By Cr, l ihard1:11H. WlilkfIso manar of the Wirlweai asblu Caill sys nbaded ir cwoîc thlm " ea ecr in -iSitli was 50t)-carsold and d beenaffi pCayVrs il b ',is 11eTh gmei cei ndaîk uealmae-,ceaiti rooe conld po)sesib CqUire on nw , 'irired theni. Wl te seai f acisbesardeti feilr! F erldaned wrd. BrulctCiot icke's ea scoutbad foiiind Jock. Buteciwa ewwtold StiekMrd"Hepave lu saild tell asticliv"Socpl!< r are inatall gondabutoyf gHe vc bre lu t ig aidlon"(runugl to kuon'lýlnu gota leutîte Ille- IîCIiutas o ou geuni pce LTheeasbte utc uîe Sauri"rwaee Ai eroi tboig a'fetli*ý,ii n!idlindleer Utroig 'C'en1 tli i ldu'vrea calllIdok idesdli l-oht Btdunth eekpasrlei r uee 'alfs suretat Jock lied red ili adtyprwrtte rtt. he le n' Pompt Som wsAs cd.- "Maye lc red cm," te suaoit pe e Bc, "but ib r in'b d U1ou'1e caz! tiiat suife " "It ile happening," sid [nli "The ki's iro ig'i sud be'o hiltiîg 'm Wht moe do o sudIcti tini ai lon g 11 The ~53 chologiet explaiticd mxv easy il wss 10 iudge e niais chai acter fini utis cînilies. "Sotks tliotv a insu'5 tetuspeme n'eîtl s'en'. clearla 'rlîcy teil evie- ther be us gencrotte or tuvarîcunuis, nîrs nuis or phtlegtital'e," in anuotune cd. "Times al"o ieep lus led xs-amsîu~ osu ltercd au tutilielir'. cm Gýreat Days 0f CGold Ar-e Ail Over NOW TI :"1' s i gld ae s-i L c piece, je non' au tiiîg l tise pet Wltt astsuie cueet it la put 1. usndo 0 ntî inît te ivntSd dlqas oftîqut a a rIii pîrr o tvarkInilu('ltuI.I'I utc Ires- xvhtclt r stu li 1oi u exictel relcti naisu pliere. IýIl Iý Ife t b ý garfu nbee Ioî pe Insiruls Plants sud bul",es fere wrouiltItu Tue pssio for nld for-i peopl poseserd.luîlie atle donsîrauc l iyitsphefDacin s tnosoer, "iorah, tro lnch gld hue tînse cernely rthelu el sud rîsînîdl itedeer byIiuv ta Ii hie bacc a noe ai gobd.titg n'as tiselden age I e de. l ot- Kiuî of rause ixlialis-rd lu thI sounptnUs sud ex'trattype. Til-n'as tîte fegcosi tte Teml- etc hede xiç c'ithtgeh s u sus-f tud pîcciaus 'sitace, sd bsoînued ai s itec ved '. hd r soîifr A'i ans ofgreît baslet '/i- sillesliedci ent rxlsîrudutei amli lîlu Tise rtmpe n'thcbus tis' în bode,;-pd ers tîndron goîd cas ssee liti trstarIs-e Ii I l itîtes ire iîîdC' t gud n'esosedli a s ny as i-ici minte emleii, , 55 urir lua coffnsno gold slîitwile 20pide.rg But lýItsai i ilotcee gtave oi pamed s-lîlstueglebmentrdinyofh lura i heruf n ,,Icut hîcirreted Tîïtîsbîlitgcscclîdhi rîiu nif lbcîs mii îttise pnosîeutaherut os- ein ut A xsde iai-id ln ia godbw senset lite i g a"Il sudcciirgî on u 4-STAR LM eavs sets cotîerstioiluniol suId a1 ietesappebýibes. A balon' cd ot bead al.toastrd goldenî browi sudtlicîitfilled lu wltlî a crCýIai3 sionti nyster mixture, le tie perfect. recipe for titose wlîo watu 1 serve tic "unucuel" but ase stay w itîtîi a titte sud'inioney huvrget 1. Itc 1Fr star slsaîedbrcd sce or top titat gire tus isi its ucon niaine "Four-Star LunlîonLof" -sud itIrates et least tîtatîmb-eî fori starriîsg performnîîc. -tic ny- S1er mixture combines toti< sau ce %vibi nysters, diced peper, su sasoîî'iîîg for an alîtii-un1- fogtberesîtît. Eiîcircline. ïtIs mal sudAeîlditîg a ieartv.toucli are liard-cooked' eggs, sniothcred lu, th1u nyster utixbure. Tîtesececonîitîg gutaaiule top teste ~. suad ih le A -Centî (pre ionosodinni gluta- ma-,te) tiet irIings Ontifec bc ;iii il ingrcdicîsbs. 4-STAR LUN'ýCH'EON LOAF 1 larýge ioaf îtnsiiced bread Mielted butter or margarine 12 oysters Evaporated mîlk 1 8-oz. ceni tomato sauce 6 tables;poons butter or margar- ine i green pepper, diced A tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon salit f ew grains pepper 4 teaspoon rOSemafvû- -$ teaspjoon savory 6 hard-cooked- eggs. Retîtove top of liii n1 IÀhit sluce; do not renio ce ,ruti on sides and etnds. VWiiî a sharpý1 kili'Celvîng s e , C2 lteli about a .1 l inch Iir.Ci cnr bcubes and tostgode boî'nnider. tel, ct4atr oitopsc. butter o iraieas os i usod)(eratýe ovenm. Ma tre vt0 liquor; add eogic aitcdý uîah.e 2cie d oît sauce, \Ilit 6 îllsoîsbte or nmargarinse; cook geen etpper lu Ibtisutil soIt; L: et d i1i floor, sai, pepperud Ac'cent. Add evaporatcd imik ixture:stir over iosv IýtLýa utîsnt--ontb auîd t'hîcken- cd, Add nytesrocnery incd sas - ory; cover anîd coni over boteîr 15 mnuites. Add toastcd rea cubes, Place toasted bî-ead s he!, on spre oi os c ioîe ed flicN'egropîotia aleî hic flock tun pray for einF itc pupîl lie gazîd sadl3tpotli o gregatioti. "Tic failli of sorte ol von is de- plorable," i said. *'I-ere te le, gatheîed ingetfter ta prasy lotrein, atîd not one nf 3011fbas bîotight eut ombrelle.". IHY YOURE TI1E5U PUNCHED coduto pncesyor icet .distanmce of theî i ir usshtl, ioc l i. 1Now no two ofhese - t.Montreal to CaprýeoL. tiktpnhsare the sm.Ec On returni toMnrayo p punh, ik a umn fngrprntfor a refund from Capreoil to Winjr- eaeaarkthiat has -no duIipi- ~nipeg. Your application a ice ct.Thi! vrit in punch m oarik are forwarded to He adtr ji prtofthle Canian tinal ~~Npassenger accounts office. hee accounîng sytem. ~bY consulting the rcods isi T "eIhoIethecnd orpnce t ~ fouri-ic that the diamonld bl st in you ikeýtitodayiv ay make te conductor Smith on the MonLtreaý- ou On f aldshaahg Ottawa runi and that thie hoseho butt[on s"hoe or1W atop fiat n any punch mark belonge-stocodtr e-vent it will beunqe identifying... Jones on the OttawaCpro rn flot oniy the tninductorý, but also the Ey checkzing the daily tick',et report seonf the CNR's lunes over it is determined that thi7eeconý- which you were traveling when the ductors were on dluty when yo tic;ket was punched. There are made the trip. Hneth( punc 2,000 different punch marks ini use. marks on your tickeÈ(t wheýn cîce The railway will neyer run short.......-" agatuat the recordeshow thiat yo1 u 0f' these puhch marks, for \%ilIe travelled onlyý froniM ntelt there are 2,000 in use, thecopn Capreol. Therefore, th& Caro- has 1,500 more dies. Punch markbs .,. Winnipeg par t of your icket j include the letters of the alphaýbet refundable. and-ammnate aniic nanimate objecte -Since puncheg play an im!portan such as a starj, a mushroom, a haif-. role in tpaking refunde, thy re moon, a hatchiet, an anchor, a t' eh, . . .. . ,.ieeued with care. We a condue- a trowe1, the four symbole 0f.piay- "'ton receives a newý. punich, its pan- ig carde, a horse's headr and many ticularýs are flled with his supenin- othens., tendent and with th adion0 As we have said, he have a pa'ssen-ger accounts. A tâtle ite' direct bearing on the accouniting oi-eanaditonl ecrdfor, each eystemr. 7Tey "are a co in prov- plunch is mitieI ecalýled ing thIat a poçrtion of a ticket is the ILecord oï Ticket uce.T[ refundable. The naitw7,ay doiest e- reýordc7! ontains al the tnn'aerisI pec t a assgntripaY fo r more z macle of aPunc ntil it gesouti than ie hai neeivd. f you jhave (0f srie behn fams ueýed onily a. portion of youn ,ticket,.h rcodalso je keptther e and le thbe cmayle", eard'o retuann ued as areadyneeene Ti your m ney onthe eane.Lçr it l h Hoeeto make refun tdepssilad All thecndc(r!whi the railway mstamaintairia a a-tikeromiiMontreal to Wnnpe itey -have been iseud adthjemn curate tally 0' f th tckets anci parte n'd ta frsomle re'ason r ohgo cw jteyg'eued)ilfe 0f tickets that hvebeen honorIed y'ou l7F, h ri ICpel u eod e h ~rs on ts trains. Thie puniics by its Cof Montreal anid oIIaw'a the con-- punches sý -o ii thtwe nl.q :conductoi's proviide this ,tailly. duc"tor's wall eave their punch tî urne ýIn ie i> zcket report ;Iii'Ii1.ý Let' supos yo boghta maks a damod ad hnsesoe)mar lehiesigatlure. GARDEN -NOTE-S Faster The BÈee To gel uîylumuvegetabîce growîh muethelui e àlotsg. Rcally tetî'der vegetables arc',tiose s'. ble arc grown fii asi. tuai bave, urser knowîi a set-hack, aud are picked wl ci they are ett heu besi and quiekis- put into tic pot or oit lte table. Wbii a vegelable stops gmowiîîg for auy reasoni-acJu ni attentin, os cr-crowdiuig, drougit or jucl plain msturity--ticy ta -un turu tougli. Tihc wise gree wi lî elp gonisti aloug Iby tîinning pîoprrly, cultiva-siting fIcu l' adding came good feritilizer if niec- escary sud so riig vttesttif Big h~w-iu - W lr fors011e o l 0 uyt pn Cosmos, gtiaut mrigodza tunas i-petiu-s o,,iulca, ic.oin cnauay C usid in the lac early tndlui cn su las ai whcn îcy are-wellesteblihed wtîh severai ets of eeves. eas. anîed beddingplane e ebul- rn gble.nos epe o uk gro t,r cosmosiiigladili, dsaia, glie t inigoldbe adinniashouldi saeabouit îwo fseet caiwape-ýý ne et 'ablircshed the see fîn the il iooki *fii tbcmcels ad loont foriïL ptlan100 deý,1Cp and too lseTis rowth.r iile, ihbe!- G cal 1ispeaing aIlplnsr Dangers That L urk In Everyday Life Lamips3, nsecticides Are Hazards Daîîger bri beverý1ydai 11e 10- de3 ii inssudutîuspcîr bie. i 'ilîtres n exreîîe poson izerd vaches.Tlemyc dib ei- self li chldrrî-làd i gar- bagfii mcii, eaht arocut yreut ntat. a Ititpen depc oll'lier lu Nts- ork ise iiitaltga au tho tcs tadîrflorecc0i2is caden ttti fretetitpes ing l."tt da n 110 te' "i, j ou(C lisescor ird,,, týud b iki lakîp cai"asïamc"bt Ie r ý, i' 'aec fbteiaipris lettsî01esiir agrkp tahe e oxerIÀit llî,is lii lIt sine C' iieS cnl7t Mue terty ibqc m btedngrsn foosectiide asapinî oî3 aleadye he drdafy ltecrl Noe digledknow n o cSOune rtlt nboird tuanterinîsu hoy. u tir s iîtial ine are bî iagl tuiisîuii. licmatîuiecînrrr" '! ic aîn îng u Iîr abe isott rsr b dams r trae beofus. cciîly twouse did cciitouli ryba beesi reitîr iii s rv d 1issor isits pobehiv mass sd cotiîîg 's- 'i s -.'s-,s,-,-. 5'5t~.- iS' N 'I s' N w x N N N N -i 's 's 's i N i. -s L là- ý-l - -- - --- - '77T- é-