IInI Vol. là No. 1,3 Oddfellows And Rebekahs To' Furnish Hospital_3-Bed Ward A eanmpaiga la betiag sponso-reti b1 lihe Heather Rebekali Lo-dge, No, 3341 na ite Orono L-dge, N',. 436of the lidependat Ortie- of Oddf-elbows by ther ervcecl-bstc o-raise funds Vo fuarnielir a three-bed ward in thee new Goe-na.nvi!le Memorial Hospita!. On seeking adînice frain Dr. A. F. Mc- Kýen-zie- on Nv-at the above clubs sould do towar.ds this i pxeect, he as!- -viseti, a thirce-be ward. First, the sof a -Vlree-bed ward would ba v9ery -Mlffle more thlan a single t-- anti secoo'dtly could tender m'ore val- mable service for the nioney involvati. The clulli lias obligaUtedithen-selves to- endteavor o taise $811.5f for fur- xdituure opl-y ans! if suffi-cient fuatis ;are ýreceiveti they will hae devotexl' to drapeS, l'inaans! other 1neceSsities 'for the ward. To- coxaplete tic ward it w-ll ceoýt aro-undi $1130,00. ,This -wand le o be plaque<d, "Thre 'Oro(no ans! Coi-nm.ruity Wai-d." A personal eanavias is beinig organ- zeifor the flrst tiree weeks la- May. Funther information on Vils impor- tant objective iii ie given f rom wemek to week We trust evenyo-we la ,or large coxaaxiuity wvill want to lrelp, Tic grand finale for this c-n 'Pp'V',i11 be wl-tir a dianyce lanthe 1Tonehin H-ail, n, on Thursdiay,ý May 24tli. At Vils tiarme t l liopedi tat a fui report willI be preseatedt t lie o-ýfficÀalS of Ith ospital, Tire ogeS S-olicit the s-uppo,-rt of cvcr- .one. WES LEY "VILLE, Tic W 'V.A. met at the hom-e (of Mai - Mar? Booki-gWedn-say, Api-il lU.Miss McCaig of C drasAid, Scity Port Hope, as Vie gucet sýpeaker Douglas ans Ernest Smithi of BaL- timre ntiMr. ans! Mrs. Wie mog daranifamlly of Elizabeth- Cn Suntiay, Mr. ans! M-vrs. W. 'Tuf- foýrdï anti Mr. ni-Mrs. A Ford visit- fd laToronto. Mrt-ainîMrs. R Best -visites! iý yipti hi ýetencti o Mrs.' Wiar MaonmIose father passes! awayII Mr.E'rwin Farrow ýV11 , mi-nvlle, -visiýtetiat lier brotler's, Mr. Normni Ant re-ws. A fw roi lere a Hen etitcen- Ern spRiti rtmeihoefr hero- fie " fMissMar1 y Neîiton odyIc xetlu SIXTHLIM4E Mr. C. R. Carvetl eliomed i pctures at tire schccul o-a Tl.,ursday îorng lasit. Tiese were mu-ch enjoyeti by Vie, pupils anti also our- Healtli Nurse Mie:s Purdion anti two o-Vier nurses f rom Vthe HeaLth Unit .Aa , immunizition cie cwas ,helti at the sehiooi o-a Thursday, Apli1i9 wvhea a numnier of tic chiltren we--e iniunulzed anti vaccýinatedi. l4r. ands Mrs, C. V. Cooper ans! Dar-lne visites! wivth Miss (latIienine anti Mr. Neil Stewart o-n Suntiky. Mn. ans! M-s B!iAb Sianton of Bow- inanille were wiwth Mn. Jo-ln H<y anti famriîliy omSunday. We extead O-un syripatliy Vo-Mrs, Normant Kennedy in the deav of lier fatie4,r, IMr-. Garnet Heslop, Wn4ose fune-raI was lield inb New Torentao on Seiurday. Miss Baby Collett of Oshawa was ho-m-e ona Sandiay. Miss Tuez Gordon k- spending a f4ew dayat at han hoine. 1R B Y Thre Sunday School bad a mfeeting on Wcdjnesdaiy evenlng ILo discuss business r cgartiing tr ko the scîho-ol whea it was de(ýcdt o oI Vie spepcial service for tic Sund.ay Scirool on Vie last Sunîday -of April. Tire W. A. lielti a quilting o-a Wed- nacsdaty aftcr-noon whien tw o qultis weefiaisheti. Mr. Harvey MUorganis csalewa on Mont'Iuyatero. We are sorry 'te loseMn ant i Mrs. Morgan froin îour C ninmunity. Mn. ai dMrs. Ken iShackleton anti fniyvisitles! on SunI[ay witI r M. [anti Mrls. ml.Allial. Mn. aantiMns., A. Walker, Bo-wmIan- villeanti Mnand Mrs. E. White, n'lo- -pn Sunclay wlVh Mrs. CI]on-Ipson. Mnr. andi Mr. Brodie Thoiopeon, Port H-iope, visiet Suntiay witi Mn, antci Mrvs.rsa Missi Kathleen Ard spent tic wekedat her home. lan- o comne to, Kirby on Wetincs- day niglit, -April 2Sth. It's anotier Soc--ial evýening mtir a go-os! pro-grain anti a bounitiful lunch, We will sec you tere. ticepeslt synrpathy to 'her irotier, Tic W. A. 'heldt tiir Apnil meet- ing Mr. o-y Parrow's witi a fair- attendanice. Tie next mein wil-I t-irVie oriof a scaleenn t tire bome o-f MUrs. Siýdti HllowelI, re. asecmanvisiteti rccetly mt lir sister, Mrs. J J WStigr 'Immunization Programn In Clarke Started By Health Unit Tuesmrig, nrunzatoncîaic tcenomv is for infants te reýceive' ,>ei li eld .la al st iioolsl ope. Hei r firet imaznin at about six- Crmie anti Clarke To-mnsli ps, meathis of age. .FolieingVhils ia- akiga total of fourty-five chol itial immunization, tiese cliuitren te- acu e'cr)f ihichi', t ilIl be necssarily quire îonly re-inforcîng doses at suit- to holdt Vres clinice. able intervalis tiereafter , As pat of tic geacral fimnmntz- ationprogmme, a cuoni leheldiia Ticprogramme of diîmmuaiztioa eo i rualschool cvery ecndyerMcinics las been morket out o- Vint at urian scihodslecvery ye-ar1, anti" l the rur-a] ,choolse anhic visited in Hleati Uinitoffices aet Bon-anv tle icSprna anti Autuma, mien tic Go-b"ourg. Port Ho-pc, anti capbeli- oatis are la reliauble condition, as it eord Jone a 7meci. la Vil ay Iis eiac-,ssaryfor Vie, medileal officers posýsible o provitie effective cover- Vo visit si-x or eight rural schiols la age for tic Uniteti Countiesý areai. An n1 single day OPP(Yrtunity is offeredth Ve npa>(rnts te arragefor Vie imnmui.ation of The value of innoculation or vac- their chiiltiren for bo-Vithre prnm-ry chiation la- the preveation of tipi- innomcuationeant i -nf-orclng doses, teria, tetanus anti sialîpox lias as requved. becageenll ccptes! by tiocters la the rural gCiooIs, imniuizatioatrouhottlire o-ris!.Tie uselof ia- clinis provide innoculatirt no-t -nly ioction al a Iast mooping cougli for- tVie schooli ciîidirea. but tas-ofor(bas not becn, carriet Out over a suf- infant n!peseoleitren vwbý o filnt nuier -ïof ycars ila asuffie- are lirouglit tte cscieo-I bythier lent aumnber of countries for a1 si- parents. (Ihidren Of scirol age are ilar amount ofinformationVobc a- offe-reti protection eg9aiast diptier- vilable. At Vie present iine, hem- la, Vtanus anti mhoopinig cough isl ever, tire, recuits are encourng simv~aInble.anti tie goneral mneical opinion ap- R)ecaueo- i Ô-pra nof par- peas o lie tthtic eveiyof Vi cat ani octrsVire re omfew lneUMs ans! Ve numbPr of fatal cnse, er c1ii1drenl-lwho reacir scbo l age co-fv1ih-opng cougi are rcduedin an -witlltout liaving receivet the inirt area micr(7 lano-utions agaïnst Vioe eoreof in-noculations. ar nts - wdise;ýase bave beau caried on a mog bring Vie infants aad.pesho a ren-slo-abe proPortion of syoung ,eilidren VoNVe faiil detr or o ClIAiden over a. numbna ofears. clc operatedi by th e lmti Ynt 1Suping nmnuiitatbiaPmograin TaI fer imrnnii7atioir. A e Pinntra- Ruray A,ýcaa Staet April 1tVi 5 ,RSIDAY, ARP., I9th 1951 -s FREDERICK_,fDUNCAN Fo--niany years a reient of Or-(no>, Frede.rick ]Yuncaen, died at bis home on Wednesday Xýpriî 4th 1951,in his 82nd year, after a -ontIhs; ilness. The late Mr. Duxni l 'as born in Millbhrook Onitario. where he received bis education an~d ur-1 ing the early part of bis life- was a Baker. In 1892, he wNas unite,,d1ln merriage, to Susan, Ida Tuetker of 'Mlhrook. The-y farmed lu miliJbrook and Gardien Hill1 for see i yars. Twenty-nine years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan movedi teo rono, mbeirel 'ewas týmp1oyed et the Provinciali Forestry. (>ne iof bisho*ibi(,sandý rre-eation for years ,waJsý piyin the Milbro)k anid Ornno Band. Ledt t> rourn bis' o ,rhis widow, Susan Dunea,,n. fOne sonm lareoce, Orono. Three daughters Adelaide. Mrs. Garni,,GairinHill1. Hiatiie, Ms Wilson, Oronio. Alice, Mrs. Ransberry, Montreal. One Daugihter Agnes, pideoeused him in1~() The officiabing Minister was tee Rev. A. F. Eustaoe Orono(. The funeral ser-vice wm s eld at hiq late resideuce Oronio, on Friday April 6th 19-1 at 2. P. M. The flio'er 'bearers 7ere the grandso.. Tihe Palîbearers were- Messrs T. A. Reidi, H. Rowland, Reg. Sàtto, Wm. IRiddel, John Gibson, Deitt Harneýs. Rdjliatijves f rom -, distance were r and! Mrs. Russelil Ra-iins-iry and family, Montreal]. Mr. anid Irs. Roy Ci-irab blb OMaaM.-. Lloyd Crabbec Trenton. Mr. Hl. Lang, Toront1o. Mx. ati 31rs. J.Hgs, Toiontu. Mr-s. i uggitis. eerooug.Mrs. Peeyl Pee1brugM r. John Dncan, Otaw',Mr.L. 'Kn'ott, Toronto,i M.adMrs. Jams PUeIy, Port H~eMr.îand Mrýs. Fred Canin, Gar- W.C.T.U._MEETING 1The ana meigof t Wot - n'ïlSCI reinTmea~eUio-n was' held Tuesdayv. Apil 17 at the home of Mrs. Wm. Seymou)-Lr. The mee(ting opened -wîlùhthsig ing of bymn "1We Thank, Thee, Orr Pahe."Mss E. Sherwv'in gave, thel dlevtional ly raigPsalm 725 in unison follo-,e(d by i lovely talk on "L ttieLghits Are M!gty"ý, as'si'sted by MVrs. Robert l ilen rada vpoem entitiled "L'ittieThng" closing with the'hm "Oh For A H-eart To Praise My G od". The busýineýss ypeiot-i.icluded the rolliceal, 1,1he-minutes of the former meeting which wreapproved.The arnnual rports vwere rend andi ap- proved, with planis' being discusiset for- tbe Medal contest to 1ie held in Thý ic cmsat- ofofficers, for Vire comîng yer as end bhy Mrs,. Jas. Lyc-tt. PesMeirs. Hl. Walsli; lst vcMrs. R. All nd vice, r.B Suttoi, rcc.-ec. R. B.Besit, trea- sure, Mr. J.D. Bomapianist, Mikss E. Sewn orsotlganti pi-eýs ecearMis. WJ. Lycett. Supenintendants ý,o-f Vie departinents, Evanelisi, rsý. R.AleFiower anti Fruit, Mr;. MW. Sc'Ymo(ýur ai Mrs Grabirr; Mdi CouVtert, Mre H. Rome anti Mrs. R. B :t;LW.R., Ms Hl. Bomwe, Presis, Mrs. W. J. Lyýcett, Pentce anmtdIn1ternatiorul Relatiio:n;s, Mr.F. Kelly; Temper'ance anti Sun- day Sehool], YMiss E. qlheriii. Pllans were mnatieVo attend Vie County convention o-n May 9 lit Osi- Tair Benetii-tio it h Mz LESKARD Tire Lesknrid W. A. icdîtiCts mon- tily mee in l ie Suvay scioci no-o n o Wedesda aftro'oËi.Tire prst ;,-r. Ernie Spry presideti Mrs. Braiam ývto-o-kthce rsi sr v-ice follometi iy Vihe businessperoti lans mere discý-usseti o ïpres;er ail oni-act plan 'l Ma ans!tic cast wa$, chosea. Tic eetngcloses! wt ia Miapa i edeilctlp( n d r.cI ma 1Tlip Social evnlg elti byVie W. A. a Frday wsndefinPte succezs Se-nie vr it -stn icîures; mereý s r)own by Mn. Cretnftcr -mlci lu nhms serv-et. Tic, floor mas 1- tn claeifor dancing- anti oldiieat modemr dancing mas enjoyet by al A-10out sixtyattendt n'L t1 Ve pro- cectis was loset 300.Tich .A wo-ultilire to ViaiaiI 'vo '.p- ateti anti ielped Vo arake Vis evet-I - ing a success. John Armstrong Irings Bac k Word 01 Formier Citizens When weeiuse t tebe on the at in western Canada every timle we caime home fýýrm a trip, father ýw-quld say "Who diti yo*u sep and: what diti Lthey sliy?" We Fnaw Beýrtha Waddell anti her husiband in Saskatoon anti on thbe first of tihis nionth they were mnoveti toTonio hee Mr. Browrn willi fiakeP over the management oif the Domninion Baurk brannehi on Kin'g St. east of the Knig- Edlward Hotel. Mr Brown had chiarge nf the Domrinion Piak branchinl Sasklatýoen for over thirty yeaýrs andi witihe ie any dry- sipls thev have 'had ini Weern Canada, s'hould be tioroug-hly dried o-ut n'ow. Ia Ca.hlg'arywe -sa,.v r. ýhn L. Rowe and* her daugiteir Etinia and' hurdiend. 'M-s. 'oc broke hier hip ahovt hre e ars azo ens! is in beti ln the Siottish NNurs-ing Horne there i;'ith other pleasataint ladies li the sarine rocm and tie-y ail seen tin te e havin'g asý good a time as four Peto- pie ia bed eoaa haveý. Mrs. Mowe was oar fi-st school teacher and lis ovetr nilnty years of age. She is ýo rmcm- tally silei1rl lat she remninded me about l'iag ft) hei ahout a cribibage gaine we pai five earsago. Shel gaid Sthe hati nceer ex-pectedi that any oti her punils ý would tinaont to lesuch iibure faced liars. Besuldes belg areal person lier- slEdna is mrretiýoa xinth-at i-s the siaut of Vie eart!h andi we hiat a wonder-ful vî.it witb themn also. The trains irnoVrmilloýn Ata. get inaii leave there at! 2 A. M. no matter hen you go or le've. sIQ we- jpho,(neci PreLong f rom imýloniton toeqir abol'ut 1il of ftheLong's, wýliich nldt Ed and Wiliwloal live ini Ver-niTlin. Perýce andi his wife wer ju't -etingover- the "flu" but theý t'est of ti faaily were ia goos! In Peatiýcton B. C. me visiteti Mn. andNT I Mrs. CurV MKeenans!bis mo-ûthin wbolilves miti . Lire Mrs. Ho-me rs. cîKeen Si'. is a very remaiir bcwo-ian ai siersVoL.)e ej-ngevery minute of 1f . CurV iras icen ii la ic dug business i Peniticton ~rover hinty ,years and1 leý very sucessful. SeattlIe we visiteti our sister Ruth " A , ro g' Sfi c is e aIj oin g goo ti hentb w'itirut too) muci ai but lier longyersof btrii as lcfV ber irelPlese but cicer-fuL. Twen)ty\-iinae yea ltoo long- Vo tay away froii- nny -place where you have liveti. So wbi1N I e-t out Vo tic BIllings Montana grýaveyard Vo vi-tuni>-eH ys rvwio tics! th(i( r la 194 we oasliat ill of iri fieti atmine weýre Iburieti tiere miti im. Lou Cia1ppie %was about tic on)iy -ýfinýicd.we bi-ad lef t antiholie Is ie oiy Ciappî c livinîg nom of bis fml.L-ou 1et ils f ln Jaaýuary 0i Vi a. ïHe liaýs a vr clever son wiro î i acnmn!of one of Vie-U. S. biasttesips ai orea Wien me entVo Billiage iini905iV Imdapuation o 000peoplefanti nom has ,4SnO00. Bon took me aI1 over- tic, toma but it 1d1A ian o l0 uci tint vcy i!ttiecf it was iaaiiliar to mne.i Wc have spenit o-er forty -years o-f1 oi-un h-f e inVihe WesternStates ani Westrn Canada ,- c is) have forty fend' ut tlire-efor every one me fhave bocre, se it mas a Wonie(rful reniemal of fninebs Tiey ignoredth ie Duke ani Duesssof Wind(sor o-ut tIicrne but! Vie teattius irke Kig Goe Toronto To Newcastleý "dl ls igh1it by Hn ere H Doucett, ..P, Milster of Higi-j ways nti -Public Wo-rks spcailig ovl ern'rl m riework cof tVie Caiuian Bro dIcstiagCopoato frnCET, laTo-roo "We iave nirady mdc pr-grecýs la surveyiugthe route fer Virethe dualjflne hgi-vayexltendil-g casb from tic Windsor arem-a. Tl)ils la i-- poran-aea a Western ,Ontarlo %me sih-ill-ge, on itinsubstabmtia;Ia- me pr-Ioose Vo-coninu mok o-n the eamstely etnio fanc-Viei. un- nortant -i-iin a his 4-la-etot Tus. recetiywill give us a 4-lae pavemn -frorn To-nr)o-ato teNewciastle tic miini-ste-nsasi 'vu Subscription $ 1.50 per Year O0rono Public School Present, Stirring Operetta On Frid, Many parents and. initerested rphans Le se First Gamne last Frdayevenng y th puils f,0f Final Series Orono Public School.___ Miss Gains' classes performed W'hen the O0rouno Orphans are off flfrst with the Grade 1 roonin delig1hît-colour they certainly show it as-ha ing everyone as they S'vetd Mg been prpven at dififereaut timnes tILI "H11owu Many Miles. to Babyland" year. and! then gave a mIusical! exercis;e, "Hveuti and shoulders", They -a-re capèabie of playing su- The Grade 2 claS:8 rentieredi a pcrb hockey which they di i li the choral number witb preisio[n. First series with Nobleton. six wýins<oaie girls recited "ans Saturtiay night la' esPier Was a tien Barbara Eustace witli exPres- b" itixaefor Vie Orphianis. The teamai sion to-Id us of "A ,Certain Greent- dd ý9 pa u t whrvieh enablaet Eyed Mýoniter". The girls wEýre tien the Hespler Greeushits te swaaipc joineti by-the boys and to-gether told' the ii 1 to 2. AFayWent A-arketing" ans! th The children then lÏgltlY dancet He-spler scoredt Vie opener lanh the "Chimies of Dnik.eanly part of the firsit period ms Mrs Cax4eton'sý boys with their Ox'ono 'was getting acýcustoaaed Vo the- well traineti voices sang "The Race", siirroundings. A wvdde open style of "T he Running Bok ans! "The Pl'ay was lied fran then untii the Waterfali1". TIhe girls lias tiheir tur as1t ýwO miniiutes of the -periodi, whet ilext and sweetliy sang "Tborny tihe Greenshirts banged in two monse Roe"ans!d lwr of China"'. The OrOnO was' not gi-ven an even break boys ans! girls joinedi forces teý sing, by the referees whichi seeines! to "The Keeper" -with an echo f romn the take their spirit away. balcony and! Vesiper Hlyma.Fv oe ol o eslrl i The second part of the programme Pe mor! e oal sformedi Vo, en nea vva's takeni by the seniior pgpils who sen eid ere oehne tliriIlled everone with tiheir present-terlet nulRy e, ui ation of the Operetta "Tori Tit Tot." long shot andi then also- Vo receivý;e a he story was of a village naidea lolse in goal to- keep his average up, wvhlo hiad' been chosen Quean by the ans! mnake the, score Stand at 7 to- 2, King ofethe counitryside because of UP to the 40 minute miark of the- her g-entllenes-s, iunselfishinets -anti gaine. sweet disposition. She also had to be The third period saw H-espier gel able to do' one useful householti task. three more wl1hiIE O rono went scor- The mnaidens' inother tolti th'e King lesus Pl'ay roug-hened up considcrably h ler daugiter couldi spin flax 1111/t with 0,oo iaving Vthe edige. During 's-lid gold piege, on midsuîmers' h seothh gineý two Hespler aight. Tho Ki.ng ant ihis new Qucen players ias ! Vo le assýisteti off the bce- ive hppily unitil midsummrers' aiftcr 5gettng la in way of one of ou-, niglit when tlic Quecn was letit with pccaes her w frientis Vo spia tihe flax. The Queen wast-aaeaSnti decitis!to IAI-Inla althe Hesiplcr Genlit leave the palace ani.fîee bauk to Ihcr{hIIwev a veryý fine' hockey clb, but if vilg.Just tie-n an elfinan froli ,our Juniors -play, the style of hce tre und1erworldl appearetiwh saiti which tl'ey are capable of irig lie coutlt spin tie fiai into- goîti for lt is felt that thie seies w411 lie a ber. c Te efmajn matie one stpttontulneý for both -,des. that if tIre Qeen couls! ues isBouquets of'rJ es antigreatest ap naIIIine ic wCI libe frec of 'aI11 -preciation Vo Mr. Charles' Tyrrel Igýationjs but if not s'ic wold hi ave 1from thIe Orono OrphanhckycI.ih to- retura witfi bhlm Vo the caveras for -the ticliclouis'chi'cken banguet Sund(erground'. The Queen promniset i wlici C. B. tenderes! to the team ai- ans! heýr ttvo fieis frintic;-l te Wciaeta niglits gamie la'Lipti- guesse nurnrolis nain-es but non-e sav. This sotmasi certainly la-. belconged i. Juthten Vie King, retura-ý-Ï- îits the p Iyr o bring greatcr cd froi a journIey tIhrouvgh Vie rvoods honour Vo Orono. ai tic cî]f fleti sayinglie wuld be P.S. Rathier than. C. B. Tyr-relI. ]et bocu(k Inter anti gave (tihe QucenI until us- ayTy- el- Drug Soein case sual un )to guets Mhie anme. M 4 A ottaniisnceVad- p nie'ofgoldubut hlie ws urappy ________________ 4o -Sc(, bis Q ticen Cii ead. T o ic r up) t -Qenlie tolti lier a story of a hri ipmsIsen-iger, 1Jack Wat- straigecreatue lc hard siningson. Trom Tit Tot0, tie wee lni2 that his anme wnsTom Tit Tot. woi htic villainious tein-per was wcI The Qucen oIanti lier two fienis layti iy onie West'ans!hie- tiacet i deligitanti when tic cîiffrgreni asPu uhfod reunti ticQueen olt, i hm u h ntas ncuit w hrig 71anme whîicli mad e i cf tamp )outtp tinesBrce Lun ad The ragepClne igtîtlatiramypik cst crown ant]Ile] ei npil ith VrulotbVe Oeetaby a:ga tetie iII-,ý, rte ch11orus 'f taîesanti snespro- to tan. v,,nga colour-ul backgrond àand _Miss AtiLe ýCooper capý,tiva-ted 1the0co"tinu1,ity1V ti, epromn audene i~ lerswctvo-c ati Totctece, Mr. Neil Ste-. winîsoc inys la ic role ofti wa. Missý K. Foster, Mr-s. R. Carie-. vilagemaiienwli beameQucenl.ltat i Miss Bertir a Gain, we wlîsk Laienf .tiecCourt wee nJ>_Ce(oexrsorpaiefor their ýun-. Joncs anti Jo-an ,Carb erry1 . trigeforsla rtigapr Her iw-o fnIei(,Is werc ablyportryei VIforae i suci gaderaaI byMayAaArstogatMaidînty Special pmention teo Mr.. L Lews.An Bst Doee Atie-diLintonl, wlio was rcszýp asibiýe forthe ans DoecaWli- wewllcasit aS costumes ýýThetair n ttet tie moIthere of VeVic ir- nt is ocxedthIýr apprcc iatt;ii jack Wilso-n wsanvcigKing anti-raituIde to M rs. ,i jo for ei- in hie royal robes. Tlic oaeci-m1ybie eoeirla ipea icer, Viee1dourt lieris! t fione fby Douglas îpareti at tic, Orono WoodP) du1s Tyrel'sDrug Stoire Honours Orphans With Banquet TPire entire dhéargon io-f tire Ho- of Vie local Orpirn eeprsnei tel BeasM~, Lasy a ie -vrmtrMasgfetsy nTyrel Vo tire O o O rp ý ians ant,_ i ma ag - ire net-sp rtmme 0tt . mca-t on Wtnsa vnngwhen Johrytîi, a ateruiq1 Va il, 1 n anguet iin a most v jgaVcnîîg ronTorn-t fi meaunsth isi mannet. Ticdinng ilmasenlveeti . t of thc radIioitatin1,E11ron Th( diingh:ti wý th"minci Jo-e as giving ils aihtl CDJoI7ourful anesgud~-l i ovn roas!cas-t. ionour Vo theloa boys mvho have progresses! laVe Vefinal senie of M.C .Trreîi, ie lias expea-t.. Vie Junior O.H.A. "'D" g(Iu. d 1uitirîng efforts la organizing and! Tifs group of mca lad one special spo-nsonag tVils recegniienof pro. gUesF onour (m l Vi 'e person of à s. grecsade by1Vie Orpiras, is Vo be- Daine Founs!, %mo mas prescries!A micognatuates!, for Vis Yeertain]y a a bouquet of fioms bA ye Viest cred to-tenaymne wîe takes scihar en belinifof Tyrell's Irug Sore teresut ln Vie youth of tie c<mu Furýtli r ire banqluet Vie boyFs 11y. /~aN. s N s N N N. N