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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Apr 1951, p. 5

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ORONt) WEEKLY TIMES THI)'USJYAY, APRIL 19th, 1951 I G M PRODUtITS 1949 Chev. Sedant-------- --- $1750 1948 Chev Fleetinester Sedan, impmacu1ete, 5 new tires $15935 1948 Chev Coach, radio and heeter --- ----------- -- --$S1495 1948 Chev Opera Coupýe, undier- coating and oul filter J.$1495 19417 Chev Coach, heater -$1l350 1946 Chev Coach, undercoat- ng and heater --------- .$1250 1946 Pontiac Sedan.......---$1295 1942 Pontiac Fleetlile Se- 'daàn ------------------------ --$995 1942 Chev Fleetline Sedanette we don't know what to make to this one -------- ---- -$... '750 1941 Chev Deluxe Coach, eus- and heater- $8.. 175 1940 Chev special Deluxe Sedan one owner, low mileage, e<us- tomo radio andi heater. This is -the cleanest 1940e Chevrolet we have ever handled---- $9!50 1940 Chev Coaches, three to .fr..kom 17001 to $850 1940 Che'v Oinera Coupe, customn radio anid heater-----------$5 1937 Pontiac Sedan, 60.000 ae- tual mileege, show room con- 1936 Chev Sedans, three to choose frot ------$100 to $395 OTITER MAKES 1947 Studehaker Coach. recondi- tioned ud uarauteed, custao radio. ir-couditioning -$1295 197Hudson Sedien. oue owner a good ser'vicable car-------_$995 CHRYSLER PRODUCTS rRUCKS 19418 Dadge special Deluxe 194'8 Fargo, three quarter one ton Coachl, one owcier, immacuflate Pickup, cqinditionied like a niew pricedl $1550 veh-icie tires, motor, body like 1947 PIymouth speýcial Deluxe cew. restup'ite with higlt racks sedan -------_--------------- $1450 and tarpaufin,, reconiditionted,,. 1ý9947 Desolto customi Sedan andi gua7ante---------$ __ 1350 heautiful original beige finish 1947 Ford, ý,àf ton pickup. $850 two-toue interior, custom ra- 1947 Inter atiocai, 1-2 ton Pickup dio, new car condition through- re colitioned and guaranteed out ------ -- --------------- $1595 pr ed at---------------$995.. 1941 Dodge Coach, a good clean , ..$9 ca -------__-- ------ - ... $895 Fargo haif tont Panel, recon- 1940 Dodge Sedan, original in- !tiiego mtran trs terlor, immaculate, perfect priced et---------------.......$650 mechanically, must be seen 1942 Ford, three ton dump, hoist te be appreciated-------- tires, motor and steel box ail in 1939 Plymouth Coupe -----ood condition not licensed 1937 Plymouth Sedan, reconiii since 1947. We feei this dump tioned motor --------- $495 truck could make a lot of ntouley if righit person bcad it-....ý$900O FORD PRODUCTS< 1942 Fargo,~ three ton cab and 1951 Mleteor custom Tu~dor, heat- chassslnwhebae$0' et, ou filter license, tank funl()of 1940 Ford, three quarter one toc ges -----_---------- - -------$2380 Panel, four speed transmission 1951 Ford Deluxe Co~ach, heater, pricedi et---------------.....$495 license, tank of gas ----$2230 1940 Dodige Penel, good motor and 1951 Ford Deluxe Coach, demon- tires, presentable body $395 strator ---.._----- ... $2150 1937 Chev Panel, good running 1949 Ford Deluxé Tudor, radio, condition * .-----.... ...$250 heater whitewsa4I tires low Mile- age, an exceiionally quiet rue- niitg car, jusi one of those ex- tra zood Forf-----------.... $1650 1948 MercuryV Coach -----$1325 1947 Ford Deluxe Sedan, new car condition in every way, recon- ditioned and guaranteed $1300 LOW PRICED AS IS SPECIALS 1933 Buick, stosîl séries Sedan, priced at--------- ........---$150 1932 Pontiac Sedan, dlean.. $100 Model A Ford Coaches, two to choose front, each--------....$75 We Accept Trade-Ins, Terms If Des ired. One Third - Eighteen Months To Pay On AIl Trucks - Twelve Menithe To Pay On Cars --- AIl Late Models Guaranteed, Maey Others To Choose Frot. SISSONS' GARAGE One mile South -of Orono on High- way 35 --- Phone Orono 86 r 2-- Open 9 a.m. - 9 Mon. thru Sat. III HI J *Economical In Use Gtiaranïteed Satisfaction a nd Service by the PHONE 30 r 16 OÊ-ROi'NO ELECTRKIC ORONO, ONT.ý CHOICE CREAM CORN 15oz. tins 2tins 23e Maple Leaf Special ProcesS PEAS Look, and teste like fresh Green Peas 20 oz. tins 2 tins 39e. Phone 12r1 DATES Fresçh and Clean lb. Ise. KRAFT DINNER Macaroni end Cheese Dish 2 pkgs. 27c. ms 31ce WE CARRY A C031PLETE ASSORTMENT OF FRES$, CURE D AND COOKED MEATS AT LOWER PRICES Orages.~lare 00- Sunkist, dozen .... 49c. BanaesCooingAppesLettuice, Celery, Tomatoes, Pine.- etppIe, Caulifiowers, Cahbbce, Turuips. AIl1 fresh. CORNI1SHI -THE RED & WHITE STORE - SWEET Potatoes Anew product Try it to-dlay 20 oz. tin 32c. SIIELLED WALNUTS Choice Piecee 4 ozs. 25c. Orono, Ont, Local News I Phonv 9 r7iî wih your personalsJ Un. and Ms J. Leischinun, Tor- blyn. ýLis's'MajorIIe MLar-eni,Les , was at homte over Élhewel-a. MViss lvaoýeI .L)avy aas een isi - ing Alr. and!m i Ms. L"'. lEraili 'ijrce Alhbert.11 m rs. Oliver and soit of Býobcay-1 geon have been: visitîng wih ir and Mrs. Neil Porter, Récent visiters w1th, Mr. and Mrs. Lei.oy Haiton wel'eMr A. E. ButIer and Mrs' Lenure Foster efi Toronto who wreaiso making an ini- zpecti of their recently purcehased land east of Kirby. Miss Audre'y Bilings spent last wýeek in Toronto visitinig with Mr.ý and Mrs.. R'obert Coiaperl. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter, Shirley and Miss Auded Bilings, sipent Suit- dar in Toronto visiting with Mrs. Porte's b-,o)thcr who is a patieintiu Suninybrooik Husipital. Mr. and Mrs. J.(C. Ganey atten-ded the funeral of the formiersmthr MrsL iGarolineGmewho passed iway at her îhome in Toronto on Sun~- day. April 15th. There passed away in Toronto eon Sunday'Apil 1'5,th îMr. MoCa1un,i whe was a bhrother to Mrs. Clareisce- D}uncan of Oreno. Now 'thait the Comn encement and Exams are over everýyone- is back on theusual routine i sehool work. These lue f eiwv weeks: we have been gathering material for our school uagazine. Next week a supervisor is cuming, tb help us arrange the itemis correcdtiy in thse magazine. We expect te bave this' magazine. pablis{hed semétime in May. On Thý,uisdiay las4 a partywa held ýat the school. Tt hegan about eighft o'elock ami a few mif the stu- dents sta4 the party i-olling by danciug. There was tbhe odd squatre dance len~d by Mr. Rutlie--ford. A lunch of hot dogs and soft drinks was enjoyed by ail. A ferw more dances bro'ught the party tdy a close. 4a LEGUME- SEED INOCULATIONý -o Leguminous crops), such as afla red clover, sweet clover, al1sike, soy- beans etc. bave liýng beeii known, un- der certain conditions to leave the land on wfhich they wvere grown in a o riohe-z condition t1hon 14 was in befcre 0 the crop. The necessary conditions c are. in addition teý the soul being in good tilftih, and well drainied, thato tihere should be in the soil certain species' of baceteria knowýn tsLguine. _ P3ateriii. These legunme bacteria pen- f etaeteyu oots of the, legumnes where fhey produce littie swelhfngs9 or nodules, singlyý or i'n bunches. On clovers these nodules are very snmall but numerous, wthiile on pens and beains theyv are com:pairatively lrg ani few vein mber. The ,,bacteriia in - these nodules fix thie free ,iti4,)geri of the atmosphere so thant tie plan-It can% useý- it ais food. Withouimt the aid of the id of the bcteri ie plants i cnnmot do this end' no plant other than lthe legumeiis' Cirn do iten with the barteria ;esn t i tuesoul. On oldi s il. or whler-e coesor other legumes nre scesel grown in crop rota)tionI. tle bcei are- usually preseat. Thiýs yearat the Quinte Seed Fair, Dr. G, P. M"-Crosz- tie. Field Husbandry Dept O A C., statedÏthat they have founid it -pays, geod divideads to treaýt aIl legumne seed eveni thoug'h the field has pre- viously gro.wn- a good c-ilop of 'that pariticuIar' legumre. With alfalfa nied oover seeds the price heyý are Ibis year it s1hould be good insurance te treat Il leg lit. Jeew souJs, how- eeoir when nevtw legume crops ýas alfalfa or seybeans' r grown len oid th,- eppropriate bactbria ma cpInet to bc rn, in surhbm-ases some methodiof iinnoculation shouidi hP a i-onted te suiply the bacteria. Numi- 9IIou4ý (qpelments 11nd pqreb>ng431r experienee 'hbave sfhesve that the bea-,t way vto-)do thic s 15 ibinoculate the seed withi the necessary bacteria. Fo uhseedi inoculato ri ficia'ly genculture's of the bac-, teria. û)riginally secured f-,em i the! nodules on the roets of tie ,sine apYeCies of roant wh,,ich is te "sw are alplied te the 0eei hotl b- fore i sowni. B-y this me-ithod tihe bacteria are car.-red into )tihe soil w- U ithth -eAnd-an- aaleniinibehr Phone 18, r 7 FU-NERAL DIRECTOR Orono, Ont. -Phone 18 r 2 Mater Equipment Prirat, Ambulanceý Northcutt and Smith Funeral flirecters and Furnitur, DeaIere KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Equipped t. take care of tthe modest funeral nt the mont C reasonable charge ae weil au the largest and Most .xacting Telephegne: Office 669 Resldence:. 528 and 726 1 Telephonte Collect Bownianviiie. Ont, Dresses For Spring And, Summer Look whet we have found for yon et very hegînîng of the wcrm weather seý Dessin- beautiful styles pleats, - tue] hutton styles. Sueshine colours and muted tein plain shades br delightful prinfted j I ee these et Armstrongs. the k ing, pas- silk-s. Hat, ie heautiful crochet straws, Milant )straw, Fabric bats, flowered trir. Wf i Velvet tfrim.'AIl shades and'styles,$5 o $9.95 Coats, Shortie or long i l>e cor-d, tils, ,lil pur osects in gabardine, -$22.00 -$25 S511k k-it Panties, fanicy, rimi, ail sizes, colours, white, Pink, bMue,, rjiced et ----- --59C. L'eenard Lieekn-it 5a li sizes, white oely, pric e t---- -------------------$2.95 iluesn VoiIç,ý, Waf fie Pique, Silk and NloaIse Tooke Blouses with fnsed collars, rouind collars, aud lopeni neck style, $2.95 to $5.95 GNew Sheoes for Children, Misses and Wo- mec, styles in straps, wedgie, loafer, sandais- and oxfords, cojiors wine, navy, brown and black k\ Ci~dnn's rit Dresses, different styles ch osef'n size 7 te 12 yeeirs, $2.25 b 8$3.00 -SPECIAL-- Cl0ver Crest, No. 1 iWhite Hony, 4 lb. tin ........ 95c. York Tomato Jufce, Choice Qua'ity, 48 oz .........29c. - 20 ozs., 2 f or . 27c. Chveo!at'- Bars, any kind, 1 bamrs for ...... ...... 25e. Ninetv day YeIlow Cheese, poundfor.........60c. lleinz Ketcýhup, botie, .. .25c. Lar& Pune,90 to 30, lb. 29c. Pouin C3ntin for .... 29c, Hi~utVegetale Soýup, FJUIT iandVEGE-'TA-BLES CeJhý ')-ry B 3anS Lettuce - Touratoes Grapefruits - Cueumbers - -.-- I N N N N N N t'- N 't- N N 't N N N N s N N s-, N t N N --N N N N t' '-t s' s- N s' N s' N N s' St s-t N N N t' t-t s-t-t'- t -.~s- I THIE ANNUAL Canpaign ToaiseFud FOR The C 4ainNationaHÎfIn-titute FOR THE' ]BLIND 1S NOW IN PROGRESS To enable the organization to render ser-vice to bIind people and to cadrry out its programme of pre- vention of b1iindnes,ý,- youLr contribution is needed. Ail contributions of a $1.00 or more are ack- nowl edged by an officiai receipt and are exempt from incomne Vax. GIVE GENEROLJSLY A jar-maial trD't.... During the hiours of your bereave- mient our aim is to do everything in orc.po-wer Vo lighten your bur- dlen. RARITLEY H. BARLOW R M Sý"'IýýRONGý'S

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