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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Apr 1951, p. 8

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DETH IREYN-,OLDS-Suddeiily at ampt>on' Ontairjo, on _Monday> Apiri 16, 1951. RÙIERAtth hme f er bo-Wilfred John Reynolds, aged I7 ther William Ruiter, R. R. 4, Bov- ia sblve, ubn f sbCr manill, o Tusda, Ai 1> -ik an der father- of Ruth (Mrs. maivll, nTnesay -pil 17th, Robert Williamis), Jean Mithur snd 195, oseAne MudRuîte-r, be- Fae. Resýting at the -Morris Funeral lved 'vfe of the late Lyall Corden, 'hpI -« nn'iI0 nllTus aged 67 year.S. Restilig at the - dav nooin. service in Hamiipton Un-' r'is Funiera~l Chapel, Bovmnv l hîho hrdyArllt Sviein the ChatpeI on ThursdayI ait 2 o pmn Termenit Ramto- April 19flIr daIt 4 .m. Itret flawpton Cemietery. -,eeey - à Youï,LstChance TO Save ONE WEEK ONLY LEFTf i asing April 28-1 on, - 2Oý' .c.OF On1ai Paints in. spite of big increse in price effective April 9th,. pli ALL FRIGS -- RANGES --"VVASHLING MACHINES -- RANGETTES -- Etc. WITIIOUT EXTR4L*TAX Coleman o&-PbiIp Eiectric hone 89 r 1 ORONO tI~ El Tll j ARHUR RANK ORANIZÀT109 PRÉSÉNTS JE:AN SIMMONS DIRK BOGARDE 0S0Lavo Also1 2 Short "Wýonder.s 0f The Deep' WoerJet, 11> A~N A~ACartýoon in Color FRIDA - STi RDAY teR "~RI 0 - 21 jtfiN Te clnicelorCatn MON -TUS. WD.- APRIL - 211 11 D INiE O AWARDS GICESAUNDERS - CEiLý eKENDAL liedîO~uAly ei~~g'f me ýW. . on s enetla evnii, .ip±LÀloia Wloi mie îi L >dy ile m is .oo-U rui* 11M1 neI\e ileiiwas e L,) vltSad eii smaming fibaLt they W e re k eeping 'the oa- oi :sîay 3 opena lur ut~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ii i omnnayar ari eL- comed to thisý demionsbration which we arce sure w.îl 'ue 1tound înmner-estiiii< Miss C. W. Stewart conducted the eiection t l 'l'li Te presideney -,as le±t pc!iciiii'g acceptance by tise1 nomunee -who was flot presenlt, IstV vice-pies., Mlrs Jack Swartibrick, 2iid vice-pres., MUrs. M. Li7xoi, see<-trea.s. 'Is,. Woi. Mvercer-, distict diretr Mis. F. Stokerv; conveners, Citizen- slhip and Education, Mrs. W. Mercer, Ag-~culture an~d Canadian Tdustly, Mrs. ýR. Ellliost; Historical Ressea-ch and Current E'vents, Miss C. W.i Stewart; flome Econoniics and Health, Mrs. Royy Mercer; Ooninun.- ity Activities, and Public Relations, Mils. F. Sto)ker; branch directors, Mrs. G. Cathecart andI Mrs. E. Cour- oux. Mliss C. W. Stewar.,it gave a talk ou the subject "Tt fHîppened In Caýn- ada" taken' from the radio broadcast "Queer Quieks". If we were aslked iVho l r the fîrst Canadians prob- abiy our minds would glo hback to the eariiest explorers, hut down in 1 Cape Breton remains of One of >h first really native Canadijans were 1'ound of a twelve feet high elephant. Odd as it may seemn today, as i7ecenly as one thousandi years mgo, great herds of wild elephants roamed andi trum- peted through the vagt fo)rests of Eastren Canada ýandi it is nat at ahl unusumi1 to find their fosgilized re- mains n'owad,a.ys. Aniotheûr interesting faet was eIrarneci in connection with the maiple leaýf and ~wh'y- it becam-e our emibleni. t waS n'lt the brilliant coloringe of Fal ich fiel 1irst en- deared the Maiple Leif to Canadians Fighitinig in thje woods in the early months, of 1812, Canadians atnd Bri- tish troops found their timne-Ihonour- cd'scalet uniforme made them e ýasy tarmets for arw and builets. Tg render ýthce]evesý lesis conciiicuous th nehtheheir u -Lniforasand ln- sented srasofmample l eaves - an eanly forai of moflg which' helPed to 'onepal tl'.e one color1 which ie moeet visible in the mDod'S. Mr.Art Low at Miss H1ilda Bell wer'e Vhe hos>tesses for thieatrno andI provided a delicious lunch. A cotit nniniig CanmtIinii towvns and cities found,, the indie well infornied on tis subject. The Box Social aId, n arrang- cd by the W. 1. iras wcl'l nttended un Fridny, lSth The biddingon the boxes fou.nd Mn.Wr. Mercer- rushed for n h igih pr-iced box, with Mn. Wifned Rougbley of Oshawa coinfig a lose secondi. Masýter David Roughley wns deait w 1th kîdnees, noV being ishe t il, aýs the ýfolks nef rained fombiddlin'ggniethlm iving regard for(-i thesml pochet- book of a little flow atdI hewms hepodposseson of ave-, pretty box. The? dUnmw for the bxof ocr ice 1i nn mbsket of fruitreîtdl dnwnai. Ms.ErlI Bunlc's the aucli tekndeeof !tIsemi%ýr la add;Iiion to tue ervice ext Sundny mningApil ý22nd in the Kena n itnd Tl Chu]IImh Irl en f,1 T. D. Lacatr i be, the Pp-encher, thnewîl bcan eeniazservi-e at 7,1 7.0-e'Mn. -M. Çf:apIes of Orono mii prnd.This servî I hasbeen ar- rgdby heW,. A. Lt's aIl gH o boU 'srviesand spend I a worth irhle SDbbattlh. à~aio O Thurs - Fri - Il "OPERATION 'ý,PA Wîth Johin Wayn, Patnicia Nea Only - t.. b'- J- J. v grwthof thè cro pagýC-onAt )fie cfropag Ye For ýyour aiccomiodaýtion ycur -Agrýi- cultulial reprusentative, 1E. A. Suai- miers', lias a s.upplly if cuturs t the Departnien't nof Agieu1Ytuia Ofùf¶ce,, Bowmuvile.A culture -w«l treat, one bushel of seed, but if you have less than a bushel the ie culture 1ay b4e used tiotari If it is neot convenient for ,y!cu Lcix>cai a the Depairtaient Office, cu,1tuires; will be sent by mail. DEAD LIVE STOCK Plickec up praniptly ossCows, Hiieiers, Sheep, Pg and nlew born CaiveS We pay for Horses s and Heifersý As Man added s(.erve wewiIl co,- operate wthyou0 etrnrin. pee>t-mnortei. 2'/zc Per' lb. for live horse-S. Cali coliect Bowmaatvile 2679 M1ARGWILL FUR FARMS Tyrone 49-tf Orono Ekectric Phone 30 r 16 CONTRACTORS FOR FARIM and ITOTSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaira tu ai makes of Electrical Equqipment and Appliances Sizeh as ITotors, Water Heaters, -APPROXIMATELY FARMERS19 35 P.C. 0F PIGS and 25 p.c. 0F CAVES NEVER REACH MARKET SAVE .EV17-RY CALF, PIG ANDf CHICKEN THIS YEAR! Better Livestock H1usbandry Saves You Livestock, Pouiltry and Money!~, Ca1rry a Stock of these Proven "NIXON PRýODUCTS"* in BourRa-- PREVENT TROUBLE with the foilowing: TREAT TROUBLE with -(e following Nixon's Preventex Tahiets (Regular) Nixon's Scoure-x (liqq or tablets) Vitamniie', nminerais sand trace elem-ients 'Io help pre- For <wýhite) infectieus s i calves. andi swine- vent Deficiency ]ieesandi Sco)urs la n ýewý-bion and shippi'ng feyer in catV-, Works fast-. ca1ves andi foals. Aise as a 30-day pre-natal diet W supplemient for pregnaîît coýws, Pre-vent yeur caif Nixon's Co-Su1.Tr, Tablets or Powder tr-oublesý with I"reventex (regular>. Combi. ed Suifas Nixon's Preventex Tablets (Strong) For safe Suifa iniedictïon in cases of Pne'umonîa, Higli potency vitamin A with vitain D, B-Comn- > Mastitis, Shipçpinýg er etc. i al animais, plex, E andI C andi trace minerais in a Calciumi and Nixons Co-Sui-T éx Solution, combinei Suifas P1hefçph-onous Bas;e for pregnant cow-ýs te help pr-e- For the ciantrol of- Coccidiosis, Roup (coryza) andI vent Acetonemnia, R-etaiined After-Binbh, Milk Fever Ifuerai f by the drinking water method. andi other pnoblem's at or shortiy iif er clving. Pre- Hlighuiy recoaime 4ded for f ast resuIts ln severe eout-. vent caiving probleme This Seasori with Preventex brk5 (strong).ixon's Fer-tilex Tabiets Nixon's Peilagrex Solution For Rtetain flAf'ter-B'ith ini oows andso, and tn, For Iron, Vtîmîin andi Tïace Minerai deficiencies l help induceethe essbtrol cycle (Heait periodý . pige ancti poultry. To prevent Nutiional sceurs ZindY DeficeQcy Diseases in Growing Pigs give Pellagrex /Nixon'm Gar-getex (ointment> to a,4l litters fo;- ten tInys fter weaning. Try this ComïbineqPenicillin streptomiycin, andI suifas. Fl' prodkut on one litter and cee the dfeec. the ovei iglh'ttreamnent oi Mastitis (agt by Pelilagrex le an exeileat rc srt~e-oi fo-,-ail intram .ýmary infusion. Once used- always used. pôiuitry after Coeccidiosis or for lowi producing liens NXPSVle Juet put it la the di nking water A p trnt-ing and softening udider nmassage for Nixo's Pllagex Tbi ~h liif(es alter their first caîf or cows sufferirsg For making Pellagrex Soluitione'omaly at fronl mastitis (Gargoet). home. Nixon Calciumn Phosphate with vitanlin D & Cobalt Nixon's Bloat and Colle Remedy Recmmededas supleienry ou~e o Ca iu rthe rîiid relief of Bloat' in ccuves, cattl o Phosphate forý pregnant cowe., ewes, "%vs, tgrowing ý'heep andI flatulent coric in horses. Keep at bottie ainimais mand poulftry. Try it on one pregnaiit cow. mýlndy flor emergencies. Nixoan's ,Siuiquiiiex (8.4 p.c. solu!tion of Siulfouînoxaline) tli e :owulfa Nixon's Phenotianz;ie Powder fLug for îvtreatent aginet cecal or irt estina1 coc- A n Anthelm1iintic for deýwonmîniiig swine, calves, cnt- cid1iosis in ow by developiag inmuni t'hroug t i, sheep, goats, hor-ss ant poultry. To prevent id ifctv.seý-backs growing pige sholtlid e dewonaied often. ORONO TYRRELL'S IDRUG ,STORE Blouses, Ladies Rayon Cre-pe, asst. styles, and colors, size 14-20ea $1.95 Shor-t, Ladies ,ordOurioybndlg z'.p- per bacik fasteners,ast colors, sizes 14 to 20, each for . .......... $2.98 Ladies' Cr-iepe Pyjamias, short sleeves, asst4.coo, size-s, S., M., Or L. $2.98 Brief, Children' Rayroni,'lace timi, asst. colorýs, s-izes 2 to 6, each..... 39c. QUAKER, FRÉE ONTARI' Cur-tains, Marquisette with valance, size 23-,78 in., pirfor ... .... $2.25 Brassiers, whi-ite rayon with cup size bocaded fronit, lace trimn, ail sizes 98c. Log CalbinChoats asstý,,lb box 79c Fast-Dri E naine', for furniture, bic-y- cles etc., diries in iess thian an h-our '/ pint tin for ........ ....... 35c. Shades, wimidow, cloth, sizes 3 ft x 6à ft colors, cream, green or white, $1,55 UNTRODUCTORY OFFER I BRimG THis COUPON TOOlýUR STOREI I QUAKER ACAROIJI INTODUCTORY OFFER I I uy one package Q ýaker Aarcaroni at Re'gul 'YPrice and get one Package FREE I S Simply sign your na e and address bel-ow and bring this coupon to our store. We will then seli you one Package Quaker Quick "Cooking Macarornj at Regular Price I and give you one Package absolutelyFre I CuYstomersNamle,........................ .............................I * Ade.................... ....... .......... ý1...... .............. I *TG TH E DE ALE R:. When you and yourjcustomer have co-mplied with rhýý terrais of this offer (as above) yo)ur Quaker salesmani will pay you for the free package at your sheif price, * plus i , for handling. Coupon vo id unless cuswomer's name and address clearly filed in.for referenice purposes. M hi rc fQae aaoii......~ Soup Mi.x, Morton's Chieken Noodie 3 rguarpackages.....25c. 4.. S¶IC Aylmier Strawberry Jami, 24 oz. 47-- LTnon House Cheese Bar-, 2 lb. 29C GodLuck Margarine, lb..45C. Corn -,Syrup, Bee-.Hive or Crown, I l. fr 9e. 2ib. tin for..........5e. 1/ 1 1b.f C ' ý)C. Diced Beet, ige. 20 oz. tins, 2 for, 25e Kraft Chieese Slices, plain or pimento z k.3c Maple Leaf Soap) Flakes, giant 2 lb. box withi cake of lb. for 57c Maple Leaf Toilet Soap, ail for ............75c. Sauer'krauit, Libby Fancy Quality, serve with weiners 28 oz tin .* 16c. Caish your coupon lhere ORON n c.Tflt$1.00'eTOIRE for Free box of QuakerU as PI U IIL 'Macaroni. YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTE t li

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