Vol. 15 INo. 14 ORONO. ONT., THUPSDAY, ARP., 261 Orbno Boy, Neil Martin, Dies North 0f Bowmanvilleý 1.11 Over One llundred Àtted bUasoic Ladies' Nigbt The ,,nual Ladies Nighit of Orono Lodge A., F A. M. ;was Med Friday evining; and wilI long be remesidier- edwith pleasure by al those attend- The eveýnHllg began, with a r,,ecept- ion in. the Lodge Roon the g-uestsi Yoiag introyduced by R. W. B",o. O. W., -Ilpl,. and received by W. Bro. Nýn Allilu andr Mis. A Bv:Jro. :H-art boweýry and Mrs. Lower-y: iro. -?erc. Chaprien and Miss Betty Rulfng M-Éster W. Bm.. Nr.nan Allin extended a greeti.ng to al those present; and introdùuced to :Vhern R. W. Bro. W. G. Bunker, D. D. . OrI.,7nta-io District and D. D. Se.W. Bro. White, lyoth of 0,iawa who responded bhriefly. 'V. W. Bro. R. E. Lofgan thon present- ed Mrs. Aliin with a iovely bouquetb ef flowers on behaif of the Offiee-rs and niernbers of Oronro Loilge; Mi-S. Allin thainked ýthe members for the flowers and expressed the appreciat- ion of the gueSts in 'havýing been iivitepd for the evening. The guests -then adjourned. toi the banquet hall Yer the ente2rtainnt. R. W. Bro.C., R. TyrmA~l acted as. Ohai-iraft.ad as ;alwaýys kept the inmbers pwogress- Ing wihis -humor and comment- ',ory, The ue tperformers w&ee Mr. ýWlen Alunr accompanied by Bro. Neil srbewari1; whp! vendIred t&rr very àYoevly solos. A 21grLocf grsfo cmn villeý and Or-ono, iundler MiSss Harvey, ~Wh('pleased t[Ild(n' c wth a nubrof soie and group numbers in. tpand altdancing. W--. ao.,ia Allin gave two humn- enicu vea.ing, hich' proivided al 'ith a ood 1iaugh1. rB He' artweIî Lowery accom- lpied y rs. ,,,LowýNery, played sev- va nber-s of old timemusic on hieq violini and had evreryrone's feet Br ther Trrel then introduced W Br.Jim Jacksoýn, whi accocmpaned --y Bro. Neil Stewar-t, condiited ,a The hig-hlight of the evenig was Pnesunabiy la an- atteipt te res- cue a cat frein the top cf ;a- hydre,, pole caused t1hee death tcf Mr. Neil, Edgar Martin cf Orno & n Wednes-ý day, April 251-h. The accident occured o-,n the Man-- vers road approxiaiiiately two mnilesi notbcof l3owmnanville. It le believedi 1-bat wlien cinibing the hydre polo in lis attenpted rescue, Mr. Martin received an eioctric shock whiich ýwas instrumental intaicasing bis dýatîh1 either inistuntlry or fronh 1-ereuit- ing fal. Mr. Martin was t'wenty-orie years cof age and thbe son cf Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Martin cf Oronnc irth. The de- ceased was well know,ýn in tiie coi- miuity having reeeived most cf bis schooling here. -Mie leave o te ourn bis deatli, hic wife, Dorothy, his parents-, Mr. and Mrsý W. J. Mertin, Orond, fixe, brothers and three siaters. The fu-nemal willlh be d lain-be Mor- ris Funerai, Chapel, Bowmaiaîlie, on Friday, April 27tb at 2.30 parn. In- terment Orono Cemietery. Mrs. Hamilton Boyd Hsnored Witm Shower Mn. and Mrs. Laurence FHeoey opened ibhein new -orne teo about fifty fniende cf Mrs. Rml-ornByd, ace Grace Gamsby, -met Tues.d-a ight, April 1l7tb. Aroundi eight 'cIock 1thei guets gathened in the p ciu 1v ing room awaiting-be 1arrivai cf thie bride. Gracie wasr -greeted at 1-be d&or by 1-be hestess ýs ittle daugbter, Mar.ie. who presented bier with a, beautitufl corsage:et red carnations and 1-ho bride was escorted te ber chair de- corated for 1-be occasin lapîak ai-d white being surrcunded bv n basket tilled with nny lovelv gifts. Atter unwrappfing 1-be gift Gracie tbaakeêd one and ail. Conteste were enjoyed and 1-be hostess sited by Mrs. Gordon Watson Mrs. Wm. ,Teinlinson,, Mrs., 1 vison Tamblyn served lunch. nBuffet Lunch. Coff ee being served att 1-be beautifuily deconated head tbleb- Mrsý. H. Lowery and Bettyý Daincing brought te, a close a mccls enjoyabie evening. Hom emaker's Clubs Held Interesting Meet hI Orono ' "Ciotb thes Clo)s ets Up te Date', was thiený -omcf 1the Dunbhrn County Ach!evement-Dayeld at Orono o-n Satuïrday, April 2it.Forty-two Jun- ior- -Horineraking Cilb rýnmbers ceai-- pie-ted their proje-t b-exhbbting re- e-dbooke adiacce-secries for a weil oeriaundry bgcoeehang- en.sbepacks, bat boesai-d stan- dards as welii as stoe yracks wp;ee - nolg 1ha articlesmde The locâl leaders wbo give et1-ei 1-i-i-e treeiy duvin'g 1-be club term-n were congratuiated iupotil- 1bego work done by 1-be custo eh Biackstook. B Owîmal Iie. 1 lcir-.n Hiii. endiMapie Grorve nnd Mil- bro. isJe-an. Nobie-, IHome Econi- mitincharge f -beda exrese ter 1-etime and effort 11-bat1-ey have put into 1-e wrk The follomwý'ing ledr rcev badges-; Mrs, aelFnneMs H. W. Shortnidige, Ms.T.ýuIterry. Mrs. D. ýS.GrnMsEdvn i- nMsWm ako.Mrs.M.C G de, rs. .,W. Hlo.These1 laiswere asise byMr.Ls HarolI4 Wh-eeien, Mrs.1v Wý-ebe, Mrs, R. W. Gardniner, Mr.! Mary Luxon, Miss Evelyni Finney aaýd Mis. L. Grahanm. Tha first Provincial H-crac-uv pin andi'certiti-cate te ho ennned inithei County was veceived by,-Miss Jeaný Toms cf Backstock Club. "ean hue Ii5 pÉreevered for raûamyeaste eev this honour and 1-b vlu she balsl veceîved frein 1-le twelve eemk ing Club Units illil make ber i buter enraker in t1-be future e juist a hoùsekeeper", said Mre,. 0O. W. RelI h. District Presîient -for Wrs IYurbaaa Wempe'c inetitute n b presn-td 1-e aard e ler. O!brgirls r(ceixin-g riiae w-er.e Diane Wehbeir. Jyce Bcheb, Mairjorie -eea,*Eve-ln iney and Jean Hubboard for four Uni-te, and GPalce Big-,loaw, Janet Bîgelew. Marie Cnrr, Marie Fînney, Elennor Rowaa, Donna Fonder,,J-oyce Feyder, Jean Thompîson, Direan VanCamp. Joan Venning, ShirlIey Quantnili, H-azel White, Kathleen Jackson, El- va Saowden and Vilrda Brown for two Units. - y Tenespoons were preseated toi ench girl for isatisfaciory complti1on et 1hein mwork by Mrs. L. W. Hughes, Ponýt Hope, Distriet eecretany for Finet Durrhram- Women's Instiitute. FieClubs had oxhibits on dîsplay nndii Miss Hunt, Home'Economiet for Pee, ork and Haltea ceiigratulated hoegrspresenting 1-be commente. CohsCloset acce-si rIes wns 1-be ~i-bjet cf -be exibits presented by Hazl Wbbr, flomnvileMary Pickrd~ owmavvdle;Jean Tom,, Blakstck;Eleano Roanad Vildo BomanileMaiple Grove and Mitibrwoek Clubs were ongaune ~~~"r~ ~ ~ o prsnigeis o Clhe nadî Sioc. ro - the ee Ceayat t1-be JuniorScto f 1-be PIeeilero Pair. hii-g undy bage a mi garmellntcvr frbchthey gaýve a toaost 1-be Home Econoin-iet assiï orý th a.Everyvonp enjoyed lunhte- ladiescof 1-be Onono Women1 arti 1utpto-r whircb prcaio a x reedby DorreenVna- The j.Unit choszen for iext Yearw 1-be Supjper,,Club iii whicb girs 1,n preipane and serve supPer d4a~ e ndtea bsris~ wel a cnsde Trortt Season Opens Jhis C.ing Satiirday PusÇsiblyT there are few who ari:e un- aware that this Suturday heralds the opaigof trout fishing. The big questiQn ti the *iindsi of fisiherman is to w'hat streaili they shouid 'blitz! for the best resiults -- and indeed this is a questioim Judging fr'oni ast year catches, and with thù high waters and the1' baqekwavr(l season it would seeiu that chances for a good catch is next to irnpissible. Some night ýsay this even under mnost favouralyle conditions for the local streains have in recent vears given up fewer and fewer- fislu However, such coniditir>ns do net dampen the spirit of the fishermnan an-d he will be found ready with his, equi1pment at the break of daown corne tihis Saturday. The weather man hias forecast briglite-r and nvcre cheerful weather for lthe opening %74ek-end, which wivil be We-Il accepted by fishermen and non-fishenmen. The res.pect of property shouid be on the minids efail frdamaged fences etc, leader te thelieclosin'g of streame and rigltfualiy Se. The limit catch wil-il ne dÎoubt be -ibove -u1crenumr b er. The min- ilimum lngth issen inclies, but any' unrder npnelookIs mighty snalin.te frving pan.. t, Sportsmanehip and irespect (-f 11ronertv be foremnost in the mind(s Highlights "f Ontario-Dterlam Folk School Now th1lat t h, c, Ontario-Dur.ham Full Shbool ha-spassedinto 1hist'ory,j the sequel to the, two aonswthîih appea edite Countfry F'a'm Nerw's last winter ceno now be- rte.Fori aniv wL o did not see thesearils perhai:ps a ltle backgiýround infOr- Our shoolwas ce-peratwve po leot of the Federations; of A-gricul-' ture of the twýo counfties, and1(lwas planei ad directed by- a comm1-ittee' wichthey appoi.ntedl, following1ý requecsts ýfilo-m thie youing people whon a1ttenJddth e ry ilPFolk Schooi lasrt October. The concnttee set the cdate of our! sehool for t mt u'oLthe Easter Wee and thie ae SyLoft Lde'up la the Dagiiia- bl. a~tsix pi-lie1s oot-we f Myrtle'. 11 spitn. cf carueful cnidrtio t was dfifficuit to prediet the state cf the weazther andi roîtds at thie end of-March. Per- haps w\e should have. consuited the nîanbut w'e didn't --we teck a chance, and lest. As the appointedl tiane diew near- er.,dewni camne the vain, the seft, steadïy spring rain xvhcb se effeot- ively takes the fros t eut cf the grnnTd. On Thursday mevning (the firsit day cf the tscbeel) the road te' Sky Loft Ji-dge broke unD badly, an-d -when it becarne 'apparent that cars might neot get through even if assist- ed by a tracter, hope cf holding the sCho(-, there was given UP:. Canceli- ng oer pestpening it was neithe. easy no-, desirable, since a great deai cf effort had already been made by the plan.ning cerimmittee ars well as the students. However, just as dawn seems qte cerne when the' night is darkest, we received helip just when we nepeded it nmest. Fer a turne, the phone wires acres three centies buzzed with messages. An urg-eaitcaltoUnienville broughit a prempt and genlerous respense frem John adsnffering us-al the facilities cý f his Chierry HilFclkl Schoel, which icidentlly was made completely readly fer us Within. an heur. Calîs fthen Wenit cut te the students,dieig them te the new meeting place. By this tirne(, orne were already! on tiie way te, the Lodge, andhadýi( the doubleisf.ertune of getting7 the car stuck, as well as net rechgteir destination eve(n attr-alnty walk oever the nu.ddy renads. l thwe er. l"difficuities we-r- finnlily cerceeand hy four o'- -"leck wýe were ail ùccmferta-tbly ertti- cdi j fi in heasehy emat Cherry Hl.The semignisfoitunes had turnýed iinte jevous,' occàsieon for it gýave us t'he thrili an.d adventuve cf an unceuld 1rip te Ontarie's tiret1 perrmnent Folk Schcoil, and an onoprtunîrty c-f be-ornirgwel a- 25 Year Jewels Presented To I,O.O.F. Members The regular meeting cf Orono Lodge, No 413G. LO.O.F., on Wednes- day, April Ii8t>h' was fairiy well at- tended lam note cf the tact thait ai large nurniber cf menibers attended the hockeyýý game in Ldndsay. BResides -,rdgular business there were other interesting tentures. S)ix c f our brothens were eligible for the twenty-five year ,j.ewel. Brother W. Dean cf T.hornhill, past grand mas- ter cf thie Grand Lcdge cf Ontarloî was present for the occasion and def-- iivered a won'derful address on Odd- fellowshýip. He had a igoodword for- Orono Lodge as. it was frein their wc.rk in the cornunityithat laid the foundation for (the iprovince-wide prog-ram that is now doing suci good worlk for thie relief of disress and aissis-tanice to the untor.tunâte. This îurograin .s niwbeing adopted by Soverei-ign Gra-nd Lodge. At the con- clusion of his address he asked Bye. Gordon Watson, pas-t grand, te es- cort the-- bretheiln' te th.e centre cf the fi-Dor when heé.pinned on thenir lapel the tet-i year jewelamd Coen- gratuiated thean on their .achiev~e- miente. Thelie mbers peetwerec; Broc. M11-nWann an'. Herb Sot Ulmoirnt B : ekand Lloyd Rans- beprry wvho laintura thanked the Lodge for the wl-.Bre. Russell Rans- berry cf MentreaI sent a teiegrani of hieý rertnt not bAinîgable tebe present. Brother Albert West was una1-voidalbl1y absent. -Brother Arni-ondi 1iigwot entertini-ed -with a f ew guitar solos. Bro. Hariry vDavey veqluested Bo Jack Sycre .be)pconducted te thel centre cf the, fleor and in ai very1 spic addeîsspresen.ted BI',). S--ers jvwit'h a lovely taýble 1maip and oflierý ailicIe'soniithe eenof ie- recent mrae.Bre. Syenitheghtakeni by supisze thanked the Lodge for the beautful gifte.i ndmng frein the Lodige mmesit exem.pEfied t-! 'wonderful çspiritfd friendship thaut e itipthe ,Lodge,ý. Br,()Riddeil ,vendx!1-be semi-annuai the, year 1-ba the bove brethern join.ed(. F'lwn hi edgh-e ai- se endtheratrnefor Sptember the Lodige i-ii the tt-ie yeagrc whichwas avevelto eail pre- Tii-e comrnýittee, in chaurge ;-f ti- sociail end performied terduties te the sa1tisfac(tion of il. _________ o Orono Orphans Planning Thie bckyseason lbas officiailyi ended asfar ast1-be OreoOr- phns are oncernied. This year the Orphaas haove neulimde a name for themsei-,ûves by gîn,1g through te the fialof Ontarie, a feat wbich ail thi -s cemmnunity sbeuld be justly prouidin rnakinrg -is wonderful ac- ccmiplishment it has cost the team a greautde. The amouat cf came has a-t et been arrived at but the man- aigemcent wiil have a full financial report for the next weeksý issue cf thbe Times. It lis pointed cnýt that the players theme.elvýes have been ccntinuaily asked te pay for. thei ewnvï travelling an-d equipilnent eX- As Tiny v adi , pas -pesident cf 1be O H.A. sn2id ini ma,ýking tii-e Inet~~~ Sauluieeia, that the thleir nrl s -e r ca esin thein. own rigbit adshould befeted Witb ie nmd1b lbi ln ninça abi ootr igtte behid within the aext two veeks,. whe(n evervone lu thedistrict xii1o)ake te uennt hr viii be :a banqueýt with l-ain pot igures as gues.ýts A mliniesnbtfoýrnalo-d fflun aa1 -da old ti-mece.Wntch for the doPt- -id iplan noi-w' te hein). The Or- on th mapse( belp io,gthsbo. cf beona cuitdwas hle Church Architecture Ti 0f Rev. A. E Rex. A. E. Eustace in- bis address te members cf1the Newcastle Lions on Thursday evenaing cf last week brought te 1the frontË points c, f in- terest concerning the usýe cf Church 1architeciture and especiall1y tiiat bi'elng used, in 1-be n.ew Orono Unit- ed Chiurchi. Lion C. R. Knax introduced 1tbe, speaker cf 1tbe evening as a personi ia.tereteed la sports aând aise one wvho had been- weii received in thbe corn- 11ev. Enstace first told cf the pr'ogress being made la thecosr- > tion cf the Church witli thearii cof the furniture and the plaster work which ini- the near future mwould be coanpleted. lie aise said that lie -was pleasedl witb the encouragement that itiie whole area had, gi'ven botb- erb- aiy andi financiaiIy. Architecture, c'aid thbe speaiker, used la buildings, varies greatiy as> does the purpose for whichr> buildings are erected. A moadern factory style cf aý,rchitecture wouid i end littie to the worsihrip eleanent if sucb archit- ectune w'a-e used -for Churches. The C-hutrcli buflkfing Is pra4mnarily for wuroýiship, and thait everytbinig about the, b)uilding and its contentes sould add, te this primary ,purpoý-,e. The buildinig ehould be invitinig te the people atid in keeýping witli the particular religicus group using the Cb.urc-h. Beauty, naàid Rev. Enstace, is ec entii in architect-ure but bis canbe o-erdone te the peint where the beauty vcf 1the Church Iis foreeneefIt 1-o -1-le element cf wonshiip. Thle extrerne oeCrtaiIy !enourgemntforÏ people te atted. I aste pakr belef tht 1be OoneChurch was a ba<Ippy-mned-ium bing 7most uited for- thle ccn-uunity, an ppaing tei- people. 11ev. A. E. Eustace oI]detmn interesting facte on the doesiga f h local Chunch whicelire se for aý deti-ite reason. I-t was ne nceea te bave a torweniing Cuc- Orono had ne ,higb -i buildings xvicb, wudexterd ahve1-at cf the oca Ch-urch. Low eigdit-foot WalIs wev'e syrnrlcbcas h oritycfthe, laaId. "Flù GthiCtc ifiecture x<P itb, 11-5pointed arces whicb irc attention pward.Ti- P sioi style cf theoroo ýCbur11cb wa tHe yn)bo! cf Poetitreligioný an-d -vas in use for that eso.The, sekrdrew atten,-tion te 1-h-e beautiful archfes eýuppo-)rtinmg the roof which had the effect of eye up tewar7d heaveti, mnted that 1hie was ve The Rex. Eustace et; question had been askE hadn't built wvitli mcde ure. To thier he a-asxvered architecture did net ad ship elernent and that, mnodpér-navachitecture i over night swing teý ano becoane tiring. 1t was the speakers opi Gotbie torm was imosit though it dated lback n- Funther lie said that e) 1-be Orono Church both an-,d structure i-s being a- te add te 1the building. Lion Keith Aiken speaker for bis address. - linterniiatioûnal CQjunsc Brown introdnced te tl TLnsq Ken ToNrn-snd. Mrs. E. J. Hamm Deuig 1 With Talk On Flori The regulan montbiy meieting eti 1-be Ovono WmasIsiut a be-id on Fr-idayý, April 201-hb. Mrs. O W. Roipli, president, prýesiding. The meeting openied wi1-b sinigingl. 1ha Istitute Ode- followed by the, Lord'e PI'ayeri. The iimnes ort 1-b - ast meetint were red nd 1lte - ors e of mtee thagaethi - port on 1-be pas,-t yenaswork M .W W. Sbierwin rend 1-ho ate eoftdi-ers for 1-be coming ea.Mre. J. .Tm blyn presided toni-ho ieletO0f- Mrs.O. W hRopii; lst vc, i.F. r Ferguon;2ndvice Mrs . . Mii Ditic irecto, ,M n :W. -W.S-e win; Divectors, MsF. TmbynMn W.Cbhdck Ms.C Ducn -Pne0>se secretavy, Mreý. W. B.Hon sai nd Educatien, Mnsg. R E. Le- g, Mre. Chas. Cooperi; Cornuniity Aciiisand Public RelatÀins, Mnrs W Lyet isE. Ser iHistor- ical R-esarcbandCurreat E'vents, Mrs. 1E'. Hanm. Mis. F.Tmbya Hem -ne and Helt.Mrs. H. r.J. C. Tamibivar; Agni- -a aadanddstis PianEethMiss Auditors. Mýiss A. Crisb thok ee ha ir fo-re 1--einaJiIingart ô<i]Ibn nno-j is beyonidpi e"Thi e F sýtituites et Oin-aýie usýe radio anld public- speaing-j> etf publicity-. Many paperas nines de-vote one page t news aayl bene tel1-e w work cf vaieus zenterpi depende largeiyonm1the pro mittee tenmakce n-bete esting annd somtbig w irnt. lie speuking1 On 1be adotocý, we lieý Inttuewonk. This !le a wiay ila]wbicb 1-e neaîb who re unaibIe to atitend ur Fi ebh'ns r.odrood nmembers beiet membersend new -mersm Deedswnek leader 1-ban let ul, publicie ei- nv Tati usq make I1-b nstitute Od( evenyday lite. 1951 Subs Is! Ze