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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Apr 1951, p. 7

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KiIIïs"d In 2ta ntqy By Richard H. Wilkinson The telephone ,on Shori>, B IE> l Sreeter's desk jingled ud h'ti p:cked it 'îp. "H1ello, Bil?' saîd an ex- i<ed voice. "This is Guy Halbert. 'Say, for Pete's sakce, get ou tyt ttie ranch at once! Horter's been shot,!' "What mksyutiks? "T just tlehnc it. !',e said heý'd beco pluggd dtried te tel 1 id itU, btthis -voice trailed off. ThcîYzb-f'hears i acah as thugh hedfalleîî. "W1,here are yot 00ë" said ýBU!l, "lu Stansboru. 1 came iii, this _ioriug 10 see bota ica-tle ship- "O.K." sai i l 'Il go right Two hurs alerSheriff Streeter entýer-es! te main building of the Diamns!G an! funs!theplace i01 a state ofxitmn.Ja en ard,. obinsfrea.dr kn At erwen ntreli otuc 0 ai Uîhe oud in 'L lunch nd fonod IDoc umphry beie s etSti" the tor tieplce pend ad gray. hhaed DcH umphrey emerged, ý "ilerled insatl," ýlie sas!. Cau' thay how log fgo Mayh two- theree hours. "lk."Gu i iSterifiSor and cii teres! the off ce. Gobai bas! been laid ouil t on ct'sd oersn1l Streter reiuud oiiensi i cigrtt. Doc HilU ;îplre sst "Whoddo Von recion nioî'ld c a i mler ils!. o? * I-Iunirysrchs bi liî "lo i e nî< . Eer oe w ho w oîked for hmfi hîedhim. e a asa atask th cowing f iureo ayLjard% uca th dor."f eekn at hes hini as Imcuchasayoî. le thaer u Hlet "Gy asii Ssohoo odfa wantt he type 0htebs og 'roild Il!ff-o" Sîreter wen ont u 10 tever anda, ad,1dnn'u oîî "hio.s i didu nsu t uae n niitakes. thudelyftii, icerboude 1 hou" svh'ipfre DcHuîl.-1na pakingbisebag ,. . iutesla Wa areoîvoi l stixng im. at th s h dad? ord!I go bsi voe rs ead" Surecîse no, , li aberîs Lonrdde' t 1 a "traled wff-"in (ý "hoe.It s" as! ijleSu i. *c and began lioppiug s broJ "Thi is erie. Wiîo o1 y ous- old o atolUI im, eri Snddeny, flaliristopediîep pin bs boî sd itare.h:c- thesheiied on ilit darX face( n tany!LAonan Behd is -a A GOSHEN, IND., HOTJSE WIFE tolst autliorities bilai niaga zinc salesouen n cie gettiuug se bols! \,,,.. ~Iiat tus o hidi îîractîcally forces! tlîeîu way iuîto lier hooxe i ece-îtiy amîs! thal whilc eue gave lier a odes laîL. the ether turuiesi tlue pebaices slue lias! beemi tnt ing on Ihue î~îcIieuu steve. TqIIE.'ARIM FRONT "The limei paL VwiUeJyoî Cali puit oui eespray i!ig et DDT sud then tor,-get i il bu'ti iiconfidence wel-'kewnentuîoogit."Thleres daiei etiide se ffciveta e eau uîmelctgabaJ ,maune ns !irniù sus!epleî tarmers auI, Ritanesta con flueil> 1ý s!dte th commiie o u eeti, jisnts nis.l dhee fi brees!tbrongb mit estse siîus a-ns fs!i DDT Lýslianeffective Thuee ar no epors etb!oter amoxunbly. Futo ajologisîs anfid Durngheceaut et heIfailîss Oservatoni s îcesary t de ether bseticides. Lbiixd,t loxa- pene. xlioybe. rameas Aeici mxcîobem l iIt:s iiliobc c'i - Problem in Arithmnetic Homework -1Nm 'm can't even count 'eu! xclaims five- year-old Donald Sanudier, fr., wile the causes col' his peiaun blandly goabu their busi' nessl. TheY are 14 pups born to the Sadir' era sor-aie pointer "Aldwinkles Sky- acreMell, iîow\n around fthe bouse as "al. Besides ty to think uip names, Don hielp, bottle-Fed the new\comethîýiree tirnes a day. D airymen, are iimited in the nuýe of insecticides. For nsi prying- ii dir buildings or iree foos! iis hauxidles!, methoxyclor is the oîîy cemical on, the apipr'oved list. 'ss te- commndedIbis Year by the ex- pert:. He -suggests tIiait slîrubs, trees, grass ans! wceds aronîxd buildings be coxned. From seve-raI'centres, SALESMAN STARTS NEW CAREER' SELLING TEN COMMANDMENTS R,. I-i.1130h) Pies lias been a: salcisiaiî for a quarler et a century -scliig appliances air coiiditioncers ans! a hiof ethler llîings. Ans!bis sales reco rd!s show tlîat be bias becuË a goos! îîe te. Bolike many iayuîîcu. has been tueii a Suliday School clas- a large clas et mcii n lîocouic frein ail vallss et lite ftilatsaîîe2 s cars. Asa salesîiiai Bob lias s,i iîîl etfItie norld's ug-,ilness ans! îeedfo spiriual uplifit, auîd as a Siiîî'day Sclîool lsach, r lielias eîîde wvored .teO reemedo tUis as far as pîossible. But lit1the hast etbishi îad lfie lias bas! a fcclingfor a leulim ine thtîntihcre nîust bce'sonie concrete plait le briîîg inxeîî coser- te Gos!. Ti got oit a specifie train of tsîuîl w > l helîarsl -ui asdress abutile al goos! tlîa e. micoiiij tromîî hue clients eofily a [cxx îîîeî gxe '5iî ' theî chlt s!se ..e W.' R. PRICE: "It hit ume lîke a boit oethuunder ., -" I heiïlie i cas! a bookspoiýti i-,n Iliaft tuepiJiazrs e of iiziouî rI iesl oui flic e(- Comuiandm'enits God's laxv for men.i Laler lie reas! another boelet--tliis tiîîe an EBI publica- tiouî-iii wbicli J. Edgar Hoov'er poin,ýtesi te Ie eeofeta returu te tîxesetudaîeît lawýs etf .Gos!1 te niak Aîura anuationi sucb as oir Uce passesi a sigo ui t eicstreet-at aiguIliat 1is lias! seul hunldreds et Il lut nie liko a blet oethhuuîder," Biob cxPlaiuns. "It n as a sigîîn hidi) ads!ue!e s outo e'Retrcslî y ourself' w tl a sett du ilik." 'iblat Was It I-t n ou o eo'k. -hast Stptcnîher -Imeenzagsl U.1' xciiSlionleu, cern- inîercia ar, 1,) liwnorkes! for sx n'eslss teolproduýce esactîx bat Bob lias!ii ziui! It lias ma Pen clcliiig oet ie 'Ien Coîinimanismiiits. ans! the Chils!m'ciofe Israel gatlieres! aroîhis! M oit Siîai as Gos! gave bis Ian te iai Thiîs 13s",liasl made uîîîo an 18 bv 24 inîch imiit2t:îiîPsuchiia ut suit- able for traîn, ig, "Tlia," sais! Bob, the salesiîlaîl, "n itlî Gos!'. bel, sile l)eielang- iog iii es'eî zcimlooni00, cx eîy'col- lege roon c, ey libra'x, c-ver-v ehurc li c-seryb ï es oseaî 'I'en i fien tcui e i'in eariîc'- fi-le quit lbis selluîîg et otiier slîîog' anmd tlîsc pareliuiîciiîs ;begauu le ap- pear in iiiaîy Pisses ini-idis arouîld Buit fiat' uhthe br s s±p et Bob's goal. 1 rouis due profits Ironi flic sale (et bliescparchxoicuirs, lie m- rts le ee the Temi Coîi'îîauisl umîcits il' sLione or bruniin iitaIloe thie Parsu iss m-ix i u rtC" iDIplay- grm'ens oh Aumcrica. Amuel sîiat*s uiot al, -Fiec xx sit sa greal iternuational slîritiusoseue- shmiuug lb1 e sthe Linxcoln Men-îorial- erecles! withi God's fan s iscribes! i-i es or bronize 50 that people uuo al xc ,te on or ols!corne te sec tbîat America lias Ixonoecl lo' an'. JITTER Qffi TE, ONKANDcz5e N. VigRîiOIN"~ Py N Wi4 ~f~2 Uly-contLrol researchersepr,,tùth resistant flics, have chý-lanIged some of their, habi;ts.Thy av aban- doned roosting plaes n usue ceil- ings ans! ialis inàa, urnot ouldoor locations, Once a resistnt isiaiu get s started il does flot appeau' 10 lose immuuity. A strain kept ,by the ex- pert for three years is as tough as in the be)gininig of thie test perios!. Other researchers have found thiat wben flics are resistant te one in- secticide they ean quickly develop resistance le anoîher. This may necessilate several' shifts in conîrol nucasures 10 curb aslrong strain, If yenliasve some laIe -cnt lay or a cuîiîug, spoifed by ramn, a small amomlit of molasseýs eai greally iin- crease ils paiatibility ans!cosuîp lion by dairy con s stale awrierii "'Couuity Gentlemnan." xerîeit have shown one cetehies values of ,mo0aSssus ao b reaizes rIogagiet mdi cqily. o as with less xvasle thian woul orhe wise be the case. Fed ýnin tubs wa mnolasses is otten w orlb as,, muilu a coro or eveil more. As an exaruipl, th dir er e William Cod-giiigîn lied axay fruua latte cutting, oforhd grass. He posîrcd a quart oforii aîy. fecdiîig molasses iii a nateriiîg cao, fillcd with bot water nt spriiîlsled tlic mix.ture o-ver scir grass abiout 12 lîours bctoi e fcedmîîg-. There nas good penetrati,ionim the liya-, d ils stran'iîîesn- a minimizes! by ibue iot nacwul mnolasses increa cd aaaill[ak cdly. Alîiiost neodsîwa osevc as bbehîay' xx a îredbue ie ee! iîîg ma ngr-. "I bas! lis tîc shi n-al -.ue ss geltu4g n' cons teeutailot et low-quality hay n itb litl, i-eor sxasIc," Cocîbo '-ou sajis!atterted iiîg 400inolassoks-d baes t bislîr. Hlays eoffecldg e tsr îîess Orcaseesrrur rig pcrinicniîg tIe adir anri sarv te nics a ousuii-oi o rouind spray. gL" sul1 st11sîii i rult for D.EdP i Gud 's complete cn uonetso! iet eol aPPfle atis-, -but uippareîîlW he1pes produce anu înulyhayas n ide-sîîreadiug rol ssen i i trce. Ans! the toqp 'o grwhn uliese trucs last year was e-velre + times that of ri chcck plot Ires c didm't receive tu -gritîp .spray tctneif Immediatcy ollowing the BHC application, Gonîs! began te înotice aI quick kil! of the cover crop. Then as the season progresses!, the trees began te show somie spectacular growth differences o-ver those where ne BHC bas! been a'pplied te the soil directly under tlie trees, Growers wishing te try Ibis treat- ment to boost the growth on their Young trees should procces! with caution, beowever. Gouls! suggesls a mnix et 20 pýounds et 10 per cent Gammla 1Isvmer Benzene Hexa- chloride er100() gallons et water. The' mateial shouls! be applied te bbc surface et tbe grens under the droop t the branches at thie rate et ene gallonî pey rce., A pparenîly thecheia bsa place h r rplauits are mdein esbablishicd erchiards etfaples ns peahe RsLîs will vary wiîb soý idsan!climiate but uhepossibliîy et 11111ltilyingf flrst-season growtb an(d et suprcssing weed and grass c011petition ino youug' orchards miakes il a proniisîng dcx clopu-net. A SWE DISH SAILOR wrote homie anîhorilies'aa letter et woe iii wfîic!î lie states! he had a girl, in lishon whlîiî ls shîp visites! regu- larly', but thut lie neyer got 10 sec- lier becanse be was cither refuses! shore leave by bis caplain or Lisboîu plicie îisîstmng 0o1 urrestig lîim as3 a shiji juiîlmer. GARDEN NOTES Spread Them Out The seaonnîy be shoürt ýin es parts et Canada bs b i hs îdees neit preveut a scesinofygeals The brick bs le iniake sevral sew- iugs et sncb tbiogs s eesbens leltuce, radisb, carrots, etc. It's goosl plauu te sonabuta himo the secs! a week or secarlir taii usual, Iben follow 1 ! îtir about the normal ime, iben ad tort- nighî or se later plant the rst.Thisý will spread bbc barvesÉ Q eut ove, nîany weeks. A sîbîl greaitersra cami be oblaines! by nsing eariy, med!iumn ans! laler varielies. Tools- One eau do a lot et gardcning with just a rake, a spade ans! a bec. Witb a littie more equ1ipmemî,,hw ever, nîncb labor eau b saed Digginig forks, cuillivaîçurs, speýcial weeders, dultci bes, ele., il ae thie work casier ans! io)re ueiirest- ing. Tbey aredesignes! for spec,>ýial jobs. No malter ho ewe- or how mnauy tbols are selectes! ti s i- port 'ant le keep their edges shaIrp. An ols! file is excellent for rAe. Sharp teols will save many a ba cký- ache ans! blisters. For larger gardens a sumall gar- den tracter that wbll cullivate, plow, cul the grass ans! do ether jobs miglît weli be censideres!. These are uîow ceming oui the markeît rec- ly. Tbey are uet expensive andi are very cbeapiy operales!. A quart of gas wiil keep. tbem hnstliug -fer several heurs. A wide ,sélecthionu is aise avaUshble. A Cutting Garden Oflen a corner efthIe vegetaieï garden er seme Place aI Itie back et tbc lawui is set asis!e te grow,, flowcrs especially fer indoor bou- quets. Soeîtirnes xvhcu a large si%- piy et 1' zomis arc wamtcd for Iis purpese it leaves the reguLarber- ders a bit siîy. Aîîy et these ftlowerscï suitable for culling purpoEes wil Ilîve on the saine sort et untiva- tien, etc., that the vegetabie:s geli Certain flowcrs, iîîdced, like glad- beli, sweecc peas ans! others et whichîï the foîbage is miel very attractuve, are besl grov unuder these ceidi-, lieus. .A DECATUR FIREMAN tld the Decatur, Ill., ciby ceuincfilwby he biîougbt the tewuî needes! a uew fre trucks: One day, îvbiic raciug, te a flue, bis 'foot on bthfe o boards,'"lie was passes! by îw,,oy ou1 a bicycle. -c- isAmy Brîtton, tn-s mdes imsîslcas PRICE'S PROý-"DUCT:"bt God~.s help , in ezývyh e" Fl etz s s N N s N N N N N N N '4 N N N s

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