ROND WE Vol. 15 Noý Il ORONO, ONT., F-IURSDAY, ARP., Sth 1951 Subscription $1,50 per Yý Orphans Win Protest'To Meet Nobleton Tonight Ttlîla nfw apparent thnt to man- age a Jno Hockey ttam nealias to ,quaiify in a nuIasber cf professions. Te> 13e manager or a coachr is certain- !y ise;t enough, yen mst add te ths -he qualificaions of a lawyer and a privat'e dettactiva. This point iras beauý brouglit te tire thie wlnter anýd spring witir &,e O.H.,àpay ow crias in thihtie Oro Orpirans have taken part. Aurora siarted tire bail rolling aferding sr'r ivate eye work, with thea fi'ret prte luwhic Or-ono' lest to f !ils >Iiye, s oni a teinical ~miuuerran' g. Howeýver, thIs didiotdsqunify Orono for wiren a- nuddieu dentil gaina wns playad'Ïlu (>srantiey <provedu toeitahie btter oeno thee ice tiras eliminating Aurora frein Vira play-offs. T'ire next opposition maet by -tire Orono) squad -%as Lynduiurst 'airo -výere ±ouuid to be n teai paeked Nvith poe7vr aidhockey and scorýii»g ahil- ity. L-ntire best cf hee sre Orono caine out on thie short end'i wth uflyl a tie wile Lynidiurst raoeked up twcu winp.s and'n tie. This ga('a LyndIturest tila Easten Ont11rlo0 chnnipioniship ard eliinmuated tire Orpirans. How- ever ýwith a littia deýtective work O)ronoj feIt they lad grounide to cuir. -, t .a, proteet as it was found tint iday of meIt waek, laý a tw0o hour ceýs- sica-, "tins point wsprýoven by tire thieOrrn a green igir !,te vac t- le Hie extsteD lan 01P play-off ld da.Týýins rul!ing by ireO.I.. i gýave Orionio tira EstriaiOnitarlo Prtsesean te tnphiy as impor- tant nr-i on'Ira- succe(-se cf a teaI n- doe,_s tire ,ibility te p)lay hockeyý but tIra axtenit te w1htIirHierules are ociersîtepped jicrtinya detrinent -_ote- liswne port nrd if nllow'ed, wednîu will tend' to darupea tisi This Tirurcday ih will agncee hie Orpliras iii action ait tire Oshiawa Areira when hey areet tlie Juilior D entýry froua Nobleton. Thecse, two tenswill botIr be fightiýg srn or- Ut is tire seuil-final-I series aid tr victor frein tlire scieisewili adîamre te ir finails. Thre gaine is cailled for' 8ý.30pair. For tire garoce tire Orpiane wiibe m-inUîs tbeir reguilar go)al tende-r, B>ud Bel, ir on Monday- un-; d'erwent an operation for appendlit- Wthtie prc-eieneof sprjiig it lepozsIbletIn thyeu will haive oaly aý few chances left te ins oky z;o .ets taira advaintagIe f a sPriug dieai-d tire hce an o gt Incdanall, slrig, rasreniaidedi uïs ýtntHie tnlk amonîgs't tie sports cf tire village are holding along tirle 'llne of hasýball lui tIre village Iis ye-.More about t1ins w11(111dtails -i e deit. Farm Ponds Se As A Good Investment Wator cnevto sa nmatter that is receirvinig ice&i attention in Ontario, prl as a resuult of the înereasedi interest iii inan.y phasesl of c1 srato.Rowv another important reasoii is to be forind in thestae of water tUtha basbeen eneou'tered on inany Ontarlo farins wýitiini the past few years. As al result 'faim ponds are beComnin1g innraaiglypopular, and weh they igtacecrdinigy îVo an off icial ofi the Ontarieý Departmnt of Agricul- tuel ege on te poinit out tha', f'I arn pdis can serve a very useful Purpqose when installed t( rvd water for tihe stock w,ýhein the supply of -weil water runs Icw. By cornserv-l ing' this water, ilt also hebps to store spring -un-off and to hacrease the grourid water supiply. Th is he 1psi inaintain the flow of springsý and streames A pend nieatr the buildi<rigs eau also ser.Ive as a water supply toi- be used lan emnegency for fire protecltion. At the saine thne, rtgard1e3s' of location it ca [elp provide recreation orthe fami'ly, both bys servirg as the old swimIiuia'hoe "an.d, if stoclced wxith fidh, a-s a place whIere tlhe fi1ser1m of the famu ily can - while away some On! ilanly farmrs the building Of n fain piondc is niot too big a JOb- if the Srairuils through onescto or the fearm it nay beh se nsth 'm uc fwater sPply an' 7 1d a pond caii be deveopditerihtonth streai by vda',mniing or 1one nea11-11 anbe imade with nby-assrua- aing roreHie reek t the ond. 1T1 otr assthle pond my be bulît weeit cattches andiffl sruaff watler f"o1I1 sp itliaws anI Id froni raýine. The tyvpe of r pI4n wiI d epead ' lor, !fie oatoadconditionisn the individl 0fari. DeCscipt'ins of al these typ)es of0 ponids, aaid outlines of details of their costrucinae al containedi ini a bulletinof thie ntario Depart- m ent o (f Agriculture, under the tit1le of "Farm Ponds". This cari be ob- taad rin the office of the Agri-- cultuUral Represeirtative or by writing to thýe qtatisties and Publicatis Branchi of thre Ontarilo Departient of Agriculature, Parlianrent Buildiaýg, Torono, Ontarlo.-Thbe bulletin is le- sudfree of charge to farmers re T- siungin Ontario, but there is aI on-i liai chreto thase living ,ouitside Do YOu Remember? Do yourememer tIe weekiy ser- laIs in laite movies. 1How you thri-o e .th. Ïe RcIyal Thea-trc at Boamn- his aek vr rdynih m Saudynratinee vyou aa thrili to, spin-th-llingexcitenrentin Thei Necessary To Have Pérmit For Smelt Fishing. TlireDea-arenit cf Lande nad Feetias iîadtire fou ang l- LerainWirifaana sinei fillgfGr parsoni use only. I_ Fisýiring for Sninit %viereaal- ieo eseqaia-ed, Sinlt Saine Li- cence. Tue l ýicence, pe;inits tire use of a sa up Vo Hinty feet long and six feet deep, or a dip net net to exceed six feet hy six feel, for tira takingc sanl onyfor personlal usýe andi not fr salie. It le vaIid durinrg fie ornir fAMaici, -April and Ma y oép y.Tire licence will h issued by the regular licence issuaes, lu tire principal sentifsiing wa s.Tire fee le oaa dollar. 2. Fisimg for Snî for paIrsonal usa wmitbout a lcne (a) Thr(ea forcI dip nt ()Six foot dip net. set'n(1) of Hc Sp'cia,] Fisliery Reguiaios saelte nrl a itken wit'hout a lPicence in a dip nýet noti more than six feet s zquare -or six feet n diamai(terj, b,:ean sunrise am neduring tIre lmontb s cf Api idMaiy Oely. Fishinig for salt by nny inrean's is priohiibited in the wtr ec ibe i sectMion2 cf thre pecil Fsiers Reuliton. hese inciude thle waters lin te Çoentiesiof Vitoria PeteAniberugir, Nrim ra4and Duiohami Howvever, the tnklug of netwill bha penritted in tirh atr of Laike On ýta r Le frontinig tir Quinte Breeders' Association Add Shorthoras For Service The Quinte Gattle' B3eeder-s' As8so- ciation, Belleville has now added a battery of excellent Shorthorn builis for service in counities from Fron-, tenac West, te Du.ham. Ir, Dur-~ hââm the service covers the follow- ing TownshiMs; Hope, Clarke, Dar- liginOrtwý,riîght. Th~e South halîf of _Manrvers nay be induljded if ïbhe niilage ije within'the range of the iniseinaitor-. Nosth Manversma b serviced by the Mapl-iye Breýeders As-, axýiation throughVct a adCaa frain thle saine unit thirough the Peterboruugli Office. A 'bull buyý*nTg roiiiiittee con.- sdsin'g of Russýeil Osîbo.rue, Newcast- le, Johni Lean, Cobourg R.R.6 ind R. H. Grahani of the Live Stock Branch' Toronto, purchased t.he four top priced buille at the Ontario Beef Cattie hnprovem-ent Assioc. Sa le in Toronto on Wednesday, Mlarch 21 The four ýbulls' and the prices paid <L-Kiburie Ranisoin Chh-ice -1,4- purdhaaesd from Robt.L. MýKinley aind Son6, Morpeth Ont. for $1,N00.00}. 2. RansoTm Mint -32072ýý- purch-~ ased froro Roslyn Fet Oakwood, for $1,400.00. This bull was Grandl cham'pion indulvidueiRl when close to ore hundred, andj forty Sorthborn bulle paraý_ded bpfore the Judges on~ 8).-Sco4,tsdale Delegate -315310-pur- chasedu fron S. G.Bemnnett, George-, t.nfor $,700.0.The sire of this bull ,Calrossie Atlanie Wnýve is a haif brotiher to the four bulls brlugh-the ighiest prices ait thie 4. cotandElite-17-pirh- eýd froniSG.entt ru tiihetop piefor. Shorth"orn bis$,5.O Tis is a big gotysmocoth Ran- Maygond -udes cfShnon shudbe of reat benefît to fboth the rpure hrdb ndgrade Shrt'ornl bretiders in the Gounties crri,(ed. The four- bulîs are now%ý at t he I'Mercer's Restaurant Closes Faund's To Open May lst On Saturday, Mardi 31st, Merce.:'s Restaurant, -which oecupied thre store àwre' by Mrn Ernie Dent, closed its dorrs after years of business inle Cemns111uinrty. Howevert-hie s tore je to be reccupied by M.Dane Found who wiitl carry on in tlhe restaur-ant Êbusiness, We wnderstand that this store spae l Voundergo xenieren- ovation and neceesary facilîties te bej aidded te nreet tre approvai E)fthie ,1Jepartment of Henliihi for the oper- a'ting of a --estaurant. Mr Pouaid ias oMbained âniodern equipiiieitii for thre prepartI-ng o<f 13 od and' is' ob e installed in tire renovated building. It is exipected that thie new enter- prise e tie village will opt-n around thre first of May. It is Iea.rned thnt, thirough his media wHil h availatble the usual i-un of restauranýt sunidries, and oeaIls. fane aise xet to be aible to c-ater to Banquets and other social funictions. stables nt Belleville eituated one concession No,-tth cf No. 2 HighwNýay and about .two iles; west of thre city. Those wsm~ to visî;t tire Breedere Prýoperty, to inatspeet the bulle may turan'-ioirth at the rnilroad cemetery jusIt befor-e coming to the ralroad croesing weet of BelîveIle These wsigto jein the Durireia Unit la DarlIngI-ton nnd C,-,r-twrlg sýihould contact the TecIinician, Leý,o Sliort,Bo ani'ePoe29,f la tieoth'er part of Drri otc GordonWlgtClarke PhonýIe 1620 Fr furiiiter ifrain contactt a-iier of theose men whoMI do the wvlorlk or E ,A .Sunreners, Agricultural1 Th'sa isiingto bec-ome nmbers! aynrýake settiment wýith the tecr-1 aihas wbe nthey r - equ ire thre1 svieor they ay leave a chaquei ýt tire Jepartsnent of Agricultural (Contîaued on paLge four) Durham Vêegetable Growers Voice Protest 0f Prices Set' meseventy-five flarinie, irai- 1yers cfthie Durrai Couoty Vege- table Growý-erS Ascatowara un- nirusin pretaestiag tire 1951 pncsset loy tire enniniig lnîdstry, at a meetijng hed ila hie Newcastle Connmunity Hall on Fridny aftar- aon, MaDcir 23rd. Tom Sirrahit naire attended price nagýotiatins andire ,suisLquelit ni-- b-it1rtion i la lniten, offared infeor- mration relative to tHie positon takaro býy tIre p1rocessors mlcrprovad"f ar froin sisfnllter-y." Acco(-rding to) in- forimation received, "tire urowers cf caaning ci-eps are f ar fi-cm satis- fnad iitirH ë i peeat pries nnd con- ditios of sale offered by tire ca- PA.ýces irandad dxwin by HLiie ArIbit- raion Board for tmanhoas l$2per ton for No. 1; $'22 Par ton for NW. 2, anod $27 par on for uingraded te- mratoas. T'oe greenpan,, price le set t $3 par ton -,vit,',.$7 paýr busirel sea. Seetcern price le 23 paer TIrh fnimesare asýking $35par 1 on, for No. 1 î4hnatees; $25 par ton r Ne. 2 anrd $30 par ton forungrad- Ad toratees. Tira priee askad for -rean pans je 95 pear ton nord qwtet con$25 prloi. Pnior to taig hie racol1ution Lloyd Crago, preseat cfthie Vage.. tabla Grewers Can Crop Association for Durhan County: Vice-Presideitt Harold Ky-ta; tire di rectors,, Tomi Sir- ratLt, repravseatativecof Eastara Ont- arilo on tHieMarketinig Board ; CIra:- iae Btrougirton, p-esidnt cuf Onitar-iQ1 Vegatable Growars; Wairden George W<altoii end a nany grow\\er.osspoka an-i drigtire stand taka-n at tr et deg, and ais tire stand taken by Norl- thiumnharln, Eiýissex, EKant,Otao nd otllriecounties. Il le undarsilhod that unlees tire prces paid hy tie procassors ara in lina wliHie above farners' erhd1~they intam itwlVrhOldinug fi-cm contractinig in 19à54. Ona farinier epokeernan onace saîd, "It would seai itnihog fain co-isein labour, noaterialand) Mnlnery jýj-7ara Steadîily rielin^g, thre vegetaia goweslong irith otherv lines cf fairiug day, ar-a not au.-1 titlad te a fair siare o)f profits md, a decent stanldard c Çf living altirlougir teytake Hlie r!lsk cf prodaeinig del f ccd te fseed He natin."ý Hae further intinmaed tirait al gr-cirer iare haing rqusIdte;stnd iri lr ira v -iai i ena ir e Friday meeting tb r esure tirey CHll 'ecaive "ait lent a fair pric-e" for tire pro- daIlce tiey grow for Vrahce ninl-j dustay.i Cou neil Discuss School S No. 2 Petition 0f Witli A fuli attieudance of the Clarke Towný,ship Council, witbthtie exception of Mr. J. D. B.roývn., wvbo ixad boat tend another meaeting, met i~n tire Coun'dll Chamber, Tuesday, April 3 The eounieil receîved twe tendersi for tira crusbhing ami hauling ofl grnxndl a11i accapted tire tendel. re- coived i froutire -R. A. Blythe Co. at Mc- . per e<ýubie yi-rd for ecruashing la the ibin, and crushmug and hauliug a price of 9e per cubie yard piaced on, tire Towvnship renýds a ts di;reted. Tire cubs'idy fir the 19-50 ýroad ex- pe-nditures ,ansi>.eved and foundi that the gros,; suhsidy of $31,8 34.971 had' been receavad. Thre okwlg is the content of tire lajtai- receiveycd frein the Department eof Lands and Fotrests witir regard toi *the purehase of lande by' tie Cr-owni. Tt wns statedu tirat 50far s er; b aascertnined, it liras been the pli'cy of the Deparýtient, nnd 0f tiregoe- 1ment in Igeneelal te pay taxes for ecirool puropses, w'here eiloyeocf the Depnntnent a re resident on Cro-wn properties withîiu erganized mianicipalities. Wirare Crown lands are vacant tiratis, have nho resident employees, -no scireol taxes haýve beau pnid. A cnpy, of thris letter 'aras senit te tire sî'h'ool sectinn desirig nc Thie m e of discussion en cur-j rient yenr doýg tax was tabled fioýr thel next meeting.l A petition sge by Mesesrs. W. H. min od CatsBedmow i ws re-ý cevdon behaif cf tesdgaed rate- payersc ihool sectioni No. 2, Town- sýhip cf Cak.The ninsofthiesa peopl *appa ,mngOR 2epaf ion are in favou ithdnw frein i- he CareToýwnsip Ria cro r ea. The pttoowsrend fte counicil aand ltwansdele t hi reasen Vo *hrn frein Hie area, wýqn atr haief that tî]ns Schllool sectin. o.2,7wrepain eý xtea- sivlytowrdt3l ke p and eiper- tien cf tire other irulswitimn the( are. N("inferaratien, irowvrwa Thef CouaIcidscse th e Public SoolsAct and the eperatio-)n of Tow:nshiip Schioo Areascý f Ontarlo andl coedrdfiontireir findcings tcthtie Clerk ha nthocrized -te have the, uaýcassary 'JnforIlirn tilou rought ireflorethie next meeting cf Ceouncil. Mr. T. A. Raid, on baýhalf cf the Ganaraska River Ceonservationi- Au- i'or)1ity, eae Ille ifeirp1ss ofr p-ogreis ýtlint had resrrltedfri tire, anue lvies of tte suîberdiýnte muniîpaltie' wtâihmu reCountieps continueIrle GaInaraIýka levy fo)ran Ire 'fVe', atir ouclaprv ed cf Ins axped mture nrdlatu cd Hie Clarkt, have thetnece- arv in- formaion dnftidlab-1iaw f 0On tire u nairioisiaipoval cf council, qa arobir iiwns paýssied,nu tozmngtire ClerIk te o unetire ecsaybv-laýw teose ie ron aPnnce batcen bs 24 and35 cnesi on 5. I a osdrdtn this ~ ~ ~ ~ b ro0 aVss- le aeaoi' an'd ~ I) rIildbyte Departineof tindtliret tins rond allowaace(, ad net heen used nor it intiaaed h-y-the Spring lieuse Cleanirng Easy Throagh Orgawnzmng Theenmass npieavenl in tira irni whtih used te mnaire giýoÀious sipring dasquite unlbearable bugbaars for tire mirola faniily can ire atmost an- threliy ellsumà,nated wlti a 'utIle p1an- ning acordiing te Kay Taggart, Superiser of Horme Friir efor thea Winen's Institute Braneir, Ont- aie Departiment cf Aigicutu1re. Sire dJahne thre niime-nhme <miaker witb, i1er mùdera ,equipient doe 3week by week, lemving ol a few au-nual jobýs fer thre Eprinig. If tis vary d'esrable sta(te of af-. faire iras not heen acàiavad ila the home niedy Miss Taggnrt sug- gests developing ai routine fer ex-~ tra weekly dcing ý-whiieir will nake lt possiible. For examiple on cleaning day (if encir wveek, ail pictuares ena ha taken doiwin, das.e:d and cleýaned. An~- other week, tira tops of doocre, win- do-we andi tire woodwomrk eau ire given pcalattention -- and so on arouand tira claudar. 1f tis src a seiredule ie fol- lowad, Miss Ta-ggnrt eys tire will only hca nfew epecial jobs left for zat- tention in Vire spring. Wjiadtow wash.- ing lis oa1- of tliese nord a ,-ood linmec Vo ramoe athre smooky inerdirt ifrein our vrwiadows is wirîjea iredn Iwilidows are rairroved and tr creePut on. -Any cf tireexlat deirnercel isesclenarswill irelp witlirtIre j'oh. If puwn a home- ceai cil or vnearte tire water. Fo olsigthre glas a harois clo,,ll Ae ire p ferlwidow cnlaing ie teirv taro pi'pepia ontijo b. If oa oksinside adndeaoutside Htie windwVols ulstir te poSrS'jility o) nisLng inlispots. lr ')r fteaI Can (CoatiauIled o age ""F 1ve} Tewrsirp n a assblerond for tirq past3l~ e 35yaars. Tirýe Cle'k -ws authiize-d to re-. quast tire Townsijp Solicitor te, uIp "n agreem(-en(I' t e1 tirhePc-. par-tinenit ofLadeanrd Forests. andc t Irajs Tewrvý? ýi r) wi"tir diret- C ,-c onIlCe rn t t ire MEiNl'da-m rend tllowranco. itwa fait tit tlire T'ncrisio-uid neutie reýsponIsible fo rend iasheutscaýus. ad by flooding tire pend res.exces- svy.It is Hiewish ftire council te u.pliol'd tireraposiilityontfiris i:V- an, reeud u HepI wodgtir Tirapar oachrs or h were of oraadoe workl on tie r s 'Id Vo present tire o bile t tie twnsrlpoffice Mr. PRocsDiimsars asW dlirep-cti- for, tir tange "Love"ý Theme For Spcal Easter !Il Former Orono Boy Purchases Business InBom vil Orvono boy aa,,d a son cf Mr. and MLss.tandis carryang on1 HiýeaxceptionIall quiL LI exvBucldîaly,liras puroýhasedtHie sevice ',Of hicS pra(dicessor, Ma rk ipac Atki nFwrSirop at Bmmnvu Akis.M uh ýiclir sinýethie scod f AprUI rs IÉ je tire initentions cf Mr. andi Mrs. ais( beau operatedc by biina under tire cap- BucýkleY te adId to tirle fa cillitias ai-ba ton c)f Bonari Flo-wer Sirop. roadiy avaiIableý at tire Flower SIroj. cri, Mj ~Foi th ire pupose cf ctininîg greater Ms1 MrPuckley is vireli mnou, in thl ae tho tire flouai-(,s tfie instali- bo crmntybvinigliveibierce forfanewr ng-atpi eýet-Fl cjý d ieIre ltter part cf-April. Tise Wi Recnt.1 Mr. and 1/v~ Wri np i. B jjil) 4-l, -lyli ... onr) e isl M linary AatxiIîlo- C)f A. Dru Il e uie Chanr ,ias ield on Tuos- an l. i sý. ý, after'noon in tire Mas' uie al rlifltaik ài neueiioiacf tire Eveaing Aux- tpodacWon la ry ns gueste.RMs. Chance WModeaN meulmre esidanlt, had charge cf tiire ee- tIcster n nd Ms.M.VH. Statptes iras at lvfotrat -piano. A report wns imade onI tire life cf CIr'iSt q of cloMbrig te ha sent nwny 0foi sandcre ajrd ,a(ae need. A lot cf speelai loir1etdof 1ina giras alrady beau brought lain e- 1patiencep,ki ase, rive large qulîts andtw Y3 ilesns, lieDolnations cfcotrng -s- andirnlt. oialy irldrn', ar'y ha left ah love;is servi eW. J. Lct' bsweek. I usTt etrIi eo reiotd it five dollars lad Peter avexvei en ment btir le oM. Snire Maient- ,ques'pt Vint iai Fuad. Tire Ltrt Secretnýy challenge te 1-. N. F. Portel-, introduced tire pDaster plM oirs, ile tire lirai-y at prese-nt. MiUssMar , tî Ahi Sherwin nssieted by M 1-1H.ser-ve, tfruly decend-uctdad e inet irelpfiu1 to l jirelo, c ontodaadby d lan ar ich e gav on Lov", i - 01gmd perd nall innees, good ccurytesy, il- 1