-~- - -w~-~ - - - -- - 0190ONO WEEKLT TIMES THURSDAY, APRIL 26th, 1951 Wvatson's Garage SALES 'AND SER, ICE FORD, MONARCU CAR and TRUCteS FORD and FORDSON TZACTO and EQUIPME ,ýT W ITE ROSE GASOLNE ANI> O0 GREASING - CAR W, G -- -- -- Orono. Ont. - TUE RED &l WIWF E STORE Daylight Saving Time wvi11 coin- mience, in the village on~ Saturday idnight, April 29th. Mrs. Dr. ,McCulloceh returned home last week from spending the Winter in the sD&,hern States.. Juïdge Hamilt.on of Winnipeg is visiting his brother. Mr. Leroy Hinii- ilto-n and Mms. Hamîlton. M-_ S. Browný of Pontypool has purchased thle home of Mr, Gordon îWinter and will take p«,ese.sslcn in the immedia,-te future. *r and Mrs. Gordon Leaman, Paul and Judy, Scarborough, spent the week-end with M-.. and Mrs. W. J. Leaman and other rElatives.- !Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bari.;ow and Ee_1 Rager-visited ýMr. and Mrs. P. Mail- orv, Cobourg, over thle week-end. Looking For A Herd, Sire? Improve your herd by Artýficîal Breeding through the Quinte District Cattle/BedigAsociatio j)ver 1,300 Grade and Pure- hred breeders in the Quinte 51strict bred 12,500 cows ia t950 te our 14 Holstein edres with over 70 p.c. con- telvîng on first service. Th best records of the n rest dams of these buils verage 21,722 M, 849 F, 3.89 p.c. WiIIow ~Ip lalOWar Pabst LIFE MEMBERSHIP $2 .00 plus $5 0 Service Fee. Can you maintain bull for thi money? ýýegintý- April lôth, 1951, the serviîce of Scotch ortorn b is will be a vailable. .Ïor serice or further information contact, your clo se 4mînator or Agriculture Representative. t)y Short, 2479 Bowmanville -Gordon Wright, 1620 Clarke Ileinz Strainç Baby Foods. ........3 tins 28C. J11;0NEW IMPROVE SAlyMerStra« edoods. ............. tins 28e Gerber's Ce4e 1 Food,................... .pkg. 24C. Rieiuz Dried !Foods, ................ pkg. 25C. ýLL ~JREAL, OATMEAL, BARL -LAV WRS 3 for 28c. Bee Hive Co n Syrup, 5lbs. .. 73c 2 lbs. . 31c. "Y"SWEET and .1 CyJ 1 PKG. REGULAR PRICE Oranges, L rge Sunkist, doz. 52c. 1 P'KG. FOR 19c. Arruwroo t McCormiek's....1-2 lb pkg. 22eý Bot fr 5e.Peek Freai- Digestives, 1-2 lb. pkg. 25c. e4Glen Valley" CORN By Stokely's C 0 C E T 2 - 15 oz. tins 23c- Cjmo c E T Peamealed "ottage Roils, ............. lb. 69c. ifâaarch CAKE MIXES Breakfast -acon, lean, sliced. .........lb. 59c. ý1HOCOLATE, GINGERBREAD Va rs WHITE VelSteaks'. frs,,............. lb. 89c. package 35c. Pork Chops, wvell trinmmed, tasty.,...... lb. 59c. wop- - Orono, Oùt. -w YOUR COMMERCE BtRANC? 4ey7stone of Main Stret Our town is here to stay. We ship thkusands of cattie by rail to ail sections of this couný. ' *We are an important spot on the rollîng prairie. Canadians depend on towns like ours for a steady beef supply. We depend on services within our own community to keep that supply constant. One of these is your bank-The Commerce. Yes, our town is here to stay and s0 is the Commerce branch. The men and women thereý are good people to know. Il0ne\-ri a Boy's Stripe Sokees, ail sizes, priced a..............---- -59c. Children's 'Silk or Cotton Soekees, price ---- 39c. 65C. Silk hanit Panties, fancy trim, white,pnk, blue....59C. Lyor .1/ý Tea Bags, Orange Pekoe È, 100 bags for .... 99C. Crest No 1 White lloney nail for .......... 95C. s' Apple Juice, 48 oz. 27c. Mante Syrup, quart le .............. $L05 [ate Bars, 4 f or 2 5e. Beans, 2 lbs. for 29c, Plm,24 oz. tinis, Is for .........25 Ayhner Ketchup, bottie for 19e~. Crisco, pud.....47e, of J ie 12r1 COR NISH Local News Phone 9 r 1 with your personals Mr. 'and Mrs. Ribert Cooper and son of Toronto visited in Orono- ove the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Charles Disiey, New- market, spent'the week-end with Mr. and Mfrs. S. Payne MRs. Robert Glâ.nville> returned to, her home last week after spending, £tome time in the hospital. Heather Rutherford and Judy' Tamblyn whose birthdays fail on the same day, entertaIned a numniber of their -sdhioI friend's at parties on Friday and Saturday afternoon.s at their homes. Mr and Mrs. Harvey Morgan, Who houglit the bouse on Main St.. re- cently vacâted by Mrs. Bostck and family, have moved from their farm at Kirby to. their new home. Rev. R. J. Merriam, Newcastle, conduolcted tihe United Churcli ser- vice on Sunday. morninrg in the ab- senJe-of the pastor. Récent visitors with Mrs. J. G. Jackson were ber grand daughterýs. Miss Joanf FosterN, and lier sis- ter hre of Whitbv. her niece Miss Alice Bullied and Mr., Mgrley of Pete-ihorougli. Reserve Fr iday, May 1Sth for the Medal Contest. Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Miller have returned to their home' in Orono after spending' the winter in Flor- ida. Mr. and Mrs. J. W.' Bowman and family, of Enfield and Miss Myrtie TanrÉiln of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Tamblyn on Sunday. Mr. and M-zs. Neil Poter and Mrs. T. J. Tamblyn moto-,ed to Port Hop)e Sunday evenring to hear Rev. Frank- lin Bannister of Kingston. Miss Ettie Homes of Oshiawa sDent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs J. C. Tamblyn. Miss Norma West, Toronto, visited wiÎth M-r. and,, Mrs. A.-E. Wesît over the week-end also attendinig the wedding of ber cusin, Junior, at Lindsay. Our congratulations çro to Mr. Mickey Adams and Miss. Marion Haceicwood who were married on Saturday, Aril14tk,. Mickey ha-s been emçoaloyed b-v M-r. J. C. Tamblyn. Th(, eouple -14 iý!ve in, -0ron~o ina the ieouse rcnl aae by Mi. <and Mrs. Burgess. M1ýain Street. Dr. Syer attended the NoTthum- fberland-'Dur-ham iMedilcal Society meeting at Cobourg, Wednesday. CongraWlulations to Mr. Junior Westand Miss Nancy Carter on their mavriage last Saturday in Lindsay. Those attending froro Orono were Mr. and Mrs. A. E. West Ronnie and Keith, Mr. and Mrs. R. West, Mr. and Mrs. Hesper Dean,. Mr. and Mrs. H{arold Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dean and t'amilY. Mrs. E. Dean. Mr. and Mrs. D. P-,und, Mr, nnd Mrs. R. C. Forrester, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Armstrong, Mr and Mrs. P. Lunn, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn Miss Lois Dean and Mr. Tim Cox, Mr. Carl Flintot'f and friend, 'Mr. R. Lun, and frîend and Mr. G. Cooper and Miss Jacqueline Smlth of New- eastie. The District meetine of the Wo- rren's In.stitutes was held in the Town Hall ,Orono, with Mrs. O. W. Roîpli in the chair. The prugram for the District Annual Conventionto, be held in Maple Grove, May 3lst was planned. (iirls of the Junior Cluh wili give musical numbers. Mrsý. VWesleyý Cawker sooke on the eupigo the new Hospital in Bowmnvl and said with the opening immi iiinet the help of everyone was neededI. Boy's Cotton stripe Jerseys, long or short sleeves, fine quality cotton, size 2 to 14, priced at......... 75c. - $1.95 Boy's Sport Shirts h,-t fine mer- cerized B>ro-açddoth, differ- ent colored4plaids,.. 32 Sýpring- Cotý in Whipcord and TIwiils,, iïlI purpose coats, shIO~drt lon. 61g $22,00< -89.50 Ladie,' Sockees in Nylon mer- cized cotton or wool ail ----.... $1.00 t THIE ANNIJAL Caunpaign To Rais. Funds FOR The C'anad an National Instit t FOR THE IS ýOWIN PROQ. SS" To enable'thë organizati to render service to blind people and to carry of its programme, of pre- vtilon fufidè o contribution is needed. Allcontributions of a $1.00 or more are ack- nowledgedby aný officiai receipt and are exempt from income Vax. GIVE GENEROUSLY During the hours of your bereave- ment our aim is Vo do everything in our power to lighten your bur- den. RARTLEY H. DARLow PTINERAL DIRECTOR Phone 18 r 7 Orono, Ont. Phone 18 r 2 Mater Equýipm.nt private Ambalance o Northcutt and Smith 0 9 Funeral Dirsetorsand Furniture Deleai.* (j ~KINDNESS COURTESY SERV-ICE 9 Eqilpped te taku care- et the Meèat funeral et the Most 0) rélaienable charge a. wflauthe, largest" and meut «atlnt 9Teluphen, : O., Ls M - Ruideme. : 528and 17 M 9 Teleéphen, Ceflect Duwmanvflle. Ont tARMSTR IONG'S Cotton Skirts with flowered patterns in flare or gathered, dif ferent shades to choose from $4.50 - $9.95 Blouses in Silks, Embroidered Waf- fle Pique, Bastiste and Nylons, priced at ------1--- $2.95 - $5.95 Wash Goods hy the yard in prints, Slubs, Eyelet Emb., Chambrays, Diniity, Voiles and Gingham, aleo Silk Crepes and Failles in plain or patterns. Spring and Sunimer Rats, a nice selection to choose from $5.25 - $9,95 àg