Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 12 Apr 1951, p. 3

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Ther( r aye.iiuade jiartig laes n- hewoid nc highplae Mue Mbe i etoth of(ulimon11 ut ne, 01 wreat degres .6minuts So t and inogtLh t'ie beig th erlyaler noon) o Yonge eef, pat of t wl]1 inotie. or nei< ig "t's tt'Ser indwarer tan 0eof our The firt imprssion crioasiy enaugh, ison f grey _desalation, for you are tandig on what iooks rather likea rogh mcncete rad sorte hundreds of yrds wie4 and extendinig n utiad sutis far asba aosc Ntigseem1s to graw .o-n ;, itnotre> 10ibshpo trSa Peepact disapas taete wesmeMAng te Pare rock se ouetermojlst ed-gc, and tis li1bc the, cia cfthe istAs yau p- sheets affom wichsvept past yonr fe eoerather deepe),r andi yau lftexpet; indeSdy aila -pp ,Ctithnaot20 3yards cf tebraer hcslvs Po this point yau al ýctua!Jy 'laak -up at fic cesiaffldc next wavepcrhaps ten fet ighr tan yar ead;ý liudres a tas f wtrcome char-going 5straigiat yen, appearinig higlier and iglier, ntlsuddenjly fln .ichole maýssflatten1S autioaa bfaOre is ita3 cllpscach mare,, givesontfra mihinitself ain exquisitedslya sireig Coa ursad patters. By iis tm P iet iig and Lt 13 igh irtnt, e turD ta theboa whch s lingancha1red Lu the ýIce olf eref-rm"TPe BI Rabersa Le Q.When lf a enantak'es a girl ta ile mavies, shouic sd go with hîm fu the ticket wiïndaw ,ýta buy the tickets, or wak n nt the theatre? A. f teeis nt tuc a ofiue, ahe carcw AlkAdvery slawly" while hlbys cthe ticktsate entr tgeher Bu wen te¶eisa beside biurtan kephlm opany Then ic oe oSaed ndwat for Ihlm ont1-il he jo-ins er Q. Wh-en 1yeau areflot sure whether a man an îd a giril have been introdluced, is L il !righ: t say MMr. iban ave you 'met 1Misa Carter ? the girli!ý, adL etrthmian aking, missCrtr ibse bas met Mr. (Ibsen, Q.lWMat Le thepeferred kind at mournling satoorynw used? A. Plai tn wiesainr.TPe lack-bodered paper 1snatuseud as Q.If a smallpaper cup of appie- sauce is are on one'as dinner plate- 2zn suit is toea mai ta eaýt fram with a fark or spon, a ail rigit 1te empty the cnet intote dinneýr plate?7 A. es.!muoth«cP over und use aur orl ta mpty4it.The ~~een4 CnVi ar"e past thtage for suds f ippera s rl, Atalthey hae mt chjieved ,thre Po int aI wvhieh veil s aremotncsay If Crow's feet, frïown Icee or Unes hav,,e bgnte maýr tise beau'ty our fa'cenow' ltimate lear bot tha lattrf Veila, In lte anme way ltIasfl-hddLiglitpinydown failimperfections, a, bit of nCttJing acroas your faýce iîii veil tise telitalemark1of ge. Exeieta littie, unilyeu 've foun.d thc eJLi ltaIdocanost for you. The sh-ape et pour faýce,, yu hi-d n our Itatare al faer te t>becnadrd Remnember, anobserver,'a aeemil sec lt e e dge cf tse rail as- a bUne acros lte face. ERarely je it attractive ta sec f fat, horizontal une smweeping acrasa a womnan's faece. Tiieds te »sake te cheeka look broati, Round lte latlom cof the veil upwaiCrabit. fllowving thie contour o! the cheekbones, or, if it's a long veil, te jaw Une. datt A T A'ws V y0i and yonýr amtiyv cnjoy cat- snig t'letender sins of coakcd pota- tocs tie w-ay uof doing te hut tatocsi inihrjaktsillo'v tl'i ta coo1l, dico c titaquarters. Di is btter Cor mraieand place10 ashallw baing ish, Dus gneaulywith sait, papijrika ad injced arleyP ace-atrip Bake fitýeen inue a 5i)0 dgrces ahemeii, bere isa recpe fr cUsty potatcs-a dîjsh whcih makes a pleasant han ge friom tPe p lain CRUSTY POTATOES 8 mediumn-eized patatace 'jCup butter or bacon or hans d erippinge- iejgg, sightly beatenll 1'cups cracker Crumba, à teasp.fjoan pepper Methad: Pare pntatoes and wasi crackr crmbs.Dip i] g at rail agaliin 0cakrcob.Place, potates i weilgreaed csserole aprinkle wt at an-d pepp er and dot sv iith uttr r ripig.Caver and bae t 400 dgesF for i P-our,or iuntil tnde. Srves iglit. Nawadas ost husriveý 1 s'are i pound round steak i srtall onian 3 or 4 staika ceiery (or tops ai buncli) 2 eg gs 2 or 3 carrots 1ý l'Acpe milk 34 teasýpoan m ustard (optianal>i 4 craekera or I slice dry, breati Method: .rid .e, l c cï- arrots, aniion nd ýcele,-)y tagePe-, fiishinig tard,'Pou in greaed casseole, Cprnke iibra cr lmbaSor bake abou 40 hsinues a 5 e brîng"s it t httaran f s is th frt realy atheni taste oit RHUBARB-CHESE TARTS 1%cupe niik 34teaspoan saiýt /zteaspoons utmýeg 34cup ctaeces 3/4 taspoon vanilao e bavourin 6 incdividual unhakt aer sheIla Methati: ScaltiF miik1.dombineDu s2ga, itad uteg Pes)ct cgs ad nomineai Lgeden bakd pstr seilaBkeinga 1350 degrsF.)anbake inor bn inerediota pie ctestt1en WViencoo, opsvthrbbabaue If y taou pretr, instauac akn VPe Sixidiveidul artd ie, au cao vti e the aoreipt fr2 nc5 larcupaircuardb, eut inua 2 cup.Ad pinappe juice MEET THE PRESS QUEEN Prelîy Jane \Vurstcr stepa through a passel of ne w s p ap e afler bcbg named queco of New Yerk's press photographers. Jane xvas pickcd by a 'rew of shutter clickers, xrho recogo ize Lent mine pulchritude mhen lItes' dram beacl on il. RHUBARB-DnýTE PUDDING 2 cupe dliceti rhubarb i cup cliopped dateis tcup sugar 1 cap sait Prendcrn i teaspoan butter Whipped cre-an or maralimcliow haires Methadý(: Cuu rîuab iÂdee in mater 5 ta 8 minuites. Add agar,' soit hread crnmbs and.- buter. Bake in a buttered Iqatbainqg iii in a maoderate oven (350 17resF) abont 15 minutes. if deire , dessert may be baked miti mardi mallow Palves on top aipudig Or top caci serving mii svete as hipped cream. Make O sevînga. SCALLOPED ASPARAGUS AND SALMON V3 cnp Prcsd crumba.i 2 tablespoons butter 1 7-ounce can salmn 1 cup uncoaketi diceçti asparagus Va cup grated Fsharp ics 4 cup rilik 4 teaspofl, sait 1/8 teaspoan pepper. *1/ teaspoon paprikaý i l-ounce cao onene asparagus aouip Method: Broxrn brea cruma 1 ,butter. AI'ernate layevra oi saimnjj asparagusadbra rub 0a bnttered Iqatcseoe eev lng enoigh ruiîsfor- top oni cas- serole. Sprinkl wthcies.,jAdd( mlilk and sao ing t tesot,; W AKR'EUPTOU R LIVER BILE- WhoiCalomel - Aton']) !ýJtump Cos . Red - thik MenFeig Rain' ta Go _G Graeendietan. ,î Joi ne, N.Y., receied a o aiJoy mlen sic mas ~ üu 9 easol. P thaulghit L mas ~ o: tapettaon.Miss Pen- dietn, 0W 2, tlt as ier candy. This ensanis nieti nw i over cnd sMoe tsrl i,1 Barbs tel, S i Hhem. Ichin Toa and et, ad othr tnlammatory sida- erunýpins are ofen rlevcd in a few days. NonesftiE- mai iey lasat tkus A five-pounpckage males a gallon cf point ready ta uste -enoýughfor oan avý,erge rom. ries odourless in Ss titan i basau. Easy te mix ond opl.Cleonsableý fiihafter 30 days. Ask peur point dealer for pourcLurtad 7TiE MEY WYTAN 1$TU WAY! t N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N t- y -y N N N N N N N N 'St N N N N N 's 's N St .5 5' wr

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