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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Feb 1951, p. 3

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ojredBnlyr ghJsto ower ïP uson says at gKioreaflacgîven ÀàS faeothien ltapthis loveiy planit, that land voumd incit the lsnggraitda af -a)-denrS. iLet e tate -empbfaticaly,"I hle Adds, "hespecies ila-a native of -orea Conly, and unkniownliInChn or Japan ta whîich countniýes it la ~eriaenfy eferred . . .,lt bas acate ur sou anud aur clirnate, addcd beautyv and fragraniýce ta aur MEues, bt, in the beginning, the 1?Ower ,wl-,ch istribuites plants ta annidordaiuad that this parti- enilar bit of lovelincs ,sboul.d go ewild anly13 for thiose- people wbo) 1;ivcd litha ýLand eafI71orniuýg C7an." Que a tegenisf hebarberry 4family is a niative arI Korea,, and bau harcg iz y its Ieathany lea-veS, sme e aching a 1lngth ,af three indces. It produces fiowers ;ni inich-lon1g racces and its baerries are, a radiant red ta o~ hc autumu d; Uays ii the gardlen. WaySidas alnd gard ens in1 milder- 4.ones souith i theii border and in, Ibitish Columbia, bave thacir spr-ing uays gloifled hy 1masses af nho- codeudron blossoans. Eilglish laiies and bîlîsidas are adornaed vith tha gneat flowvers produced on È,Ia c saie lofty sili-lbs. Many af the hast vaieties aigîna,.ed 1 Kore OQu cDf thlean distiuguished by its pure ,inl< bbossoma., was fourni bu the a sailietaget tteInmbhe, just sce thatit getsthrtoy" Cng ta himself about young PUPa, grinnied at, humi Poini veyu As he lonkeýd 'up)at hi daughter, Mike_'s face softaned ,iiito a aile.i "Sometb-inig on, yoo u md, Cathiy" "Yes ý ,l h;ink this job is a hitle oodeicate for youir imethodsý." Sle cardotthe inowfor a nioenCbfora coniiiinig, she aid."No, hes dcided thet ls heutr ifwe don't even se eCb ote n ore -Reusso ar yu"Tha winowsratledasMikce cama uLp o1it of bis cair \,'hy111', l Cathys fron1putMikýe back îinta bis cair."Tha's that i e-al abot ou- atodslid îk t bave cenougli of 1Lh1lm lft ta carry me ci ovrth hraol "Why won't ha maryyo? ",RiCéh girl, poor boy. lie says hewn'iave it appear that 'ha cnarried me for muy money."ý Mike stared thoughittfulVat ier, "Yu reýally lova hum-, dn' yu Cathy iiodded bar head. "AHl you nceed" Ile said aw: ha eaned back and stared at the coihon, "qs just a dianiond-stUdded, fourtencaat miracl. "That'sea thwught ta cheer a girls hasart. Cathy gava ber fathar a wvryglance. 'Tut 1, if you hava an) extra )miraýcle you wutbeý ieeding for a few daysi" Nice Boost for Ilspta-Afermaing a ýttfof th) e new Hoptlfor- Sick Cidi7el) ninTrto ees of Ramneses Suin peenedachequle fr 6,OOtoR.A.,ailachair ninof te ositl oad.Thsbrought thCe total Cont ribultionl of~ ~ thihier lotis isiuinoe 1OOO etto right, S. Titchene(,,ý(r-Smý,-i'tf, Shtr'iner Ja Ramlsden, l . Laidlaw and Shriner Murdloc-h L .Martyn, X. c. around the desk aud kissed hlm on tha fonehead. "Rut I still don't know-" "Don't play innocent with me. Having Zake leave evenyxbing ta James was a stroke ot geitina. But wbat I wanted ta know is how you managad ta get forty-seven thon- sand dollars iii aId bibIs hidden lu Zeke's roopi. "Did It workl"' Catby beld ber laIt baud up lu front of Mike's face. A diarnond ou the third l~"ar twiukled merriîy at hum. New Ideas About Fertitization Sec L out a niew i"2 C are. GluCcesS! go hy t- mnsor Jthair vbich )paves v'cvwooint, ci dou't try a found that Ill t-a twerai1 K or o reatIl duced t ad a ad in it, h A wud probably as eaatn.Youvr tctcaar bout ;nae sbl as fthose ùf ian a)Id 5illy "Ail ngt oFnntl h )II growled M i, "Wbatara yau going aY ta do?" e- "Sain-e aus I. bave baudoing. an Arge san ore sýud tr-y ta tear ý, s -"ihastethat. iastaod ane up and absanitly -alkad aven ta get b is bat and cat.,vou 7waanie taý g drop you )ff at homie? I'va got to ha V"Yes, aid Zeke, he elbow w ýho Cm) dwn cth naw,ýsstand d ewuou th a- corner, thinks ba's %gag ta dia, and I thought saine company might 30 Cathy frowed "a bmu t a t r- e acWho bas beau gving ina Somc gecompetto, jaimes spenda two or fejo' threc nihsaw ,plyn hs anl flin't gaýt a a, hour s D l 0 ha ove hur- 'a on, uca te amon j t ofYi ( wamtrIould r. use and althougIf 1 regard ada- quate mnastrceas-uanaeaMthe as- rose, the plautaId not cein ta suifrAIl iiial, the coaase but not hojIy isinteýgratedcmps prvad a goo)d a mujilch asaly ia tenAl I have aver trie. A ieIhboDr wbo was cmnte ta organIîc galrda»iing ta "the ulti'- mata degrec had grown sweatcom su'ccessflly undar asadsmuc for. several y'earS.Last summer b-iýs corp refuscd ta grow. Tha plant f0odInCadcd tamet ta exnnd brouht aoutby adIditioual bac- terial ciiywsnnobel o thr- ffuethJat ,grass cipp)inga providelc anly mutlcinig mtra whýich cdoaýs lot tneed ita ha2suppla- mnted -)yexrfadig good yiald of Tamatanscaesulted froin ml-y Iusýefa lmiunfoil as 0a years, Ihaeiniclched titit grassý good pactice but 1ha 1aluninut ther sareofbarries ýin spite 'a) ail the scare-away avics I cold Pic, hem ýun ad zs-Trlinga ig- uorad as i &theni. Iu 1950, I1pu i&M ffcte simpe plandafcoaein thirty bushes ith a gnat 9 t uindr wbhcb 1 coud wal arcd, worDik. Tha rput wvas made ofdis.- carded tobaçcq.cîotr in'two 30 by', 40 footm sections buh for a Sang. Thie cloth vas strctched over wires hcld in, place hy water-pipa, piostasixfet aboya tie grouuld. Cbolishne wr e stretchied ftro0i-. poat a po '-atgrounld leve l"d thlie uocluth falstcued (1ta thelinJ with clothiespinis. T!he rsult in tarinis Of crop Vas perfct. To ha, sure, 0thca hurrcicnewbich cuameiç along in lat ammer ippa'tdite c-)l ItnO atripa but thepckg sea anwasOvar thlen anld eal-,buy clJotb for nextyar. laad ita incraast harvest. l ava caetath cocluionthat iLtuca, plants shoulld stand 1a foot ap3art lu ha row if tbey arc ta h'ead wll lin" order ta gather lettuice ail auml-i mier, 1 graw,ý it in a coldframe, wvhicb is niot covered but doeca give protection froin botwinids. Wheýither faîl J pliug Or seediulg wiha caver crop is the better practice is stil an open mïquestion. One on tha oithen is needed if tt garden slopies, for wïinter suow and titan i S comoly aizýd. low.- , ig leavcs -the giotid rouigh, andl pro'babiy da1atnioys many iinsecta, tbayve( been duLg under in tie, Ear1y diggiing or plowinlg ne oif the cover crop is importalit. A n1eigbibor whio planited wiinter oats, let flteingrow intili tbay resisted ail bis efforts ta tumu nthcili under tsil. A pwrcltvtrvas the last re(sort. Caver cropa ma-y no-t lha as satiafactory for thei gar- dan which is startad early. Thay uu,.douhtedly retard wamming uip (of the soil in spnil g, Yat I CoAtiiiue ta sow vrye, parbiapa bacause 1 like1 ta look oult on thlat: pleasaut patcb a-, green ,dnlring thie winiter. GARDER SH OIE OF&A Piling oe layer o tie ayr doesn'tdo neary as muh goodas wethnk h fnd, wolaerto it ofltgc tice the ý oinsula tion ivaue of ne lar, buft1 only c such, crd ýicnengsa Barkerc the"re, or 1 any of the ynthef lic sfiersHeS oive turnes as great as from thpe saine r abis layer-s (Jf faic ai-re pefralat few, w"ellcoen rfe rBarker! poîtedontthit skýimos wanly two rlativly thck lyers :f.clo)ýth. ing weighing together about ta Aryio gettesan nslto poundssme snevenulayera. Pr- fessor B arkýer nvrtees ppraOves of thie A'rwy's idta for the reýasonj that hn ut-lyrclothing is worn, it i uheaier ta shed some garmentsand thus adjuat th nsulat'ion 1tathe amnount mof heat thlat mnust bbaot during perc)io d of value oDf citxnc ise ore rapid- ly t-hanickes, p aabout anýe- fifh of an nh Compromise Needed Barkerholdsthat te wlldrese outdoor rman shauldestblshagood and wrtThis eau ha avhievadt cbIothes; :a really clsey woven thick wao clth 24 one)for shIirt and touer;a ikquflte2d coat of iedwool adfeathers, aInd an outr windbker ithe fmm of a parka of twov ayersOf 'water'- rpletclotb., The indrakrshIoild ha m1ade of coth so woven as tm stpopoi- ary wn current 'yet allaow tbe body's nra asiaint s cape ni ie ')m f vaýpr.en ithec clt aye-r nexitota tha warm.akin becomas cdamlp,the lçeat loSS is neaily as great as if aliehaclatNg ware wer. On the othar band, a wa-t outer layer h as mcl lss - 4 fect in incre2asinlg hatlasa. 1Kep undalrclot!inig dry ',Id ,you will be cemfortable, i Brler's dmni Barker- regards tha ody as ani anigine which can generate enoug Ienat ceryhai ta r iehtepr aiture cif fivýe pouinds of wate 10 de-gree-s. This beat muaLit lbadissi- pated, The average aduit humani body has approximately twenty Y y ) A11L 5TOREG'RDN- N PEG-7S IN CORNER Thelra te ofi heat loss isinflU- tujre ewente oysurface and the otside air and surroD.lndinrgs, the( ;insýlatýing vale ofthe CloîhinIg the -wind veldocity ta wxhich thle body is exposed andite iam,-oonit of most- uire to.beevaiporated on the Csurface oth skin). There are lso such or ensonof hecbo)ting, thle type of outride indbreaer layer, theý mranner iu wbich closurcel fected ta prvn Pta ircurtsfo neachiing the body suirfatce or fo petaigtha space ewech ~layers Df clothinýg that sunround the,11, býody, the thicknesa o theinivid- ual layers of tabric that compose the coigthe composýiionemis sivity adstructure of 4h11c aIth. Tobe coinfortabjle in winidy, cold -wethler outdoors," says B3arkar, "you must Wear dry clothing ir, coilmaive13, thick layera thaIý anikles, nitsand nee opeiug m-uat beFclosed ta exclude tera convection currents, anld the Out- aia indbeaer ayrmuai be af cmsl wvnClothwtha sot sufcyet it mulst permit aOut- -Ward diffusion of water vapor froi- the bmiy.", $500 Per Night For "Magical" Bed A bad flttad with a motor which in thaemning pounds the mat- tnass ontil you are throwu nOut (on tA thaefCoqris now hing madz in Chicago. But naval bads ara, flot a mcodemn invention. The miaini propeýrty in anit i- mense frà4id %vas Dr. Graham's "Celesti ed," niade by iim in 1779. Cojstinig $60,000, itf was Sup.- pjOrted by tet-igtgaspil- lars and f roi ts deptbs came ("theiý s3trains o om :CaIlirand insýtiruenital Gralhai JcaimeI tatchldes mariad couýûPles wouildé have heirs as a rasulft of sleepigon t, aII4 for tis priige ha charged flia, gullible 50 anght thiarocuat nigbtmares were daignad by the ancient E'gyptians, hôsculpturad thbeir ýouchehs in È-ho fOrnm of animlaIs. Oeia sncb bed is haîlf in theshp of a hlippopatam-us andhaf ika P, crocodile, wý,itb meninig teethmal of ivary Bad dreama nîust also have beený thc Sot of thoCse wosetin theý bedchabarbuilt for w Mettcannich, thae roensaem , i1820,ý Tw,,o hdb eeedd agrt, onr hchlizards, itoads aalbats er modelled in gilt wajOd. 1laced inalcoe tbay-wera ýlit by a latinp uthe, form p f an wlthaý ligbt ,siiuig eeriiy' hog h bird'seyes, Eatster-n nanrca seýd tqohava- bedasuýpphied for the u',Se of Imore. than two people, anal so surpis- TIhe Great Bcd of Warabuit in 1400 ta the spaç4kations of 'WWwck te King-mkerwas twelve foot square and cayeu ndii a hialfîf fet in height. Whlen i stood ïin tha "Sara)cen's fHead" at Ïare foratua, ýýas many 7as 12 people at -one uned ta0rhit.% Soîmetimes beda have oplayed an important part ini dinal Richelieu usd t tr\'a ii biîs, S i en ware neced ta carry the bed, whîhch as so enormous that the walis of a tawvu had A~ ha breached ta makd rocwn lin orenhcnuyE ad whnaprince cor noble bogtbis biehome, a beautifuhly ci'ecrated bcd ï)reae 3b peiloffi- ciaIs. After the wveddinig night, this bed was givento ith offier wb had got àt ready. Beda have often been a source nif inprtoAexne h ir-a ïay on is coinclý to isue a~aei dietosandidflot sa ingagi5 < did _Mr, Chu-Lrchii Onea cal li tought yon ovp uffiir" at be."Whýat

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