1111 ~Il ~~11- C RIELLE iA RN Under the au icso PQRT IHOPE AGRICLILTLJRAL SOCIETY AdunssIn~çc.,7"--,and $1.00 gSIJNDAY, APIL Sth, 1951a g10.00 a.m. Sunday Sehool g g11.00, a.m. MornIing Service, g .~p.m. KI«rby. Equipmant, accessories, and tria utai dsbc~te change with.at Abo.ya: OIdsmobiie Saper "88"ý De Laxe 4-Do.r Sedaa. rzoticit. tOldsnwbile Hydra-Matie Drivb atineti extra cost onalal models. Oi a.blise ofert o-v Serics "98- modzis fer yIPSL New, .. new,,. ail the, way thirough! It's Oldsmnobile's glamor- o)us newSupr "8"..dte smartlest - dhe moqst exciting' - thie mojst advanced "88". ever ! It's niew outside .- withhrndne beauty frýom the smuart reeflo ing es of lits rilliant new Body by Fisher ! It's new iide - withi interiors that are deep, luxurjous and more spaciouis 1than ever L-ef ore ! It's -new undler- side, too - withi a rugged niew ehassis,. firm fo-undfati;on for thie new "Rocket" ride INEW SUPER 1 88" OLDDLSMOBII -i .And it's new in power, 100 Ye, the eighit-cylinder "Rocket" Engine is newc! Famed for its flashing action the new-1 135 horsepow-er "Rocket" is engineered for even greater gas savings in 195-1! 0f couirse there's vwonderf ul Hydra-Matie Drve,* toû -- andE even it is imnprovedl! . gives yotu sili easier operation and "Instant Reverse"!i Corne in and isee thlis ail-ftime great Super "88>" today!1 LES .. NOW ON DI$PLAYI MICHOLÎS, COWANVILLE Mlany frmhr ttendd Atlhe funý- eai of Muis. euban' Payne, in Port, Hope on LSatuuL4ay. S 'ympathy i -sex tdeito Mr. Paynie ami famýily, 'We aisee~temds~ynïpthyto luhe sisters-- EIIe Ranbo~iom, Ne-wcas'tle, viste wih er ua, Ms.j J. W. Miss Ruusb.'n has ýireturned l) e Harry ïBandy -spent hi'sEaerh. idav at Mlsns duties fronmQueenshoro, wheri(e shie spent the Eaýsteýr valcation wi'th h el' parený)its. neýth hd eawih i.an Ms.Roy an e.Wm.NLact w c,-Newcase, Strngr ndW. A. Pbno, rmo Mr,. and NM;s. Wiflis FsurNw MrsP peid a1teddthe- M.Cl "veth o Necas!ewill be sh-orvi-,ng piourez n heecoo!lx Mo.nday right, April 9ilh. LOCALNEWS Mr. and Mis. Wiliam F, ounii, Tore-- onto, senlhe vweek,-end IthMr and J'" ýWne Foundl. He ~rl i rter 2a1-'lfri,; vist~r w~h M. nd es.Nei r. n Mis. C. S. ELaren.IN (Connued 'iroins aeonî- ltradeof theglasI',nadto w&sngtoetersemste mkethe aiTaarsasmatooe isgeah yar ad prpstuis jeýb c~nha dde t tIe siig routine. Isponscf oild lne t'pIjo'dh-is siheuld be kcnt ee ot ter wIflii using For leanmnos dip a de n, f an1wah ohefusiue wo.' i o g p lysh ue aaot loth afti rub ruilge xi o tic se w-iïooý'd e-v Afier a thoogis cIeing, a;[,hin '5 oatý o fif wax-may be abpliestothe wod Tî wl p ac hesrfc plac a piitte wax ngieof the cfour- The M h e sïrface to be aedo withtiseontsde'oH he ofleth tus ~ te 4methrouh otte te wOd Pol- Arpoe rpilgltnotîon in pouIishig M r sboigwlanthdain Ao the wood 'W zb~haarn cllsa4ng of tusise gfur- ~ heulnrwecty job. P-ssmh iA A 10!th- v-raCegar l ad olive aýi wil StenMe ay exýcess totiL The niea- au - f ipEýrfeCtIy elen eifae s10 mie \e hic-h does xsot sowfingner pTiuts. Trhe albaorbirp ,ise sgory of the Stras faml and of their gre*àtoetm ras ý .. athrllig usical cavalcadce f Iptli CKLB DIAL 1240 1.30 p..,STJNDAY -wu