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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Apr 1951, p. 2

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5'DEA ANNE HIST cBfOre unie h fave eea of yenir coînins front girls askin1g how te forget ýa imarried Eita. Oîî hak how e we said shec wate [-le 1-,c ic cte îgiv e cbim up !1( but she co" ud Ithis e feels. lafotnerl to eas Iveben ee -'lctnganthe Conld, aiusea li einr. hbeh aswt e aby-woandb kifseume, rgtxe '1a01 theprvice Ifwrot ul have taen bis ie il itbus tic woul hav s id yes; but I knewru damwul tSeofcontemd n wthnt son e aeeYn onda i oghthe men wereL net reaLily.ii chc of-bitîgoret0,fr(esr but I conlcInt stay, go ahlg. TývI wat to-bt should 1?J E7. SA h. ~\LlR1 \\EHEL- b, Geftiîmg ready for pnil honwers? Linens vill na ay bride Iappy Emboidr mt;ifs on tepiiiow- caehraro cca Colonrah eas enubrir foru phiuvPATTERIN sorN AM mF, uid hints Se lves yen. u ie deeýS ' e ove you ueig t1irek, i * wif's heiarf. , orgive Lip)Wt ch ild- ICen.if!, yanyhneh ean *~ ~~d vnat ury oyeink le ivn 12ng bu. Hu a caue eet respect- * )1l yen or L a ý oldlt xos e * withu hitîx ~- hppîess iesiiii mot--u a ,zit nd As' amhe ih huigm ib Iig.I i nttehe au vi is wonhy tosebïvISeoinspieias te * S yonr çbasf ,tat xe eaureal so lovind th p nimen ia of lis los word. ra 't' iaua aod tberediastar hies 't Yen havet ted, 7 knewnof te seýýc * himb tnmati eau pursain a girl svtorefusestee f hme fterer sne Hespeau -4elpyn tec uàa a gira stgw odo vigh ctete.: >1 Wf yea ere tBoxi, 1,hat2 '~st a umea sne Lic fae Buo flcreosoue the * oe htays otît iii heebcd Ifyu oan mnrved ticoo ifop-rd tm nthe futuinre.s Anme Hirt cati l1l oui2ea agr Exmgtb toI deoveriobac Wraiite bm oer i ox 1, 123h B.Apy aune Ashie al Q.Hosecano1I rsiz!a tm Axmun starmgre A. Altretb ît nug igîtmn foodfae, ovîxou a hoilousîn tion nuadenSy soaug mui diHoir taskenofett andf ii o ati gu of y ouepantzmiicrmm tl ea S. Perfect tai oes to nm&ke with TEA BAUS I hîcte magnulteeent Plants gi0W 14 inîch(? îîgî,yîed Lt o'Otithe t epiatug. Thati u, il piatufed li 19DO c I e n II x ý ield crops until 1956 xiboutt rcphîitfing Bcrrtes are large, sweet atîd ltum . lie average sie of Ltb 1ielfry n 5 uuches inti crcunîifereuîce. A sitngle plant xxili yield 250 bernies duriîug its cycle et piroduction, Fîtevstsart to beai butot May 24tb muid last to jale 1sf. These plants ix ere first oiiîated inth de 't s raI regioio Býritisit Columbia dturittg the visit of the Roy ai couple anîd .ave breen ttaned liuleir 1 iton'ou. Silice then they have heu-aue the txot aoured berry wicls markec gardeners and contunerciL; fo r.Thîey do xxell 10nlteavy soul, and have bcenprvt to be fat more dixease-resistaut tn fbe ivet clinuates. Hx vr siice vec stat ted theimi inu the dry itterior regionu, welbave, foudý tîtît tbey wihbstood 35 belon -zero wveatlîer-,-mtd lLiasiisumICr sliipped l500 crauts of be-rnes over 1000 miles iby raihws, aîmd ý ixeýre coilumeuîrded bi' our cus-tojutrs, wluo sfated tbey r b Ou~ reiospcte h bcP. C. Deparmuî(ntît of Agriultue gn erecertlie ouiApnl l 0t, 1950 Cri aie No70. Wc guaruîtee sle ixcu of weIl roeedpatfms MOake il . payable e: ~~~a ~ R ru 1i5 i Itu Pssuse ' iistK Iui; 100) for $ 7.5 0 1000 for $50,00i AYL'OR BE RevR.BA RC LAY WAiRRE N The Stimn ncamaan Joshua, :-1;Judges 2:7-1ý0; 21-125 Meruaory Selectio)n: Be srogand of a good courag%e Se ne afraid, neithecr Se tbou ikmlayed; for the Lord thy God i ibte whithecr- seeer hougoest. Jsha I ý9. Ifistony rei-cords tosua' drma, cauîpaigî astha enqastOfCnat it' , anoîxr an. itr or bin ceai e is roîiedl1 U. îmu thioi ufyof the Anînir i wouî Sa fal. (-,cn. 15:16)l. God vouI Whc o ar taîtadtehi discorage rai chi flet clmpte ofJsua1 he eoy eetini thLIeeo ttcape.On1a iii occsioti e fearidIeuGod isb heir thirteenfhuc tnp Inut'(te it aud tbiond.iBar tiynhar defcafed dîsebedence ofA lhaut Thie moaee h ihbctt xa secured- peace. Wbeu ,tîav ere a tAcke yoriiNgs mi oughu josuas el, Jsh t'efaedlut kingsxi ib Gods hepîeriea aihstones upoî "St 0th.eIita. CalSwhoixt, ,ajt ha leha cfeate the Anainu mim pr cnnated Hebron fors ain hîe itmîud fruuled 1bya nsuccasioii dl tdge ThuaiYis ngsiyxye r stany tasand If Jauve s ii efron tenPlsite md),v tarechpabe in thi',giitd iisedîjý Il te Ahmi'sseed fo a rex er 1Wl cii liii talysie tagi 'is), re leugsi swing iile.Soothn tJeyscu hrist Drli. nRo ethme oibergdiasnostic oî stuleua o iguoiugds whl eb ve or srJgIie auf myel, htcieillshah havea f w moe spdersandcou- webschaed nt o thir ither rbarters, he brght pring sn- We1av aotherinw iilieat sîdeafe ince xehae ben aryiug alne E ery or ta fresbe e ba lircî ut n dyiiî ous5 Partue to mae laf frip ýteath har t rak sre the expecantL r Ioter asnot in disfeulhae Neitlîer lias .stabeen esar t Some f yo mayrememhbt cha lat spr, ing Ilreprtdthe e y ayrrva arc Lidial beifrer ca wle'bici îre k3ie t ellare stîi as ahik as, tuwo pAeain a pod. No prl-tily mare y a long ;ay(as tliey ae abut as asptasalord im oie t, tei nefrm 1h chrateitic, ve bic smr b us11t ml y fone ow or bie h ek place hi, a f en or the gter cowsIen onsthkeptfaiouit gae o at alI. But sorîtetliiug else1ba- Hockey, uo less! Not local hce because 'we are not able f0 get ont te follow thîe gantes, but National Hockey on the radio. Parfuer just couldui'f miss a broadcast, And I like te isten te them too-althouigh 1 i ust admnit I sometimes fali, aslep b!(ieleeu periods. But I ah- w;iys wake u tp again xvitl Foster licwitt's "i shoots-be scores!1" Like Most people we get somnewbat fed up w heu there is toc mach rough stiresuitiug in -an affermatb of peate.But ons the wtîole the hokybroadcast provides an aven- tn-g of good entertainment xitlî- eu.t leavîug ene's own firesîde. So much for radio . . . 1 ivonder what wouid liappen if -we had tele- visioni and xxhether we shahl ever change our mmnd about wattiîg a set. Cold be because I reinember the iiu svhen flhe one thiug weý did'twaîtwas a radio! Now weý NYLONS EVEIYTHINC Haeextra Munee tae ,dersf or &maîzg N Y %o ia gnratteft- unte three mofiths. Ne MON!Y m e,% i nv MAKING nepedi. Wê dellver SAE - ollei K enîlc OSALES W Cantada, famll- toni. Daaîî LÂNNE 4RS laio i -Return of Rita - Stili radiaýt- iuugthebeauy tat uadelier ped T111ipon(i .S. soiml for 1thel firstï titrie i-n _,,l ars Thered preas iil i a deiai dtat ter is ;Shak1; t timen ake'd fr go rdg Anddii g1,'ý: roin g i ile op drn bave it, for dit]tMl> 0f courtse ixti liieepstv planIs for LgeftjIuug'otnch ad And larmees' vies ave afeln cileanîîug, The wIec i sttoxsig ti ntcar vet hioxv good the!1«choyer riMay frît ont tce. f2nt "hoEýpe sprungs et-. ernal . , " hbcanse a goed chever crop Î i 11 cuuoney iii teé banîr f0 tihe farrier. It is. w oides filnltcto lias c flue nîutd te confetîd xxitlitarui or but i tioxxhtdust. Dustbowg in choarh. alotfie bigiiwa,,y ic- cause fix'e grader ha beenLbas13 gettinut lic roar iinisJiape iagaiiu for the confitiitatiott of fixe paeiîg jaL) fhat n'as iîtterrîupted iast fai by the feavystîcix lh of the seesoil, if us, goinutito e h vuefItedrive devin te aue oul te a tice smoofbl I ighwnay. Ho-wcve-r, ritat xioîi't Se for a littie i hle et as flueCeon- strncfîolt ganiig liasci e o ocessions f0 go belote- the3y get downvth iis f ar.« XX e ýexceed x lit oisthiis vveehk endr but Pilas x trc wiisged se AYSS fnEsv Measut e into imaibowl, 1 C. lukewarm wmf e, 2 tsps.;graun lafed sugar; sfic ucutil sugar is dissolved. Spriîkle wifh 2 en- veioo)es Feischmîann's Royal stand 10 min.. THFH sfic weil. Creamn3/4 C. shortening; gradiiatty btend iii 1 c. graaotated sugar, 2 tsps. satt, 1 tsp. gratefi nutnîeg. Graduatly beat in 2 Welt beaten eges. Stir ia 1/2 tsuu. temon extract, 1/ c. mitk which lias been scalded and cooted ta iul-e Warin, and yeast mixture. Stil ta 3 c. Onre-sifted bread iaur; beat untit smooth. Work jia 3 c. more once- sifted biead flour. Ktîead ,util i nr,01 and etastic; place ta greaseti bowu andi brutul top with melteti butter or shorteatag, Cover andi set intarins Ptace, free fram draugbgý Let rise lnatit doublet int butte. Punchi dowil dougli andi cut'ioto 36 equal portions-, t aead inta sunoottu batts. Brtnsh vitt 4 neleti butter or margarine, roll in fie granulteti sugar andi arrange 1/" apart on greaseti bakcing pans Cover anti let riteunatit duubted in bik. Twist tise bantite of a karite iii the tatn of carL rotl to forin an iadenati-on; fil -iublty.Caver andi let risc 15 Min. lOnget. Tia e ta mater- a'cu, hot ovea, ;7, about18 mre 0 No limeadisappointments bacante th.- yeast bas spoiied! Flaischmann's Fast DRY Yeast replaces oid-fmshioned perishabe yeast becacuse it kaeps fresiî and fUll Strength - right in your cuphoard! For fast-î-ising doiugh and grand ovan results get rfeise-lmnmIann's Fast. DRY Yaaýýist to-day! i.' ~S "sîs~x5 Q/'4~/~ e? /flO/fl71$s s~4~-/ ... ý And the RELIEF IS LASTING For fast relief frorn headache get INS.TANTINE. For real relief ;et INsTÂNTiNE. For prolonged relief get INSTANTINE! Yes, more people every day are flnding that INSTANTINE as one thing to -easepainim at. For headache, for rheumatic paini, aches and pains of colds, for nuii or nenralgic pain you can depend on1 IN5TANTINE tO bring yen qluiclecomfort. INSTANTINE et nmade like a pres- cription of thr-ee proven medical ingredients. A s;ingle fasï relief.- Get Initaîf;ine oa kmpitlandy 12-Taubltfin 25ý Economical 48-Tablet Batile 69ç ISSUE 17 - Ml5 Mod w#hAmz~g ew FstDR east! .1 thn fil as one of th.e esentials of daly li r!g. And whlthey cost soliti wx1e', bu olie? But over! $400)for a TV set xx eLI, ]ie hven't got that kind of money. Wfieh reinincîs re ctl- cost of liigindex m rakes nie laglI,. After the igue are, made public, and the nowidge orced ripoun cli thaîtt i cost of living is, rising, OtaofciaIs goct aw fullv xxorried, as if taken opletely by Surprise. WTndr ow mi1any hundreds of do)llarsar paîd out" and to bow largeL an aîiy of statisticians, for flnding ont wbat the average bouse- wife could tell uhein free of charge after doing ber n eekly Shopping? Not the percentage, of course, but wev dokns that it takes alm-ost $topay- for wbiat $2 would have bougt tn yarsago.

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