TIIESAeMF!'T gian at i i anil a 1 y f(1 'iorî f ontf of Il is p 1l ictures to Johnny' doli iîîg JI\aturally0 a get tl of- mlost cf blil', tif(t rvtin p tere was lllittbnittor no frit, Eca ce lî -ý;l,;lg ePjC o1l5 Ilalabnty' rj lnmeee 1Svbatdebau SSm ayb ii others t!tle neye jcamethfac Chai e tretei, elev, somttirng about ttata at a luae antiq'ifty ytars hî (Il a tranger Mturueti i(Lic- cace in Licing Spi, Tht onLyc whif eia, iig hr fiei clo l I bs ne t ,s 6 Tai , ti, baik-eyeti. Ht îvirt jls name-,clî be sait, ialeoata Àrm Msscîset v wa o ciff a piec flnifouiîtf ufrlm- a ,ligur l,laCbag1ail plantti em. t pu a ug flInce ýaoi tht lot ni left Li1ck- ingSprng s oisltsly s e tii Thate was thig1 it r icst appeane i Amwricanlistory of "Jedornn p âi poticiîs, panera-îis anistates- as o Il. e * - I t e b, ' A fe uwd kslater ilobnny sva 5een 2on tht hi itbto ot ditt sitb app 'leseleis f ro ht e0ioider preses jn ittugbandThee aft 'rC, tal i ntes t fol can ati tht Kokosing He set out h is oratis t tbenvc it anida appîts bioomet i febi th-t inr S tS'amancouti sv or sure t (ýLIilatý l le retuneti tel ts n lag ore )84ttit Bo ý Ht eftbi Inursafere caeb:Bd theiid hop tt thtne t;ecbls îitraie atbny 15 llo ieËý,C eun T liiy ply ,Stan's S±tance-St. Louiis Ca!rdîial, Stýan MuýîIls i a)lha s -only a silghly lferntsta ntbe golf lle courilse frontheonleihe haLs on ïthe basebIa], diamond or) evejci, from ithe pstinat left, hecllcsoly irde, hl testneatrgh rng abou $7,O ;La ear Hehas xonthNainlLgubtig championhip fourtimes, areordi o efi be 2usetit maaiug, th tung a veystriking sprt icýture. (It rmay be there yet, for alhv.we ku ow,î This picture sbowet(i ttcrowxd which attendeti a Ielti lacrosse gairnt at "l-Ialanl's Ploinit, between the Turuntus a1jîti th0îec'îmsehs, Wbtn aîîboi akeiQuerrie wbo won tt gam be olidreply, "We diti"-he "we" menhg tht Ttcuaths The be ould go on, to eplain: "0fcoure htoronto's happeneti f0ofsýcore 0,5-BUT IT WAS OUR HOME GATE', ." Thtn be woultigr-1in 1or thatgafe xea, a iicy ontr, piture was hugefoi hs og ago tiays. Ti fact, itwolt e espeCially thoise pusing tht'"aun teur" branti of hockîey, w ult o wel fostidy that picturc ani con tie lue lesson it tells. Fieldi lacrosse, once by-,-far: Canada's bîggest crowti pleaxser aînd tiraw, lias long since passet into tht limbo of alînost fiorgcfilîi thiîîgs. Tht principal reason foïr ifs t-- m1ise, in tht opinion of thsbest fitteti to pass one, was f00 much lnnnecessary rougbness, foo0wmuch' pandering' to thetPfates of those wbo like 10 set tht blooti fiow. Decent people began sfaying away ,.rom lacrosse in tiroves andi tht tnt Wa nof far off. Anti there are plenty ý,;who think that if hockey tioen't on ean bouse, some- t bing sii'ar- will happen f0 it. Fromn tht 'leading etitorial in a, rýcen isu of TheToronto, Daily Star -ue quofe as follows Professional hockey-sow littît indication that if bhas faken suffi- cierlt1y tei heart tht public reacto against the brut ality of tht pla-- Off games. Tht people ai news- paiptr press cf Ontario, if tht signs, aýre flot misltading, feel that hockey baps been getting eut fcfirl a wy tat-ncoutrages brutalifly insteati of speedéy skatinlg, skilful sick-hantdling, anýd cmb.aion play.Exce~ive oughness ýantidis- r-egard of tht spirit cf tr-uc sports- nianship are certain f0 ruin hockey as a1g ame and as flue cmeca proposition w1l-ich if bas become. OtaaS.Thomas anti Tocanteý newspaptrs are among those thaf Zhave soýundeti 'warnings ag-ainst ex.- isting tnece.Gordon Sinclair bas gene on tht kair to cGntmn r.itht coenducf cf hockey rowdies, He bas naeti ont player asdsevn bkanishmpent from tht gamre. In Pa sfory ocf Friday ngfsplay- cff game ici Detroif, a Toronto new;vspaper reports thaf Dick Irv;i, ftixe Montreal1 coach, sait the punch thxt Mauýrice Richard,'Ttoce, lanied on tht face cf Ted LintsdaY af Detroit neairtht ereft ffefirst peitwas tht turning point!in M, gamne. Dickl, ir isquaet a a. iilg: «When Richard fhrew the punch, L1ndsay vwtnt do ndntif tooýk ail th1ýt ight out oýf tht Red WingS." Aloigfor7 tht boastfulness of somec hockecy coaches, it stili seems obvious thaýt a remnark of tt tkind is miore likelýy ta encourage rouigh anti ilegal play 1than -t0 discourage if. R'ichard recceetia svnmnt penal1ty buct apaetl is feam- anti coach f elt that tht punich titi tht trick anti that that was aflil that, mnattereti. IVany perons cannot esýcape tht feeling that coaches ant imaniage- mnsmust shoulder a heavy bour.- tien of responsibility flortht1 increas-' ing roughness of hockey. This, if it ib nbt checketi, my leadti players being killeti on tht ice. Tht màost regrettable feature of' tht vwho1 l hckey situatý1ion is that tht same ctactics nidhtsame wrong ideas thaýt are poligtht pro- fion,_01al gamen are being carrnet dowinmito tht-juior OfA, hc no loge s an amaý-teur rni- tion. Onice upon. nfme tht OH-)A wa2 ýthte pritie of Ontario) as ani ex.- amnple of trug sports.manship anti Junorhoceyteams ere be ping subsitiized, totiay by NHL teams. Tht style of p'lay in tht big league is bengcoietiLby tht juniors. Tht players' mai abition is1gtow such ýbqualifiexs that t hey Wil1l catch, thtetyt 1 those Wb con tht b 1ig leaguýE. From wbat tbhey rea.- about tht NI-L piay-off s, if ffromrr )r whIlaft their cac eftl theen, 'theýY.con- cicldethlaf they have to 'bc rough, tog nd na styif they hope ever fo, striprofessional hockey.,* lnFyn ight's jnior game betee-n Barrile anti tht Toronte1t Marîboros, a. total of 18 penalties were incurreti. Tht Mgriboros ac- counteti for '13 of tht penalties. One.t playe'r, founi guiîfy of hcooking, tried ic fa tp tht 'refereanti was given a 1-mainute miýSConduct Pen-. alty. Another player serveti five minutes forroghplyigand two wenit off for figitjing. There are those who saýy thaf tht faslike rough stui Too mnany of, then do. Any battît with sticks cari lue dramnafic anti exxciting. Piut that dots flot make if, worthy of Canada or Somethfing that cari be tignified with tht napme of sportsmnanshiip,-... If Ontario citizens who love tht thrills of hard, diean hockey insist on getting_ that, and nothing i.cse, anti wlisi, tht su1pport oef-Omne Ocf tht more reasonable men, and gooti c-itizeris who sponsor professionalt hckei:y, tht gamne cari once Mort hecome tht pride of al-Canada's national winter gam1e. 15 c5 * 11 c i u l d a ti i t , ver a k i g fCjlCy 5stated thatthefinal play- down gnie btWeenCanadienls a Deroit Rei Wng Illtefies Rking Canyis Ino sissy. 1Ifthr wasa fght on(1the(iCe, in is play-* in i;, ay S, he asin thtlick of it ù pil-u.lis exerinc asa l'ayr ýefeee1ati)oSer-ver s a t\,Vheîî he piots a oceyganeawy s lthe maymiles t e.YTTAT ' PARTCULR GME WASý CrwlngAround ,For- 100 M lilli l c:ti Yearsi], sPeîs ont l heail ati in- The scienlti ,-ts libav put1their money fonteucc1 rach bey hccl£ýave ducvretita a It bas beencriablig ano 7,d th eart fo ovr 100 mn-'illin yiers ble trcli ca mlereiilion baso eretIIi mt£ abut- heIatle tiger-s, the woolly mammothsili-. Hi- botiy bas uenablet i im ito live, on, irtprotiuciing himlself W i tl ou t change Ibrougli aPiliose imillionis of- years.' Eats His Owni Skin One of bisseýcs i li tht b caîîl live without fmeof (the vitaîins1, absolutely essentia: 10 liie for m~ other creatures. He eats5 almoîeýt any"- thing, jinclîding his ýown ei sk(in. His body is sensitiv e to ligbt. De- priveti of his eyc, es e t;il sljihers for cover when lgt go on. His armnour protects im nsu well ta hie cani bei trotditinon withioit om ing to mucb hIaîmi. that Man, bs sunvival qualifie are so muiichl owcr than tbose f jthe likoab as, eerblSs manJU- aget w asume l1Csncb a dl omIinantiL Eacb SPcies ýof aimal b1 as 9some_( special equipnîencit of its own ha rnakts lilthosof survwival differ- enit from toeo I tes oi aimiiais can bea,ýr imaiiy sound(s in- audible to _Man,. forintce Longest in Queue Others can ste much better. Others cani run faster or Jumiip far- ther, or go lonîgtr wtb u ootor water. Some, by cleýver camouniflae, can blenti witb thecir bcgons In ail of tliese fielis ilid manyi others Man is very jp'oorly qui peti. Everytbinig lie baiýs, ecttont tbing, is oîcasei in mny ther species. Tht onlly il stanlce in wÀbicb Man shows a sutperior dt'îvtlopinetnt is bis brain. Qnly by its use b 'as Maýn comne so far anti so fast. Only- Man's power t0 tbink anti reason pots ii anti keeps bifil asthdt lhead lof thte procession on eantb, There are pltîîty of ohrcreatur- es waiting 10take bis pllace.Ani tht ont wbicb bhas b)ýeen longest in the queuý is itht cckro-achl. TFOO)BAD! mlan rieturnletito biýs boietwn Ht iscverti nly 01'm2of Itht ori- ginal resitints, ;aniolt i slîwomn "Telme, Mrs. aly," hle saii, "wbat became of poor 1litle Jimm McKenna?" "Poor!" echric rs. Daly. "Poor1 nlothin'. Jlimy hiat nio scbooülin', but le grew iup f0eake a fotunle, althiougb be culn' rat i oite "Ant1ivwhere is lhe nw "Icouldn't saiy. You set, ab)out two years ago lie sefdown ito itht pool wbert socnle of tht boyswas *.flfed Advertisn' 9 ET VW iE JILS , REASE, f TIRESe : A1IRIESof ants,1 clerie tors saws. drill, sud lathe. 't. De.leS Ilttd ee t le, ) -ý 1, , l SPRÏGclen J, tme i . T-ime11te akexrpfits, elnaauoalo a îoplier,, elp,,e o ume, l etc.l Fe cs, r dri- thiv folde.2rie oy 20 Nor lCOnt TOP Netchchieka h îu heuhdcas eityte dvelo1 int topCas laye1ýr sud 1rmih im-tr ds1t l, cyoua re gt- POLeShing deoenEdgg fro n TpNth .B.SreS îoki a rkets. Als 3exd omTurkey ot.al. Top Notc\V Ch:ck1,aes.brOt SPRSI\GHIL'S Bleod Tstock. Inahe innhor lui. Crusse et iored uns. Brd ligeod nesa, 00's o the fres CoparKsngTstsn CblckyS.t.,QuenStee eehahau.Ont.r Poultrymang have te mk e A . eaWI NEWcks. Wether yen ar-Ï--". -ýe a r- dedeo tpbltes,2' inhec,_,2ita ess eetic 7ie)dns 0 gth achi e ,sou Puehe . truddlw flOP. uhi; e Cbls. Aiseyc Feka , .1 rusOnaie. naro MAE sou anythîna et edyso a- lus? Wfr itrjefte Bu e for norm, ain. W tore gýlaS e aswr ser usios.e Richmond - Htchin. athsa f ees Bead Langse or uloumda sok COPLET deumbf.îsaud beatins sihupf in-v ile et CryseAply A.i 1 Biais, 56 Wila tLeudn, Ont. Pin 90 COLONI 0 E S m iatalia Bies, 10 treame .0cW1extractur tYanks. Baann. fer eulcke sae a 1ýfrry 1cc f st. he Parica Aenue. shawa, Ontcie. l.isP.O.21 x 673 send or smple Chalise Adam;,. B. 6. Scaut-f111. cOnt. coter fr Uanm-nfrmation uFcee linfrmtonaS ce aml, rieE.F ttoelyBo 55,Wtuiey. N1 IT'S EXC ELLEN1T. Real,ýr e su1its aft-er taking DxnsRemedY I f Remtic Pains, andNerts MUNO'SDRUG STOR 33 li OttSt.aOtaw w1. g aExpress Prepaiise SfoiseIt S frm Resm.tior Arthlrsti Bo 15 I:ipeýUG, Maîtitoba. k37 FPT FRie, ýt -The itchener1ntI Bel CopNy. 26 ToIS Acae. eoîu T ï,o.~reo osest' oirec chrýrea 33.0uscag PrIet fldgnt lanesîo2 o wý,sgze. rocsaIn do whitce ,)fulidarvel gr S 9,t Plu terlca s reatesiSîste bardor randWrite 5-tor tzCaîlc 258 BIyNeresW., TorntOnt CARRANGNA Branches .5020ice $3.0:15 in S t2.50 pr Crame 7ureresRWideauoxSa. WR al tays erhave bs n lith bofn.e fýnor saleCatul tInmaionr prlrs 'Write terd aintt0:, fi? redeiekStreet, Ritchen, Otai NUSSERYIl SA l TO &Comay E:vecSreens, SrBoses. il edn STRAWSBERRY PAN S fax";'Sentor-umndsup$l2e00.thoosan $200 hndred19Cleuer.t reme. isas. CFý-reeNITuetenuewt e. oe rner. Wlee Moss Crro.l Nrrich.9 AltareRd. W-Cinese Riecs t ,1 incbus Us 100 fOr 1 i.g5:gD,, rf Alr ee i: n s(Mo sit ored tispyrcanlandl; Dwarf Pet!ar yteear- lettor Cîap'Ifao ite) -flsie, yeer Irns 15e o 20e alehn ore for $710ordyg tuaiforh$ m98.et antcExhibiprtin a te Fer riounat uldig lns 12tone 1 I ri sIie th relred whul t pn ut8 APLum trox sw1et ElghBurbn.SLom-t bardToroGnOe t.sz 2.0e oRemdfer 00.o k. FrNumes Coloce Gaorude Gid ie.Si ue with p er.reodaie fo iterngs ay Nursries,75. Bomanv2file On. $350s. SoUinchar,250 prer 200. raer ,Nouir eris te oS MECC PAIE NTSIE teni! eielor, Estaelised 1050, 1'lie BarVs SreTtotrble. iet STir-s tien on oes'vý If laIj)oe noohsouhellctiiitamps?'lScnd for fsicto ponetesoreva;Cuaaorohr ontis ices 1w Ei ns C1, t james ý ,cNagst Fo a ti o tarii)JI h orETS, sotin ,-pres, Vo itslle ewISSUA1u6u ad'spp1es9t51 tif) if, you'1 set! RI4EUMATIC MAI& KING OP t'AIN" MUlLNIMENT