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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Feb 1951, p. 6

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'lese1 ia hrewplinches ut ac rounlds. 'n ti ir. !lst meeting atonle thy aclr received 1nearl1y$100, moe oney Ilti y îw7 midle wecights befoiceÉl(hen, haveirecueed Returenagements can be very profitable affaira. This is particu- lad t in the Uniited States,wer t'-mn anl show their purces in diferet twusas theyv trux-el from, st'ae to) stute, Kid Lýwis and Juci' Briton employd teetcisvr 5uccessfuIlSr dur11ing their htwenty ineetings, uai l-timie cord. Dinrinig the cour se of tiis serial1 of sc, hyfought 222 rounids in thirten different placs aver a- Perîod ')f six yeurs, 'And they 1intra- eluced an element af batred mia tOur p"uliitywbcihey did no, bide inthe ring. Jimny jOlistoin anaiger 1ta Lewis, and "um"Dan Morgaun, Brititln's gu idel, piljosopher anýîd friend,wod engage in a rowdy baflle af words from hirrspc tive corr-s during theeniecrs of pa contest-and 1moretIran once seemned fîkely ta ,c ota-bows! Qn one ocion Bréton ajecte4 tao Lewvis wearingE2 a gumii-sloield and threatened t'aIalkout oai the ring IaM'Iss it was discarded. AfMter cn s'iderable argument, lire Pritislierý fiall13wirencbed lire affendinig ab- ject ont oa is is outiand thjrewilà atcros thde ring, sho(utjing: Cm oný, tmie-I'1l eat you withaout il." And he dîd! Anallier limer, wien ew s s <lawn on ble sanvas, Brittomn thoùughit thre refrc as slow ýin counltîilg anîd, walkilg cover taOhis fallen rýival, proceccedetacounit lm ï.uI him-self-and gat ,vy itil il, WiheJackson ;nd Jlirnny Dtxn,- dee, two Amnerica-n fcatiwigrs fOuIght One anIotht' ele-venl3times, travelling around thie States ve3 period aio five years, Their series b3egan as tlicre rsut ofbi a cne mieeting in i Phildelphip in 19J7, wlren Dtindec, a Ieadiîtg cantendj(er for tire chamipianship, lok -onr Jakon, capama,-tivcly unjjownI. Dundee had a habitoa surging hac i bte t opes aiter laking a 'puich sand cotning forwurd on tubet recudta catchr a rival uepcu edly. ¶{e tried tbisiniove once toc oýfîca againist Jackso, wiro landed a ua riglir flush on'." bis chin and drapped un for tie comna, lt'ws afl aver in thre irs round But cluring hirir en following flghts neitirer of themi were puit clown for lire caunt. Samn Langiard, tirereutbl eioaured l'igirter ai tire jackJon son ça, hld(s lirerecord for- tire wninberofai limes h ireietDlome a bioppanein's, cHadbe n figir withJohnsoji.Tia ws euougC9l for ire warid'schmin anId înahili-îy la gel a second mtch o"r taueltie"hite Hopesa lr d13Y ta mleet 11bi' cusdLangird, affetionaîey known as % tieBoston Ilc iougb0 San, McVey ofileen to s a atalioai228rons Mari-y VWi1ls alk ubra Dccusions (J60 rons)ud o Jeuanette fourîçuen "limes (164 r0unnda). lE uclsa mtrJeffi Clarkeý elXev- nilimes and Bih Tleseven. Sam chýfasc'd joliinon roun4 tire Moi-d just as lire latter cirused T am- My Bur%%,butwitirnOunliesame sumcs. He appeared ut tire aional Sporîinýg Club lu Londan, And hen usked "' i e jhad '-ny re eence for t;ire r ol aiefer- Cesi irhad brouglirîiis Cowu.n "t tbu's not aloed"hews "TPins is my rire"rpidSm dobigup a migbîrigirlïisu "Ah lways' relieso mta wIiu Ige wetdonube)fore "rei-lerece" aIl rigirtbu ire had iloored t(ireflcal- su reseu)týd mmi wi' ver" car. ZUE ENOUGH hon-vc sie tny bragh n,1t o hwebe kcigmidyad, aC courà se, ruit toeysly.W oud two raosfor Onaingscbpatrs tfIisho, adWuht wie gin imas alone in holding, was laug- cd ut byle topv brasa, Upta a C"cpe i seasnsbuck moal bi fleuguinisuoez customerys the rest ai us ta becsquawljng-.- ("The customeris iasrh" rana-y b ir the oittainsame hue -Jflbusïines, but ,il] tire sparts dodge, the anly time he getscan.- away Ai5lage numbers.) tirat il increý asedte lpos si bil ity af samE tem, sonie lime, scapig sbtiren ppaofs wihouî iraving won a singIL gaine, (yau don't ilhink tins could huppen? Well, as of tins wrîting, the New York RaUgers ai just twa poinits oUnt a i thefourtir ov hr i hi 1points lhave camle froniMexican standoifs or Wbhen tmis point was îruh up we were info)rmeld by alr: hîirIl-pre ssure nulh1pieces, ha sîuppaing they did allaw, say, a ten iimiinue oelm eid h wudbe jusi ias big aï, rc, tg of draws ut the end at seventy mlinutes zus we inaw 1haveeut thlen of sixt, Welisýtened, We held Still Ard if sanie oa isu were suyingtaar selves "Oh. Yeuhl"1 we wvere doing tauner Ibreath. But ynoain woud upea usifnwe couîId say il-as wveli às "Sez 'Your, righît ont loud-tirat is, if statistics re- Two-Gun , D. P. - Drig h miass iwýithýdrawýal o ntedJ yot oaded hmefdw bsonrisk fram hatilyaban- donmed troop1in s tallatC inS. C%èROSSWORD PUZZL~E , iubc 11. IXtnmbetwes RtlInb o ê' ux 'pes Dor e, Xl I ~ deiniliro. ea~Istr SALVE ~ rozeoflol taches Post'a Ecorma etzerna. 000e. lete'e foot. will joleat, odoriesa -w etubtooro Or t .LSR iDIES ?ipt ut PricO Logan, Teronte Losing By A Hlead NeithrMuiord ori orse, CL' 'Uiwü 1 il j pre d , cenlyrelasd4y _th ricaî- Hockeýy League ýh;1ýave ay aig oetrepetiod"ocut dwnthe lie game' (his ,nereiilt nlote hat dteA.H-L wa-s hit Lby the plague of wide open spaces ai emiptypes arierad 1harder ha the National.) If nleither team mcores iii t lnminute extra session( t3ice gam e is a tic ý b il tend(1s ilil - med(,iately -ifethrcuglsaol 'ndhu ilas wo\Vrked?Weth ninec- ubbs (Àoftize Amier-cicuiege Up it a Juaury 25t1h, hud pluyed oy 8legumnes thlis seuan. Th'1-e NainlLeague - wihhas tno overtimec provision an,îd onily six clhbs -- hud played sixty les. Muaybe President ClarenlceCap hbll of teNLcaun eplain l s mierely a coieirae o nm ich Maybe nat. One thing Camnpbçll or any ci the other 'big league ploiî cannot gel away from i s he lae t'lieone vning a couple oýf weeks uigo, Chicago Black lfawýks playeCl to a grand total oi 6,12Pei-sons sl mstcrawd cjsin)ce they jmoved nto thegiaint Stadlium li2Î3years ugo. Nw lhey're tyigta s at the sole reason or tAs is the pcoor sowiag Ihat dhe Hawks have been makcing Ibis season, sossur lt atedtIflÇq. o isn-t -t ci- just , a bure possibijity bIhat heré,s soeiiîg wr-ong witir tire game it ,11i e tire ay -,Iley've tiulk,ed wiir isd gimmiiicked il tup. "TaO litte sud Ia late" was a staes- Amans wa ai ofsui-nhg up a ctin wirit an(! mike -t p f~Ton uucir sud toa soon" ,is aur pacr- sana! idea ai what ais hckey, les a, grcat gaine, althlotlgir possibly "t1e n asea sort ou c. artir" is 2a;;sbirA exageraîia. Buteen were il wicc us gaaod -agame as il is, iî <stihl wo-uidn ' be strang ,cenouglirî(-a) slap aver mtctire baseball seasat bath ecnda, sud especJiuly iia counl- -ry ,dierc-, ta'ine per cenýt ùo7,lire popuhatio1, il la slitfflan ainps W ic3 isut wial ockeýyiras benattempling ta do. - - L I,Ô~ng uarrow ~en3ag t. ,lult ~0. tngvadient o! varnlsip il. Âtfirnîative - ltMFselC isa ~ Carasa- va ~ Intalaruat ut- tuohonent la one', ballets Il. Cause insn. - tbcal) 22. Paint opposIte lise zenith 28. Spunlai, eweet ,on pappeme 25. Group o! Facile Islande lai' 26. WblrIa 3.Sou of Jidmk Of mthe aarthe p7 tvai te A5 ilxle0ea ,2. MaU ea. moa 1-V iepl <hcolloq. -H Go Without Sleep If You Want To Get Fat with jl&nger niglirs you go tQ bed. a itle eurlier and perliapaslpa 11111e sounder. Piysiistsbve been puzzled by tire rdde aifsleep. Now tce Searcirlghî ai scince is flasirng Inta lie dakness inwhi we sped uthird af aur lives. Tirer- searches have even discoverdtie souirce aofep.Tre ave poe we neyer sheep like logs and hirey decluretba ira twedrea-m every nigirl5 Wheher wve remember lire dream or Deep dw t i back aiftire Sknu is an org2n ino lager tranl th'is printed lettering, Il is the cenitre ai sleep. While we shumlber it is awakce and lerî'. WVirenil drosses we resume aclivily. Tire sleep centre maIwake befoe sleep. Scientists proved Ibis wirena tbey brouigir a fine htnimwr mbî contact witb tire sleep centre yi a dog and adminisered a mild ieecricsirock, Instead ai tire dag Icaping ik;ia startled action, lireim- liedîuately wenlta oSlCeýp. MJed1ical miien havebeieedfora long lie iat drowsiness is causýed by carbanic ai gas in tlir5bod - rflne.efitmcnC190 thee+WotOlfl C dti' wart Tins iappens anldyu arecsep If only we knew irow, pesap" we cauld measure and weigi t h a Iý someting luije boid.nTht toc blIOod ilseli bccome]ýs charged wýith scecp vwus provcd wrna (dog waS ke)zpt awake for acosdçabepeàr- iod, A sumiple aiirlodfrom bbc sleepy dCOg was injected inta n Prmtytire second dog went Tire existence îaia "Sleep)ing es- senc" 'semedsiilarly talbeimdi.- ctdwenexpcrimientiessubjected aofmera sîndenîs tS a wkefu'ti- nlessts.At the edOFitiur days withu lep tire',,studelitswr foiaud taohave n1creased subhstant- ially ii igh.Wfien thley were allowed laea leep aanthi5 uys beriaus ices aih Same peo le ed less sleep tran aIrer becase thy sleep fusteýr! Edsncoufld bc c<otcnî witb twýýo or tlirre baurs ai slep because hi£i p1xysical el usi n d imental tirdisa were repired ut a hyigie Puce raen liose wha need a goad lua a borabwyarut theire Melon In)stîtute, Ptbr, net long ago, strident Slept con beda wthautama- tic recording mahins lnied ta tire Springs. Lvery maniement was faitlhflly noled ud, ut Lîtire ame Llme, ar5rtcn-aeapoo graphd tire aleper every lmeir slpp cd ïmb aa iesirpositon. ï e b Tire investigatîin ho chtiat duigtire night isud rarehy remîns Stilfor 1langer 01r111ciglirt minutes ut a uime. MAR 7 IMPaavs Iearn solution Fr, 87 VIet WH puy iong-lllîrad New Znealuoti andi native wonl. NRaturaI wIIte, grey, brown. fawn. mul'rnu. royl bine. adtiy green'. otarIet, velo, black, beatLaT, $296 lb. Delivereti. Norti,- lan1d tsweater patterils. Audult: Deer.ber curIna, iluihan iegigu, Arctic nwlae Wild IjÙcl, Chiltis: üDeer r z-, [ilan desgi, do ati ouirel tancer, , ut each, Deutti? ne8ea 25-'!pair. Miss Mary Ma!xlm, Box 332. iftonAi anI. lu Oturlo. write: Olenp airtb -9,1M SALE PERDcaRNn~.-n te -c'Oor 'belleti. Sc uocr et on deliveretdinl rct ots Foï, r urorinï'formaýtion Write or tel.r;4 O'nt tnity for a Miller. Bx 7, 53 EigrI,ten stree(t, New Toronto. ~IfERNTIOALTrator, mtelc1nw conpleo wth2-row ttocclti aato Good tuai, one. Apply H Pice, R.1 ieatleY, (Ont 11ARMVSAC1E A-ND FRED 111LL i'3t5PE1O~svilllgebuielcteil ais exellen farmns comuntt, ose yrly lurnvrosr$7000 wlth ornal] uragt.toct t invoi , forcesI cerner o veth DAVID MeLEAN, LIM1[VE ne.Appui loîpogKnulMia, (1. MtOORTcK-3IfERIG Wl1 ractoî13 3 God esuts-]Ev.ery SufËërer iromi Rhcumatic Pains or Neuritis sbauld try Dixon's Remcdy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin, otaira $125 Express Prepzid oronto9 tsillon ' --UKEEntGOS wantedfoîCaéll pricepjni, 'For fuîttell a pply ýo 12, 155 k,,Ighteenlth Streelt, Ne oronito. Freesffook son Arthritis And Rhoumatisu EesirSprîings, Mo, ù Successfui has aspciliedsystem provein for îrcati 1jzýng rInualisnI zn rlh-ritiS tirat an aazngnew baok will be sent fre to manrader of tIs paper whO will writefor ï -tle book entitied,"Rheuîmatim fuyfxlains shy dus admcd.. îîines gîVe 0on1Y itemporarfy relief and fl taremove thecussOf the trouble; eplInsow ïfor over 31 yeas he Bail Cinc bhelped îhousands of rireumaii sffrers, You incur no obligation in send- ing for this instructive bock, I mav be the e canis f vig o Year-s of untold nier.Address Your leýtteT ta TlreBql liic DepI. 5243, EclirSprings, Missouri, but be sure t riteoltoday WAKE DP YGIJCR LIVER BILE-M Wïthouf 1Calofmel - And Y'l U>H»p 041ïe 84ec lde Mornig Roi n' a Tihe ier shouid J pur cl b!ut piA a b-ile mýji-3a to om atletrc veydy 1[ t1h, bîIle la ual eowîDg frfeely, your bcmas, n'Il diýat. fi; ay .at zdypintbedfrcalsive t'ract , heugae bloaa uoureOL ïOMse, IYom set eOnsslpeled. Yo>u esuraakani h Liver F111* ,o gel thýeae 2 plats Dl bile flow. kmg Mrey .b m 'u Ufedl mmoand Up. Ge Pm pMen t oda.Efpejveluiking biea flOa freel. Ask ýoCast À,- Lbjç Liver MUla M~a =ny "Muarc, upsidedown ta Prev Peekiug I

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