.p ,~l (U roý,- a-bY , J . ~rown auld HarvQ'; tc" a r~viied li thleir -,ives atne the aiual [Metig of Wj l'eMlk Pro4d4- ers' League in Toronto o W\ednes-- day and' Thinrsaýyof r~ weekj. i - er ia a eergelicy )oItion irn te Be'wina~rrivll'e fispitil1as,ýt $at-~ ____ nrday. wvih lier sistr, Mfrs. C,-Ade. Mrs Pred Tarmblyr. liasi ýetuirnfd bomeê aifter spending a week with ý'fr adMrs. RasselilVanlttOre - of Whitby. ~Mr,, H,?,-vArry iloof Bo DA Yi ýýpent Sunday with , frs. Ed. Deana. TE 1 Mi-S. I nF'arroôS.Bowrma ie, s IN Mn-s. . G. M*ha1, O Mrawa TM55C efJ E. Collins and ~Anne C<oII n w 'fl)r0 nto, visited Mrt~. and Mrs. S. B, 1 Eixther-for4.15 L w4e( sorry iie bear of sud- ai AND-A fler Masn~ r Charles sha-w TO Oslýhawa. Mr Sha~w Wl ef n ,hi4s dstrct hvng operated a plier and grel sorein Cn vil- jage for a nuiber i_-e11 1110 T PR< -On Tuesday evenrgavr eu N tifiXl ,and educa ,-c stýf od DICTS chrone Sl'ules re shown in 1the Orono To>wn Fi by the Downhgi1 n Nurseries Ltd. anville anld D r arn armners' Co sponsoredb.y Mrs, -J. E. A strong and Mr.G. M.Lh-in n1,d of$st. lone 37 1 -1 There was a. good Iledan ~n AFFILIÂTED WITH In starting the program _Mr. W' -UN~ITEDW CO-OPERATIVES 01 Bunting inta'odlxoe4 liis father, Mr. Bunting (>SAjax wlio gave inlterest-~ E!n farts and oommnents on ýthe pic- tures as tlheyv were sh,:çwun. flifferent var!eties and eolors of roses, also thie ote Equîpmeilt 1ýright 'methods of pIantin,- thesa 1 wvere- des',ciibed. Beautiful homes NC weesloivn on the screen and liow N o th ut a dI tliey were 'beutifked with the- proper ~panting of s'hrubs. At tlfi( C'o f F~IDrcosa4Friu. the pragrnmn Father Coffee gave a 0 vote of thaniks to Mr. %ilting for 1 KINDNESS COLJRTESY ,,lowvitig hi s gpendid ,set oif sYdes. Sanid-w1c1es qnid eoffee '-were served Equipped t. take care of thie smodest rune liy eeeutive inc1arge. reamon-able eCharge ag well au the 1& O Most exaetlUg <Corti-n:tued ftrn page aone', UTelepheene .Offie. 668 - R.aideaet auditor for andonbhafofe aISAOn Clac tow'nalip for the year i1 The treasurer was, authorized to lrnwif necessiry nioniesa for the earryhrg on of. township burmnesaý and no' to exeda maiu $25ýf00 for the year 191,unflesso eoUciý liAR MSTROI ohrwialoerisNo. 12 anorder3, îu the anmount $873.27 and general vonx- Cher No. 1 for Jan. 1~951 in the a-de motint of $423.71 *ere autlhorizedl ~A U R for paynierit by council The fol lowing perèssous wer-e paid We have been taking stock and for- sheep dam-ages; Wni. Laing $30 Cat'i Paynie, $50, sud Rý,ous Ha]lowvell items at BARGAIN PRICES. $aoo The meeting ndjouxrned. Reducing all our Winter Coats Four Skirt 020% off any Coat. color win WE}DALWo are clearing out ail eur HALF Pi - -Dresses, tCone in and see the hWeÉ Visitors w-ilh Mrs- 1T. J. Garsscd- bargains. wvhite an deo-nd mfaiây on Sunday were, Mr.' and Mrs; Herbert Galbraith, Mr. G. Boys Parkia Coats for ...$7.00 > cliireli's Jones, M~rs. John Elliott 'and Mrs. A. Ladies Satin Station Wagon flloomers Darlingt.e. ýf Bowmanville. Mr. and. Coats,, eolors red, brown, "xd Ladies Blo( Mrs ChaqrIfflGay ami sons Rossanad sand, priced at -$9-50 Cotton., gô Rona!l broiughv their niusical in-1ý.( o 1truMe1it anad gav"e a wonderful Balancee of Ladies IIatý at musical urc-rarin whÙrh %vaw a _ 11 ALF P'RICE. 1 1A few hdiE