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Orono Weekly Times, 10 May 1951, p. 2

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of te wordiotos I breIgs Il o bonut f old sbiers. o to the naivsote ibetlilnds. 'Tbey2 no nl onIder "parts of tuimon all us thmsevesashminibait Aveagng uineý-foot)reAd, the Glilber-t ' ls ln etpli',is :an ulgly- Joloing csoe.lisegtpoweür- fui rol r tuddwt ah soie ' clkers i uibo1s, 'imy eyes sae u o. regogn shote arusforanhoing tsefV, C choigsomie darkcrnu in the rock1s just be Fiothte.her.e twaits glaing fý; roin 1the shIadoJws, Noeofta wris h ilet as bait; blis partrier is tbe killer, Sigbing a "catch' down gc thiebato tempt- the brute, swimn- nigjust ont of striking range, makingý its moutb water as it were. Theni,[Iiite calinly, be floats to- wards thieâer, ciutcbing embrace. Nwit's tç killer's turn, bis C»ly' v eapon is sbarp white teetb. !-Je waits until bis partner bias been drwnrigbt up týo the entrance of the monser's lair, uintil the honny beak ïis groping againist buman «elib, unti l te esaure intent on gluton. Tenie diveýs, seizes bis friend and jerks hýim voenl )ackwVards. Cauigbit iawar-e, ithe actuopus is Ywrencbcd ,fnom li tsý Uînchfonage an,ïd bornle up to thle Tihere the killer jerks back, the evii ed plunges bis teetb betwcecn, thle blginIg eyes and bites. Instantly t greedly suckers relax, steel- sîimy) tentfacles go lîmp and the actopusý dies. The whole grisly op- eration takes less than a minute. Sir Arthur Grinible, çue-Mme Governior 6f the Seychelles' and Wid-ad ilands, tells bow-in anc of the anly ,vivid stories. in 'Tbe ýRadio Listenier's \Week--End Bookl" wbcn heiwa a ve \ry "greenl" D)istrict Officer to thzle iiert Is- lands lit was inivcîgled ïby a pair af naivsinto participatinig in anl otopuis bunt. Not wishing to ap1- pear tmdOr lose face wbeh wavs supposcdl to be a leaerth a~cd And the raIe th-i(y picked for himn was bait! To biýs ternlal regret te foundi' au octopuis and lie divedl,tr ig wil f fun. 'The last tbiing lie sawv before hie >submlitted to thehios eibi race wtere tne monstcr's etyes, birinlg in th'e crystal Icear wafter. Afte:r that certin vas drns and a readful, slmy brclean grip, whlippilg 1rounidbibndn bim isava y "Wieni 1fitth conticinof Ille batiesof conitaict t ïta Iutbed"theathrsas "'A mnhbegan tlo unnzzle ,blow 111Y t!iroat . . . ueII w as .jckedbakwadsfrom the 1ýcrannly an l-ose tothe urfae wih th birute stickinig ont o (f lmy cheIst like a tumiiour. My moueýtb was smlotbler- The suekelýrs fit Flike bot rinigs puiliing nt Ily shin. l as -only tw,ýo ~cnsfroi then to'0the at- tack oc m'y dei )reribt it see lik a cnttyof mnwausa" 'J'le auho lede ihý wn lio further Idcalinigswtbctue. Thicy gIlle the Ccepiinghros" "Would you ple&Û, lhave fiis fhc ot for mýe? I'd Ifke to be n exceutive secretary. 1I cant type; V-'m nt a stenog." Brigbit fiish paints which eaur be applied vto wood, or nuietal by any convcntional nuans are sid resistanit ta temperatuires as hiigb as 1,900 degrees A; reistant also ta mosue orsomild acids and aika-lis anid oiainand fmsininutalpat.C - pay ays thlespant can be ap- pied t *, surf-c s oftutho-ught to) bc inipaiiitablc, bceiseo eeir ation by lhgb emertuesor Q. Wen aperson with wbhom one s talking mispronounces a. wor:d, would -a tactful correction be in order-such as using the samne word a mi4nute later and prononn- ing it'correctly? A. Tibis wonld be anythiug but a "tactfni correction" Unless the person with wbom you are taik- ing is very stupid, it would bc ob- vions to bim that you are making a showv of your knowledge. It *s mnuchý better to ignore any grain- inatical slips. Q. Is it proper ta send type- written lettera Of condolence?' A. No;t lettecrs of condolence s3hould bîe w'rittcu iby lhand. Tbcy are mjàore eronl and express Q. When a business girl visits anold friend, over the week-end, a lose friend wbom she bas kniown for nnany years, is it necessary for her ta write a bread-and-butter, letter? A. t would b e exceedingly rude if sb.e didn-'t. This is one, of the most important indications of good breeding and nlo matter bow often you visit a certini fricnd for ýan overnigbt stay, ai brcad-and-butter letter is i-n order each time. Q. If a bride bas reccived one gif t fromr five members of the office wbe re she was formerly emnpioyed, how shouldi she acknowedge this gift? A. She should write a. personal note ofaprcaintcah e- SOnM Q. What is the proper time ta pass olives, pickles and celery at' the dinner table? A. During~ the, soup ýcourse. Q.' How may a womnan know wbether or not sbe should, off er ber-hand ta a mian wben beinig in- troduced? A. There- is uio rule to go by. It is altogether'optional with tbe woman. She may-remember, how-j ever, that the proffered hand is ber way -of showing sincere and1 No Soitay Sentry He-The- guard of honor at the Tomb of The Unknown Soldier is seen here in the process of attracting a. bevy of young sîghtseers who trot alongsîde and keep him company as he paces back and forth. The smartly dressed GA, manages ta maintain his soldierly bearing in spite of the good-niatured distraction. Q.Should tbe briâtew'id br-ide. groom, stand at the door cfý the chburcb after the. ceremony ta rce- ceive the good wlsbes of thegut? A, No. Thc 'wedding receptio'n is the place for this, Q. Shoul& tbe prongs of a fork be pointed upward wben lifting a bite ta tbe moutb? A. Ycs, always, Q. Sbould one evfr tip the con- ductor on a train, or tbe dining car steward? A, No; it is not cxpected. ciL~Awdrws. There are countless ways of diinup mcet'balls, of course, buti. r case you haven't tricd thenui thewaytbc'redonc south o, f the Mexican borderi, I strongly ur1ge yoti Iodo so. This recipe is'tquite so bhot as the folks in Mex5ico ike, btoi tangy enougb for most of aur Nothernutastes. MEAT BALLS MEXICANA '/2 'Pound ground beef V4 cup rOlled oats V'3 cup tomato juice:5 2 tablespoons chopped, onioni 'teaspoon sait i/8 tea-poan pepper 1teaspoon Worcestershire SAUCE 'cup cboppedi onion 1 can (No. 2 size) tomatoes 1 bay leaf '/2 teaspoan chili powder /teaspoon sait ican (1. oz, size) wbole kernel corn, drained Metbod:-1 Combine aIl ingredienits for thle meat halls. Sh1ape into sîmmyier 2 iue.Maikes 2senv- *U1sc 1(liuid rom t he canned as wl pasa alonig two or tircee otber ay of bandfiing that great 'tnbground beef-mjeat boaves. in1itaiondrustiksanld .ust plain INDIVIDUAL MEAT LOAVES /,Pound ground beef '/4 cup rolled oats 1 egg, beaten Vcup tomato juice 2 tablespoons cbopped 'teaspoan sait l'Io te-apoon pepper Metbod: C1ombine lI igedet tjOthogh1l andpack inItc 2mdi umi-sized cnstand cupa. ls1ake in al 1inoderate oven (350 degrees F.) 45 minumtes. Makes 2, scrvings. Macle Druiïnstick-s-Oithete egg from eat ba lmixture. Shiape iifo 3 dnumi)iltick',s.hinsert a woe isker ii each an-'id roîl inb] a c-rmbs. Bro\wn ýon al sIdes n bo fat, Coven and( cooksowy 0 liatnbtigereý: Omit batnegg; from ma ofmxue hp 't tworge ha11mrgers. Puîy bot fat, It 1wýon't bc so longno- hope, Ihopec, li ope-before thestrw- berneis wl eonrh mne rin tegardenl, sdte olx ing ay arewwa o om a yna HEAVENLY PIE 1 egg wbite '/ teaspoon vinegar V4- teaspoon vanilla Dash of sait / cup sugar 2 tablespoons rolled oa.ts PILLING '/ cup wbipping creani, whipped / cup swteetened fresh straw,,berries, raspberreui or peacbes- Method: Add vinegar, vanilla and satto egg wbite. Beat untîl frothy. Grduli bat in sugar anîd con- tinue hatin until mixture is stiff a glossy. Liightly f oid in the Place ini a mound on, greased hvy n.nlazedl paper on a baËking shýeet. ,Usiiig a spatula hollow out -el ctr and- build up the sid!es to reemble a small pie sheil. Bake in a very slow oven (275 degrees F.) 45 minutes to 1 hour. CoolI. for a few minutes, then re- move from paper. Cool thorougbly. Fold fruit into the whipped creani andl pour, into the cooled shel. Makes 2 servings, May lnýst recipe today will be for what I cali "Two Way" cookies. As you'Il notice, you can use hall of the dougb as drop cookies, and tuck the remainder away i0 your reffrigerator or other really cool place to Cook some time wben you're in a real hurry, TWO-WAY COOKIES 'Acup sifted enricbed flour 'A teaspo(on soda '/.teaspoon sait 'cup shortening, eoft 2/4 cup brown sugar 4 cup granulated suga3r iegg, anubeaten I/ taspoon vanila 'Acprolled cats ' cup cbopped nutmeats Mectbod: Sift together flour dd ing sgars, euggan vaia.Ba untjil smooi, about2miute. Fi d 2doze oois DrapCoiserpoi afo Fash ion Note moderate oven (37 dgèe .)1 to 12 minutes. ]Refrigerator Cookies: Shiapere maining dough inito aulng roI, Wrap ini waxed pper aï- ndIcifli thoroughly. 1Sfice '-nh tik Bake as directed above. Stops "Flu" Virus Dr W. Wiibur-Akra of the University ,of MichIigan. anuiounc- that he has dliscove!redI a chemical thÎat stops the g4rowth of influenza virus (type A) in a test tube. The chemical acts by preventbî.,, a virus from getting sbtne necessary for growth and miultiplication, This is the first tIetat oie o the vital relationsbips be-tweeýn chemical reactions in a bndy cili and mnultipicatioýnof influeniza virus bas been demiionstrated. 'i Ihe dis- of no practical nuse as et iu treating influenza infection. Dr. Akema -srsults -,ere acbievedby supplyîIing metboxinine to 14-day-old chickue r~otis sue cells, Methoxiinewasused lbe- cause it is vrimilar -i ole- cular size and shap to Ihîiine, an essýential ini bilJding tssecelîs and fosýterin1g vius owh Asrp- ion, -f Imethoýxýinine by-,-theIvlius- concentrýjatioinio ehoiewti NEWand USEFUL Too Adhesive Clean er Said ta remnove everything fromi dog bair fa dandruif off that dark suit or coat, adbesive-covercd rol- 1er doca not harm fabrie wbiic pickiug up fine particles. Roll the gadget over garment and wbcn complctely covcred witb residue tear off strip of adhesive aud 'a ncw piece undcrneatb is ready for use. New nolls are available. Mows Witbout Effort Mowing the lawn can be fun, says company, makiîîg new elec- tnic, mower. Machine features pusb- hutton operation with a'flip-over handle f0 change mower direction. Retractable blades' resist foreigu abjects on the lawil. Mower eau' tniml wýitbinî five-eigbthls of an inch aromn bsesad iowrbeds. For Cooling Off Lonoking forward t!o the swvelter.- iug days of sm ra cmanhas produiced an ifatbeVinylite mattress* witb buiil4ti ncolinig for hbackyardl or beach au. Unit bas four wate-cr cam.biers wichare Air is tenpnmped ii the water filled sectioni the surface. Lie on the aud the beat of yonr bod3 away by the water. Fragrances Vary A new electric deodorizer offeýrs the user, a variety offrgacs The unit operates silently andeon omically on a 15 watt niotor; i, small and lighit weigbt and bnit ini 0, brass housing. Portable Saw Weighing but 55 pounids, portable 7 h.p, chaîn saw is, clainmed capable of cutting the largest timber. With special n otating balancers formed to nentralize rotary enginie vibra- tion, saw- willinestcsat uesof chaitn saws, as tnsvba tin tsclaimied, isnoeinnae by conventional crank,,baft coun- terbalancing'. Anti-vibration device is built into tbe gasoline engine. Cleans Glasses New kitchen gadg,.t features three, suction cups at -it-g base; bonsewife presses unît to bottom of sink or disbpan and nylon bristled brush- on top makes short work of cleaning glasses. Wax Won't Melt According to maker, series of new waxes wil not melt even at combustion' point. Waxes such as paraffin, .beeswax, etc. are pro- cessed and are recomùmended for use at higb temperatures. Slightly harder than unprocessed wax, their wax solubility is not -affected. Bib Catch-Ahl Designed aftcr the fashion of a Kangaroo poucb, blabies' bib fea- turcs poucb held open permanently by a patented spring device. Made of plastic, bib catches'any spilled fôod. Travel Witbout Creases A portable clothes cerrier for the travel, minded, is said to carry clothes witbout wrinkling. Gar- ments bangf nil length in tbe-bag from a hook on top, or bag can be carried by traveller toided in hal<f with a locking device and padded handle for the purpose, Itemi can also be used as înoth- proof storage bag. For Fishernuen Lightweigbt waders made' of 20- gauge Vinyite plastic are some- thing new for tbis season's fisbing entbusiasts, Compact-folding, ,tbe olive coloured waders bave seanu- le'iq feet moldeni from lieavier 30- gauge plastic and cbest-bigb vani- et, îweigbs only 2ý12 pounds. One-Man TV Unit Portable televiýion camera and transmitting station weiglung only 53 pounds can be carried by news reporters in the f :1' perates supply. aIunit id other to ne- On Thie Trail 0f A Cancer-Killer-Perhaps Canada's iost in- teresting ep àîet ntSe field of fundaînenta-l canceýr rcsearch is bing carnied on at Che University of Vîestern Outario by Dr. arl R.Pluuke,,tt. The id India nwredcin man creatcd au interîinul i this partie- ular wor wcn a repor-t appeared that Nevada 1 indian mledicine mcii wýere usýing a miiedicine made froco a plant as a contracept- ive., Thisý plant is, now bcing investigatcd and it has becu found tu have a une action in that it inhib)its erai pitutary hion nes Cýwhiich pare responsible fornomlsul clpnnt Dr. Mlunkett is wor-king in an effo-rt to prf i rd ln materiial in order -to have a pure sbtneto pursue blis clinicai ezpe~imett: Itis wileli ctaished Atatcertai ptîitarvand se.hor-mones have a definite effect un cancerous tumonrc and nauch oJ the presantt day trcatmicnt of theetumours isdict tow-ards thinhiibition cof these hiormonles. w-

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