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Orono Weekly Times, 10 May 1951, p. 3

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-~ -~ --a - ~ s' Bewi Idsred Boy By WiItard Olvcjn Persing M) ba-ds cine up shoul , ý1 det anid cold as lie was bis hanidsok so much tîlat 1 xvas more titan a little worried, 1 i asn't gingto startie itul into vaking aît o te tosxnspeople. They xould flnd iouit pJl1uty soon cnougb tixat 1 i badbeen cétltflatfooted by ii te-g Otto xas statnding belîý1id!the -counter, ,bis lbauds resting eiasly oýn its scarred, top. î oudutfig.. tire it, but he wa it sm;iling* at the wild-eyed, bois fce thax wýas hait covered witlî a dirtx white baudkerchief, "Sure, Son," Otteoassayinýtg, "j'Il give you thle mny te fxyoul a bite te Cat. Tbe kds yslit up for o men, tenllie( frown1cdd sa-Ui d, Oto sbo is hcwad loxl p lil puit some sndicesin aksei you au antake them xith ycu.i i E ý turncd bis back on lithe kjd adwent to work at thesadch ord £hey seemed to biave rgue me, se 1 started'edginig arounid be- hind the youngster. 1 fîiured that wxas why Otto ovas-staliîîg,, butI had moved ouly a fewinbswe he stopped me. "1Take it easy, Joe, yo'r pt teý rmin his appetite." At these words froîx' O)tî, theý Id spun iaro0und. I was sarugat Otto, try-ing, to figure ontxx at i,î the werld be had in mind.Ter wasn' 't âuy writing on the backý of Otto's neck, and it was toc deep for nie, se' I hooked a stoo(-l t my toe and pulled it eut jr could sit down aud si]sec x a was geing on. Otto turned around tlani- burger in his haud, île ral acress hie ceunter sud h ianded il te mnc. "Maybe thýis wi eep you eutll of mischicf for a wic"h sigrinuîng at mybwldret 'Atter al, he was thie one gcttng robbed, se I decided ti glît a weli go aleug witlî whatcver hle oa trying to do. Al 1sedtoos xxas maybe my job. "ThJis is hie fir1st tne yo'rericd thisý" Ottc sasIllhe kid. The lkidI's hainlCýd qutekly thnhirownied and said, "Whaî vwi t1i theseanîiburgers. int gain te se if ieewsa eVyes and ws avnga 'ierpis, to01 ah us. Msliiif xas hiddu uîde auoitd cai)'p pllcd dvuover bis. cars !I was st!li tri~ te figure ot how uîuchti'J sicthere %as in flic bl5'e r aIlswhe Otto dùwped li cs drawer euoit on top otfî:o1, er J-le eouuf1tCd rtue muyut paper sack antJd pacdi ac'n1 gers "T irî iollarsý," le ai t te'iid, "otmuhpa'fr1h Lugerln1 caet ts exi uche the counliter, I1sartd te yel al Ote0, il tît gnî eu ff. lic oldu' lîa2e a Taeil easy, oli etso,'l bld utcanid thle sqnirming l,îd. l'rd Imsupisdyncld' heu by leking aihe(extra e wýaut toecat." He slippC etegî oftetthe kds(s u lcdil et of siglit tider te enter The kidwas stili sard Aicîi' yngug te tel] the cepis." Otto griuîîe aud 'ointed atmc.ý "Txt'hîeni, Soli.' 0faHnd.n A Dutcbman1i'0i igtly rnde bitettcGn~de ScentryI l)isa 9i Ily1et geuClleops tisewfo ing , nes rIveC1 ts. 'I erea a piuî 1et hîlîs, u 1the bTllanidwhile okadil thel-, iiîi 1tumiuehs are touýtta po300 tedý 'igls]Iue1- regÏiuu bastiueretore heen uauued "Tu Iiie tDltcb Suvitzcr- -1alil Dutct vb a foft desecomete speid thir boiidays hei thscîder e utry. lîni( s the egin ter i a multte e Iotls, thlls aud ot casîles. Qucetu Wr iim, ho setin anaex af possblefither prepor the ah Lee test Aperdoorlied1hlise oil the dg et hue Se vere n fst.dbyctl n But thPre Gueier a rkseeugefr prethnusevesen bo trees hdi nliossie desigusisicti espcc xvihh shr scdtlers as'ncb as Tlî ftees aredbaI t ehe xveodsar tiek. T e ric atd ireua s-retches f laxi, an bsheoe syrigassudtniv e cash a pOerme tse wlic of ethe Middagale- deîiry eBt jbbc xxod' odsbhnd ls Portrait 0f An Old Soldier--Here is a new cawiera stuidy C, Geneural of the ArmyDoga MacArthur, the "l ode" Itwa tke as the general surveyed the throingsgahrdt greet hitn in Washington, D.C. tricd te assemble ai wea.Lth of arts in acordncewith the stage ef' prepi(ytey had reached, wbîlst th-ybuL' heir we;rkiug-class set- tlemeItt, teiufne scheools, their facteries. Eiuidhoven, the Philips' cty iBra ansd Etschede,-the spining oix-in Ov erijssel, bavec each tlîeir miusefumcof modiem paint- itîg. TI-e GIdefeuîya Otter- lbolhas 137 pantigsby anGegh. ",Yes, but bave yen sýec the Guelder connýtr?" hiýe Dutcli asIc anyoue ih pak bu Hollaîîd. And eeudrtusthe affectionî îhyt l h eircetuywlîcu w'c teIsmpnun and rigid simpliity sie by ide.-trenî he Nehcraud,"ediedby Doré Og- TII~FÀRM FR T A1ts, tfolk s nîeb ody lias itat heentrails te speaic np,,i ne, ,u- cert ncus. for the farnc. Ou oin paipers have been se biusv wiîbl ediesre garcliîg Rita iHayxxeri i enrlMcArîbnrw and thie like titat u$ey condîî'î be epeted te notice Lnyhiiîgs u1 tpetu astarmiiig and its profit- i aîy. ut wbetu 1 saxi that aresU. Bratitian, Secretary et AgrCulture, -i]tfie uiJnted iats, ad -said niai "FARMES ARE l E' A RiIN NG 1,S OR'Jl I4IR LABOR, IN- VE'STMEN1T AND M AN A GF,- MENT11iiLT Y -T H AN- A TRY I [1 p 'sidt;started te ps attellnti , t i- ee,j . ili part, is xvbat Secet-si ,iBaîîîîîî îld Iheý foîi ow ii 't sliugton. And if Vs ashngion intbiîiing lite Ot- tawa, iirMranuýtinît ,preb)ably uiglit bave saved lus beatlitot - Oit, xvbat'-_ bue tise-, Aux ivayliere's tbe report: Raîeur titan heîg ex erpiacd, Ille secretr ellLltl IleleusI!e Ceuuiit- teeouAg i-utuefarnilers', est i- 11us fr1151 axi aeîd90 earninigs etil ii trv xxeres xvliclî i i toit tet t Connutittl i ii i.îclSec- i tary Braiit -ri- s taishca analysis et entrrent farîi[ ecoieîs. Theuy agreed ithat ie, bad 1gjýýi-,e iet x aiale iïtîtor11matiOti wîtîU xx hidij le defîd h îaiu' 000,0 îiensip ýýte 'îtvpce et foed asud ithe de'(tnse tab)i1izatioii pregra n ctî up fr dbateiiilitle use. suuîîet ' v tist ket basket 'itct ,,bx'iet te st'x oi ress thaut tli xxas e A 1raeretîîs trem art lintet facîorv laibor xiii bu5- about 'sas uîauv butvs et bread itoixas il xx eUld iii 1049, oee tonrtlî muore liait ià weýtid"Iut19»,9,ever cite hll mre leax es iliati in 1929, 1 -ice as iuusy as in 1919, attd -1 hune a ýs mauxas iin 1914. Mr. Bîa]itîid A itrs facîm5 a' ieadd beugbit aimttb as muni routîd stcsi0. til, rtar as il did ini 1949, iaîî enlw asichu ess thati ix did isiieti beet va Tsclingah bargaîn-base- îîîîp ie n ii1939. Au Vu ' x rk in the tactet y :o"ia tntîcit butter ai 'hie atart et 1951 xs it xx eld iii 1949 or 1939, atîd ase xiii bux' more uîilk, eggs. oranges, peinions. ai-d baconti tia ifvOUlI ii 1949. 1i"Ï9, 1929, or 914 Mi'. Baiiuiî id. opWiî f tîilît, Rý iîi ceai Augu IH. Atidrescit (R etof Miiiý tiesela si e ilieuglît seuîî ,et ic liropagni-daïepteeuiiiiig fa;uiers as preiteers erigiîîaîed smng peeple xi li did ixet quihble aboeut payiug 60P cents fer -a cocktail1, but iceketi lik a te ahpayiîîg 24 cents fer a Secretary Braninan said, that "if ise had beeji satisfiedi with the samre kinds and qutetities etfeod we. boüght in~ 1935-1939 with 23 per- cent et our dispesable icmi weuld have ceat us enily 18 ptcent et aur 1950 incemi-e." But Americans arc, cating a igîs1- et quality diet than lîe did i that ,fermer peried àand tb1ey aýre eating about au ighth more food pet pet- son, Mr. Braunan sbaid, and buying moe servi ces aleug wiîli their feo -better proccssing, better pa-ckag- i g, al et w hich costs i m e e , The sccrctary et agricuilture fe zld the ceumîtetht iii 19)47 faru-w pjeeple wcrc cîn is-hrsa people. He said that the riscitan prices ever the last ycam, if mlain- mmcind, xxiii nîcaii a substarti al ,iu- crease ifarîîî carnings, bLirngiug thent backIe abut n bat tbcy isere in 1947. Rapici as the risc in food prices bas becti silice April, 1950, the wtt- ness said,' tarîners' prices did net catch up wiîb the prices et steel prothiets until jîur ttis, yeaî. Go Easy Oun That Scruhýbing LBrush! NOw tlitat Ment is abot te ocap- tainthie PanI-np1, ealcaip sqnad for spriiiiie bouse cieaning, speciaiists fronit lueNew 'Ycrk Ex- tensioni aid Experimreut Station are eferiug a xx rd cfcat[ O Paint is net inupervienls te )aIl soap lîreparations. If yen get tee bnsy rcmnoving the dir.i, lue pitîtîua ore cOff toe! IU sceuring e pilel ufae s(ectîtsnecessars',2 '-e et h bt aids is, fiîîeiy pew'dered x iig ixiexpensive by tlîe p a:d ud precurahie aI paint, hardware, àud otten at drug storesý,!~t is aul abra- sive, but onie oethte ftuestx anchtes. If ou plan jUst te xxaslîthe paint, a tilltienîral seap sboîîid bc sahis- lact(-r , buit eveit s ciisoap Coli tisort.i-e aikali th-ft xiii evetîtu- ally sU et the pailit if leit on, il. Directions for commercial paint- eleaning preparatieus suggesh nc rinsiîug is ieeded;ý but Ibis isa misapprebenision as tue alaln content of soap dees wae an surfaces if lefI ou thln. ijust 1e sustre te rinsecearetully cverY ac DouiblingUp-Russeii, at ieft, and Raipli Logan, sixý-year-ekl twins- found theirdouble persuasion ineffective ag.ainst the duble st-bb-orvnnes of these~twin clorikeys. The tboysned' be(o' srrie at their failure, for they were up aginsta special pair. The ownier et the aniimais stated tluev ae he ouly £wiîînke iii Texas.

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