Wue have bad enongh of those aùd snhb used ià covnewton wAS, Untd Natomsnsmtay ction in Korea. Judigiiag by letters we ,ýsee: to thlis and anther ne-wspapers, ouri feelinigs aresbaedla fact, if peoplec éd i lot reat itis fasliion itbeýy woud ot be uessentially de-eand i, pea~-loingpeople thýat te ar, In rgiSter1-Ig thiis pr1otest We sbonld mak if clear thiat w ol flotf want fleueral ridgeway',S am orAdia Martini's naval for(ces to chiangeilu1heirtaeg nor aat their aggresýsiv-en-ss o ot.Wu are well awýare thatless oe Ibeieves %var itsLf to Ibe a greatqer evil than atil thie fyraniny, injustice-, antd cal- mn igbLlt îiiiosibeto reject somle of wrsiecpbeacm pnimenlts and tijli epect thilat ,he fgbit be vwon. NOofthe accami- panIinIenýts is prett. Tby add np ta wblat lvis te b l ojective of mi-litairy trtey to destroy the enemys abiityad will fa resist- or, in tdyswrd his will ta, This usually novs etin men, çutting his iunes of ýCommnni- eatiôn anid cuttîng im off fromr essentialmtrilknocking out' bis inidutr-ial aýnd other conomic war po0tentia1, anld - hiere is wer good peoplecrgeptin bs filgag mea ontof aon. 'lhle qsii h~e hs thîlngs are doneffciv, btdi- pasionat&y, isciog no more stpffersing ;and destruction thian is DUeesar-ytotheobctie , or whet- ther kîling, býlastinig, and bu-Lrning is glamnorized etiherfoýr thec troop)s atthe friIont ror r the flkIs back home.. We cannýot deny thiat at thle m- ýment theC best imilitary srtg againist ordCoalýimunllistagr- Ion is to Put ont oacton ail h Chns oliers anld imnitionis pas- slein Kre. uËt tis bnding arond of bloodtblirsty laels is not 0111,- blatantlIy pueriile-, it is as detrciv f civlized vatlue, an ît gives ,tbe Commists' prpagan damis gratuiitous gisfto grinid or- - ro He Criin Scee lMnitr. Royal Pair - Kinig Guistaf Adoif VJ) and QueenLoie Sweden's nie\-v ruiers, are- seeni ïn an informnai pose atth Stochohlm Royal Paace, This ïs vie of the? first ictures made of the royal couple iri civil c-loth-es 'sînce they assun-- ed the Swvedish throrie. Mountains Found Under The Sea Natuiral cinfst urveýying tbe bed of hePacfie Ocman bave dis- ccoveed a 1,0mo4ilelong Imoun- tain systenirebigf romi the Ha- waiiani Islands ta Wke slard. The moluntain paksranIge from 5,400 to 6000 feet below tfli oceaný sur- fa'ce; a]d shîelis and4 reefcoa dred ged fromth. iinicfe tat At onie ime, fbeyweenlafe fet beluw t he ufce h si âtssfou9j a 4-ncblayr of imari ganese along the tops of thes eep- sea mountas. OMe deposif, 20 iles lonmg and I0ciles *ie ofie ,s mucb s 120 mlintons nof theî On te mddybedof tbe oucan bact'eria Cred i scovced whicb1 when piaced ina fodcture, re- produce- rpidy.Thcy are beli-cv tabu e eWood's oldcswiving otganisiiis. Tbirfy scienisîs look part in 111 e expqedition copurin 2%,000 les bintwo laboratory sbps euwo Dishes Easy on 'W[7TH soearing food prices threating r.-ta o p the lclid off the foowd buge-ach we.ek, dishes that cmieeooy nutriion and iasteeal n nipratspot i the imeai-plaïnner's book. Macroipgheti and egg noodie dihe ft this category and becus hey lend themiselves to wide variation with sauces, cheeýs, lei-tover ýmeaf, fish and vegetabies, may be rýepeated. off enl withount loss of savor. Thissahtt ihwhite edam sauce Is a qulkeM o Less fthan kydmnutes preparation shouid do it. Spaghietti Wlth WbIte Clami Sauce (four g,-Èlnsï Two tabiespoons ehopped fresh parsley, 1 ehopped clove garlie, cl hopped onion, 1/4cup olive oul , P teaspoons isaIt, 1¾ teaspoon - p'epper, 1 large cari minced clams, 1 packçage thin spaghetti. Brownparsiy, onion and garlic ia hot oliv7e o ni nrde arecookeJ. Season Nwith sait and peppe. Acd d anms irndrsiimer ,or about 5 minutes. Donr't overcook or clams wil become hard. Drop spaghetti in boiing saIted water. Keep wiater boiling. Sfir ocasonll.When tender, run coid water into hot wvater, DrainU Ani serve wlth sauce. Mfacaroi and Cheese Supremne (i servings> One -pouý.nd jumbjo macaroni, 2 tabiespoonis buttr, 2 tablespoonis tour, 2 cupa mik, s teaspoon pepper, i teaspoon salit, !'kpound Mnrerican rheddcar cheese, %s cup buLtered bread crumbs. Cook mnacaroni in boiling salted water. Drain and place la casserole. Mdeit butter In sauce pan, add ftour and bienid. Add milk and stir slow1y until sauce thickens. Season. Flake cheese and scatter over macaroni. Caver the top wWth buittered bread crumbs. Pour sauce over ail and bake ina moderato Ove-n (350 degrees F.) '1W Minutesý. EÀBLE TALKS Jewv- Ar'dces By this ùtia-eya'rceh0 probably cocaeits" and bave u 'sed thm or cookýiesantelkeBu perhaps IuVve' elie o vaieyofues ti wic, feycan- bIe put, Tefolwig eips r O RA NGE C AKEyI 3 cups sifted cake flour / teaspoon si 3 cup 5sugatrjg 3 eggs /4cup) orange imarmialade 2 tablespoonis grafed orange rind 1 cup orangez juice Mhefhod: Sift forwt baking powder and sIît. Cream ,iisbortetiing, ddsug-argaulybedgfo e-ggs, ;It onea 1,ne etigwl afecacbi addition, Sfý*icnmra lade and orange rÎind.Ad flu alerael -ifb orange juiice, nmix- inýg , ell, eidiag withfoul fvlîinebes),. Baei oerf aven (35 degree R) mites, 2 squares CH-OCOLATE DUE 2tablespoons bufft or margarine 1 cup sifted confection ers' sugar 3 ta 5 tabiespoons bot milk for frosfing 7/ cup hof nilkFor sauce 1 teaspoon -vanilla urti soo.rýemov;,e frmheat. For f rosfing, add miilk and sugar ateraately, addiag enaugb m-,ilk fa mnake a spreadable colisistel-lcy, Stir in vanilla. For sauce, increase ilk ta T Makes enougb frosting for top of 10 x 15-incb cake or iy/ cuPs chocolate sauce. SEMI-SWEET SYRUP 1 package semi-sweef chocolate V2, cup sugar 1 cup ho-ý water /teaspoon sait 'Mthod: _Melf cbocolatepl rsl ovrbot wate!r and stf ufi dbal3 m-in"utes.Ma s2 Cnp CHOCLATERIPPLE 1 eçup hOrtein 2egvgs, Mweilibeatenï i'cups siftedai-ups ~teaspoon ba'kirig p:wder /,teaspoon sýait Method; Crcam-,short ciig, suga-r, and vanîilia tboirougly ,%Add e.ggs and beatutil ,libfanidflfyMi and ift orbkigpowder, anid effet. )Dp fo easpoon cÔn dcrafely bat aveLnoc ,(375 degrees F.) 12- 15mnuts.Makes 3'1cokes FUDGE NUT B ARFS 1 package semni-sweet c1hocolafe 2eggs Y~cup sug'ar 1 feaspjoorivanulla '/, cup sýifted ali-purpose four '/ espoibaking powder tz easoon Sait ',cuip chiopped nuts Mefhod: Mi hclt a until igbt îand fluffy. ixand sift, foeur, akngpowder aidi aIt.Ad! ta eg3itue tir ii in meledcho colat e m11ixtu,1re wbich bas bee cooled. ,% Ald auts aad blnthor- ougbly. Pour into graed -iich square pani. Bake( in mdrtl bot aven (375 degreeýs F.) 30min .utes. Makes 16 bars. lýNow let's get away from the cýhocolate theme for amoet Witi, Lent over, per1i:p, atfisit reiewon't strilke you as very ftimely. But tbis is snýcb a g, ood aone tbat 'm aigaiing ifapass ýif along, tiiimely or not- SALMION SRRS 1 16-ounice cati salmori 2 fablespooris butter 2 tablespoorins flour Steaspoon saIt 2teaspoon pepper 2clips Mlkr 1 tablespoon prepared mustard . 4hardi-cooked eggs, sliced 1 cup gratedi sharp cheese Method:Driadfaksaon Met butt, add! floursait 'and pep rad cook abot I inute. tbhickene,tir-rinig cnt .Si flakdsalon ad egg slies,. Pouir tbe creamed,ý( fisb intoe individual baking dishes or sheils, Sprinikle witb grated, cheese. Put unider pre- heated broiler about 3 minutes, Or unfil cbeese" is ightly browned. Serves 6. LONG DISTANCE CALL Froni Wellington, Newv Zealarid, cmsthis odd sf amy aboutf Police Consftable Bertie Kidd, an e-nthusi- astie radio amaeur, ba ws wark- ing is tasite na celi af-Éhis and loked buin. pee efoundr he, as-11ri ta release bu, ut b re xc about bis ph1Q1-igb t fa aothe ama teu ci Bisbne (,500mies'wn) wb a oce'phioned the pfolie. dent aJjy slamme1.d the door 3w1aîked aboufify yards con orridor,; and perid iftaet P.C. Kidd ont I USING .H-ER NOODLES By 1R-OSET TE IHAeGROVE fer dosa nwte ld expres- Sion, butI evrfbles sb's usin!g ber nýood1le, Also ber husi-band's noodie, and aay other nooleShe caay he1è 1(r baads 0on, The noodes Ashe ues are thè edible hin. She nAkesutigs wi hfbm th1ingý,slke ecacs ear-rings, hi raef n h like. Mmeli. Wle is agrdae i the Beux ,Arts anýd is a wi known Pi<n interiar decora- for. Bubr doctor codenedbe foa a0long diet of rois After sbed bendecoratinig br own interior wviùh aoodfs for - xv(Il' s11e became fascinated by t).", slip- pery fitée things S11e is;covered ta bycame1 in many iricky )sliapesad sizes, Her arft i (ýie sns pollpted iberl ta0 fash1ion t11he n i ito idiffereJ-nt fOCr11,S, Ilm enainel hen !(i il] gay 'There;uare somethinýg like80 racMame, Wete oufld ex chiange fber peosration ickt for- é ather(cfC)il, getinlg loodfle tickes inexcbage Fr 1people deal aIl aragon. Now 'fi1le1 fns .- inodly knick- k lckia-e become a 'Tgood suc of incarne.1 Dc': fei u] aaybodyvbut a, bride( at a lasbionable IcParis weV !_d- ding ware a diademr- made ouif Of solid noadle, Everybody thougbt if ',vas îvory. MME. VALENTINEVWELTER: The guests thought if ivory Q.How cao I remnove stains from a tule hearth? ,A. Stinjs on a tule hearth cao be removed it' a strong solution of wasbiu'g soda, miixed with fuller's earthi. Apply iin a tbick piaste and aow 0remin îforiabot anhouir, Q. Hoiw car I1mke agooid soap A. This can -Ibe mae fOm th scap f 'soap)around tbIe house, Dissove thseisLli piýceýs of zsOaP> ini just en1ouIg!b waýter Lto cover IthemI Add netspo nful ofborax for eacb piaf ofIthe mxue Q. flow can T.I prevent pies from overfýlowing in the ovenl? A. 11IrI sotpiece of un- ookedmacaroi in the top of the crs.Thîis wiltop the ,overflow. Or, do tis at tIre start fa prevent Q. How cari I restore wilted iettuce? A. Ws care Flly, in a basin of wateýIr ta whIiclihbas been added fwo tablespoonifulsq of v.inegar or lemon juice. Allow iàtut stand for about an bour, then wash in cold water, anid if will be restored ta ifs for- mier freshaess, Q.How cari I measure ouf drops of aniy liquid' if I have no dropper? A. Dip tIle finger in water and imoýciii ,the rim of the bottle i one lace, I f this place is, used from wicbta drap the liquid, i will drop1)evely aInd easily. Q.How cari I treat celery, ta insure ifs being tender when serv- ed? -A. Allow tbe celery f0 lie in water for about seven or eigbt bours before serving, and if will be very tender. Q. How cari I make a temporary repair f0 a leak in a gas pipe? A. Moisten some commoi on sap and press it tigbtly'over'the lak Or use a paste made of whiting, and yellow soap mixed witb water, Neyer have a lighted match, candle or other flame near the leak. Model Airplane Fans Afloat-HMýýCS Cyg boasts one of the moist Up f0 date collections of model airplines in the Royal Cainadian Navy thakst the carvig talents of Able Seamnan Fred Hughes, of WVintuipeg. As a result of his hancrat, the d'ayLga has 15 models of the latest Russian ty,ýpe aircraft and their correspondirig Allied pilnes. AB Hu1rghýs saredcavig odel aIirpines at the age of feu, IH e has m adeial the model planes atboard the Cayuga froni scrp wood gathered froni boxes in wvhich the ship)'s supplies arereie. For blueprînts he uses photos or diagranis ini aircraft recogaition S urnals. I the above photo, AB Hugh~es, ight, holng a model of a Russian MIG-15, compares it with- an American 1056 held by Ldg. Sea. Gien Cleninet, of V'anvouver, I k>