Fu:'e~' Swawbrc eturnedl o with er un eand ;aunt, -Vida ,t. Clir v.*ofdM .T.Gabulýo SATUDAY~APRIL 7 ---- 2 P.-M. H-oPALONO CAý1SSDY in "F0 L'S GOILD"1 , ALs o....... Don't miss the Fjrst Chapter of that Exciting Serial BATMANA N D RL FRIDAY - SATURDAY -- APRIL 6 -7 UINDER QUANTRILL'S nBLACK FLAG THEY RODEV Audun s ~n ag e~ c "BAFMA1N AN%ýlL) ROBýli3N" MON -~TUTES. TMovietlone News ÇartoonShort VTED. - THURS. APRIL il -112 out al ADULT piclure . Color Cartoon her auntMs J. T. ece MRaIymou)d Gimernoi sato ed A.i Trenton wifth!0isparentps Mi Mrs.ZenaCarllaw %itIliher sis- teMrs. WilI!is JTns We xted()11 sn! pth to th1 The ndi!iIoo<d w s slocked te earof he uddn pss&'gof sMe Howa Wlso, daglier f NMr. and Mrs.Staleyj, stn.To lier fami ily e exendoursy ahy (neddfor, last week)0 Thanuo"ferng sËMervce of the Wý. M . S a edon Qood Feiday aft enoonIl\wîth augood 1attpndance. Twenv-lveof the Afterinioti nd Even ing Alixuiliay of Ov 1-i')wce gueý'Stss. C. Purlev, the president J'esded.Thepastov-r., evLacaster ren th sciptr~.Mes .A. A. Drurm mould of Oyroniogae an iuspi;iung ad- drees dc ing deelitoa C1risian ePNJerieuce wliich could be ouirs b: tskng od t RIFS r.A -practical eveyda rligonwliicýh ostld carvp 1lI t1ie ils + f the present dday. in d1iiduaL, national anid internatieinal Mres. A. Redknap acmaid by Mers. R. I{allowel1i sang a fitio 77hich was mc prcntd The paster. pecnouneed !the Benedietiorn A. social houe over a cup noftea and simple bus delico lus lundi brough the imprenssie sersce tu 'aclose. Vat a scrumptious cakLe... hlighi, oitand delicious. You can teil it's made wîth butter, for only buteias thai t reameryfresh !Cvur tS rich il)aitural itainsii, h fighla nfood energy. So if youi wolid be falmus for flulffy, cakes anid feathiery Litr, se golden butter.in al your bakinig. DAoIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU 409 hiURON STREEi TORONTO, ONTARIO tvru1.Low. andl Juce flave re- tundhome after spenin1g a %w&uk i Tononto visting relatives. Kenny Martineli s,,p,,,n'ýt Easter Ea'ster- week 'with his two uncles at The Box SocialI and Dance hh was postpon1ed last week is being hel onFriaynight, April l»~. il "eds amein aid of the Red Cmos. At a mneeting held àu Kenal on iMirc'h 219t, the Kiendal Basehbail, Tearn waus once again orgainized for the 1951 seasmn. The Fo10iowhg OS- firve vo<4 leted MnagrRoyv coich, ArtL ow; asýsitant cua.ch, Il. GYanril;cptatu, John Tho)nip-Soi,- aisatcaptein, Bd 'uroux; sec - tren s., MWItcon Robinson. Thiefuea service of Mrs. S. Pat- ton, Who passed awav at the home orf her Sl.zýer, Mves. M. Sovner, took place lb h'erndal Unîlted Chiurcli on Fri- lay fe'ooMrch 3Itte P'~.D. T. Lancaster ofcatn.The hvns"Unto the Hilîs" -,nd "My F~hLooks up to Thae" were, sung. Mr. JmsS.,abikrendpred Ithe eft' "Be 1de ue Glle acoom- nanied bv Mrs. Janies wrbi "And the eveningr and the roýing were thle firi:t day" f rosan- the first chap)ter of Gelliý:Cs.es, eplain1ing that aroter the Shadlow cnes thelig*-t. The p9Mererc were; Moesrs. Johni Patton, T, T. Bell rturTho'mpsýon Millon Rbno.J. 1H. Ci rdion and Fred WViýx'ren. Tbe loe-aes Mdepcmer 'ud 11. Carscadden. There were man:11V beatitiful f1loral irbue ntenrerit was made in Orono Cene- tery. Our semuaties are extended toa the beeeaved fasul. i Mr. a-nd M ,s. -)oy K a dended the iea of )J"s- S. Patton and bad innr 'wth r. and Mes.lM, hdiso efore, eeturing ýto Orilli-1 Mr. urusS ver 11as, gon1e to spead n feîwweeksu with 1Mr. an< M1-. James S',]ennof Oshiawa, Mes Fdna ole of Tondoi- n d M-, 1NPEWTON'V'ILL 1 E ýe it r ie it ~MOVIES Orono Town -1iall $at., Apr. 7 SHOWING, 'LAUREL andj HARDY 'A Uhunip Ât Oxford "SAND AVND FLAME" also ~RNSHEEP VUN Doors oper, 7.3q p.m.. Admilssion - Adui1ts ,' 35,. Stifdents 25c. 3er HOPE Fn. -Sat. Apl 6 -7 "Iwo Flags West" With Joseph Cottonl and Lindat Darnili C-A5OINEAIEY Mion to Wed, ~p 9-11 "YD CMMB, ADMISS ION\f - - 50 cents SPECIAL, Boy's length Socks, ellastie to-ps, sizes 7 to1, selling for a pi.............. 3c DrsssLaie'Cotton print, new patterns andc styles, -.1 sizes,............. ......... $ 29 8 Aprons, T acies' Coverali with bib, eac h .. 7kç. jeans, Gils sanforized Denim, side zipper, sizes 7' to -; 4 pair -for........... ... $2.50 Table C.oth, Plastic, size 54x72 ipnches, each ..$LU,9 White F'_ýielette, 27 inches, yardit........38c. Ladies' _'Ï ibber Gioves, sizes 6 1-2 to 9, pair.. 49c. White Dï*inerware, Cups o4fly, 2 for.....3e Glovers ~oe n Vegetable Seedts, choose early while ùJe assortment is compl1ete, 3 pkgs....10e Stema'~Quick Dr.y Epamnel for 'good results at a mode~4eprice, 12 pint . 45c, uart ..$5 GROCERY FEA'] Hein~z 2 eGherkins, 12 ounice bottle..... 38. Caiiadiaxn 7heese, new lb 57c.' Shejled Wa'lnuts, C ozs. -. 21c. Wagstaffe'; Black Currant Jam, 24 oz. jar ..ý.... 49c. Salmnon, FaJlc y Keta, large ~-in -ï)v qq L'LJRES "0OR BEST RÊSUL1ýSES BKER'S v~EE* S CHOCOLATE Chipits Cookie Mix, mnakes about four doz- en dieicious cookies, pkg. . 35c. Columbfflia Raspberries, Choice Quality, 40 p.c. syr up, large 20 oz. tin ... 37c. riushed Pineapple, SwetTeat, f ancy qulity, 20 oz. tins........ 23c. Jiffy Popping Corn, 15 oz. pkg.. . 2c 70.Chite Cheese Ritz, Crackers, pkg . .24e. URONO 5G;PCTO e$1.OO STORE VflTTR PflPITT4AR SHOPPI~NG CENMTRE i - s v '~4~ "f -1- C= OC= OC= 0 ý= 0 C-= 0 0<==>OC Coming Next ,.eek ôCanada's Greates t,-'rug Sale THE REALLQ ý0Bvanyone of the hu dreds of items on the sale and get another one just like it fronly ONE CENT f Remeber the Dates, né t Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 0 APRIL Ilthi 2thi 3th and l4thQ Q ac for our One Cent Sale Bill in thc-mail this week-end.Q ~The Store wiIl be open every evenîng dur ing the Sale until 9 p.m. gBe wise. Shop early during the sale or phone your order early. We Deiver 'Y TRREL L SDRUG STOREj n NEWCASTLE LIONS CLUB CASH B-INGOe *SPJLT MILK TO 0 New,-ïastle Coiniunity Hall ý CZY OVER Qif you are, vou are aso pros, s Q To lbe safe insure. 1 do Q 0 Reulair ames - 5 pe-l aes - 1 Free Game CALL a g NF.PRTE L1 Share The Wealth - Jack Pot eORONO, On. $FO9 LIONS WW & under 15c ffl