is Oit rixe m.t *ard Nanninf ur ut three h cads. he fo:aginp abilîy of ine \ai Wnltr aid( xlulnlucr and heir rçsutance to eohì. diseas• lies oiîly \tlir Tate o! gro\i îh, age n'in at maturity will be deter- d., The feeding ;a bility and producing quality wil be are jîih thxe Herefords and îg tes \\ith bul and heiter ,i ae planerd. jthet unuportant srrrdy wil ou ihe reprochuetive ability e t attaja anrd an effort weili ade to deterudne the causes Iertility in the male- arîd the es aud test x\iii le t1ade to orne this deícet whicht has capped workiers ini rhe pa-< e herd u ill abiso be. hut'reased >btaiu nw eombinatiolis of cteristics, from whichb to select sirabie strain. It is lSoped to tfor a polled type of animal a uniformi :olour pattern. com- w sith hiardliness 'ad hecd pro- eE~Xperimif- St:ltioî a M aljv- es eau propduce a Cattale wvith lsired chara :rents, aud nloue 'aalab>ie for dtistribution at the -nitu(ne. The herd at pi esent t nnorîn ta apxpearanc-e. This ot iiîanîtity stoa bc epert- lace ibeC allhlla coullprisîalg ti .s1nt gl'et variatol i thet per iges of blood ot different breedl0 ome in i atule aî' bulfa lo. as l, 'nill al\înt lil t ie 1i i'onsiderer anl adVîntage as nlt ) et kn!( \ l batfl t_\pe t() t) is Iliiorr de ir'abl tron) [he point ot pr rntage of buffalo ai sncb chaUrnetor'istices as t'o rute air breed efo oar, a stîid of the renh ulatn the ta be çonducted, ti hoed hbe moiai desirahbk types wii! e aild attemIpt xxi\\ )e mare 1e1' îltl nilieIrd i C tao. at the Outarjo Retail Farm mieut Dealers Asociaîioni nîl ta Phb.\nnual Cou nion and Esn afucetilî\\- a the VVeat 1 o ]nclusive 1 lli e \ieyt b lats ill lanai men rîî I, cse unes for Can- tarai 11s. ile flai lu rie Ir Farmiers Provincial Mach- 'aîjuîîieiitl al ~iaîd Drig pedtoni xvill be b -Id \\- e- \a Jaîîîar\ 1. îlze e lateat been ilarnxg y, tubes me axe e turne ilpuxent JJÇ)'a tIlLE rnaifleiits ai attuot eseaî aie readiag and i eadiug I t 18 ali \xery i doubht, and reprn onîmbination of f bary, and nvtli-< somebhow or oithe îy eold, a'a(d mlahi great Samnuel Je informned~ that a v rry difficult. aaz to HeItaven it wi worids ta thîat et * tulai. pi.îi. 11 we sport \ ja theg ctb pernl \xe .1î1ucb tran tile lips aÏ sa instance. aur owna Wes at ieast soir w aiting for a part xelop betor'e trylil bis lustenere. Son refcerred ta ap))ear guess coaches, pla -allytblîg at aIl a 4111g2 nstiîîlt o! tiud nifr\\ tuai aames are oui of othr eevtî lliollt be ut ieret t o ]a ipiî ot 1 oî a biridge. I a - îalo1bes- alr- s xeek. d\\ a ta t Le liu0yt S -rî\ et (J11 arrillyn ti reporter ,ays. the mlarling af -tead of the "gril mîarking ix 'a xîîmi a dozen u a ait 1h Cr to iii debt tii SOIN, r ate Sii~Jla0L'a - 01110 1011 w-, Ilihi ,n Se 31,11] 1, i I te 'înîaia> A, a i. 'fiait plan Star, ~nd lie di plar perîilan- î-iir-nlcai, i il~i~ xx'ay.' iîg a id eafl ~ iveil \ ~th i ti ze riri. 'a~ ealled ci iniaus flR whieh la il friend s~ç tînie ive 'a.iaged îo jo tube ta WOii't taxe tube il mjke il ,rlnn the 1 s(ýarch