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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Mar 1951, p. 5

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±foyr vlan, rélief. ,; receiýred parceis niay fpoo~o~o~~ l'lx RENT Phone 89 r 1 POST'S SIJOAR CRISP 2 pkgs. 35c. PEJRK FREAN'S ENGLISTI DIGEST IVES pkg. 25e SWEET TREAT PJNEIAPPL E JUICE 20 oz tin 16c. pent thie week $ntNeuw- - - -- -- -- e G tir Finance Plan. yq ùing. Buying dée, sy ith conven- ol'nthly Payments. ND GAS RANGES RANGETTES FLE VISION FLOORS )R SANDER Ip Electric - ORONO PRfIE. à NSO.N', FTRNITURE WAX No rubb$ng required bottie $ 1.00 AktorCf fee Beaný, Fre hily ground to suit oUr Coffee iMaker lb. 95e C OKýERlY lPA HMýENT PARK ST. Reveremnd F-. ~ Eustace Mfinîster Sunday, Marceh 4 10o.00 û Sunday Sehool ],9 "r;% ~.~Thie Ovelmolnýfidenlt minîd". 93.00 Kirhy RKeal Estate $3,20Q. AbOItol oe mni1e lortjh oyf Boomailaile< just cff Scu- gog Rosad, new l5 ioo<mi Stuc- c!o buegal,(Av, asph~iLt iroof, fuli sized cerenit f1o«red cel- ar witi inside puii-p, heýavy elwe , ',c.wing, very large gardtefn'lut, ig,",d road to hil- wyThis vifil like1y sell quick- Leroy IHamilton BROKER phone: Office 32 r 10, Res. 1 r 16 Orono, Ontario INSURANCE ln ail its branches IlFire, Automobile, Laiiy Plate Glass, Burglary I SPILTMILK TO This 'cCident your respon- slbility.ý Are yô u insuredô If you are you ae also Protect-O ed gai is fiàtcial lbas. Tc ho OSafe jiu . ~ ~CAIL 8 ~ N. F. PORTER ~ ORONO, Out. 3o5z29 RisJICLM -~dnosà Apples Large 6for 19c. Master Dog Food A BALANCED DIET 3 tins 27c. Ileiuz "Individutal"' SERVNGSOF PORK and BERANS -SPAGHETTI ti9ü,. FSH-PORK and Bi3EKF pound 52c. Phon# t2tl Cý-hoice Meats ýBACON (Leüan) COR NI'SH' - TUE RED 0 WHITE STORE - -O0 w-aG UJ 1 Ili ~Iis expeeted (f Mi%, aind of ofthis wK Mrs. r 0 foetuiof Th turokii finish. A1 I2i eh one ~frSm thet and the W o-taleT ic FR] Toiwn klail an A. o u,-o Ui ijoyabie pay fi barge audienc -dy draima. Tf pbay weie velru vA. in.ten-d t n akfW, MRS. MELLOR WINS CONTEST TH] (Continued from page one) Mo 4he arvlee nd b'1es-,inigs that are Prodïnced and dire cuitoorieeof (k* aniyanrithese en only he accoxded them if the 100 OUTST .s,ionary Socie1ies accep t he challenge to kee~p ther aware of thfe 24 SPE( t+,clhkmnig-,of Crsshe said. _______ In~ uigtinig urpon her iisteners t1ie inipoittance of study.ii-g ways and Admissiot mecans Vo answer the cha11lenge in-_________ rnediately with nore mioerkeris, sehco:ls, hospifas and churhes, tihel speaker etated that The need waIl. never gireatéi'thami W je stodiy ýwhen NEV cosnmiunisîn la only waitlng tO take f possessioJn. cI Miesý Rend gave some intimate glirnpses of the if e of the people of Angolawho ith te iMd rf the ¶111-C A sýionies cýýarleamin a better way A of life. Schools, churohes, hosjitals aire graduuially beinig estabished and tiheir gratitude bias recenitly been. ex- Newca pressed in a freewilil tthlk oflèirinig forwarded to the church here. h, The "I Mernoriam iiService" for, u r diieceased rembey.s of Oshawa Pros- ibyterlual mîioe have passed mway duir- ing the yeasr wa.s cOnduuted hy Mrs. N. White assisted by M'rs.J. H. Mc- Kininey, both of B0 IcinEn.Ga Fiollowing 1liacheûn greetinugs e 2 egl a brouught by Rx'evý F. J. Whitely, pas-j ter of Centre St Unted G'hurcti, Share The V Rev. M. C. Fislier, Broolin, Chaiir- man of Oshawa Preshyteflal, Rev. R. E. Monbon, Osbawt-%a and M.-s. A. PROCEEDS A. Croml,14 Pýresidrent of Oshawa Pres-bteýry Woroan'e s Ilitîn Weà-orne to NeMe Orga-ni<dtior4 ADMISSION was giveun by Mrs. EIton Werry, tst viepresiduont; oiue evening auxiliary- tree CG..T. griouuips,to Misoion BandLsi, one Baiby Band and mtw af- fiite-d societie-. Thle speaker u- at tfhe ifte!-,non ses-' Fion ,vas Mi- Jam-es Laiughlandu, whr, took as lber toùpic "Our Ser-vic(e." "Onl.y those wlio serve reaiilý1ive", said Mrs. La'ughlian uxlging ho-r Silk Brief s, facy ti lîstenens tiodo "hrdaly h-t."Be priced ut - --.- steadap t set a course and folliow it Haîf Slips, lace tr and try to malke the world a betteri Priced at ...... pince". sihe ýsuidL "Pray, dniyv, pray7- erï only fulfill i ts worth vvhen it Slips in Li4ýeriec leaud's tO teuio. Set asidio minutes tim iseilk for prc nsiedintation. andu ask 1 4 Jcf $ God's blesaing on youftr ondeavoars. New Skirts »lnp Out of the dàarknes comtes thle dawn gabardine, f difféi out of winter srng and f11-<ý1 and stylesi size E striving, peace, aI l y the power of at ------ -j 59 Cod." Blouses luiiiil l ew 9 Mrs. eu~ladspokiçe n tVhe par- croppa, ize 12 . tkiular werk of the W.M.. aind sid form_4......... $ if we do net plant the seeds of tfihe Satin Nig tgown-1s, Gfisitiaru gospel arou-nud the world, size, S. ,L, Our fal h and taspiratîlon wMihl <]ith pink, hi e, pricot] us. Chrio_,tians niusit rOt ho dht,-erred Nuibaak, Èuýt lacf by te nignitideof te tsk, ven size 27, 36, prie by ~ ~ ~ ~ i hemgntdeoftet., en IGotic Bri'ssieres, thougli Chr 1stiarns weve in the inn prîe ai...$1.9 ority in arvaus Doo)rs eiOsed m11w, jMreie oU wîl1 neyver bho reopenecduin Our gener- stripea a 1d à'n aViion.. She ungd eadership as a styledu by looke, meanrs of service. Those wlio are ible- te tale thee Jadrnst re-dedirate ______ therneelvos, ard she spoke of a train-1 lng srhoul for leaders she l',xf ai- tended at a lconferenuce of the, United, . Ieînz Covci pfChu-t-ch Wýoirneua in tbihe Un- id Suds. In a day of studv every Baby lhe oaiïd hat tOf entuFsr oods wornen t t thecýorferenice was infect- 3 tins tiubut the Veuo "pions Ch1rýsMarm wnithiout endfirnlas11could iibe pinned! on nauntieiborsin al01 g-gt îions Ail may noV ew sledr -but every womn uxetlifue fluenos 111-1-11- yeerki ný)_(ieni-zed F. J.Whdl, CreHovSi-t The fir r o 'te ycur -11 wr a~ bad hedprd to mke posle snob orý( eiuovb1ehmpirti0nal and ivworth- PkPLg. Mm, ýT. GCNmrrn pedotgac n-as a cosrg hugttha e u î1ot ý eps f<v o,-ay utfor, ail tinie,2 liat our ivsna isinr n ~ avors r ii sand iup )to haee __________ ORONO qSKA,ýTINC;CLUBý P'RESENTS Sth A UAL FANCY SKA NG AT THE IONO ARNA IDA AND SA URDAY CH2a U&3rd AT 8.15.m FEATU9 NG IEj CIIILDReN'S COURT TOGET.He WITH 10'rn and iassical Ballet rectié by BETTî LEE DENT, Club Professional TNDING/ BLADE ARTISTS 100 Producing CT AC-L R ACTS ONICE 24 in Regere 75c. General.5e WCASTLE LINS CLTA BGO0 asfle Commu'nity Hall dayXrhSh unes - 5 Special Games - 1. Free Game Jea~ith - Jack Pot SF6R LIONS WELFAR1É WORK f 50 cents trim, S. nit, si, laids, c treiit c .2 -40f ý95 tu ;, lace colors ,A d ait .... e, Col 1e[ .' e and ýn pyj cy dei t,' price 59C. c u Wallpaper before nap- iýng. Ail new p)atteras Suni- Priced or>thy and WVaterfast, prico /1125 14c. to $1,10 per sîingle roil. lace Ail kijýinds of Curtain and Drap- ize 32î ery Materials_ $3,25 Small andu large fluffy -dots îheck, Priced per yard 75ceand i9Ûz. priud t-potired Marquisette priced ~îo. o t...........gc and 0 n k Sunniwebb and Rayon 7N1a r - p ced iet pricedu al. $5,95 MrquisqetteS Vwith large leaf trim, patterns, colo)' white --- $1-50 white, $3_50, Crectonne fromn 59C. to $2.25 ruSets, $5.95 ,,ew Prints ah go atrs i- 42 1 priced ut . 50c anld 7,5(-. $ 2 5(Q jamas, Nylon Pulo4ers, colors 'reY, uS;gflS. white, yeluw, size 14l, 16, 'q t 5 priced ut ------------.. 4. 95 Master Dog Food, 1 lb. tins Pifs C oice, red or ereen 0o.tns, 2 for... ?VieBeans, 2 lbs. for .... 2e LynnVa"'-y Golden Corn, 2OoCzti ?sfori. .......9. 2Utis for.......27c. JIl y vPowdk ers any flVOUrI, 3~~ fo...........29e. Mixed Cands, Pbor .n . 40 Ieing Suar, 2 lb. foru.C, t e a Thousa nds of Canadians, n t covered I!ypension plans, have taken advantage ofcfia ow-cost ment'?e Annuity\ to guarantee their future security. Others, coveq d by p 'sîinpions, use a Govemnrent Annuity to supplernent their re irernent icorne. I>EPARTMENT 0F LABOUR MITON P. GRGA OHMR M.4 !thia C.upon Ipday POSTAGE FREE 16WI iPl..e..d e,' COMPLUE!INFORMAION about C.adiat ovmel nulit (PRINT CLEARLY)I ---- ------------------------------------------ Tins WEEK'S GLEN VALLEY SPEGIAL 1GOLDEN CORN CREAM T LE - CITOICE QITALITY ___________________ Anoth, Famous Stokely Product s N N N ~1 N N N Ni N N N N N N N N N N '1 '-t N N -'1 Ni N N N N N N N N 'i N s N s N .1 t' s N N N il s N s- N N N N N N N. N N N N N s '-4 N N s s 41 'ILI 1 -41

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