amns a4d inierais whieh -may FOR The liguid ---- 3, size FOR ADI Thse cap.sules -- 3Sizes $1 $L35 TLEY H,, DARL4 FUINE RAI, DIRECTOR Orono, Ont. PI 18r Y - FIA - FBRA 1i- 2 e f e * &% ee-,»8O - f *- fiP ,jk h$f Fo~ ..a EeIfi; Poi t .t,'by Ro tfgýM TECHNTCO-LOR >CARTOON AY-FEBRUARY3 r -FEBRUARY 5 - 6 wnd praying for ail tile sck of the conimniiîty, Mr.,T. J Carscaddent. _-Ir. J. Ma rti aeol]l, NrTLarry 1lui) whrm P eiti dhstantýd ilecoming home form lý iospîtal this weei. ls.Jo Patton., Mrs Hlenry H~y The scriip- tuelesson -,as rea-d by Mis. Guis Wilsoii which told of the, Great Teacher kho taught for bls thant tlreyearsý, who wroite n',) booke, ye't bis teachinige veona, A~ Vale]],Une Pairtv was planned for February 11 in the Sundfay c'- rothe' cim- mitte eo, isngof ?Mrs. Garland] Cathcwart and Mrs. N Knd. The late as reounesýted 't-)eequire a- bout prices of 'cups and sancers "Of which ne are à nored Tt was docid- ed to nurchaise two dozen G'hurch1 hyýmn bnoks. The election of ofc~r \vas enuctdby Mprs. Gusý. W o ith the fllowing repuits; hoour- arni- 4eit Mrs. L. Thorne. pre- sîdnt es.rog. Elliîott; tat vice, Mrs. Jack Saleo;21d vice, Ms.j MilitonRoh~ on esurer, Mrs. Poyý l~f~cr;pin~t.Mrs JamresSa- brick. assi'stina PianLst, Mrs. Jack Stplto. The peid n od a tou&'in etM~vof a cripniled boywh pilliseda ibl(e with a 1 ft o liadf received of fifty cjýents, liow lie inf lu- einoced a weatvmo ho took Iihlm into ilihomne. T~he boy died at a tenod cri ge Me(nliershîp fee ee r-(' rÉeived (lby the s3rtr and the reetin'g closed wirUch the pvlzpah Bn It mas reiIew igbit at the Farm Forum h1eld at the "om f Mr en Mrs. Roy MerCcer on onda ngt J a nnua ry 29tli. Misas aelWIitI daugbter of pMr. Russel i W i eof EîJizabetlhrvlle, gve a ma nee irg account of lier experiences a Dur-ham County'delegaite ofte uA ior Farme(rs' _Association to tOsou 11 Club ConIgresis in Ghicagin Nl" _ eniber. The visit lasted a week wet threre mePre soine fourteen hurd,ýed &lgtsform CanIada and îtlie TU. S. The Fouril - CluJb (Hea rt, liealth, IHead and Iland- isVthe eqnivalent of the Junaior Farnersý' Association of tIis contfry.Hae said the most eni- j' - a' vent of th(:, 'wee,,k mas he n00 grw ent to the EdgZewater Bechiltel and heard the AIGr Hour of Charin Orechestra. The Ste- -cils 1Hotsi werthe dbe.e'ts stay- ed liad 350 ooms, ail of wic in- 1ldig alls.(etc ere, chycarpet- e'd. Aý pliotogr.apli mas passed arouiid of the c]oing banquet mhere 1000 n eIre eae at tables cf four Iluaan- oýther room 500 were seated, There were muv ights to lie seen in Chi- cago wich the speaier sac!d-xas right'ý ly nmed tîhewindy City. J1a2al brouilit bavk nray gftsmhlhole heen presented to tt!i and passed airond I fma npen, a hall point pen. "'TheAmrianWomia's Cookç B~o"wt 0 recipes, a cadet cap) with "4 I0b"emibroddeved on it. During the cold mwether they epr ienca(,d for lie ýwee(k of their visit tliuis cap mes muwrn well ove--lilie eais A tiny anumsnny and ecsIçret of plaýstie was passed arounid Hazel had purchased as a souvenfr. The muni- my woudlotat stay put, hbut junlped out of the casket as fast as Ut masv put inJft prOved a soDurce of wonder. Tt wou[d staind con its hiead but ni- fused te, stand on its feet. Wlien t arr-ivcd back to Hazel shiemaae te m n1e t tay puit. Dii she ha1ve it beieid et was it a tri ýk? She If' YOIJ WINT TITE BEST Coutt's Better 'TyA LE NT1IN ES Pýriced froin2c, 3c, 5c 10e, 15c, 25e, 35c, to 50ceachi SEE OIJR COMPLETE STOCK 0F,. THESE ATTRACTIVE CARDS Mon. - Tues. - Feb a& J «ILETIS DAOCE', 1 Betty Ilutton and Fred Astaire In Teflhnieolour Wed - Thurs - Feb 7 8 Joan Crawford anid Wendell Corey "BACKFTRE" Virginia 'Mayo anid Gordon MacRae yen hî, ave to See it I AiE N ----- TRY THE -NEWf .3-way Shave Can be u8sed 1 - ljnder Lather. makes a med- icated base.. 2 - Brushiesa Shave (Lather net liefded) 3 - After Sliave - coolinag and soothin g. INTRODUCTOIZY SALE ê'euit jar ------- ----------2C, Vaentîes, Valentines, prieed from 2 for le. to 25ic Teapot, f ive cup size, English floral diesign, driplessz seiing f or............. _-«...... . . each 98c. Cups and Saucers, plastic, set for............ 29c, Children's BuLiilding Sets, contaîns 53 logs with de- sign book, set for»..... .........$1.49 Scribblers, package containiing six scribblers ..ý 25c. SPECIAL - Bal Point Pens, regular $1.29 for 59e. HoQt Water Botties, fully guaranteed, reg. size 98C. SPECIAL - One large package of Pepsodentd Tooth Paste 53c. and one bar of Lux Soap 9e. A for 4.5,-. Quilt Patches, 1 pound baIg..........59C. Terry Towels, creàm with coloured stripes, size about 21x44 inýches, each. .......9c White Flannelette, wîcdth 36 inches, yard ...47c. G1ROCERY FEATURES Horse Radish, 8 oz. bottle... 26c. Camp Coffee, 41/t, oz. botties ...28c SPECIAL - Dare's Suga.r ai-d Spice S .Cookies 12 oz, pkg....... 25c. Cheese Ritz Crackers packge o..........23C. - ~ Sala(, contains ap- ricots, peaches and pears andic pitted 1 2 for 9e. clrerries, 10 oz. tins SPECIAL - Mastel-r Dog Foods, reg. 2 for 27c. to-days special 3 regcular N M size tins for..... ... ..... 27c. MeLÏ-arýen's Tastyý Spread, mnanufac- +ii'j f'IIT Ocbpçp. e-QOz. Wimen-1. to, CASH 20e.1 GO. Hall eSth I Free Gaine 50 cents $Z.6~ $5.95 TYRRELL'S DRUG STORE l