Watson's Garage,ý SALES AND SERVICE FORD, ]MONARÇH CARS and TRU1 .S FORD and FOIUDSON TRACTO»Sand EQUIPMENT WHITE ROSE GASOLINE AND, IL1 GREASING - CAR WAS HING ie 42 r Il -4 - Orono, Ont. by public auction hi& vahiableh ses milk c'Dws, swinoe, pouitry, iii: iniery and feed 1on Fridar Apr)1il at 1 p.ni Ternis cs,.ne. os Jack Reid. Auctioneen. The propefity of Stanley B w lot 1M. concession 3, Clarke Tor ship, 1 concession s-uth a nd i mile Weist of Oromno to selu bit pul auc±ion, on Monday, April 23rd bliacksimdtlh oquipmient and furniti Termnish, neeserve. Jack I( Au ct ion eer. Since giving up business 'Mr. Aikoni wiil off or for salle Iie pai and dishes at the Newcastle C( munity Hfall, Sat., Apr. 21. J. i Essotane Gas Ranges, Hot Water Heaters, Refrigera tôrs and other ESSOT.A1] only by our Authorized Dea1ers,-Oron'o Fectric and Lunns Hardware inhe (Our Choîaages1 Are As ,ý,ohl Installation .......$25.00Y1 Glas per 100 Ibs....$11.00 for 1 Ap ,ýlance Gas per 100 14 ...... $ 9.00 if you 1 ve 2 Appliance I NOTHING iVOR ,We seil you the Regulator, ail fittings rtd tubing for $30.. This is YOI.R Pr( WVe charge .75 cents a month as a rental for cylindrs, ad this includes free sE ment --- Ask your Dealer for f ull information. DLo Net Be bMIslead If you want ESSOTANE Gas Service consuIt use r ask your nearest Appliaice vice is available on re q uest.j HARDI' Telephone 2-1552 hor- od ueDîaîce on Fr14y, May 4tà The -egular nmeing of the Ee- 8 BP-m. lu the Town ai0l, 0.'ono. ac-CO1.ING EVENTS ning Auxiliary wl be held in thle Progrýao-i is pleb a group o? rve,' 1 1 Isiut nhQlt~ Orange IH lon Thurs avAprl1 Vung Peo-,Ple from t iiBowm1-anyille ,--ve,. Wnen's nstitte wil huldthrr1 1 Qormo'nity ý7en'tre. usdc jor the regular -nmeting F-rdayv, Aiprii 2OGth, Dni ac il supp1i4d by lîoca1l - ývPf, at 2 p.m. IlIrs E. Hami wilI aspeak sioniary f rop' Af rien will h_ e Our 1ont. The even ng 1 i- sr by tbp on her ree~ttnp 1uh R~t speaker. E ýryonie weileomF b-c Ormo Figin u cin Club. Comé one rn Standing Coiiite.Eýtû1 and have a g od mie. lis of Off;ces.Everyonre wedconle. H EJP WANT#ËD ry', ThecsieFrna's al Merwante<d for sesocnal, pa4 roesioal' erý TheNecasleFirnin'sBal wlltiine -work. Apply tq IL C. Do-lwni roesina iIrectoî7 ýure. be heid in the. Newcastie Coml*nunlty 1Nursery Co., Bo,ýyfnanvi15e. a-c _______________ oiHall on Frid4ý April 27th. Featuring K.th,ýe Music of~ Bobby Gr1y of the FOR sALE1ýF eEN IMD insHappy Gang, 'and lis nîa1e piece or- Onie Baby haùlg, e, Gend-.on, A .MK N IM> hestr.Jd iltt ît dexcellent rcodt*iun, M.00 'Phorie PRYSICIAN sud SURGEON om-ýr. uyElitw.rýit A- r 7. i0a-p»Oours: iel. ission 1.00 p ,er peron. ec44-c2.0t400MýSMe&OfpM LOST .4t..0 ;L .S. .. - 1 urebred Scotch Coili.' pup, age Sundaysan~d WeiMes4ays h3 six nmonths. Sable ith tchite collarapotmn ir and cuff. Wight edr stamçped HWR13E. Last~ seen inOrouo dis- PIIONE 47r] triet,, is o lzcol1ar. Re,;ward. Pho'neDont.M<èQee, 24r4, Go.~c E. C. SYER' MI. NOTICE PHYSICIAN and SURGEN Any porson. having rlean refuse to M,,airï Street South dispose off it would be appnociated Uf Office 1ïours: N~E G Appliances are sold clude, dht, gshos, cinders, brick,Àpoien Orono District Stone or gravel. Mr. RýolýIph or Mr. Low s _____________tiis ili SPRING EPLarneC aoBA A vryfin aso~bmitof ai yur Barrister and Solicitor spi-ing Cleaning Nes loProa OMNILOT Brushes of al tpe.nal your Fui- ~ M VL~OT her Deniler, Ethan Jones, Phone, phones: Clarke '721. b-12-p Office 68$ Home 553 oet.PATýqn paRitin orTED JACK.SON ervce n al Y IJR equp- eveings and week-ends. Apply to, D. Auctioneer and Valuator ;ervce n A YOU eqip- Simpson, or phone Gord1 Simpson, 611 r 2 after 6.00. Conduets Auction Bales of al noe __________________________ and at reasonable ratte. NURSERY STOCK FOR SALE Commuicat. with hilm at Pefl S t.raiwbFýry plats,-rmer and Prry, Ontari., or zoo hi. CIrk. A. Senaitor Dunlop.; PrmB . Morton, at Oromo, fer date. SDealer --- ESSOTANE ser- [NC, & HAYES L.TD. Park & Romaine Strs-, Peterborough, Ontar1o i<aspberry (JCanes, Hkirerts. Asparagus, Mary Washington, 1 and 2 yean ok'I mots, Grapeýine.s, 2 year oid r'x*,ts. Rod CurraW, t ushes (chýery) and Blaek G'urrant buisýhcs Vioi*a), boh2yeai-old stock. Seeýd Potatoes, KatAin. Order now fo)r earl/ planting. JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuater Specialize iii Farm and Furiture Sales 1V __ - Pln lwarke 22y14. J*1c Consuit me for terme ___________________ ad dates FOR SALE phane 50 r IP - Manune Spi-eade'rs- $29ý0. and up, Bisseil tandem Disces. 18" piat'e s $210LIE T ITAT'Y Fleury tnaedbon Pws, OnlIvatnsiS~URAN%.., Hayloador, ail aiteol $225. 7he new PninPas dctoa oiis flexilie drag aËow 15 ftj for $60, eso ln;Euctoa oiis they dump themselves. Paip Jack. Protection and Savings Plans fo« Weood&s Cmi o Deo PFrPeoze Children and Adults; Mortgage la- and Refriçyeritirn $500. an-d ap. srnePas 1141k Coolons, iken, G4ii"rs.Ro-srcePa. lors. Several used ma,.cli ines, dises, F. E. LYCETT ,agons, plo3ys. Onurteefcord Bull. 2 1-2 yns. SeedOas Cartier and ORONO, Ont.. Phone 20 r le1 Beaven. Phone Caîl 'fodd. Clarke 15-2. c-3-pThe RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY - Dial,32l15 - P.O. Box 622 PlumbingPort Hope, Ontario Iand Monuments, Graveharkerm I at W at m. Engraine. d<Oldleafjnp CALL US FOR EST.' IIARRY E. LYCI Phone 84 r 12 Real Estal MORTGAGE MONI loyal Cniii. Air Force *BE BETWEEN 17 AND AC) *HAVE GRADE 8 EDUCATION OP, ETTER *E BEHYICAýLtY FIT B E A CANiADAN4 CITIZEN OR OrNER BRITISH SUBJECT. $EeTHE CAREER COUNSELIOR AT YOURt NEAREST R.C.A.F. RECR4ITING CENTRE g - ~, / I TRAIN4ING COMMAND, R.C.A.F.> * TRENTON, ONTARIO à Ptease maii me, iihloui olgtofil particlaers regard- I ing endâlielitreqiremetsiaid peings now, available in à the R.C A. F. NAE(Please Pi)........ ............... I STREET ADtS.......... ...................... I CITY............... -... PROVINCE.............. I L DUCATION (by grdead province)ý ............. - ........AGE . . . L ~ - - ----- - - - CAÎ--w If you have funds wli would like to Safely ini the current rate of five it would be advisable to know. ORP If you need a first mu boan on your home, fai business property 1 have available for this purpom Leroy Hamili, BROKER Phone. Office 32 r 10, Res. 1m Orono, Ontarlo INSURAINCE lu al its branc.he,% Pire, Auatomobile,L Life, Hsiaiain Plate Glass, Buirgiar ig STAFFORD BROS [MATES Montumental -Works, ETT Phone Whitby 552 "ETT 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby ONT. FINE QUALITY' MONUMENTS ANP MARKERS Let us erect a handsome, dtig- nified monuiment over the ruet- ing place of your loved onea. It's flot expensive. And seeing you ondiese comfort EHY îch you We will be pleased to pick up .vest at dead or crippled farm animal@ percent and lpay highest prevailing let me rcs For immediate service telephone colleet Brooklin 62, Cobourg ortg~.ge 1266w, Toronto Empire 3-3636 re funds GORDOI N YOIJNC !'ti. se. Orono Tinshop ton New is the time to talk about Eavetrough Wind R.ELGA try R .LÙ" Phono181 Ili 21 L