sud y hndsproLadsm itl Some, and. cirawý-an d Il î i, week ,there an nsitteqoiliing fou ot;, Bo stil I ave w dro msauida clust otfie Fiber MGeevar-' iety ai dea asa uw in, su my baud's flwonl't ave sud red u vin w.les have sfigard housetcenu ac dfires 1ud (furnaces1e 1il) 1 sil] go- gave me lthe at ides , . , maybe the crowrs fýlyiog bckl ndl ortlio he flics huzzing aroun l in- dws-orud. m ae jut u standtelook1,of te o use auy, longer. nyw, the weatber q . isL).Cld ta sfartigthe i ill pr-cï trog ousecleanin s., b. sud cleauId i thoatc wouîd t beas 4772 IIIl~ ANNE ,ï,ADAMS E!ASIEST slip yu xc se'.cd 4earns saped 5f ide nauaei S4 1 18, E, Nise 16CAkeD 'S 23,e SYE N 'X ET-FECNT Seui l e f o x , 123 Ligi UREFADY O!Yu badnt A-u udssîin*atr ak Sen Twntyfiv cexfstorthi cj arg umeut Wh C move tit, 1 xvhy abtu fiersaudwbva xuma littie wbil, Maybe no ou Can1 îxiai f t her-but i -,-1-e1re1- if L is. The average ni courselikes turtitre s imovbleas tixe Whl eare oCn ithe subiect, i biave-, uudthat roigfairly haeabgcuphoard ifho!uf dasïýt- crs. Toa bavy ta oveOh no, if can bc douecqoite easily, You oi-asnioýned curfain poles wîl do quife nie2y. Tip ac ud aiofyour- slip ruilr unerucab. Nw do thaf ou1-must safcb acîd adnust mh oue rmtm~f ie Drssraar uf frickai ail -ta mov alneTakeoCuf, f11(-dra- leit fopusharouuid. Feit11mat- tresses dan bcrooed ne sud tied fOrui S> easyý iadlu pi gng mat tre àl:ac psuothetr ropiio- theeI an Irýaid. vou ýdo need lp Old-fanshioed cd, coun1)be taken duwu sud reassenbedsuife casily 1-, b fixe aid aïiu bamme. as we haent any. Ifeis a guud alune bcaullse helpi îSn'ft alys 1-availab7le. Bu o ilussae dosutt take cauces. If vuuuec be owif untc i voi cas ge if And if you have ci iwls f r was,Cuseksep-ad a reac tcm. Qiý ue a li~ wtc, -7 yhos ge kthen citiîngisver hgh used u mak a pcice o puttia stad imewashtinre cl ing. If fo anbroen ar sud chatîe thf tif le abit 'Ast matferut act agse bdnusbusi- nekOesswsîng eiliasoa OnwUS Soc ute ondo Ithecrntest qhings.Are youamongthez- giit Gcca t i hkai h"u - cangaong paital hues bu iîaucemcneanoigophtouf-ut- inoctakeioufra tu eand behiuf you put bce agai becae yo cau, 1bCookfOndestrvMythem Las oSucm scuphard.s1fs unhefeurs narbees; a0f iny rnecfauical to sud a pIàor, dc ipdtddllwt nu ~ ~ ~ eta arn, achdubaic compleion1sd rudteae Wh cvttd tsaed if aý,i es yars.Dagbcrprbalydin' I~~~~ ~~~ v-s écu rdclossuti frindly etertainment Mer H!Ha! -Uiu ii tis ]ou(1, iwo l s 200, Yorkw volalsfr iix 5 P 3 Q. How imlich tim-ee sollapse engagem"enit sud the wdig efiqutt rgrdn ti, su th pupon iccmstnce. L uIlc 3' grete legt 1uttîe wiltsuletust- poethe anoune ef o antee'- gaetxSeiunlifhy rcfazl sr Tlf th dteo tei aciae * eiC;ký s ln Q.olek gvig n nfrmidi-ac uer, how shou1,ý id h ofs e er guests kow te satin arrnge ment sheawishes?ýî i îmb A. he hmostý' ,easludstnda hec place, sd feu eacb gcs jus wr he d orzheshoigd be -nsed Q. Wbes muce i ere sdn for e iil'lis roviddbowshuîan oest i o' v u u .vi igA Breakif itaît itiivindual pesi rnnclih o x ndse ut re-lad ora on, sd icunvcyIïli toth mh(t wjst('the ingers. Q. Whn rsýua auîgbth at tb inuer taie ifs i esr for h,oulmdnfr h ane f-rais A. No; the "criss-croe fmst1lusslier necctssaïr It is porfetpopr ccuuvey -,the odf0themoth it fltefui iu t lt aud Q. If atyheg, wma a trve- man if ublbom be's twe>ll acî,i- agroom hlm tÉa pa for ber mýeal if a. TnesCwuid bLs'e aif h igt QIsif ncsayfaiak h ethan e alefersLengfby anoes? A. Nt ot t il.Ifray be a bret- cne, u 5 ifisbrfe propa crudkis sincerein fstoe oA.tes is eady ta go ouf one onuiargmet-fiinane have a cl handsiimelen- py liorntu rhe a be says 'lie inakeor$1t00eeayears be lsppyàif se d 0 u itont ber, guo1d clohesetc "She oesn1.corny e gfrOrn a wll ta dui i fmlyfoveghp IYuk he havera eand cothabl, udlsp- I o, ud sheastamotey ssved.i bunSte rotue, fhughshe ow I a nemta ycaou haod. Tà giv u s thre Im i ug f0 sIl myif noShold arry ýte grlor arn Ibinly u loe? Se sas sh loes cmpsudistuneany doukse *o the st l she îý- d enuds? al * As the, cîlreconte, yur wî * uo money tahead, hoxvfoiyou * exp ct r py te uspioesl" so yu postiona giaaleiuY * fbat iubsty three j ears , 'oi *nincnt Slill bodu led fluse *~~b eaouris ildren ' Sis * csty.Yetyor ife l expc Cok f0cnne f0 îveY n th sam o luurou caienhic br yoîr maraebgn o un yu *ppurfthaf ad sow foih *ü" un oeco emerencie w ii c hi- Slovo ayud u hfersei.n To And t RELIEF is LASTING Nobudy kuÏows,- the cause of rhe-umna- tismy bunt wdo kowthee's ose thing tOacse he pain ...if's Aud wvheu you take INsTANTisz the relief n; proiauged because INSTaNTINE contains nof one, but thrree rvnmedical ingredients. Teethiree ingredieuts work together ta brinag you not ouiy fast relief but m-iore prolouged relief. Take IN STANTINE for fasf headache relief faoo - . , or for the pains of nertsor neuradgia squd theý aches and pains th-at off en aconaya cold. Ioeep it handy *t.5O 12-Tciet Tin25ý Ecnmcl48-Tabiet Boule ý6905 LAURA WflEELER Lovl3 bld desigu lunsimles-t file crochet. Each square's ioter esfig Ëf0 do;:ad ou av a as Big qae-fs7 îluche's o 50 Cotfo1-stmrtesi rce.Ft feru 53;chaýrts;dieto. Laura ciheelers improved pàt- feru makes crocheta Od.knittng sa dbmle with ifscharf s.photosasd concise directions. cpd)for this patteru fa ox --71, 12o3 EîghLtenh S., ewTroto Driaf pAi"yPATTERN NUMIN BPER, ~u AEadADES Send twenty-five Cents mute (lu Needecrat Bok. Ilustraions, cf patrsfori rceemr-ey dols, tope . . . miany hobby sud giîft ideas. A fre ateu sprne luc fh ook Niew And Useh!I To Dou eqoire aer ch T Rzaps aeo atsl.Si ab * 'i 'o h Prss pone, J-i Songe '.vi lasicsîpro modu Boate Housholers'i esir1-it fornd end buttyike mta lcbnce We brushed u, aeildiei0abr Disp sabl Holder-Cj lcu ,ynd filtr isng id puytrn plsC. luia ig atheneed o fer," articlecob ho- ~a usped For 20ciaretes AuAterreIstautfms apasic * cad3c. mile, 74/c' graniulateil Menv ile, ieaue no a lar-ge bol ric. lulee%- a!m",i af1er,1 1 tsp.ill grv, uia3e J)ugar;sitntl ua Is . dissoive.C îke1itr1ei mî ixs, TH N irw li sud11l1eftrisc uil fldoubled iii boUc.-, tihl-floured board t1d1dvid info 4 eqýuai 5rins ue ligbfily wif1l sclotie sud lt rs for,15 mins. Dividle ec oto ri dougli into3prs ina u shape into srnoothllsi lc 3 halls iic in - "4greaed ba pans ('"x8~) rsetp anxd spïr,ýIeecad:ibatii iïic. hie h â ±a y ESBEA easily1 Speedily withi new Fast DRY Yeast! 1 tht .h alwaà ad( us'tll U clt hm sd ak hl happy, * ha, h unt s irhihs * toues or ansot s att it. "I ouf'l ricelet her ind tlem'wth If Dýthe gil.y loe femand vi, 3siee br s he is-aud be4