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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Feb 1951, p. 7

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taniOCc, wioI Sweeps, lu Mauer ry second. by eaoain Sois AtiantieIDa Wod bu StrF!3ait aI ibatar, O vittawoudili 506 yardsthick atigis be o Se-ed, anS tapergradua»y 'a-5 adsat l top a wîthtand ti tremenous esureoae s :nue th aInine a th Mdîtr- S oungd tPrs eutùMeterea Aciatbtth ie tan otsld com-y do ths aother fdam acro)ssth Daranlle wuld blie needed, an~d Ifoulr big rivcîawbchemtyinito th eieaen-he Ero(, RinPo, 'anidtie ie-od Mav to be dverted. fthspraject ever atrilied seeti: ay it w,,ould result in a chneof climAjtefauabet tise Brit;Sh hices, becaslse. the Glifi Str-an'would be reudypmuli At peet this wrjn -renft, whieb laws croS dt eAt1auitic to Briisi sorS sc e ycoitu waterwhichflow& ,sdeep trsg the straits o Gbrlario'h Atianti! despte te casideableirward! flowv ef A0tantic wavt(cr inÉte h M water, whi 'ioly cools the Just whio Richard D, RosIer hap- pesas ta be 1 do not knolw. But receltly ;a friend Sent me a clipping of ~an article by that genitleman-, whchwas -,0 irtee±igthat I ani going ta quote it almos;t iai its cmntirety. Mr. Resler wrsites likee aman who llnows wbiat's what; and although whlat lie says refers s;pe. cifically to conditions tisel' United States iniddle West, theresý plenty of foodl for thought for follks bere ini ntroas 7ell, aî~tasa sr alneand dotb best job), venljitl pluty of lahor manproposition beýcausea wama farm e 7au l)tie ade moeprofitablec thnaone'-mlan biu.Twome can uppl 24monts aor aclh year7, whu ac ma31:1is t; ied dw 24 bhoucs' a Jay, 365 days ayar Cons"ider a lsa haOw cnei two men eau!share thii rman by fil okin thie sxmranýd fal, A -mifae manl is irdor lie he' othercantaeor mpr arîy wtliut ofai tim2e an)d the epseiuivalved -in belp, tac bave a to-m)an a.W on to the probsem of scing this second man. I presentde onrt dhieforieeryfarerbisso oýr sons, flu ae lia is no sonis, mbe smoeesýsn.ih '3%oftefn pears were over 5, whreasin-,1920onl24 were ibeyond that a Mc.üAsa wefind that each ycaUr threeon ,)t 'Di very cie boys are"puhd onfthun." Tatis, for vey ive -pboys 18 yer qo ge, onflytw farn posi- tions 'revaatd.Tese boys Maust lund work eaewhere, Inr% h pai-aîfcetuy heeuuceas youiigu meu fromituanihave been aorbed hy induistry ani l pofsson, hs shift fromjilc01iltry to tect a lie exctedto r ciue, Iwisilita sniîlYour a ttention t at a fater-son partneship.Thks à on 0ufth lietoprtsiiso lietrace ,anequlal base wihbis faýther. hi is du as the son,' mï-atures and hip )s f10kecp theC ta thesces of thie fanrm, and it. patnrs l order for the farxm b os es jt mkec nycrops aue produce high yiedsaimI nnaLSt do Uwel l, and nschiuery ust lieeffcietlyused. Records muats' lie)ccaty kept and the partuecr- sbip hoUld le il Witig to prc- vent minderstndipg, t spport incme ax~etunsto niake it: cupeeybusinless-like, and leg-ally bindig to both partis, Th cta ethad or agreement miade etee ather and son will va4ry frm cse ta case.Th Iere are flrcee basic ways to fora) Snch a partlýnersh]ip sud 1 shalh preseut t'hem 1]ta yOu, emeesclipat niership wýill depend ou çapi±al in- vestmnent, capital accumui4ated, La- bar ,involved, size onf enteï7prÎse, apd the l-nmber of xmembers in the, Tu 0te ilrsl: plan1)the ý-,Son furnishedc nlybislabor and bis Ihmmof t,, management, Annual settionutat is ma naAcuUckiand iuivenitory basis,< New Test For Cancer Soon after Dr. John j. Pitter, thai it can cer-- suscep-ý,tib le mlouse imothers traunîît ta thiei) young xvhat is probahly a birus that prdcscance'r of the brceast ira miiddlpehfUespec(ialists iii, c anrer reseaulihave rspeutd if a similar virus or "nîiiilk factor", accou'nts for- caner f the breast inra women. Dr. Býittluer epeieneduitbin bred nmice of('Ianaulcestry, butý there is no co1rrespoIdiug mtna on wb;ich to b)ase tutotycn clusions t hat apply ta humn 13ie- in~gs. Mo1st iouIs do not kuow wli wýherea.s Bittuler kn1ew' the genlealo- gies of bis PMUteinrdraInce for a hundred geneatons sud nmore. Witi hce amd of tde electrn mi- crosope minte phericalprtce cau lie seeiniasoamIples of milk o- taiuled roulitnurSiug ire knawn tar" c-arry tbeviu or îilk b actor. Simii- iar spiscal partices bave also been fournI in cancer cella or cancer- -ceIl extracts. On teother fbaud, mK obtainodroum ferale miee ltatmae bigby resîsautta breast, cancýer shows very fcwsucb parti- ces op Vnteat aOl.Thmee ecet discaveries support the vice wha the misl factor is iudeed virus. M%1ill Tests on Worlien Dr-s. udi Grass; Albert E. hýad breat cnce, ad tirt (t famiy hstoiestha itere niegative for mlignnt tuors or.least CroCp, teteu ampes f iilkv, omyoung mothers %woe istes, nlb ýrest capcer cn 1d1 otaied2spb>rIcL( particles ii ruc e r o ithose1 found 1 e-,i a samnples fl ýrm i iomenlw o had seem1ingly c lear famiy is, 1ïtor ieS, I sphrica parcles Ili the reniain- ing twenty-one sam1jps 0ou1y oc- casinalisoted;iiiglc particles weefounid insvene'nlie othler fouir samples appeared frefroml iphe(ric-al par1ticles, buit thecy did con- taýil nnoe uid(entifiled de!bris. Does ithis suyprove 'tha:t hman mil k con tain]s thle bres-an(~ produicting ,virus or0]ilk fcto? N suhco1cnlinis .ilstified, and Dr.Grs, Gessi;er ald Mccmarty say 50 in reporting oulflthir cexperi- m.ilenfis., Souind cnlsin aiu bc reallcd oni ly wheii thlenatro thetphercalpavticles. disco)Vereil Trains On Sausages Ilhe councilin Tipton', Englanld, known as fthe jack Holden Gardevn -ocolmmemlora te the runnliinlg rec- ords of frytr-erodj ack Huildent, -vio, ls ugswon thie European Mar-athion at Brussels Whlen Jacklo cst his sho(-eS durling the -ýEmpire Gamljes Mara-thjon laSt Fbarhisfeet, hardeed by j quar).ter of acntr'ruigs- tnrd !hm. Sau tsag!'es nade b)y afiP o whMi e ishead groundsman are usually part of bis traigdi. H, a1Socthri1s on ipbone tea and raw eggsy and was Suen to mils sowig n~t hele bast sign tail and wei haouit ffl ouds lie vwas a, fotindry workel at thiteesd lias sinIce wornevenitsz c'ver everty distance from one mile '0 th irty mle.Manly think imJ.j super Iin manly way-s to tegreat TuEFAIM FRONT

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