yiu bave seen amd ledtCvea&PhlEeri Branih) in heing forccd oclose it's do, o ever tiIbe her t serve yen. Quir hInenios are to peumo'- 1 Mt each and everyoe of yent - to uned ou't y r re its and then isfiow you thafby buPing Cron iwu, we can, monyad ireat tile si mIe time q'Uaranteeyo ser- (Mofor CUAnners Utint haive iogta~l~csfrom Pservice Mat yuu Jhave lbl!en enijeýyinig in ti)'e paat, xvii meIId. We -,vil! Ine campry d te same lunes os appliances qéipment and fencing. Aýi anyone has te üý do is phone id w ilI be out, te iv jOUpiecs n 'q' iig 0hank yom foýr you r qtnage in tlie p qst and hepe to ur pitroýiagýe L-n te ft4îre. & ~Pi kTOM and jEAN lierirn co rýýiip E,c t ri c New ,-Coa-t, Dress andMillinery Flwers, Rss Foîgt-MeNot, Dasyetc. priced at 29c. tu 98C. Ladi4s' Cotton V St, ose salsescdi5 Ladi&Rayon Biefs,, Rose Bud, Sid.ae~ s..6 Aprns Cilre"splastie screen printedcde'sign l39t. Tinted Jute Rgs ,03 nceee........>5e5. Tuki ih Toeseranwt oloured stvrpes. ý Size_ 21x44inhches, se:ig or eac......i. 59c. Bail PiPes,asotdcoornl J 2e PlaticStrag Bash i 8 arent or4 uits 79c Halo Shamnpoo, gî;2-inltMttie ........ 63c. SPECIAL. Kellorgg'sroPpCb, reua 1.for on......... 26c. L ynn Vaile(à Bue 'ri~,15 oz ins ,for ........... ... . 25C. RPE ' syu,15 ouine tin s .. .lc. sa4ce,15 oz ins 94 Ilrr H~'e'Nu-Jeeu MjTPowdëerýs, ailVoUr'S,' 2 for ....... ....... 15c. (_Lrtn Wlol eets,coiqity la~g 2 o. ms........ .e AlymEr Fancy machli-, 15 oeunce tins SPrid('e, JohnJISO-Js Ne rntureWa-X, no10ubing, boýtti or. ..$10 Mg Cabi Choc-olate s, hard and sof t 1)lb54 cente,!! pound ,for.......... 69C. YOUR;'P POPIULýAn SHOPPING CENTRE $5,OOOOilhIO is needed to support Red Cross services for Disaster, Veteranls, Free 'bood Tanfuio, utpost Hlospitals and Ci - eence Training. Mr.VcorTlýirnd1yke is visitling9 lis daughte, Ms. Gr.-nrville FleLtt Mýr. and .Mrs Percy Snieli vi5td i RohseN Y. during tIie weekencid Mrs i, nld Thiraldyke andiirlsi- viie itli 7Mas., L tgteSuni- dey nfternoo Mr. ant1d Mr. oward Payme visýit- ed1 witliMr aad Ms .Peters, Mr MAhSunday. Drv. Oke's sýerm1onSuda, (Ltenlded for' lastwek sonm Freddie.of Dlevisited with Mr~. MBrides parets, M. and MariS. Roy NÀjchdls, Squi1day. Ma.% a!d Mis' }{aold Bror clugi eeSundaýy gesswitliMr M's Egar BarowClougli is viýsit- ingý lier itlie, 2Mas. HIlU, Mave vile. Ma. V. Tliorndyke, idMs ~~no1 Thoadyk iandgirl5 , wieeat M-. and MrsC. PnnSunday We reso"y o !hem'of tlire as-s- hT f Ms.GardtSlie1d, 1rno)tj1er of ard Mr an r s. Ar U-,-IItillir Flîs of 14 wwanill on Sunay Mar.amd Ma.Tom Fails atatended th(, funeaài of Mrvs. Wm.Mat, niothier of Ms .Falîs, on Thuirs day 1a , Mri SthinBo anvle M1r. and Ms J. Jillï,-on nd C s tira hv mvdte tl)e farin occu- pied a feir year-s aoby Mr. a,,,d Mas. Peacy Buaey. Mr.Dick Wood- str las akn oerthe fai -lrecenit- Iy acatedby a. nd MrsJlisn The ,Febiruary meigof the W.A. was lheld iin thel udapSiolron 251h un thepreidet, rs.Reg. E iitin the chair. The roli cail iras aePSPandd tclo by -ivî-ino'cïe way in ii i encti help iin christ- --in mou 'MrsG Cathent anS Ma1s. Býualey rein,,char-ge of thre pro- 7 oramadi Me fomargave ant101on Tleicht of t1ie World. Ms. Roy Merceasp keon lighitinig acadi in al daïk 'plaeceand lhou so)met'irne cain tuse. s Stoker gave a talk dal!ives a-nd hlin hra-- rsbu*it, KîI) raendeîe'd rheuilsoo Tl- TirLildtSinsThaiotgh" aS Tinemirle orld mas Ilrst intiire dakesofinwic eevr TrkStap!eton -mas thei nit o tieafternloon. a.Ctretgv oltpinelmtril tIo toe miro offered t-i-iý mke it np lifo ien xt hazaarTIireegroups me wcre forAîd, Mas.Peay Bale beîagtheleadr ~f tre eada gaup rs.G. Catih- cat ire Sixýth Line group nS.Mas A.Lowi Ire Nortb group. rsM eae th htnue) ndnoded mai- ifegtirnet iasuicesa Tli- g ingof the jM!iz7palh BPct îil bromugýfithe meetinig to a close. F0iZ THE BEST INj Coutt's beUter cards. They are priced froïnt3e. o each. g v s j-elaection. huntofne a-i eattful design,, ý for yu E.ASTER SUNDAY COMIES EARLY TMIS YEAR ........ MARCII25th o Easter E'()gs..............5c. t6c. and 1oe. Futnd Nuit Cre(amn Filled !Eggs,, 2oe41 Oc ~J ChcoiatEaster Bunies a Chicmen O for .............30eý,, e,$13and $2,0j Frosst Neo Ceia Food - g3s an ex-ellent winter tonic and 15 s Pecially helpfl wlen recover- ".f i ni frointSevere aittackIs of colds and inif lteniza. It is one of the hest j vitamin toies and food szippleneiito Q g Fos4Ne-ChipialFood is unconditionallyigura tee t1wiee ffcie j FRCHILDREN -- The liquid\ $4.95 $2.9 5 $1.3 VI FOR ADULTS - The Capsules, 5'. 11 Û~~~~1 0' SS2..265 2O~. 59 FREE FREENOXEMA Q ~~ J Genuin )ICGoldPated Sehi kI,nje( torRzo fhCEA' Tr-1avel case. With- the puchase of 20 Sh MkBadle s PCALRAIN Big $2.00 value..........f.....50, Fr Ch appd aInd Ooz. jar.....10 gTýY>RRLL'SL RUG. STORE Cap 0ol HgRTI YL± Fr&at.,MArLL 6- 17THAR BOMNILi. 1ý UD Y1 'T 4_1ý -M ci In- 1 T_ A T 1% r A -b -1 rir .9 f, Ir the fur-off forests and rcniote country districts, the nearest docto rcoet city hospital is often hu1n- your Red Cross sretches a 0ealInghnd across these lonely regions. In 82 Outpost Hospitals and Nursing Sta- tions, skilled Red Cross nurses poiecomiforting, often life- savîng care. Gire goeniv . . flot only to support Ire Outpost Jisptls, ut te keep your Red Cross Strong te play its vit al role mwitih the armied forces and in tireý wokof civil def1ence. F 1 D.- EXC iTl éY AfS ATU1CJAY -- IVAICUil16ii-l' INGN ROTIC THRI LLENG "BLUEDLOOD" - nBeautiful Teclh-icolAor - "RLONIE'SHERO" C ARTOUON INTENILR MO1N JAY AND TUESDAY - AH19 -20 YOU'LL SEE4OBL AMI) HAV21 DOUBILE THE FUN ïWiTH THE,ý KINGCF OMEY o WEDiJ -DAY ANDJ TIIIRSDAY -MA.22 BROS. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DN îFA D RA TRS-mm A~4 FVID CANADIAN RED 24 17 f~y Wîth nraold Lloyd and "AIJe n Og f lOkIa" Galetorm(Color)! 1&- M &T ùe£s.Mr9 "atch'the B1 le WithRea5k onAnai Miller and Ânelle Dahi W1ý ed -eihurs /Iar 21-22 With Jane Wynînan and