Bo idmls bad fori- it t n kulliiingdsas.fis is te onlu sqilon of.pyharsDr-. Edrita FriedI, wobsbe uetgt he"p-dowý-,n feelings" of seventy- Few lokedforward tz rtie who suferedmostboth ani aiiled to etî the conflfiict betweCen th1e natmcalugeto let 'u1 iiith late ffties and the fear of lsu ?tir cself -rctthrough i1~t puII ll thir wigt IT ssiiat , shie fod tat the telmenand woenwhoîuSt Othe '?lctos, ld)v Dr. S. For- quiestion o boedo. Tey ave, you 1out rmore zthani a1fo11 day's whork, becau1se boreom ridly ,re- duýCs the suagar in your blood. That's xhy y ou feel sleupv -oat dstart ïIo-dding whlen sornebodfy rmaIes a dulI speechl. Th'e sugtr, sayfthe doctors, ila the mïain source o)f energy for the bu- ynmnbrain asud îmuscleýs. SC)he you sit comifrotably i n îarmc-ihaïr, feeing thiorou)ghly Ibrownied off (It happens to all lfissoemsi yo0u'reIusin1g mup as Imuich -energy as you ,would,1expend if eggdi0i iard, phiyýsicýal effortL. Givinig tlit result of se2ven eas sesearch into tiredness, !te doctors say they found that conitiniuaýi au- îity caused by lqjg periodaoi f r- spoasibility imipairs thie glani ids which cotrai the bhlood's sugar- sup- ply. They poinit ont that wý,heýnLan inadquae amuntofsugar cicu lates in the bloo--ini other ,words, whlen yu'rtboed - e brain doesni't fun1ction ro Resulti: theý patient ,eC6meýus igh- ly strung and' easily ftiu ,11Tree ;regular nei ay, wiih otis of poýtatoc, beafrit j uice", and eces-als, and ather tings that ro 41uce M0hlood sgar, flus hlaif al pintý olMill( aI edim, ii)ip h hard-pessedbrainorke 1Cthe oc- lor7s say. A1d an asoalcgaet helpa ot wenyo'e ird o e New Riches, From Seaw--4eed Beds Onue of iudlustry's newmaterials ,i South Afýrica, ox-r ratheýr beiug ecxtraicted fromi thesewdaou- in-ýg in SuthAfrican waters, A facto)ry ijust been estaýblish- edou thl--coast ýat Smntw Cape Prvin e, hefrst of its kind ir. Africai. Therre sacid to lube C'nly fu ohrsueh ilants luthe woDrl-twa laithe United States, ndone e-achlu Bi ritaîn aand Nor- A ii\ ai udtevrions algîn- ate obaiud fomit are used ex- tenivlytoay *la the prod uction Df texytiles, foodsqtu1ffs, film, and plastics, One of the motImportant dis- coveries orCceuttimes iin the use of alginatesii, textýile manufacture. Ujsed as arinrcg thread it ";ab - aveyfine vori to 'be firml.y ovenithoilt dngr)f 'brea,ýk iiu1g, Afterv\wea v in g, t h e aiîg iila tec thread is disleleaving the ma- Îeril as ight ad snsft as the Alginates are spccialli uefl food manufacture. Icecream, ch- -onps and jlieare tikndanid tbilizd ialinae oftothaseliquid soaps sud lo- tions. l i fc new ussare continu- -Aly beinig fudfrthe su-bstanice. Conseuenty thre 1 a growing worlddmndfrit, bt one f r*the diffiltices is',the higli COSos of r.o- dictioni, catiused maîniy ;by the diffi- multy and expense of colecting the An exhasttive suirvey of tIqe ses- wee reoucesof heSouth Afri. aucaastlinie has jnst been oîni - - - ~ -~ ~ - . ~ ingredi NORWVEGIAN PORK CTHOPS 6 pork choûps 2 teaspoons prepa,-red rinstardI Sait and pepper 1 tablesýpon fat 1 meçiumn-sized onion, minced 2tablespoans flour, 1 cap canaed chicken con-Omé ,/ cup lightf cream 1/ cup chOPpeOd cucum.iber tard sud se\ii ih aJIt and pep- per. Brown wýIIell )on ohiesi bot fat inu heaývysilt 'dd n aud Cook 10miuts.Remlove chops, pour oOff ecsfat anzld stir in flour;- a0dd cosomé d light cream .st*rring iïntil sau-e is thick- elled and FIlooth. Returo chops to shPliet and coyver with Ipickýle. Simr- mer 70 to 60 minute, or)I until weii doue.; ed:6potns Rur-alimagistrate"il h ýave t mias o v to git lte dollar that I wa-s fui' e. Gît aut! Ye aial'i guility, aya cýc~a ixIm Frebb pork nia kes for savonry eatiing asudcomparativeix speak- îuof couirse-economical spend- ;ng as Wecil. Tlhoronigh cooking of pork is highly important for healîhi, also to develop fuiiy the rich flavour. An Iideai pork roast should be nniformily boititiciý-ýrust crisp butl not li1r. \\heln cre.theinslideý even au tinge oif pc.Foree u tasteapId i trythi row1 ros1 from t&e houlder cend of fthe por1z loin sectii, yedn aie for, fcur. 0Or gt-thlrceefshcoe mieais from nb -j-cnt rrýsi of porký loin hy hvn the butcher eut off bakhusin serving pieces haiving au lch ticklayer of micar. Braise with tangyha)-rhecue sauce. Cnit cosFor second meal from the rma from the lend piece o e asuc len oast. CROWN ROAST 0F PORK WITH CAULIFLOWER The bahtcher prCpare( thie crown'T roa2st from nb s) ections of 2' porl( linsm, ullyII 14 ta 16 rih-. Wipe wîtýih danp cloth,, sprinkle wth saqIt aud ppprCie s strip of sît ork arounld es-ch nb l)ta preventcarig Rýoast in o)pen painilu. modera5te avenf (350 decgrees F.) 30 ta 40 minuites pe an.or until meat thermio-, mleter registers 195- degrees F. Transfer crown ta bat platter and insert cauîifoaWer boiled sud sprin- kewitb mielted butter. freshly- grated Parmesan cheese asudpapri- ka, or as the Swedish do, roast caiiflow-er the last bour lu the crow, batinig with bot drippiugs. Serve r-a-t with httered vege- tlsud gravy made from di'P- pings. Use grauind trinmîngs, 1 to 2 pounlds for giniger sausage,- turnovers, patties. Yield: 10 por- tions. GI.NGER SAUSAGE Comblline 1 pouud, sausage meat, 2 taiesoonsuîîced parsely. tbspnsminced onians, V/2 cup coppe'd pickle, 1/2 cup 1)rea-dC rms,2 teasp)oons ground ini-ger sud 2 egg yoicks, . Wip )2 egwites until stiff asud faldîinta itue Season wil writh salit sudpepper aud form inta smïiall balîs, Brown in bot fat )oi- er loweat. Yield: 36 halls. BUDGET'BLADE PORK ROAST Use 3 to 4 pounds shoulder end of pork loin. Wipe rosat wi damp cioth and rub with saIt sud pepper. Place roast, fat side up, lu oven raastng pan and -roait iuniaoderate aven (S50 degrees F.), aliowing 3. to 4 mintesa pound, or untîl meat1 thermlometer,-registers- 185 degrees F. Add smaîl whole p ots- tocs the last hour ofraasting. Yieid :c o 8portions. MlARINATýED PORK LOIN 4 ta 5 pounds loin of park /2 lemon J tabiespoon sait 1 teaspoon suggr 15 biacli peppercorns, coarsely grouad 2 bay leaves 1 teaspoon dried thyme 1 teaspoan marjaram '4 cup wine viinegar 1 tabiespoan flour 3/ CLip mater / teaspoon of sait Dash of pepper Me;thod: ubpokwÏtthlemion haîf ane ariki uel wthmixture -)f aIsarans i pprPlace in shiallaw pan nci adbay leaves, thymei, mrjra sd inegair. Re- frigerate verigh. oat upan in maderate aven (35legrees F) aliowing 30 ta 3 minutes a ponind. '4 cuip minced oulon V2~ teaspoon dried sage 1. teaspoon dried mint I .ctaspoan alIspice 1 cup appiesauce 2 table paons horseradish Met1hod Rail- ont pastry '-ich tick suad cnt ont eighî 4 inch rouind.,Spread rounds wýýth pre. pred utstard sud plce cnp sesudsansage oiu h'ait of pastny. fo1(iiIn ther IIsýîf vnadseal w-iîbfrkh ak u o ae1450 degrees F.> 15 mnts rîni sauce saae ibh- rds Yil:4pniî STUFFED PORK CHOPS 6 park chops, il, ladies thick 3 -talks cclery, chopped 2 sprîgs piar-tselye, rmiaced Scup crauberries, chopped 3 tablespooas butter, melted i cp hread erumnbs Steaspoou sait Pinchi of pepper iteaspôon dried miat Steaspoon pouitry se.'soniaig M e~tho d: iHaIv e butit che eult pockets thiroujgiithne leali paritot the boue of Esch hop.Situff it dres.sing made by cambiIng illte liDlurig rcettheedaJcn coration wih nited St-, atescu io hnl ealth Conc, elee groups earned tatprgramsto per eent iabetes,ganj baddris- the uited Sttes is oewegtand thepeetgs ma1,y be-,as hgb as 60 per centu iiiwornlen of the 50 l'O 70-earagegroup. heincdec of diabe(tes Îincreasing at the rate, of 50,000 cases each yerl mr thantie as great in obese adults as iin the piersons.of averaeweighit. Eighty per cent of diabetes in adults is associated with obesity. Hlint On- The Care, 0if Nylon Articles Wht ules there are for the cýare ofnyon are few aud simple. WASHING. Ali proplerly made nylonl fabrics are wsal-a vwash esl in mîl)d soapy suds. DRYING. Afte-r tiiorouiigh rins- ing, rolin towel, then býýang up to dry. Nlndries fat, t ùla aso co),lplete'Ly saisfatory t-(j pdr WITENIN. ,Nyngam tsee irn nlonGor ryon sttins) eti a sear 1iron, Grm£ents.,, may bd-, irone CESru damp oradry LUIG henlo ty othe gamens wi nots bar-,, BLEACHES Ston sureac oeaken ce.nylon nst a the ',i lro i dirtios o nscs ON THEIR WAY OUT According to the Bureau of Agri- culture Eco>inomicq of the Dcp;irs- ment of Agricuilture, thiere ae fewer thanl 2,000,000 horses iii the United States. For the year .194c, these figureýs show a dlecline of7 pe cntan 6per cetinbe num-1 b)er of mnules, The peak in the fliua- 'ber of borses was 21,430,000, reacli- ed in 1915. fla 1925 there were stili ,000,)000 horses on farmis. Ti de- cline i horses anld vules is pro- eeedinýg at sucil a rate that the suppiy canncot be spaintinied even et the present fiigure. 'Ttfe Canal« 44 oweq ma to.. 4fau ATribute frolm Calvert to Canadians, of Dutch Descent DiSTiLLERSZ (Canada) Limited