~US T 2,nD cIaget i' Loncful together-, S n n - je î to via ..........Il y 1 c a m p .c' Thete e3tw 'Carotherucars inhthe anythC'th ilvà5ild fo 11Sunday, ai frends antta isi home li goas nowbere, except tauý for peasre he sayoi. isawh yo have t1eleviio 4yo n 10av , and s yearwe tayd hnie an he brught s brther o spedItheis do 'v rec t a\\ toerpe- tsan ty withim, bu-t lie burus u and lave herot.le as el go there evy dv lay ifhe airpetA, aHd it's nuetof rny busness. know lie owes somchth o i "I've even ongpi h of lvnb I love Kagim ereibcwmaSi c usedta uietmysif w'lith üthe fc 4878 2-2030.-42 ANNE ADAMS liaritutîder svour COùr ioxv, as yanr sutissrer snit-dress ater.! hlVisxcc1usy fattering, yct sa sinsi- piYokcs andsiccres ta anc, skmiis gorerigeîsty flamed. P>atterus 4878 eoneiiti sixex !2. 1, 16, 18, 20; 30, 32, 341 36, 38, 40. 42. Size .16reums4 adsi O1P raa cwisteicdfo cft. a Send TIRTY-FIVE .CENTS cecfor tlis ptîcrs. Piss piinySIZE, NAME, ADDRE;.-"SS STYLE NU MBER, -iglîtceutIý i Ù1,1xiTrot ,u Place yau oder tsars for onui Aunne Adiamss Spica Pates nmuon!I season fiasîs efor alag wes aiUd onc- ~ ~patternpr attsn s aîîdo FRE isîmr.iais a naie Co. 'ihas ac' ild a aieyo *change af scene asWdpeople, a * idercial lue, anti divesife *amuements; iben yenu, ould *have 'plasanît nmoetes talsv euwih wnousyou mwtbe alone, * ý IttksiaiaInfr a us *baud ta iture bow i hbs * ieftatk, yt a te places * ~ ~ i ,rfrcdtcotnelieths *U wil aays ueed taecep yonr- *on m wctiVC and rwou ffctions, * fyon husbasd mus speîî *il î1t want e s uc t a as av *you need. *d geu more pleaanty 'ritibiu, * A adeson iie mos antod- lit's sesin;buyi foudaiver lave'Kc * v eald île oitA12'igere helie- ,crne deflant o-: wlt e * e albae ta sacr1Vifhice a e * ire t saâi i egre and per-,ý *oi hapsIbi budet ishieore 7e * yonr busbandiiý i gooad huntor Sirbe il is hai cýne5 exvld e *more cmcagrla es iton uAt * weîîliefinhyuncertoadsbtha *as yo sedonta e ont mrctevs asla sorne facisz hnee sia melion becom sen atioa oer *wk n ogt, a hu a Wlefecs hatbe *hn ber good stature. The tiocon- t *iea* 56 theusattrost na becrne a eIs îfyou wie uhe.aiyBOXday b2S caet youldn'l taire br t as often as she ne(da a'age ThnrAboîuterndb mrcn siderat. Aune it.basideyl usl 1 isaîi uotx ta ger i ît letCnie msaeaiseicretsae meu asd iog iIiy ourId-à berShsauer aîd mgazieret nînide amîeand dnu îo ut- ai ots icdhisakiosaîdasl in tdo ore o' m e isî coreced itelit \fercil, corne.Ciastweek that eliet! dg. Rafog,1moe ra ad-tw e fog agin Watica pianpcd oldv onl s;everai trips JINciS- ta say e ,niulrea t2o ldown tjow1 as they are stii busy wvith Inw sewerage ,job). al he Main street iiio hU~ad tIc shovei past, h ohrsiebs "no Well t supposewl1Ig i gto eercîsei but Wlen'I l isC-waliîg a Ifl 1)f parceý lilbecom s - xer ciscplu. Bt tiat ' u a3 i goa-oreer cnenlIence lier.e jeuce bef le'cai gel i l TIltl i sul,, '~ I î . lv in uro îîhme. i rcý vtahdte uîaemiinat mitle a il jb hebueis ti taclarasi wri 2lXel Cfcors is weat c-er mi1j .a iprxe for bousieclening t iiledc mine anyl[cil arco B ut still tiire is aiiIlwas reimnay ork tha cn a. Ai I bA3 e been doi u ns ofpeatios Te tîuhcane t me w n troublecieta aur fam- tiy a few;weeks ago I,- i. owif xvba a -i jo, c- ,asieavng bei aeaps, leters -nd il knç tinga aa ntbr rso.L isv a Strrfi jbevn ormc Ter are cean lteiîgs thatwid waunt t 2keep Iidasln a Ian er I t, they wo ld be o;l! interest t auon ese iatevitnv w faîiy. Sa I av 1ptthem -lii1 box prpery abaedso1owte baix tan lic îickc upaîî but 1- -e od li iikt hi i sI rat1i lier t(-,i we aredi îcie asya a tra 1raliies , BEicr b os kTil f cfshes Fristne thr$ rcaetiodvmcîwh lie ta ask f o orfaaiwht"e r'a~ îtînl lA lawe.sea STRANGE! A ~x ii kîon hicoseiilad wst rudhisatr-inr peh a it sriketiccansauy s alittle nuiis'ai tsai alasvvr shold have iYourir, :rs daa timcly okv Cheerecd T mU TI:lic ThelWet PriiicesxVictoria, d e a goronsj, ind el, auid thtltl- tehe re, tcp rinccss ed t the inusadeg. LUS.ithe frstroaýd t iere ten ai lads iiili, al'ae nd d rs cd up for sd he M1cr ls, 'XV.ll n dear, howa rcdytue " uR.tI. aske thes dam ie. owlong save yitau abwen ere, oorder?""T et IhTilady i f a,îny oor ear, 1..H aret, Sà tik a areig Cap 0,ut1onar naaC lt You mnst miss youra home."ihï,pla sobbîttg-ie-nd thc othes, taoeXhe IL.r.H.nd thcisioes Banes icthevery. anc j(-Ws bowli ad obug, anti th.eý orcedigh'rcd, sibu"t tis a wndefu fi,! e engstartoasite bas doepsomte goodin ecrig u IhseporaidThsouler nThr igtthe surg tenGr Fruçlich ael, the garoes, ayr- ing: "for Gos sak iersdoni the Priespî corn ade na tsplacr agarnin thcemaon c f-anceaimtht aid191 woma Thc ildsaytheenusted bte dtahe bap Barnd sw thy ar a inemai, "ot Ailauity, onthe Brancss disclohtses that, t tic aim foavs for the isresWedt the cdifthebanta eket secrtoani iafls bIputh." etrikers. cie Whk..'Athe Bter eviSa wAnoidthe stoy sailteGran shud Michael, wa ge a lag dinn terfi uanafers fri ioni the custam. he Ghad staiisb fo thinthesont of ne afterh other 194 uar T ors he C. n h Sa nsha, wb)Uto was wait ing o t anrks ad vaisiad. phlatef!m cdhi iic radî Dtkega itaai "thosne fools ave akei gtemas svenirs.Yr ntglbex this week! " And th RELIEF is LASTING Nobody knows the cause ofrheuma- tism but we do know there's one thing to ease the pain. . . it's INSTANTINE. And when you take INsTANriNz the relief is prolonged becanse INSTANTINE contains not one, but three proven medical ingredients. These three inigredients work togethr ta bring you flot only fast relief but more prolonged relief. Taire INs'rANTINE for- fast headache relief too . . . or for the pains of, veuritis or neuralgia and tie achesiand' pains that oftcn Gst lîstanine today 0 and always ieit handy , tStantn i 2-TableS Tin 2Me Econornsîcci48-TableS BaSSie 69e. ROCKTITE STUCCO AND CEMENT PAINT SEALS - PROTECTS - BEAUTIFES ECONO'MICAL - EASY TO USE - ORIES FAST ROCKTITE ;s the hoird'esý, IneS-a, and most economnicai finis!) known for masonry and sttucco. D5 boîîds rig4S on tu the waîI 5urface. Re ilîti moisfure from ,wïthin. Use on ait porous enoionryv, bckConcreSe surfaces. Aik your point deoler ,for colour cord.