Vol. 15 -No. 12 Gxanaraska Authority Holds SFirst Meeting 0f Yearl The Ganaraka [River Cnevto 'Luthot held its firat meetin1g of I19,5aintise Hope Tow-nsbip Offices Port. Hope, on Tuestiay. Mancis 20. Tise se-lectio)n of ffices-s for thse y'e-ar b;ougst the unanimnous re- elcinof Mr. Arthuir J. Ruinaalls. o--f WeIrcoinse, as chairmuan sd of Mr. T'. A. Reid, of Orono. as Vice-Chai*r- inn These gentlenien have beld eh'eÏr re-spective posts of isooTIUs-con- tiauously since thse fîrst meeting of Mhe Auviority. OcLober 9, 19416. A letter frins Hon.Ha-rold R. Scott. chnf'trof Laids andi Foreasts, was read. npodgtise puichase of 100 acres fron W. E. Thoilton in CLabke Towýnship. 75 acres (roi Aliest 3iehels. in 1Hope To-wasýlilp, and 100 -%cres faonsM rs. Elizabeth Robinson, in Hope, Tise Zone Fores er. Mr. M. D. Kir k, repoated'-on inspection and apprais- a of anveral othler prope-rties, ia- iudilg stands:o! tiniber, ad al- thoýuglitise Autlsority n'as said Vo bha aisead o! ts bssying schedule at pres- lnt, he n'as instirpcted Lo obtain options, if possible, to submit to tise mlfinâ se r. Ia diaýcussing tise great ainouit of work to ha doue Vo complete thse vast uadertuking Lo -rehabilitate tho-us- anls of acres in the Gana,,ras1,a 'Wate-shed' non'w ýasteland, itws pointeti out that this is thse fffth year ni!t the first ter-niof tise Five-Year iReforestation Plan adlopted la 1946. Thse Authoriity bings together la loeco-oýperation,1 for mu,]Ltual ben]- ,tfit, thse Townsýhipn of Hope, Hm anti t biseTown of Port Hope, imn! functions ie aid aid suippor)t ofý opnnLands anti Forew ndPuli Woko! Ontarjïo. li 'as' emphasiZed tsi sneitsF in1ceiption tise Authority has prchas' îed over 4&l1i eo~s <i land vwili thý1h first fiVeý-yea-r period ne nu( nstar-t could be e on tl '-i.]de rtaLk in g visua-liz ed v' AU.thority" was fonmied, n urging the five Municipalf ý-vlved to vote a re f)a fo,-rt for a further five-year Mhe salue resolutien requ thr'e ntirloGovermient luents supportdig the Autl cotnetheir nretsfor r tenu. iV mas moved by 1 R.yan, of Port Hope, e.nd sec Mýr. 'W. J. Boggs, of Pny unsof its owni, but aidih malbudet of $5,0Q}0, centr ici pal ti es conecerned. T4s mýent of PIlanningan De' furnish-eýs vailued plan11ningf, ineeing help.Thse Depart- Lands andi Forests supplis plans thmm and supervises ulting forest. The ,De-pasit Publice orspayýs fo on thie land purchiaseti aad ai tuber. A letter froni the Pt Hý i I Clarke Union Mr Beverley Fogg, Bwna.le spent the week-end with' his parents, Mr. and MIrs. George Fogg. Congratulations to Miss Elsie Botliwell and Mr. Edwin Sander- cocik on their recenjt miarvia.ge. We1 welcoome Mts. Sandercock to the commindy.1 Several iii this section~ have ae- cepted positions at the Provincrial Mr. and Mrs. Ar-t Lindsay Who h.iave heen living in tihe hbouse ýforal- erly oýwned by M.Evcett Caila 1-ave puchaad a trailer f roim Mr. A. Flynin and 1have iiorve~d to Orono. several in the secIon hbave <i- mencfned spring, work, Ouar oinmunity heýld its regular nsonithly meeting ion Friday evenlng iast. Preniýdent Chiarlie Stapleton opened the, meet4ing by the singhssg of 0O Canada" fo4lowmed by the Lord!s pyer. The minutes of thee lest re- gulai' meeting liere- read and adopted Convenor «f thse p-aogra'm ofmittee, Mýr. Kennetli Hills, thse ocspied thel chair wvith thie fý)lloin,- program-. ýVocal sloby m",h Geoge Carson accompanmied Isy Ms Raymond (Jhap- rn w pianio insfrumentais by iMiss MoNIClure. The >sepake-r for tise evenlin g 'vas Mr. Youiniman f on typool w uos ddress provedI ed-i ucationa! and îinteýresting. T h is was " folloawnd by nothIer solo by Mas. G.cI Carson, MarKnneh ilis mnoved a- vorte o)f affks to thoîse taing parti. Tenieetiing ci-, it ie ign "Gdsave Vie in" followed b y Mr ebScott wsun to the To- ontoGen'al osptal ecetlyfor x-ras nn reciveda go eo sdag tise A of appruX- auIl'ois o! debnis" anti asking if tise seen plan-w isowaity ioultam d la emedyin tilI are Vo ,tis-eeconditions. tisere is a Mm. Stuart Ryan, Port Hlope,s Vishe pro- mepesentative on tise Board, explain- conceraci d e t legth tIse conditions under CI Vo' tis nlsi is Authority mu m- iasantisecei ssoyto slson' that tise ý River land Ibeen troablesoone as long inainim-oas ago as 179i7, nadt enumerateti vanfous at c Opise ethotis tbat migist bring improve- ors thaln ment. Thesevmoldti rqursa consiti te grat emabe outlay, anti irIile tisePoic ,,ien t,-iselIGoverasenit uadoubýtedly would 1 strnoagyilend assiîsta-nce, tIhe local shaire o! ities l- eost w-oald (aill largely upon tise of tise e!- texan itelf as tsem nicipaliy perioti, ciseifly benefiting. ueti tise a t-ise long rua,ý saiti [Ma. Ryan, tise Depat- orestin mensures taken moalti do Lsrtyt tilso reduce tise eoinanti tise a second tiletj(ýien -of m laintise ateised MASctuat ae, ati tie coascequentthrato! c lndeLd 'by rotd damjage, urus iimrving tise vool dititeconomy aim builing up tise b'las; ne ounsdtetise prosýpeity ,o! ail. 'dosistrs Bt tise Autisorty, he pointetieut, ribuLio te , 1la basne budg,-et for anylning eutside Deat- It na agmeet i tit tise first ste-p velpmet ecesar noulti le an exprt egins ani en-elgstudy !tipo ibles, te ses W;,t e 1tatcoulti ie tine, te arrie at Miis tisa trees efeet mns oveti by Messrs. Ryan, tise s and Mm. T. A. Reit, e Omono, anti huent o! adopteti. Tise motionsgge tte s -la!o!fPrt ope Counicil aprelimiaary :of tdise stud, rgaized lan c-ea tion iritis esTon' ov! set Lakefield Comedy Dramna Praised By Local Auditencel Tise comedy aua "v o' iaeTo Be Ricýis" proviiled afins- evsingelsteraulmen whisit mas preýseitetiin tise Tpll, OronG-io, on Wetiaesdiy, Apr-l i tisl. Tise playnasnsasstiliytise 0oeno W. A. and i-eseisiteti by t ise Yoýung Adulut.Girouup o! 'tise U!1i teti Chus-oit, Lakefield T'ile fictis-ee acts weme evteaiynell enacteti by tiegrousp f ans Lakefiielti, an any weýiuid melomie Vise oppor1tunity Vo take part as anl audience laaxo'$le woaedy ulis tisee alsatedaitts 1ev. R. Toýnuge, mninistr -of -tise' ILakefielti Chiucish toict Iepa ani d wt/h is ruaainig Ciailentary fus-Vier atidt Votisesu,;pense anti joy of thse evenin. Anoule lneirsitssgfeature for the Orono audience was that an i m- p)ortant claracter nastakea iby Mrs.1 \1eiI Wood. Mrs, Nornna Gilîs, dr ecLter and nager deserves muire credit for ber part in producing sucis a sucessf lpay. 11ev. A. E. Eustace açted as masteýr of crem--ondes for thse cveniing. Tise W, A. appreciate the kindaiess of Mr. Ted Wffodyard i loaning a no' radio andi record player- for use in tise puay. Thse proceeds wanounted fo over 990.(0 of whicis nas divided between 'h- two ýýgaizations. The Orono 'W. A. ententained dhie cast of' playerýs an!d tiheir friends w,,ith lunch anti a social chat isefoire lenviag for their retara trip home'. IThe foýllowîniig lettes- 'as receiveý !)Y Ml% anti Mas. Cobbledick frein Mri Col Taylor, a folmer Ozon resident andi Ioiw of BOsns anvi Ile, who la en, joyinagan extended tvip to the "Gjý Country", Grays, ?Essex, i 'Mardi 29.K Dear Mr. &and Ms.Cobbledick, Here, we as-e in tise "Old Ceuntry, and finding everything so iînteresýtil andi deliigitfully abaoaý;bing. Gertie andi I enjoyedth ie air jour. ney insnsenPsefy: We took a T.C.A plane ail Malton on Marcis 20thVia t'en minutes Vo onse andi arit-ved aý Dç>rval Airport, Mqojjtrepal nhortly af! er two o'c1oek. A splendid turkeý dlrrn' as enjoyed enrouate. At Dor. val, we were assîgnedt o consfortale rooms witli twïn becla an-i rndin1p fadilities, also dsiowes f or any wlic caried 'Vo use tisen. Apipaaently tIsesý hsote-like accomsc4tions are msain- tafineti by T.C.A. as-,Ik soimetnjeS isappens that Passengers minst b4, isousof- for lengthy perods in- the ,'vent Of lad weatiser ahead. At U70 Tuesday evealing ire proceeded to Gandier AiapîorlË, Newfolundflýandýý soisgthere for an isour and han- i gacioice ýOf tea, co)ffee or fruit, Jnices. Then at ens o'lock iun the mernJng cme thseeigtorhop froni Gandier Vo Shsannon inpo~ Ieat.Froin Shannion we pushed on VoLodon Aimtos-t where, cusitnmrcf- ficials VooI: over. TbeiiaB... bus", t-ok us Vo tise Buchkinghio Palace Road dpobt wse Gertie's bro)the'r, Fre-cd, anldisis son-, Don, meî- s.Don drov-e Us amdundr parts of cl on 'before prýceediung to tissuj hom.' fndtitiis to-wn of Grays a de- lighIltfllai-ce. In size, lt is lra than Osh-an'ýa. lBing> on soisihavli olnggroun t Ii basthat Fo:rent -Rît Vilae' atnomhim There 3ý enep. Se an streets are boderib y l ,\- stone or brick wmils misiclisrn tise lilttîsla-ivus arouti wiieisSpiag ffivee-S area-rQiyblm-j-ing. Tisese n'als are net ugly, but un tise con !requesstly arCising upn'aad for douall.- card at tise centre o! encis bouse. taarly are luiiît witis ajn aye te be1- t, Aciioss fros Fred's homne 's a cricket1 fielt iiibelongs to a boy's college farties- back. As on a Iscîea a n d i c rie k et f ie l o a s ng u , t isi ie use, n'ill have man ,aebstauctet rien' la tiatdirectioni. Ontise othiserswe cn se for hli amiese that-tis stigis m«sut ciseerful. On1 Sundajýy hast mveatteadeiWEnster Sices et tie S. yer aaliParisiCcis hoee Frdis asiemn Don anti otier yoasgfalentis tord[ us te Soutsenti Thse Red Cross drive is nea.ing ai !ose f'or thse year but several cons- ltnities are laVe in reporting. IloA,- ver $41I00 lias beeii colleeted toi ýae whiih lavery gratifyinrgin- eed. Mr. W. J. Ridde11 saVili las re-1 cit b!tooks on liai-d and will be giead 0receeve your donaIoJn:. country ýats are sitili a-auddy whitihmas iigvassdng slow%. Any who bave m--- d înay aVtill Contribute. -- - A. MdEET'ING msan's Assovratlon selti ing in tise Orange H ll, fere.Tlie pi-er,3ideiit, a stalua tisece,. d '.k Mas. 'lave coraespc) ope foryes 1e yt aveii atfriands of , i l tro'ng vlOD leact as Vthe tinie plie couis'et off tise il deseription of sixty ininsftes of p]ay. nLOas Angeles, Orono broie lan front with Vise ±irst etailed dsscrljp- goal11o! tise gane by Raye West cn swindow la tie ove ofE tIe-est plays of the evening1 g Vise "Last Islsown by Gi-ono. Tise loctl o3quadi ai- rcanig dsscr-ibed se scoredth ie finalj goal before tise ns on tIse fatces finaïl siren. Ho'wever, lu between iiande iser talk tisese two Orono goals were a dozeu, nd devotional. otuser scores ,vitil elev(eisof ?thsn o e a message on1 ing o Nobleton. e- o eI business per- RoisAtrîlnas tise star o! tise ied( wiih tise Nohleto)n squad, sit.tig- tise fiant tùwo tion, goals for' Iis teamn mates ln tise first perioti, frons whicis ise on Vseuy were bttenever headed. idayt but tpise Charles Amtog rdtise se- thentat sýpoiy-1ontiO01notallY wmmcli came la thse bise oporanity eteoîid perioti and also credited huar- misandliesesself -with Oaoao's thiM gallatis rneyirasgooi - econd;s o4 tisegamp. Tisese- Igo to spend e , duyaag sflcnee ix- and Mas, Nain- two for. Orono. n nos-Vi Lon)idon Playinta tisetiird pro bcm m riIs tisscbinppy andi a regular1parladJe Vo tise n Orono, batpenalty box -n'aýs 1kpt limtin.Ros eas. Th.ey Were inszon, Or>ono, anti Duain mere liand fathler. AVter-mjsfofgitn late cosg her brother o!jsaeTeOminsacotdfri de la Betiford-,hesvs h iaoiv<fsatie Tise Grono Oapisan's .,vwo Vo one vildtooey over tise Nobletoni teain' places thisason thse iist runig of 'the Laddter, ithat being tise final~.s nsi te sarne rung la Heopier wison tise Orpisans meet titis Saturday in, Hespier. Tise second ganse of tise liest Vre-e out of fine ses-les -will be playeti oniLintiaay ice tisisconsing Wednesday eve-ninsg. Nobletbon knookecl off tise Orono Orpisans Il Vo 3) at tise Oslsa'a Are- na on Tiusaiy nigist o!fas week.1 la tise fiasit claeh <of a bes;t of three series o # saî-isns Tise Orplsaos lacking ora a i cleaissig -aJbilityTandi thepo'wer tVo cheeic andi body, dragged through these are firepiace neatea, anadsey rieuse bas from six te sight cidnsney peits on "op o!tise ciney colnsa-pro- an, AH tisese thIgs Intrgue me. Tmies is ne denying tisat Central issating is tise answer as far as comn- pl(,es comifoat gees, but tisere lsaa arondIeil'ul atasospisere o! coziaess nti goti fellowsisip ulien tise entire fambly gathes- aroundth t/e open fias ia tise evsnig. Radio progMasahera, mar es-vel- atie-n for, tisais restfalnass. Tisere is net tise lighltest hint e!of rtsn os- comm:edlialisqns. -Anothe-, tising that tass my ee is tie double- deeker bus. Have net iMdea on oe pet. since I1n'as a sissai youngster,l bat nust do se. One bas te keep oa top ofVise morîti somjeon'. (Coatinueti0on page cighst> Church Progresses Favourably1 Pledges Yet To Be Redeemedý It will blie s one year ago, the26 mntee10%o, day9ý of thý,is mnt that the BlUItmtedoes flot Canipaign -as held Vo rmise funids to rl oney xli oeuild the (hono Church. Wht aj mount jis due ti day1ý 1V nas in theý life of thte oM.mEun- The committ ity, enibusasum mn highVWitlithelimnouait Of volui day being nMt successful and onlyhlpdVosv sacrifice for a great cause. ts Wathentpm Thse cnminte lu chage of baujýd- ter, t1he main Ci and fnanig aeneyer stpiped rayfor la;s morkng sé hthe sm tuismro tcmis ,ýcomplut The, fr-uits ef te aibou,wehop, he sten i p Wfl Ai borne out in theery c-exe, for a tt mer- ith the Churcis finshed andthse oak floonin Dedicatd. lad. so Il in madle on *hs stj Su far te fnacecosmtt asetn. bein abce Vo meet ail accounts wheni We hope tU% ursn owever the (antsosne'nhunn band are neaing the point of being, f honoiurng1 in the ired. Gar Vual *reeib ot u e fr dateand pmost will be noted beIrow, a-ni ou111e x- lihere is a long,1 nenses tn date are a ttfle veo tse- ngtise chas-ch $440,00o m a-k mith O9O0iinsuran1,Ce D5dî iatioii an extra crerve minutÉes;. inns- besidles lseing tise lsaýding scorer fori tise Ori asosecollecteïi isrepe - alisw'itiRobinso)i N tno, SLiseli1, Marcer anti West emhcistki ag a sânigle tua'is la tisle box. Humb iserd o! -Millbrok guartiet Bell anti Me mas replaceti by (loode, who took o\-eir for tise finaý,lfane Paigtisesecondl ganse o! a lesti o! tllree series ila Noheton, Stuuadlay nýigist, tise Orono plia so'eia mahimproved styýle of hockey in a'il den wst s te unil a close 7 te 6 decision. tender, !n lfounti inself anti seteidemis te play is-eýatisup ganse( aîl -tise wuay. Ris defence mates irere onise job claig iepuc!s te tise ,V'igistlaes sahile tise, forn'ards matie al u"se o! Thirbr-ealk amuys. ltise (irasipernd 0Orom)weia - head 4 3;on t'o golsbyRay Wsstn, on.Pa as encs teAn ogaiffi fas n't reis aving tIe gretr=0 ecs puseetageo!terioralplay.Roi No -tnnas spt s ionesslaisepais secnd emotimle Oross oreti A21 West an- gols b obinson antiMd ce.TiseMcr t iens ant sk-tedbotis n'ys Vo break tise Oro.(, tpNir, n' s(oing u-tlisaas. Tise cnit Or-piansaeîzigths te lie an imn-godp portant game stayetion Ctise nce Toni als Nobletn isati their night o!f iy.j cg penalties. Champin Te tise tndpeioti, tisseucl PMIck 'fer y Conty lieue F.i Cornes l0 i Ins5pectiono ts anti Dus-hain Coutie Ageti revealeti coaditi sharp esiticisi faons ln its report presentc4 tise sîttings of assize Tihe counties isoeae, ted just north as oiEC mal", ths, grand jlu. saiti. Tise intes'idr ne ion Vo brîghten 1,Itll sa gged anti iVasaune, morve sititalts leds Ah ed assieny o t ,- in rititien laik o. on Isai haatads reand rbot aël for th( ions tae exit. "You 1ha've done a tusoro HTis Lordsisip suid, "It apqp) tAtMtse cd people matis as coissfole a foralie cais NL\o tikult nsany organizations misicli gaite paovds thieni n'ith nti newspapers". "Tlise refer--ee atie liy Hom coa s a co-ýmpVlet te me. Tis e, lot appears tise ]bstgevernnment repoi c«]euni home in tise Wvardea Geone Waltonl (Ceotiu.ed on pagef chasers sesmeti a litîs te gea pidof tihe puck andi tit-sg bottled up wiLile Nois lihigiard aidn'ere re, vthre gal.At tise liaI isad, ilnrg K.L Went mw by tn'o Nobleten layas isave tise gainie. No penait) en ontisply Wlth tsraee minutes to srngskatsed dows tLise lu iruosed hiis amy past the tisenpssdte RayeVeut his tsird. goal "fth Ie alghs Tise Orpisans etil iseir wi s tise n'isojleteý jTuasdaIýiý ac rote( OtRONO, a big ceg oe >e four Pgo) nIa. ta 'ive tis OsisaOid teniin tieO tise bonIs anti Heu n ,~Ec~Ha11 Honoured WýiVt h Pren tat n ~ ~ ~ ~ jj a I rsste1h w L i n'ill le ubl sî7 De 1 was ýil wa,ý4