< ~ 4 - -~ -4<- ~4 s~ -raps GeZýee With 'kocetFiedNetc eniy y PterScotatiteplr er, ntraîstto cth 400 rare geese icSoland. Fieba s efue rocot roelkd,îet , aing rte ide -cagthemite by ommer gca iterstsBut e basreipotsa theuetseyiredsnt he air after t'rcet av be atad toac endce Afr be ad cangb tbetges the so fCaptanSothe gr at Artchexlorer-put rings on thei legs anddyed ir ite ail-end with different cur-s so -,ïaie of," e tldsclege t"wh e1rcedte idad I agtesigt o ou1 fh geese..-s le 'v ic a et that some -f' tbe l b as enseen KSor theaHumberssude liosn- s cidof's lats neprs ]tî nsn ocaptretohem)1n1 its Sprý 4ý ieiMadness atsted thy er pnameaplet tha seenis pefr iýat hiclh adforvws the new sasos fwormd ula for brei-tyý. ,T he fir tati otbvei oinitedtiny crepa- floduètcoversoytheJesl. Then inatt rsofeouked ith loitte haeari tetoabuevlvtbos Strie ike Th disske àInvtolrable! hy Pn gumet btwean thefmik drves of ope auand'hoedéaines ootd ther.lpt wa vrymuh]or sr onsaund ugl hn that. tpasra tereathamd irectiy a(tthe ubli a n ited holdshave been t;eate a henreal victim ee os1 sands of farm roducers svho sc1,- \,.. Aorsiret i n siumpi. lCon- long as the sfike l"s-ed he ns' eire beaisAsldof greecjn1s ucd a drcsntatradzperta taugid nes se n ren ose cail o mynaietbiefu dsn tiic wbnod re o fruit u2 ice haubeenadded tion recipes of the threeilbaictaha drings-Fre ynch, mayonAsa cooked ressîug. es, hop Thsmpes o lidrssng o ints hoa n bepui n a-, býotti eran sbakn-ad thed resg s uae ea cusn.Us IMcM lveo vegetable ou, I/ 11cupleon uic (o cpviear,¼ espo paka, 2 Eason uarooe anic* eason satfr the bas,1ic Mrsi, dr o Yourown magn tio aube th lîmi ofwhatyouadd o tiC o m jk'iteesin vritinsfo LATJRA WHEELER pour best dre lcueds a best aprn IEiterof these w iil do- beauifuly.One is m3aiuliy appli- que; neplain mbode Maethese apronus ïwi'tb or th out bi, Pattern 683; transýfer and cultmng chIarma for-twl Lanra Wlmeeur'simtsroved pat- teru mlakecs crochet anid kný'ittîu so srpl ifis chrts Iphtos and conisc directios. Sen TWENTY-FIVE CENTS ini coins (stampus cannlot bec accep- tedi)for thlis patteru to Box Il.' 12.3 Eihe hSt. New Toronto, Ont. Prist pilyPATTERN NUMBER, yor NAME and AD- Sen 'w'nt tve Cents m;iore (l ois or our L-JauraWhee NYeedecraft BookIllustraions oi pattr0sforcrochet, cebroidery, knittug, ouseold c(cessories, dooms, roys. . . many hobby and] gift î(ideas. Afre ater i rihtted iu tue book. SLuggested"(jvariatfionsiaib-o, tained by addig fiuly hpe ad-cokeiiegscoed pnVme- tocopdur lj'piclý" seetu doel, eaubuter, chopeitui a u ce o bdMAc oflad w akigeiscs inre sbces- cs uyfesb greeS. Was tbe rer Beaor pans until sed.ear do otru lettuce it iesx pice o tssed sainladgeI.yu ik a touch f greliru ow ih h but mi)x--saeadshvonl tt ls lminute.ubýc Always thin sof eye-Fenca ivilastste-vCfappal bn aing tifulwitb Phe se of everalshades of gren garnshed wtoatos wedescrotorrais lwrs ComingAlong-ayne ideon, 7, a victirn f emoji.a sie as herecuperates ait lhomei. Thiebo asndagr bleedig to dath folowinganl injury .bIt 'a nwsrmtrpr ptoplicotureof te oy, doniated rare RH i-type Iblood hh cookd eg .,lcien or other col roastd es .re onyafi sg ges t fo adiin totibac used forctIs emand slm o 'unheon Soak :gelat in 2cuIp cl a aid a Llýowu t o stand ivemnt; dÀissýolve veo t water aud ad to cbeese. Fold in w1ipped cerea and sait to taýsteý. Pour juto ring- that bas b)een rinsed irm coîd water and chili. Turu out on lettuce. or water cress and fil centre with your favorite fruit- grapes, avocado, grapefruit sections, oag wedges, meoballs, or a comrbiniation of thmwbîch bas been marinated iin Frnbdressinig and drained. An unnstsal saiad miade with meat ilrehead of cabt-bage, sjîlCed thinà 5 orange ..eel and -ce oranes sdctl wedge. Comine wth gaed car- ulrtseaud sied cabg . osto- gether wi.th reUSsitng and ansh siti-orange ucesand parseyoe. uit sixffetinsuneirg varia- tion ofd scmntions fort sr alads.t ansach bdaflvewhspars, melons, grapkefri barnanaspieappe an bearrn aneboncettce e v e oryde signed lu gitsaisfy e arlt- si ai na o tion of lmst anonl WChickenaoifse iad ar po- ulma eredintoat ps T Creauted and sgnd y The flouse of ýSeagramn,this adivertisement, witlt aprpie copIy for frig ans s appearing in1magazines ýand news- papers pkriutLed iii various languages and circulated throughout the world. ThSMTE MWORLD ABOUT Calcutand 1rs advertisement was desýigned by The bIluse f ermto tcilithe poi of otherlands about Canada and things distnctieiyCanaidiain. Many people in Latin Ainerica, Asia, Enôeand other pý-arts of the wortld are flot fuiawre of the icha-ess of Cna' atural resour-ces, wid ife., senbeuy acUltuaitradiions. The mori)ýe the Chbe J4ouse Of >eaa ram u .v eJctrve Atxdi'e~ws. N N 's N v v 4' s 'K s N N -s 'v N N 4' v -s' 'n 'n N 's- N s s-' N i N N N -n -n s N "n 's N -s N N 55 N N 's N N N N N 's t N -s' 's .4 54 -v $ N -s. 4 .5, 'n v 'v 'v p coies f oter iands 'knlov about our coontry the gratbrwilheir interest inanada and Cndiproduets. ie House of&aramfelstath htorizon f industry (dots not terminaile aIÈ thtbouday o is pans; lbas abrdr hoioMe aîerve- ve einae