Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 5 Apr 1951, p. 4

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Ex. -- No. 1 OUTSIDE WHITE- ISPECIAL ...... $5.40 a gai: Regular ...... $7.00 LESS THAN WHOLESALE A Large Seiec- Aiso iied2t a-so tion 0f Ultra White Ripolin Lmtd2t ut Radios Spred Satin, ail cokrnrs __________________ ery Serious Shortages ALSOCHEOTHEmmARAINS SAVE 115 p.c. BICYCLES TRI CYCLES WIVGONS ROLLER SKATES LDOLL CARRIAGES qq-ts J03sp Joenb E £9' ý IIsWJ.iuA 1 oK Jdau o~ lielia.s i:teIr. STORE WIDE SALE 0F BARGAINS Final iuring Sale Sphone 89 r i SAVE $65.oo on a well known, make of 12 eu- ft. REFRIGERATOR ALSO 5 OTHER MAKES AND MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM AT BARGAIN PRIÇES No Ref unis or SExchanges ELECTRIC p E Free Dellivery Anywhere ASSIFIED OOLUMN-"Q. ýING EVENTIS Kay's Bea4y Salon yil be',In S d )Public Sehlool eretta M day, Tu y, Weenesday, Apil i the Town Ha- Friday9,1an i whilE nttendingnthe S.010 p.m. Tekets 40c.HarDes Co ti. ac à4 of the 0o ne United aied by k liPareptsFO SL ittýd freef b4-c -e Manure, Spread- s$20«.and UP, issell taŽriJean Dises. M8" plats $2lü ar Club nmeeting wil be Flieury -tmr'4bor Po~~~ut os Clarkçe Union Scool on, Hayqboader, , aIl steel $225. e na fi 2th at 8&30 È.m. Pro- flexcible drlg Harrow. 1:5 t-j for $69, ich. a-they dumpý theniselves. PipJack. leo's' botinDAp Fre'eze NOTICE andl Rôfri ýreraition $510- and iip. r, f the 9lronq' igure Milk Cooî4s, "milher, ýýrinders. Rcoi- ahg1lers. Seveillused pachin-es, dises, Jmeen'ting - 'ýthe OronD wagens, p Oys n&He-eferd BuIL. îgClub ilb edo 21- r.SeeCatran ';' 12 at the, Beaiver. Phone. n Todid. Clarke Ail i ersand par- 15-20i. e1 'te d b-12-e _______________ DFÉAD LIVE STOCK HsePicked Up pi'omptly Hos"Co-%s, Heifers, Sheep, p' aind new borai Cairre " We Iay for Horýses.z:Cow-s and ýîeifers 1As an added seviewe ýiii co- operate with your vt ainin 2Vz-,c Per lb. for F ehorses. cICali llect B!e 1nville 2679 MAR4ÇWILL teIR FARMS T one49-tf SALE REGISTERS The undersigned lins received in- structionis vo seil by puhlic auction tractors and ail kinds of tractor equirniment, the property of Mr. F. S. Allen and Sons, Joihn Deere and B A. dealers, 3 miles west of Beowmanville on No. 2i Higliway. Sale wiil be held on iSnturdiay, AIpril 7th at 1 pmJ. Reid, Auctioneer. R. H. Blakely is selling by public auction bis vaiuable Durham Cattle, Sheep, Potate>e, F eed and Machin- ery. Sale will le ieldeM at Loti24, con. 3, Manivers Twp, halef way between Millbrook and PentpeoI on the county road. on Tuaesday, Aipril 10 at 1 pm-. Farn Sold. Jack Reid, Auct. The Horses, Cattle, Sw\ine, Mach- ineýry and Furniture, property of H. Mgalot 26, con. 6, Clark<e Twp.l will be onffered foi- public ýauet9on on -1o ndnty, April 1*1h. at 1 p.nt Fan ,"sold. Jack Reid, Auctionieer. Tfhie property of M. Berri8, inelud- iftg valuable livestoek, machinery, and furnilture will be offered for auction at lot B. b-roken front, Clarke T1wp. on, Saturday, Aipril 14th. Ja£k Reid, Auctioneer. Orono Tinsh op Now is the time to talk about Eavetrough R. E. LOGAN phone 18-10 and RotWae CALL US FOR ESTIMATES HARRY E. LYGETT Phione 8,1 r 12 ORONO - ONT. BUY WITH CONFIDENCý - A T - d - Art's Car Maret ;HOME 0F IBetter Deals nf BFTTER C R"S We Buy, ýSelI, Trade ,ver. go.d USED CARS SVE USA-éONCE Main Lo ation 1'7 Kii St. W, Bewmaville, Ont. 1 Phone 2148, Bowmnaiviile Phone 30 r 16 CONTRACTORS FORZ FARM and 1IJOUSE WIRING Free Est#im-ates APPLIANCE 'SALES 1 Promnpt and Guaraateed Repaire te ail makos of IElectricalqipmen and Applinees asc neBoes a e ieatrsi j) '-v DRONO j Prof esion-al lYirectory A. F. McKEN ZIE, M.D.ý PHYSICI N and SURGEON 60.sHeurs: 2.00 te 4.00 qp.m.4 SW t. 8.00 0p.t SU>ldays and Weaeud.ys bi appointment .tdir PHONE 47r1 - »N E. C. SYER, MLD PHYSIGIAN and SUIRGI§« Main Street South office Ilours. 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 Pm-~ -Sundays and Holidays hy Appointment LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason,B. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office 688 Home 553 W. 'F. NOTARY PhonoS: Office 825 Residene. 4"9 BOWMANVILLE4 ONT. AUCTIONEERS TED JACK."r/âSON Auctioneer and Vaiuator Conducts Auction Sale of all le 1and at reasonable ratés Communicato withhlm a 't Put Ferry, Ontario, or see hl@ Cl1r A. E. Morton, at O>roâao, feir dat& JACK REID" Qrono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuater SpeciaIiz-h i Je n rM and Furniturales Consult, me for ternis and dates Phone 5 r IP - * 7f LIFE ISURANCE Pension Plan»; Educational PIIIO; Protection and Savings Plans fe« Uidren and Adulte;, Mortga«ge la. surance Plans. F. E. LYCETT ORONO), Ont. - Phone 24 r la The RUTTER GRANITE SCOMPANY Dial 3216 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gr avemarkerM lPnoeravmnt. VioldIeafinr STAFFORD BROS Monumental Works Phone Whitby 552 31iDulas St. E., Whitby FINE tQUAIlTy MONUJMENTS A1ANI? Let us ereet a haridsorme,-dig- nified moinument ever the rent- iDg Place of your leved eones. 110 nt exPensive. And seeing this last tidbute witl give yen edjeseonifort, 9 ORONO Furilure Hospitul Reupholsterig RePafrînishing Antiques, Bought and Soid See our Un1e of Drapery Materiai Kitchen Untits made te order C- F. Duncan' Phono 7â9-16 -ORONO W il be pleascd to pick upf dcead or cvippled farmn animais and lpay hlighest prevaliîng prices. For immnediate Service telephene f colleet Boo Îi 2, Cebcurg 126w, orotoEmîpire 31-3636 WARD Regular $31.95 Also Gr( On -eatly Reduced Prices1 Regu la r price $2.89 Dmer Save 15 p.c. HARDWARE BRUSHES BATERIES CHINA GLASSWARE ALUMINUM WARE EVEN STAINLESS STEEL COPPER-BOTTOM SAUCE ]PANS, Etc. -v PHIàNE '74 r 19 ORONO -

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