One nian of London. ole, - (ý Ile L ein i heU-Ix I has'bee0 tai b that sometlu li r 1u u'-1 stoc ï ltgehe i hanle d lover 3 000 I-o keipuhîr] goig cr blok Ad 1-be et to fî t rcd l ft i:,'i thcI pedelermine posiino on Dtso' woicn some f flc stnes imacf ao I-lie ame fae svhn- li oo i fiowng eb oe. AterI- 1liCitragedy .recent teý 1st wdte wligli-o be 1-ad, le el 'Icnd h u is llork IlccraI-e bCon ixceeîi of an mct lie wasbiýlI- iglity yar s fago ackedi erd0Cof tBelloncqlrtS of-li is b 'ý acdbyeiforcd cilcrete, and 130lIl,00ý 0toas dbrs froin iIdbildings flils Li0 hrrelani "PélofutedTAmOW ord sec- grea meta box rîvnb owef On te \-,n Co Ibe u wordSI- -U0 ïmili Some ç p parriot cal f e ias ainsI- ~ompar ng tht geI- a thout reiiablc COI-ire nreîy 10 il iii fear cective or ~oiils cars i Not long 3oulli Aine rotîî wbicl 'Mortier! 1\t Thcy fou ?anroI- ont "iii ~î ~c ils Il l puacril-more ,,,nfmg t l c eey and Lase epcially il ic ' og sters.Serog ierved i0 hedfan 1'orgoinî 2avorysan god-adîlîM c 4W b cibposbiem eaygr'n ee xvoldbeco L cxvon nsan dinner r spe al.1 oh youllty itIb& ditoYffi p t l, lve !,Urupa coarse toI t bresd ¾ cup iînelycpped onion o ¾ cup chili iauc >lnely-fluredr drippi,' lVelo;cover I-b slic1diveri lt hllboilîg aeran irme mýinutes; dain,live; rmov an coarse oe Cbran and tube au per, uig a cmoarh Ye blade. l( Add Ile I-be crumbtI-o1I-le mirce OAKVILLE SALAD Bing con ci I-onaI-o soup I-o coiling proi. Add 3 packagesOf creOm ceese.Stir unil 1Smoofli (I-o avoi lumOps, atMisup I-o cheese slowly). Nea add2 1eMel tsp, ge'a-ndssleiii Y2up ofcoM watr. henparlycool add1icup of mayonn' ,aise, 1V', cUpa hppt niul's ant olveýs 1mixedý!-. Cul j1and niold in one large or Several smail modprefera.bly over f lt ev on cris ettuc, garulieti it rings of scuffeti oliesor01 c niaturoe shaes o iiel-S Nscs no dresig. frAnecFndCae ssute r icupa eg s ii e Pinchof salI ¼cup of coma ¼ cup of ccsl Methti: dd poch f ~at I- eg Has trolerParking Lot iidren-i*s Iis oý ew Toooo osptal. Eeyhn 1he îvorid's larges."boitali 1 frci- iuieî~,"hr ocit i"I-ldoors-)f ils ne-uv ti2,500,000), buIlilding for-s Ors-400ne J'a- The14-îorIbi1lding iva, e signet) i kea LlptianciI-y a Hoptlfor SickI ClîidIreîî ýwos I-lie ori s inc i egn75 ycr ltniiatcnd(aîit--for bbyca- nage ýS lfor I-lioun ollger patïints boarriv;e onuv- "Iecîs- .1out -i cniy faclity001olia juiorievei arcI-e liglit swtcbs Tey 1have bnldeýiiliralcely put -ta Ibiglier Tf'lie boegrouniflfoor of I-lie in I-lie- - esne- boùt naifer wbIliciliis ,walmcIll up as I snoot as phys-ician o1 nrsepinc I-bat I-be am;ibulnce ta nectieti. 'TIc amblace ia aiiffle cri1--ati blaices, I-icrio~e- t Io I-el! filbe eaI-of tic bo, anti a srieet veîiigouitiet SC)I-lie bbycao .Irate s oon as if islaeini I-ieboi~d ýI-betiti bats be;lc coseti, Theliebospital baýýsils ovnbath- ing pool wtba bdaeeea Tu I-ebeinfnt waris anti inîce- fios dsase watis - the e rnutraý v-ioiet r-ay iîght barriers to nsr fuil proteeficon for I-be cuitireti, Thoae ssspeîrji sondorünîtI iePr ilc Mche; ai hrough thne air whle rv 001 10 over beaî.> Folti in! sngaî, I-heu flaxourhîg. Fold iii Pour anti cocoa w hicb have bren si~I-cd 10- gefiier hive limes. Put iii angel fond pati and bake 1 hour an 35u degr ~ * * * FROSTING 1 cup confecI-ionery sugar i/~ cup cocos iii cia-d o ti sno ll, t: i sI-i caine jat liefreseri. JIcei Young Lever's Genjus Started Vast Business That "Floats On Soapsuds" lèli utfr inbes of soil on op o decýicdI-becro wold îca str, iilia pc et iLront iiiefctgadwrappcu sci I- I-l i e 1 1im 11anIof ier idea. Soîr surea pre sap udael1 f .rady ',)rsap ildl biueswrili rte.HsfrI wiIlî cpac-yo only twenI1yto au cee. Ytmody -e rgniato On I-aS ocanof soapuds loa abi LI2t73,00000 orpori1lo itltes- et ui n veyI-hgfrn pliolf penn cagles froi coc m I- solticar dýescr- ix ouday,Ï Iîi reaya - o-si Eunding aiaat'ing, liow-,, liai edreimdiofthe rel fuure of 1 uleýsti for1 raw soap ýtî1,11aàteiai 1s ga ýilet metconcession in I-ieCg, pro- î idetiiepaid ageeiliýioîum wa- boues or I-biatives. Silar,Il, in 1920, lie bouglit p lie Royal Nîger ompao, a rya-l cliarter ing crosfromtlhe nti"ve rwr Thec African Trail inI-o I-lUiteti Africa Croain enpo i pwar1da o)f 40,000 Afri- casin ïI-be Cong, anoîbler, u0 iii Ngeijad the Goit CoasI-, and mainI-aiing1,771 trading staitions, I-b4uliuI Wst ani ea slebyers- carry b isocks ont 1llteir lieasad iike I-o cusýtoîners milesi Ie j (lc-ungl. Oher oerte titberontoIlnt igerian foesîs ofa plwo er lesait ocean f1leet -o Jtring everytbling frntI palm ouI-o amronbnaasI- Brtin n atrpooivisîtîngQ ldarIkcst Afr-ica, I-be s-oygoýes Was i-onibet I- flindajnl rm for Un 1ited Africa ber ment torego" it si<ata- eiiinjg clithI-cm) nhrs f IlieSuI-n ~ti Lcvefhuioîe, sinsiiarly, - a holiday in I-lie Western tieciticti I-o benefit I-be is- ~ founding a tishiog in- uilding port facilities, or- - fishina Ileet, lie tnieti I-o cneisek pudd (1ing, filbani meact pastËes, sops ba otiofve yea-r nwail part of lcsIoy iiia, g chr icai ad apr il, rod Crusporjý imgycrneatisaîbfoc Tbere' s tfiagra nt Lioney soap inCinHiaaa oquti make ome-rowotioiloscn Ameri"ls Ïca,10, 1a00Uilver cort StÎ 00 -iebges-cs etic aker Coou Mroves i0 I-e SlMons, r-fef si I-Syciles-al wl t ie saga. '"Li fa-Too igh A Prýtofiýec e"1 sy I-liemle of I-bs suiaonr--d hii ha cen iied ii atoobie Ameýican Civil WarPesI-be lossesý our strde as outine neudwasW a ürI-be os prvlgeo ivig inth ý as- àage.!l aI-'s abut ii eeyon fu agepa i-hei -ius