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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Mar 1951, p. 3

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The Leadý'l \I is ParIliat drove bC fer ancien: way tossard tome. Rer deep aati î ftýin aLjsifabelu(,I)vicwo Notbing -Broadway wold care bC setu inge triumi pt flor ît Een ir,_Wilks, 1prn cipail of Dce Va lHigti, wtonwas ncvs ,vit mu bis priseba osi "iss faut.Ispak for I-ttcetowu a Novit"was over, ccp o t party ste wss giving Cfor ttc casi. MiossParcibapplied pressureIlu ttieatetdmde ber ate.S!e kn6w ttýC cast wo l aready fte Asserouudcd (lttc tarptur lunteroad ste teard a suddcia noise foloweývd by a bocud isbs. Ttc( arpchdfrom a1 ide 1'Lid, ama runu Liin g off tc 'road. issPariatf fouLgiIst desperiatei1y t(rgan-on ilself otgadIhyloIllomn Ste cmcrged fro thle disabid, automoile. i ws !oo dark 10s C sud (ilit la match. -"No )jactiNow wbat am If going 10 do?" M 1iss Pan ,ýliat sat down ilon ttciý rnning Itoard. I suppose 1 coulld iai tc:to10 town'usdge lïtep or I1 coul1d stop) a passiug carc ber Position on te rnuIIingtoa-Ur. ud awaved à ileOttc ntmig r ID alwcd down somnewOblbitedn resumed ý its spccd sudli] isregarded( tc1 appeal for aid. Ste siedfor iwtat ,,scmed lite aà long' Lime telore anothier ato- mnobile came loto sigl. A n iomciear stie wavc7d Wber baud- kerCicbief hoefii licme luà sýcreectIing 1tait iýongaide ber ow tissu?" "I ',ad a tlow--ojul aud Iim' bave a jack. "FCear no imore,lm-y lady, a ma saiid, gctting oof b0 lý i car,1'"Iîn cerain Itere ataes oeaon somewtue. "Yon'e a b le saver H1e tolt uer arm, guidiugber to wre.tie conld siecber face. "Rkoberla!" te crieQon. Ct' "he, ayne." you t icd ýo1 kep nm fri kuow iug wto you uvrc.WbY: "1 eplaied Il o)f that lu o Oîî bttc note . 2I1," stie said. "Noe uiug.I'e cbut r-Csdy IIluo'if-y ttcplic e." I an lmrarry yon1." "I caat," ste uswrd "Wby cau'tYo00" "Ecas orsu-cceas meurs lu mue l you .. sud c c. "Ican't Ibave supccesiit cyca. "Ttc play yon produced Cwî c in tcelhadlflopped. lit fopped bLcause Iwaau'tgood enongb for- ttc part." "Iltpas a gdod play,"siresait dcinl."Don') ouse,,Wane Imfilutiat! ud everyonLppCcwouid flop tecause lm uatne go cnutfor rada. "lia itllsomybodyccisc?" "No"re- V anrd lu t I-dea Forunsoute une.iiedrasoa ute icielertdon the wneaesi Monda ta[benscrbda nîe Bsiinesorniztoaadotr cont inu l ua ori lon oer due reforIl Wbnte; oidy ili h idd lea o2ftcwesMy2 ueSaryonteruIontforU- litieWCneit rombisdayoffThi matter s e ion s oCg:aIan time butsmoreeso now wiatthte. tion fordefense Wbs at l dfeec dr a placelonJly 1,84 earsaoo tt itof a riit Qutendee tte latr ca ale f at isCnada l i oc f tc cry fc stil iaktis patiuarau1vr sary.y au seco ni togtonBvriéd forP resos fceience Ibac t teà ciertd ot lu d vac ofý r wte ilacu l r,2-o sticingsiaisty 1 caendr dtSc rcaly man omtin10ttpol Sa Ma ny Jewbels cu usco j give ifL;1qucstieScatou lmn ponto laGotre isea rcti romti s to rcnuetedswivit wbr ittIla ls teging l nte Badaniopdurînghttcesua 0War luf 18c1. be n't ri i n troops afr bvn usandeormousc Item offiers, sud t t orlie- 'lcots emvreoq n hg ofbol as ~ d a arinlbttelwlss Offbic P d ersatcbeterclments' of tt Len dd i1 tc oud t cscor in ocavt iko ti hib failles ý And bat i ow tt aIo thirlntdoro tti ýc daa, lter ber i crsbru nd ýleing roîntt 1rpodrnnsaaccnde Pies-Just Like Motheýr Used To ïMake-Restaurant 0W ners andopeatos fomal parts of Otrj ttended t'l he 7th pie makr îvto upervie h aigof fifty mliion p jiesec year. When r. Stranse arrived iÎ1Torotoie founldarol pie r'eceptiori watig im, ýpart of wh'icil is shnwntvil -e RobAndi Jac!k Aitkeni, stand for long sud ba t! vean escontfolbonber arunr it a cti.'Vic t dnis irtt bî giistniîsgtop tta ,paîc colurèd waistcoss, ,crntoiecdhrt u orsp wits, scoeaîrctdfolii_ 50 f bigtIta lte coid badyCoui Good d Day sriBa! 1i atug rucidAnd il you dont t- lieve istoryrepeas itacf, ow about ua? Js' aler tc Napole- 11tt[ai tc end of su onýg a stug1-,L ýc tc se2era".PosxU r s mi g ýtî have cdt!sme oe,, wi,'00t10c fornsng acacti stbait ai0sys_ augmnt tc nitsf war; t1itc toe adcondtcî of Rusia av disappie"d Ibis tope sud lorecd Rardie, EanrEwsud Bete To ar.yonc wbo tasu't looke ta a sccdctaoue(fr evra-ysr dber el yi!tea bol IYttugs Ibere Thr re, titîdeçrer1sud l anger, tesa, wcec cou, uw sd muetc betîr arctisin'lmoa ecr bne As lieclc itee ts tcusead imprvensnparticulanly ý-ýlu'ardi- oniyplutucloto So4bcruOu-th century. Tday10.e eamgnon0gar TtcremonLvJier ssauig var- Asd vtatbst enu oue i or ta[ atobendoeil!mllons, ci cutn, tan, estomnatuessu aIl sor'ào ottr îtiuaBy gctln plant reedertas oercome our Irons [n tc i loder -acedcala bogo~ ~ter- h ssîîlsb iserrc unniter -1o e dayst i take go tu1tUs dri aiet. 'l'tssavita tFormButiorsu o tcnrenrw lieaol)tile ose vrs' SU blas garde psbil tis.Lo t a bvucdfor gradtnig [up)ttc bci yard. Ajllsut aytngw break doul ime ud wtat wonrî eu te tuc wyor naed f or drai- aIge. Wttvcy eavy toi lyin cd Wit arge plots Ibfis eauol'ýe dIoue byiustalilg 111 drana a- checaper su11d mydo, wel oob Also lbi, la auguodpa tr t plot is amail 10 add sand or astes. AllerIbistrealment for Cry tcavyorveryiigtt soil ' bu tbhne . Ttic issain ttiulg i15 1 gel tig, slrawv or even juat gree needa su dotrpats, Ttc mlore. o tis sînmfï tEst i is dug itc temomes. Mbee possibi, ils a gond p15t5 1u grOw a crocp of oyn Eau Iirye, oîsor tome akgrwr itling, suid dig cor pIon Iý bis ndr Aller a few ycrS' telelee ttc îougbiett ut mua ,Irns ou tecoînesnmelbasud, asntc c- perts- say, friable. Put lu Stocs Rnl dxiatllr lCe o tam. Bctiubastie, sitas quitCproplits ll t sddul fileV ao ieof i b is!stockgave aik bis mney(toctc-po, bsudh tuiit timaci a Isut u tc conryi cned viltira, Curi e aota. IlCrat, bowcr Usal otil] lsowed to at-are tins slieace, pasîtly- ecase teproMesie esenaon da.- naion for alil 'hoi.e wto didno He was u ntcsck.s, senitki lu priat s, again sud1, agiîai sd di- yenf fot place t lacýIe.tprto ner xrige idlesex, butorte didg ondo lu68sdws Edward Trai.foodte Gatbead, heitcaearelsel i own spoke 1l] uO one. Angus Roy FI(-wjicîct, 1st, ninin from tc soie; , adem A gerood tunte; ud eand expr wc bis oeas suppiidontwitt S andiittatersdbsforoe - --- ------- S Ki R TIA NGe ER -TR ANSPO1ý-1 rM ,I HANERSINT SKRT ANGERSBS FA5TENN~ SCRW HOOK, INTOTHEMNES Cbnck McnadAmad tea train wtîsfom i ea tp b a tsat teind ttc saw tiigtorse.'ay- witti-tools, etainft, awtos. Over I îTnim's plae, tc stop-) was ou)I of bounda forsml by. u Tody tc bss ereOn a traýin goýiug 10 Califor-nia. Ttc saw torse wstcenlglueC,Cbctteniet servng as cars. As Tins rei oeaed bc stou(d 11up o tc ýsaw orse."Me we go!" tbsned. Donabig bull ginieer C Cuk eate fr rpe On ttcsvll Ctucks yak puled i offis tok, sent Ctuk sprtsling nto pil ofe srpeon.uas w '1 broket my daniegl'Tiurupfor But"\tuck7 'irs lgwa4t'l broken were act piayre ingplneusto- zett a ile of iiacrap on. pac o cny onpentacdts Wtye ni ot ar foSnd eprine Howman lmes1Cbmmck bae 10 ge brt eforehspaents ral- foVelîen tonpayTst Lapssw torsed isu'T bulît 10tand ou? m At xeýrn s tc onlywa t ficru sf liin. uto aet owu01d-at ogfioierpýep ie. tencvce fr ban aciden bappes caused il The, nt li, yu ta avoid ttc mi ake-handlie afcly. Wa's bcoing Ond r is a al'iendoeoirnl ttc eart of ttndc carî Fb or a ong tlieren bae t-10 ehCîrpii ty hm i rciact,! e ra smague rcly atscnd nd rm botn mgaysteds b some b nest lut -a, defiite psion - ai oi- mally sort ud souili-il Recentuexpeiment dcat uai tcamtof mgbt rac e imronaIal. Ttey seemt prove itt itU gea tet t tccoe vulemae i Ttc c, accring 10 tcoryli pu Mfrard hy Bntia t sIenti W ,Ramseylansol ark Ia ttRottamecmpstina res; nI ttc carît 5Gain xn, oirmi mgeiî sdslcn RaIe tssit1e Su'ti 4000amopere,ortce 't 4- - -~' a t t. 't 45 .4 '4. s y .4 't' .4 .4 't St n '4 y r .4 s' v 's a .4. v -t s s 4, .4. s 'S 4' .4 .4 's s .4 .4 4> s' 44 '4 't v n 's t' t' t' 't S 4.4 '4 Il 't 't t' 't 44 t i 4, s 's '4 '4. "s .4 A J L-1.ý

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