý and Jet us, rededicate ours4lves to the .great task of perpetutinrg a better w iUrd- a wrl4refectngthe Caith) that is Christmas, with its etterna mIessage of Peace on Earth, Gioodrill to Men extrae~ I ~-~-- ~ For Filling txblesp,,nos sga, nd si.Add to iM mîlk, irring cntnl ea yok z. -'\dd gradu1ilal ly to ik 1ai n '-lp )sugar wt m i mo , RoIl (junes hi inarnon-I on caad aily,1evt' g wli after ec'ad(1- It cion ti leinge tad, i iU nodrt oti(l0F) ui CRANBERRY TARTS Pastrv'y for 4 tart ghellr. '~cup sugar 2cups rawcrbrie on ~esponn saut 2 banana&s1kiied about ¼-indh thckt Method: ýMak(-,pastry. Ro) i ont* abou Vs-t1 tick. Lne4 mdi- vidual 4-inchPie pans with pasfry. Prick wïtlitfokBaein lot ve (4~0F.y to10 mniÏJntes, or ut gýolden bow Cool and f1 it l rnbryfifling, a To niak fiig: Combe saar eay anid iii l.sacpa.Boil " 'u if ute Add crauberres and continue cooig noin çanbçrieurst. Add saitc. Cool PFold iii balianaso and nxashmllos.F111 into co~ at r ~, t .t*~ i e ? j I j j
The Clarington Digital Newspaper Collection is a collaborative project between the Clarington Public Library and the Clarington Museums and Archives.
Questions or comments? Please contact the Library by calling 905-623-7322 ext. 2712 or by emailing info@clarington-library.on.ca.