Prosýpot W. A. Mrs. zavitz, P( IRU~ARY 8th -- 2.0 p.m. ve in, Equipment 'i/of both Senior and Junior Fai Agiicultii ral RepresettieDurhiam iCounity 7p 0, ono Fisliand VENISON 14GNUET SPECIAL ENTE AINMENT DANCE--with Roy Forrester's Orchestra Orono Town HaII--.Monday January 29th B3USINESS MEETING 5.00 SHARP ME ERVICE and and 7 2 fi nvtlle. Oni 25c 'pstonea sot to In JANdÀRY SALE in reg -i Hardware Phone 43 r 1 Silik Crepe Sipreg- $2.75 for - ----Sl. 50 our Ladies' hats are be- cd to you at HALF Lf't afford moiiss the [on that ha. been made il our Ladies' Dresses. e reduced to iHlf Price. biscui pkg 21 SPECIAL Remnants of 'our W in hundies iof 2 to 7 hie rolis at H1ALF P A diiscount of 20% is 1 Ilowed on the balanéi Ladies' Coatýý andals Wilnter Overcoat' Station Wail Coat si or Gabard ený, ail qui ing. Reg ,1$35M0 for Children' ýSnow Suits, $14.00 for only.---- The Chilren's Chen un()ts, color rose a 'Auo-is, si-.ze 4 - 6 for eMn'-s striied fine Shi $-1.50 for only .----- L~~, rt~g; J- ýK at, wu 11Y $110 ecloth, for........----- à.Ly1 Valley Go)lden C 1,2 ounce tins, 2 for-.. ylmier Pea Soup, 3 tins Ji'ngle Jeu or- Delilht Pu Powders, 4 pkgs. Large Prunes, 'Ib. fori-. ak iwn should ,1, 1951 F aw ÇýoaL 4 ilowr, 0111