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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Apr 1951, p. 4

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condolenice' extenied hy fn2ionds -NOTICE ;; ieighliours, also tW doctors Mc- To memher Q f the OronO - igure ie anda Syors, the Rebekah latngclubrý ( and Rer. -and DMrs. A. E. Eus- Fihe AnualiMIetinig Sof e Orono Figure Skat!n ýC-lub '1ile held on during the recent ilesandlTi sa.A 1 2u i.l h 1of their boloved husbaud and orange hall. il -i i rs and pair- r. a-p ente are ug t te. b-12-c Wattson'ls Garege SALES AND SERVICE FORD, MIONÂRCI-1 CARS and PRLJCKS FORD and FORDSON TRACTORS and EQUZPMENT WHITE ROSE GASOLINE XND OIL GRIEASING - CAR A-,SHIING. [ne 42 r Il -- Orono, Ont. r> Mer Equijsment Private Ambulane Northcutt and Smith Funeral Direetor,. uid Farnituro Dealert' T-T R, 1E s -SERVIC] nippefi te take care of thenodest funeral at the monuet reasonable charge as well as the largest and M~ost exacting. Telephone : Office 66X~ - Residence:; 523 and 726 Tebephon, Celleet ~* -g g 'jo g g g Bowmanille. Ont The ilsure-f ire"" gunners of ian Army Active Force is onkhe .îghly-traincd, expert gunner> of anadian Artillery stand by t jr dy te defend Canada's-freeddai ing mien of the Royal Cana n ire expert soldiers. Theye fork and fight in sm-oothly ï0- ýen-s ... and proud of it! ieds more mien like these "s- rs - men w-ho prize Canadii,, ýougli to fight for it. You can. take your pine beside men like these- asamemiber of a field guxn's cew-by reporting FOR EVERY ROOM FOR EVERY 9UDGET SEMI-TRIMWED W A LLPAPE R S Rolph Hardware PHONE 43 r 1 - O)RONO o ra*v i#ýmediately for training as a soldier of #he Canadian Army Active Force. Canada 1eeds you now! Report today! JTO ENLIST YOU MIJST- 1 -SBe ca Canadian citizen or British subject. 2. Be botween 17 and 30 yoars of age. 3r-, inîglo. 4. Moet Army test requirements. 5. Volunteer for service anywher,. REPORT RIGHT AWAY M0 Na. 13 Personnel Depot, Wollis House, Ridieau & Charlotte Stu., OiTAWA, Ont. No. 5 Personnel Depot, Arillery Pqtk, BgtSt., kINGSTON, Ont. No. 6 Peronnel Depot, Chorley Park, Doulas Drive, TORONTO, Ont. No,7 PrsonelDepot, Wol3elêy Borracks, Elfrcbelh St., LONDON, Ont. A263S-O 'I synipatn~ iatne loan on your home, farm or business property I have funids available for this purpose. Leroy LHamilton BROKER Phone: Office 32 r 10, Res. 1 r 16 Orono, onttario INSURANCE In ail its branches Firo, Automobile, Liability, Life, Hospitalization, Wind Plate Glass, Burglary OWe nep You ui(lard Your Home Sheap Savings washed away by i anajce. oPn't gamible. jinsurie 10W. 'jW NF. POPTER virectorY CLASSIFIE[ COMING EVENTS Tlie Orono PublicSchool Ope tta cwill le he'îd in the Twn Hallî, *diay A'p il Lth at 8.0,0 lp m. Teks40,. Proceeds in add of the Oron;/Unitedî Ghnarch. Ail ehi1dren PubVý School age aicconspaiiied by thparents wifl l e ad-iiitted free b -2-c TPlie Leskard W. A. are h îga c4lEveni4g on Fidtay, Av l13th Thee ill be a good seeciti'i c f Pic- turos by Mr, Car-vetl ii memoing P.11-1.. sharp frllowedy dtre and mdmd'in, ng. Pr, esaeI aid of the Sun day Scho I. Admiissiont for picýtures oni'., Ad ts5,; C'i ren 2&e or '50ce orto evenlinlg a-c W4-jnen's Ilatitute wilil thleir reiular meetïn Frdyg 20h at 2 pan. Mr.s, -.41.1nam "ilI slpeak on ber recent ti-) ou . Reports froini Stancinig Coni4fee. Ele nol of Olffîers,. Eveivo1Weiom'. - The Newoa st;e 1renn's Iwil] be hel-d in the reweast1e GoA xnunity H<tll on Fia pi 27th. ea'tuing the imusir of Ioliby GiM!, c f the H1appy G'an 'g'., d lis ni ý piece or- 1 hsta Judy Eiiiottý ,, aîist. Ad- misin .OO pe ,perso e'. c-14-e Tho e gpu'ar ms gof the Eve- ninpg Auxýiliary will be heîd in the Orange Hall on Thursday, April 19, at siglit o"clocký. Mrs. Deeiilg, Mis- sionary fr-or,- Africa will be o)ur speaker. Everyone we'Icomol. b-c SAI4E REGISTERýS The Horses, Ctl, wnMach- ieyand Furniture, 'pro)perty of H. ýMorgan,lo 26, coný. (, Glaýrkp Twp. wIill be offered for. puie a*c uctîon on Monday, April IGth. nt 1 p.n. Famsold. Jack Reid, Auctioneer. ruhe' prioperty of M. Bre includ- ing valuable hvstek aehiniery, a-nd furlniture ill ,7jheooffered for, auc1(tion at lot 8, boe front, Clarke ýT-wp. on Strîy April 14th. Jack Reiid, Auetioneer. 1 have received in8tructions fromi theý Adminisýtrator of the Estate of the late Mau Waw, Lot 6;, Concess- ion, 4, Claiýke town,,shýip, 2 miles east of Crodked Creek store to sl by pubhlie auction on Wedýnesday, Apil 18,11 at 2 pr,. behr houisehoîfi efferts, frameo dweing 12 x 80 ft., frame barn 20 c 40'ý ft., quanîtity of ujsed luniler and eýight acres of land. Teimis cash, no reýser-ve. J1ack Reid, Auctioneper. Real Estate MORTGAGE MONEY If you have funds which yon would like to safely inve'st at thie curront rate of five pecenit it would-be ad1výiable to let me know. afrtmrgg rf you needa ismrge HEJLP WANTED Rumibs ie ddle aged ilOmnan or pen,îsioneor as ,houseke-pev-com)n,pan- ion C) s'ei-invalid 4 LîIit houe- hüld duties. XWrite 2,8 Ridout St., port Hope, OVbariq. a-c' Quanti o 'f mixed "ats and Bar- ley taboutOc30p.c, Bqpey, ii ý,eLmend. J. A. Ca scaddem itone 25r9 n-p P'apying, aintinjg Or Ijobs, evenings andjweek-ends, -p'iy t D. Sinpsn. e pon G Simu-pson,I 61 r 2 nfter .00. fOR 9ALE 1 drop-hea 1Singer n Ma chine, 1 Bre ktlast104 setPhorne 40> 1 1 10R SALE R. R, 2, Oroho, Onitariol a7f-c Stnaiwlerry plants Premier and senator TDunlop. Rasp1berry Canes, HerbeiK Aspalragus, Mlary W Mas iton, i and 2 ye-ar:old 'es Grapevin4s, 2 year (l ; rots.. Red Crantbushe(Chery n B'LýlokCurýýaiit bus s (Ve<tora) b)1it 2-yeaIr-old st, ck. Seed Porfrtoes, ïýatadin,. Ord4r no-w for É'rly plantinig. Edwaîrd Wayie, Newtouville, Onit. Phone Chlae " 214. -1- FOR SALE Mjanure Spreaders $290. aad Upj BisslI a eim Discs. 18" plates $21 Fleury tatirPIows, :c&ftivat s, HyItoaqder, laI steel $225. Thii new flexible drg Harirow.' 15ft. fr $60, they dUmp îthemisuee. Pi p Jack. WVVooui)'s Conbintition DeF Emeze aind ofî,i o-'ation $s. ýand Up. M"lk cooIer'g, Milker, m-or.Roi- lers. Severul used ahne dise, wNagons, ploys. One Hereford Bull. 2 1-2 yrs. S(ýed (Y ,s. Cartier and Beaiver. Phoxre C(.i- Todjd. Clarke 15-20. Cou8p DEAD LIVE STOCK Picked Up proiniptl Roce, ow ,Hfreop, Pige and iew boe vocs We pay forilorses Gov anid Heiferes As an adse we wilI co- opeat w ,yurý veterinarian in post-l ýrtenii. 2 ",/c eor lb or olire h iorses. CallecowaéiI2679 MIlA GW "iLFUR FARMS Tyrone 49-tf and RotWater- ReatIng CALL UlS FOR ESTIMTES HARRY E. LYCETT Phono 81 r 12 ORONO - ONT. BUY W71TII C ON F1D E WE -AT - Art'$ Cargarket ýLtter cals 0on (e in very CPRS T ONCE cation st. W, good1 A. F. McKENZIE, MAD PHYSICIAN and SURGEON OIR.eHciirs-: 2.00 t. 4.-00 orm L âu teL@apm, Sundays and W*dntsday@ hi appointment euly PHONE 47rl E. C. SYER, MM. PHY'SICIAN and SURGUW Main Street South Office Heurs:- 2.00 te 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 te 8.00 pie. Sunidays and Holidays by SAppointment PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO Forniture iHospital Reupholstering Repatring Refinishing Antiques Bought andi Solfi See our lino of Drapory Material Kitchen Unit. made te or-dier C- F. Duncan Phono 79-16 - ORONO We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippiled farm animlaIs For himdiato service telephione colleût Broüklih 62, Cobourg 1266w, Toront'o Empire, 3-3636 GORDON OUNGtd Aniy per-son >ving dean -use to dispoise of it wvould ýbe aIpp. iae 'ted if it wýOuld lie duwnPed On t c track where washed out Thid would' in- clud, di~t, ~he , c e rs, brick, stone or giiavel. Mr. ýlph orDiMr. Reid willie 'lad t dir-ect anyonle W1ho cain helT ith fftI s fui. Durhaïnm CntrIlAgriculture Socielty. d-15--c SPe1ýNG NEEMS A ve'ry fine âssortment of ailyourl sp;rÎng CIeaini Needs, a lsq, e rsonral Bruslhes of al ypes. Cal). your Ful- ler Dealer, Jhan oýs, Phone Clarke 721. b-.12-P LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason,9.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones:- Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER -SOLICITOR NOTARY phones:. offie 825 Resideno.e 409, BOWMANVILLZ ONT. ÂUCTIONBERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conduct AuMction Sales .ofal&HIMm and at, reasonabi, rate. Communicate with lm at Pe«$ Perry, Ontario, or So hie Clerk. A. E. Meorton, fît Oromo, fer datae JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuater Speciaize in Farm and Furniture gales Consuit me for ternms and dates Phone,;r1P Q - O'rn LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Educational Policeen; Protection aind Savings Plana te Children- and Adulte; Mortga-go l. surance Plans. F. E.LYCETT ORON<9, Ont. . phono 20 r ev The RUTTTER GRANITE COMPANY Dia192,16 -- P-0. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, GravemarkerM STAFFORD BROS Monumental Works 1 Phone W-hit-by 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMýEýNTS AN1p MARWERS Lot us erect a handsome, dig- nifled monument over the rost- ing place of your loved ones, It's niot expensive. And seeing this last tribute will gjve you Onfiloss comfort PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO k>

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