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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jan 1951, p. 6

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Leaping camlsl Wherver embes of the Ago Saxon race ventluLre tbey argan ize sport.if ther~e is no existng sport thley inv n0e. Bitishexcvar sublalteriis serving wi0ith thç gy-. tian CnilCorps -before -the war actualiy ran a "Grand Yaia' w ithýl cainels, training thçcseu- gainly beasts ta eap I)huIï-l Aný-y- li ~o as riddeoi a caieill appreciate how tuncomifortable ta mmt % b. A great dual Of racing onaiv UtttOst shaiggy poulies) t<aed to, take place in Dar-jeelinig, and ithe Tibetanls, who aire iniveterate gaïn- blers, toak to it etnisi~1y Thiere are few horses iii Tibet, but Ple'Yniafyaks, and soon iJese lumbller-ili beasts werc hartessed dind raced, and every year aYa Derb)y is raced at Lhasa. Fle ic- 5ining-lost has 1o0Signiflcancce, for these uIncontrollable cattie, onice by'V tarted, are difficuit ta stop, and sonieim-es thecy -barge huin- dreýds of yards past tlie post ;alô oDUs -f Ithe courîse. Thie iuùfortuloate, jOekey Who falNs is ikely to býe trampI'ed 1underfoot. Sslain has hier bulli-ights and China her cricket fights which have no connecion Wih Test matches, Crcesare led anld trainled t beconie pugnacious, then placed in, a ring rith Other crickets; and the ilsecta flght until one dies. ThiS cruel sport draws tbousands of fans, aond each year thie capo rce ,jf cach11provinlce isawde th itie of Grand Marshai. J won)de-r whviethler h ýcares? Insect Champions The Cinese specializeniiisc spçtrts. und cockrch r1 Tacýing was aý avutepastin eof a past eýni- Perr. -ýAil the equiprnelt nee was the t- in id of àa iscIt box, cadeadcockroacheýs. The cock-c roachea weývre epidon to the !id i1inch dark , dite candie, stoc n Jecentecr was lighited.Itsaly thyscurried Off the itiand the Itot claniber unit was the wirter. The humaninsin1cit t am ,s strong. Parîsýiansg race snails, and aM Porteshaini, naWyouhIn atteipt was made ta popular-ize cat. racinIg 0onthe unei(s af grcyhlound rcgthe liait being aistlff ,ed rt Bxýt it didl not catch on 'The cqoeereýst sport muiist surLely bet dtbnfishling Tiswaýs in- zeGadfr rich butÉ jaded Aeia prtseowho, suipplied itb lsh ing tcestep i1oa lage dustbfins wit oltdniotor-ire tubelsý- fasteued round theni, andpaddl !t A Sea. Jo these quser cantrap- t0ions Floridamlioarsltrdo g1iStejning yacht1s and daodcu Verd cuiescvewith echother inî hooingsbak adtn SALLV'S SALIlES -J arn noS suIch a guy as is al- w,,ays blly-achioig andcopa- in,"conitilnued CharleCy, whoisa ilan of few, words, but u;ses those few very o teo. "Wen th[iey raisedi the priceý of brecad, (d o you hear nme hiouer? Tbeyshe up the pri-e ()f ,otlce froia ;Icllta a dlle a mnug, andi I doni't siy a thitig. Saie way witb bck-stcaký, grocefries, ;îny- thinlg you like to efn Wy when tlecut dowil the sire of the beer-glasses, and t'ack ôonanl exýtra two or four bits on the price of z c-rack 1 hardly mo(ýýjlan abve awhi per. I jusi say ta myse"(if, el i sppose we ýgot ta have such t-hings as aGoenetatog Jdo nontknow wby ,aîîdif lthe cost a gover iis gonIg -op, guess lus pont sujckers just nsrl ly got îta pay f or il.' Stili, ithere's a- fliittn eeryth-11ing.Whnte go upp)Iing the most iaetncs sii I f e, tbere's goiný1g ta b1e said so" * * "But, hrly oU t iil an' toM uswbat au'retalkinigabt, we, insisted. "Ju1st watar il takigabout?"i doa' k;11(w ithat?" saiid Caldis- gu!stedly.,- Starting tomcrrow we'li hav-e ta pay thirty-five cents a copy for-The Daily Racijng Forn-. TFIT11TY-FIVE CENTS, Mý,IND Tho dolor ta tlic Mseail alif Fainme1, ape(ts 2ik0 a door contrai- led by a llrre ~w Ici as galne ot II wfý,hacký. The !dang thing' just )\On't open nobow. Everýjy year- at tis tinie a ballot arives ini the mail froni the in)defatigable socretary aof the Baseball Wrters Associatioti. KeeswMounltaiII Sitbi, who bas been ltry7itîg o te)gnLS secretary for twentfvy yar-s only ta bave the b)oys ignore Iinii. The Irlnstruated an! uniod Smoty dipeacus bis ballots to the eetoaeanid notbi- inIg hpci.Nocniaegets T'le press bx teatcIis agaînl- ed to are asýt br y the t- ured',75 Iper cotît ratLio on),,any cniaefur ithe Vallialla i0 Coop- ertwt.Melvin Ti has tt, a nîîdet iuger ho payd t buing a ian1t, ctîcl oseaiandalniost go,--t one fo ilt 111;t e threhold. He drew 115 voes l,,eeod126 ta be oote.Th oo as sau in bis fc.Tbhîi nieant ithat f[îty- two aseaîl ritrsIlows wbo suppsody kow batth.oy are do0- ~ ~e dosn't"na,ç àhths is lme, t i T e r ~ 1 i b c ( h e a C g e s s o n a l i n - qtu'too. is Rmes goes frst Lets not drop, tlat pnpularity 'biesýsFuntil we've discussed the second of tuie ten names that the baýllot domilauds. Bill Terryenad îlot ovenl a fraction of Ot'tie's pop- larity. Few t 1ypexvîiter pounlders ro:garded hino as a pinl-1p boy. Most aI teibated bui. HwvtheQre lub een a nlotîceable change in! te- cttyears. Old biatreds burned thenîiseives out and To'rry, tbche bai player, bj)-gao com'inlg iota ,bis ownl ail thlebai of sheecr performance. Evry yoar bis votegatbo'ring ltcraodutil he r edseconld to) O tt inl ast january's final tabj- bete? l i Gehrig alid George Sýs1ec Mab. u you can Jget a goou rgnetto it. After a11li Terry. a speb lode. a ad aï lioim attinig aeag i -341 and ba 1d a (ole yar Iigl i of.40LJ This repor-ý' te lmly belioveS ithat ïCaopst L1ow. Trry l ongs byýI any aîîdtail mSt rsA ilts eaegi ed Aait yi'M otagu- agreo qn Micey Cochran aid reatdybias been l C1oCced ta thehall ai FatSiniCe t'his pair can't !be split att performance, lmDickeüy sbouldý be moved ta an equai pedestlall Cachralie. Hisi te tird Inanl o llwabout atliter righot-banider pomwerhouse AI Simos? % ebas a ietime mark ai .3-34 an(d %as îa, fiawless flelder and fiercest ai cai-n ettotaboot. He ra.tes catianict. Sa daes Paul Waner, the midget trylist, wbo ùteýfrrorized pitchers on, t'le diamnd and drove manager-s to dtatinoff ih. lislitni mark was .,3313 even thfouigh hea afrail MSpounder. (ne mno ugr wihlrond ouit o)Ur-nominations in. ûta eatnî Hlank Grebeg vep if biis petr- form1atices didn]'t r-,hmte et -wihicb they d eh eiongs foýr t'he siniple roason thlat lîe's a per- fect exa1]1pje Itothe youtlî )i Ae- caof hoaw far hfard work cao br )inlg a al playe.r. Haý,nk is a x, fînd staronie wo hiftd hinisel Lo gueat- nesby bsown oosras WoplWe're rnminýg aut of spaevith krooni left iifliccoinnin aind on the ballo)t for- just two 1morj nanies« lHerue eyarTe'd ilyosU NEW SKI TIMER lluiîîan error wiJl be chu1 for the flrst tue iii tinîitîg events, wlîen the Garmiscli ~ Club ot Gerînanv onts infi, t CWPOIRTUN1T1ES FOUS àF WOIN BE A HAIRflRESSER PleÉan âwnfedprofession. toc vwaea, 3f snd Csceafimarvtel àraiuaSe- Antrlc'a reaêiSyvSteni illkatjrnttqd CaloguIe .tre 'Write .ýe Cal 558 ittr tW.Trnt 44 Ktjtg St, lmto 72 Ideau SI.- Otta"Wu MORE AND MORE !I!~Y Tbrough a ,rodJt.ibIe hobby that can b. botinto your own payina uiee.Fe Literature,. )ISLMIT A-Nid)BS (CïlnaCa> Wvinolna, Ontai4e P'ATENTS -ventionq and eul i nforrtoln sent Cte-. Thle ltam y 00. Realter'edPant ttr WiA2NTE[) geod- aclnd lot-n.jueadotnba- C-ompany 285 IberS St. S. KtbeeOnt. meiner orwudcidetw iin who oni wotc egeherandlive W WAKE UP YODR1 LI'VER BILE- Witholut Calcmel - Pend YU Jurnp oui et, Bcd ïn ftha MeKILmg Rann' tcGo T ivar hoId peux eut about 2 Pinta 0*J

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