ar $3.79 for $3.49 lar $4.45 for 0o11%,$SI00> tgreatly reduceud prices Briefs amd Patitie.s prices.C vhite, ibias eut, ail sizes $1.59 L4oth, sport styýle, short iggan, -white, sizes, smnall v foir............... 7 attern size 27'x84 in. pr. $1 98 6 inches, yard foÈ ...... 49-ý- )ttofl knit, button fzont 2 / assorted Patterns, Sizesz lýl foi ............1O leather, pair $14 $1.95 m, stretch top, sýiz --to ............. ý...... 45 gth, kilis moth 'nd larvae -ms, SI'ze 2848 in. each $1.19 rs, several c' scontinued o 69-'.rd d for sale 15c. aCrsI, prid frorn le. to 15C. -r 1 À U). es Arrýowroot s dults, 12 oz pkg 33e oles, -16 oz. jar 22c. or, Alilsw"eet, l 1. Ing chop- 19 49C. Dare's Sweet Cream Sodas rgo 20 o)z. tins, 2 fLor, .... 25c,~ od Taste, chîoice quality, tins for......... ..... 20C.21Oz. jar 42e 0 11 05cci 1.OêTO E PONTIA SIÇWPNGCENTRE M. ei ani Catherin ,StewvartI werle iniGsaaon 5nI mtn wlthther sste , M. G. E. L'oft- MissRuh Caht of Ohawa sptn'1, h(, wee-ed a me. 0o sco after lieing sc ihti We wre srryto hear of Éthe il 'Iess of M r. !An(,nl Gi1ro v, whO is .lsosuferi4g hththe fh. Mr.C. A. Cooper rce vwordf df thi de-ath f h b retherIllMar- shahi, Sfkat Hwa.1e wis r. G. ~ of'Mri, A 11-1i <'athart w Io ebfrated Ihis eighty- "îft birhdayrecently. Duriing thse winter ao t he neoili, of the disýtrict have ejoyed thse piutures shnýin 1y Mr. C. R. Car- veth o Ned catle.Te n-exýt pictu'e we expect w'ild be sfiofwn on March Mnm. Ben MadilI bas ieern 111 but !we hefpe is vecOverýing. Frienids fronP rt oevii wiith Mr. and Mm ,ý.Bihll lY on Sun,- day Clarke Union Hr1e!nry Swan(cott s isiig W],-th friendsisns Osbiswa. Severai iii ti sis stio)n have beeii used u~p with the cldand sore throat Mr. colin SesitHIhas dtea1t caIrs and is -Por-tiisg a iswPontiae. Moi. and Mis. Vernon Sa1unders aild fai'ly visstd with the ome' Mr -*and Mm.- Brýentûn -nnd daugh-ý 1er, B ravhovisPd 11w;' hs parots~ r.Ind Mrs. Geoige-Fol-, Wayne Jive monved to MrT. Ed Bahl'sý SALE 1REýGISTERS Tbrune ~igo a rciv in- stZf . Sle iibl be held an Voay Mach19hen~mn Inat 1i1)1-m. sharp. 'Jaek Raijd, AcinoOno >11taj, COMINGI Hilibilil A big two ho - 1 ý- , à11 r Liq %yJ.' THURSDAY[' FRIDAY -- MA] Hlear Doorý Aduits b 89 NLLk 1110? Thur. -Fri. - SATURDAY y I11~ 1c o l o r Ms.F. W. Bowven w\ihlsIl by4j In Techuicolor - 11i nisbhik :c ui-yn ral ansosîlt -of nmachin- WWIhEsther MWiIliam, l oyallsd furniture. Saule will be hield a nd Hjoward IKeet hip, oeConcessionn ntiof0ew We - Thurs Mar 14-15 (ey~ nd ile vwest on S 11~ "TR WRIf' Àut T - niiA ?t1 nd "S TELLA" (820) _ _ _ _ _Pe iI Aje As the fioods rose, hope wient down. And th. ....our Red Cross wýas "on the jobi"! As thousalids of flood-stri.ckeii Canadians thiankfujlly7 receiv-ed emnergency food and s;helter, their gratitude \vent out to voit -wothrough your Redi Cross contributions helped make possible this mercifu! relief. Nover before 'las thje peace- tirne demiand on, Red Cro,,; 'lElHJNC1,O AM Door ops 2.05 p 4TUESDA-Y--AI12- mtonafliglit to the Moin! IIURSDAY -M ol n o .3 r' t' Ô Ô o ~11ORT ITi~fl1~X Ueli l(ýl