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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Apr 1951, p. 6

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rî8e= » Looklng For A H0rd SIe Improve your herd by Artificial Breeding througl the Quinte District Catie Breeding Associai ,on Over 1,300 Grade and Pure-. breil breeders i-1 the Quinte flitrict bred 12,500 cows l The best records of the 190teoOur 14 Hloistelin nearest dams,, of these bulîs sir~ ve 70p.. n-average 21,722 M, 849 F, ceiving on fir6t service. 89pc A i te ire LIFE MEMBERSUTP $25.00 plus $5.00 Service Fee. Can you m 4htain a bull for th s'money? The ,service of Scotch Shorthorn bulls will e a1p aýilable by tht early Spring months. Far service or further information contact oýur closest nmiao or Agriculture Represeatative. LeRoy Short, 247'9 Bowmanl.ý-lle - GordonWrht 1620 Clarke ~st t ii Ontarlo No. 1 Soed ALFALFA ........$4 1:00 RED CLOVER..$00 SWEET CLOyER. $13.50 TIMOTIIY.>........$9.50 GRASS ÇXED, 1 lb. pails ......... .. 5c. la bulk,lb.......5c. Buy Your Crrden-, In Bu¶lk nd Save - 1 LESKARD We welcoîme Mr. and mrs. Warrem Coryell back to the csmmt o the sui~ner munths. On Monday eeinMaroh i2>th beilis langed and hons )tootedme- !Iy as a "Chivarýee" ga'thered in hon- our cif Mîr. and Airs. Jack Se.AI plesant exiening kif gamîes and c-ardes was enjo<yeýd1hy nill in the hom~e ofl Mr'. and Mrs. Eienie Syer after whichi a deljîghtful inIcl was served. Mr. and Mrq.Anu Loiicks, Peter and Philip, attended the chrisiten4ing cii Eaqter Su-nday i, St. Anidrew's Ohuýrdh, 'Oshiawa, of Bian Douglas Smeatheiis, infant soin of Mr. and IMirs. Douý,glasiSmeath-erq of King- s1toin, (nee Kitty Wqaa-burton of Osh- awaý). Keep Firiday, A-pqil 13th. open for an evnig f pictures hy Mr. car- veth, folilowed by a social tinie and daLnicing. Proceeds ini aid of the Sun-i dayv School.i Suriny School will hie held ti Shmn!dy I;t '2 p.m. Emron el-1 corne1 . The W. A.will lh'old their mýontly. meetng o Wenesdy, pril 11[b atý The liQioadi(s arec.lceain-ig UI 1ow, sio 2 p.m. iin the Suniday Scho mc. lets s,(e( a good attendance,(,. C-3BICYCLES AND ,, TRICYCLES POWE/t AND HIAND LAWN MOWERS PAT,'PPEP% AND PAINTS àé One Week offdy' pma. c. off ON ALL FINDLAY COOK STOVES ÂBRDWARE longy vi-ee wIf mndim-u mainenace. Andh ives on wytruGck nfs re fuk-egnered An izs.the92 ruc-bilt Fomthe 1very first !h e r, f e 4 pland o t aknedieto ch ivs o ral truck engines with i îGbhoèrst- a re il buîhitotêdeliver fufli pwer without ir hearts out! :;MC lin. fhere are more mnodels than in any kline-miorelôad rcdnges, rile wheelbases, a designs, m~ore geu4ro nges-a truck that's or uny Ioad on any rore#/ Sae. your GMC Dealer! -, GMC-251 B E ROY W.NICHOLS ONTARIO KIRBY TIre W.A. amIIIW. M. S. eýd thiru montlymetigson Fn iy fteT- noon Ma~h 2rdWith a govod at- The W.A, mi-eeting was o'peaed by the ingngof "Chrjst the Lord is Risen oda" foUthiwed by repeating tire Lord's Pplayer in unison. Tire scrdpÉture was read fÉcrn St. Luke, chapter 24, versz;us 1 to 16 in unuson. After reVortý minutes and. busi- ies, Ms tiyCliaprnam gave a fine devticu i nt:iàIdih "Evryd)ay Citzeniij' t tool, the form cf a questionaire4--"Amin A GoiDd Cit- iz en. Tire W.M.S. lrel.d n special Easter Thank -offering Servi;e. The therne of the meeting nias "The Wap For Loývean Penarýe" and "PNcre I Lenve _WithYoi" The ecripture read re- spnieywas froml Epiresîans. The seric~fo'loedthe ýpecial Faster leaot w~Reiid and Mrs. J. 1H. LoeUe , rciored asplendlid Faster ýMs.Wm AU had n quilting at W-, IhomeP oniThursday nfternoon. Kirby .A.held anhther sca on uesayevening, Marcir 27tli. Threwa verýy enjoyable program wit niixe nmbers and~ Mrs. Wnuu Armstong' showed some very inter- esigpictures of their trip south, as niell as sorne of local interest. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Patterson spent Su.nday last wilti his sîlster. 'Mr,. Patterson returned with -her- son for a visit. Romile Glass visQitedî Merrili Gvr'oarnfi' aay cf tire Easter hol- 'laýdys. Mrs. I-arold Souceh and fa'm1ly spent Thiursday afterniolon with her Mrs. Milton Wannan spent ýMon- dýay wîth her piarents M'rs Yoel-aan's d.u,,Irter "and fam~- lIy niere visiting wî1i her mother Sundy ShoolondChmrch were he~das uon' ith ei n attend- n e Tie rads avebei quite bad rkigit ha" o rao o get eut. avMv'honmdyke Sp-nt Last Wed- n >a aToronto, 1<. rd M . Murray Parine aoent a Tlm sday enn w 1. Mr'. anid M Ccil~WhtePort HPcp. h~s~HleeBarrowcleouthlspent Tl usdyad Friday last in Toron- Suniidv guests at the home of Mr'. and Mrs. Percy Snell niere Mr. and, I Vrs. Ken. Dinner and family. jMiss, Laurel Hill, Port Hlope, fiq aipending a feav days with Mrs. Ed- gar Baroyw.,lough. Mrs. Dunbar and sisïterý fromi lamilton spent a day with thbir par- ents, Mi'. nndý Mrs. C. Beighton. Mr. gnd Mrs. Muria Payne had dinnertr Mi'. and Mrs,. Clarence M.anid Mrs. W. Tufford with Mi'. am 'r.A. Ford visiteýd with Mr. and rs Gibson, C'oid SpRingsý. Seven members cf the Cemietery B3oardi met at the home cf Mr. H. Ai stun on Monday night. The, care- tae iahred for the year and it was ~ ,( deie ehave the ann ece onArl17. Conratlatons'niMr. aald Mrs. Ifonard ayn on he b±h f their dauîhter Sasdra liz~hetfi, n Thurs,,day, Marcirh 29, ini the POcrt Iloi<pe- General Hoispita!. N. N. a N N N E~jf lu 1951 tMelAIY REFRIG-,ERATOR $398,00à- 9.5 cu. ft. - 50- lb. Frozen Food bockei*0 Sell}ng for only N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'i N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 11BUY YO~UR Propane Cas Stoves FROAl US AND SAVE Stoves installed wit6 two tanks of Essotane (6 to Oý1 months supply) (No Rentai lor Service Charges). For $63.O IROLPI H. il PIIONE43rT - - - ORONO, ONT

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