[l T ýtiy £1£mes. COMING EVENTS O LASS81 IED GO I iss Mail, Post Office Department, ottawa. 1 Thie re 'gûtlar meeitg of t1he Wo.-_________________ me'eInstitute Iý ll be held on(Fi- Requ-est, Subscription $1.50 dy fc onMs th nBh sihed Januiary, 1937. TaaHal hepo anwl"1e1a- CM1 VNT ilsi rrag~dby heCitzq hipurd Eu- eskrW. A. are 1ho1ldug aSo- Lews). Publisher. R C Forr-ester e i lbe eet t isal he- , cl Even*Iýg oni d AMy Lthl, officea-s anîd -fembdrs mk pca rrne ~ ilbe oo! ew(d by n ag ef.ort to attend a if possibl bingpla ntt "iin With Grce". hue e CAR 0 T AiS m A xiia wil L ed t te en er lehtme of Mrs. Carl1B. ngs. CarsCwill ders gned 'la v e ma t 4 u . f a s . G a - f . O f n t o~~~C R O F t h d r a f o m r S h o S c i n N . 2 a d , f u t n l dbri n g m y l y c e p Oro Q, n ay 9~. 151, at 8.3 pni, pial Alo he u einend nt nu- H me mad o M !Sale '. an A- Io m seete n s nd Dr. Se ts I sh aso t teao Te hedu rteaupc A . E . M âLLOng ot thank almy in frin dsfrthi f eterS i obue heii ars thoufhtfonne5 slne my ýfdWa.rria heTw(Hl )udy Myl*hln ani. No.e2kchome. Agintanking ingand I. t230Pes e arsec.Eey eep ________(mMaY________ - I, pMa Is nr 1 TIm md and Abroad J inh Ye, -t with the ~ Men f a unded tra1des, inasters af a thiousalld problemn - eervng Ca ad ndanad1a'Army fl 1counitlûbss ways- Ilhe PRoyý1 al ý';mL - CnaianEnineers are k'eyv men in Canada'8 lstimportanit business today ... defence. I\~.' ~ Wekig ginfsi turne to build Up our defences, one of Candas os uget eedls is more men- for the Activ e Foc.Thik fast growing Army of ours lýeds nen witli the sl egive our modern Army t f4 power tf0 make th:ings hýa ppen fast. Lin theCanadian Army many,>K tihese skills belong t0- the Rioyal Canadian Eriginer/ The'iiy include eve rything frein the Building and She madstbrougb Surveying and] lap Making, bIf er) ng iltypes of eqinet It ta k e s t ne - a i» t ofl' i - te r ain " E n i e ers" I ou boies e~rfninds tliiway wewat t Roya CandianEnginceers. TO E"Ç Y ~ ) u T : Il- Be a Cancadion citizen or Btli subIect. 2. Be býfween 17 and 40'yeaïs o e 3. Be singlejI. 4. Meet ý;A r my test recuirements. 5. Volukileer for service anywh"e REPORT RICýI;T AWAY TO: îouseAwA,"Oce No. 5 Personnel rti , rk, s a g o f s t . , K N S O n NO- 6 Personne 0ep1 Dctuqls Drieo,ChryPok ic , e, TORONT1,Depo. tzobeth Se., LÔNuc., t Network FOR S B îcycie, i f ir co diio Mr; ,*Shi (ee R SALE d onje aLe olony d Ay , ry th 1 9 5 1 f o n s ýM MnboQth in th upmnty emrialPark IN ~EO~f ILy 914. And ~cindsfrlMI day to day,; But r~vei- hth one we loved Fromf memoý pss away. Ever rembelud by r.namdInMrs. W A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN und SURGEON «Cie Ilours 2.00 to 4.00 iL3,9 .Sote 8.00 p.m. Sundays and WeIhýsdzîyu by uiis ew. pr "(ne i'tS, Uono. b-c E. C. SYER, AMD. - I PHYSICIAN and SUJRGEO~N j NT1C'IClHUN TE RS Maina Street South GrOund ý7H0 - ipense's 1m epr c-hasaed /To1rnie( be ur- oOffice Heurs: Gaine War-den. 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.. 6.30 t0 8.0() p.rB. SunidaysI and Hldays by NOTICE Aippointruent 'Th e Durhan 0eaI Agricur PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO Socoety wish t,-)ack$ywlývedgz the puf- foi tof thlose iloho , ave- aided in fil,- LEGAL ing h e as, M~t e far r ga u nd . _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ AIýso to a vJe4t i lf is ne-~~R edadthat y uan die aaound the Lawrence C. bao, à.A. Barrister and Sclieîter DEAD LIVE STOCK BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Picked ýup promptly oseCows, 1flefere-, Se iaPhones: nd e bora Cave Ofice 688 Honme 553 IWe pay for HRais e wsa1a Heifers A s n u d d e d s r i e w - w i ll C - T T AK G operaate -ith #or aisr varian in TE JCKO 2/cper Pc. for Jive haorses. Auctioneer and Valuater C aîl col oc ~ B<y anvi le ~ 79 C onduct a A uction S ales eo! ]a di u zo MARW LIJRFARMS and at reasonabie rates 49-tf Comm unicae with hlm et t4egi Perry, Ontario, or uee hie Clerk. A- SALE REGISTERS E. Morton, at Orciie, for date. Tile proper-ty of Mrs. M. Soper, endal I il be s.old by public aiuctio-n' A K R I at 1.0 pom. sharp on Saituruday, Mlayj 12th Proert;onsists Of vabe Orono','s Licensed hoeuýsehold efcs Termis cash, no Jack Reid Auctieneer. Auctioneer and VaLluator 1 have receied instructions from i l z n F r n C. B. Sissonsý, 1 muile sothof Orono ÎSP eiaiei Fa n a d on No.35Ni, wayte el by pu-bic F urniture g3ales auctin Satuday, ay 9th at 1.3 pni., berom lvngr a ndkit- Consult me for ternis chn uanurragTe na nwand dates Noreere.Jack ReidAuctsone. Phne 5r 1Dl- -rw'n I bav ereceived intsrutionols front _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ he e e tor- of thle estae of teh ee J T T A T -, S Evlva E. C ake to s4lIhyMOS public RANCE aýuction Sýiaurdaty, May26alt her Ilate.1p residence nt Newcastl, ber ent'r PnioFlans; Educationai Policiez, h ousýeholdefes Jack Rei,uc.lProtection an1 Savings Plans 102 The undersiadgnomihas Mreceived in-- structions ,frointhe executor of tchilden dut;Mriag i- esae th late ý1pJdha Couch o el rne las by p)ublic aucitian e.t his lte resi- denme, Lot 11, con. , PCoauep, n F. E. LYCETT ShIp.1F2 mie Wout and 1 mieorth OROMO, Ont. - Phone 20 r'10 of ewonileFriday, My 1, 1 p.m. shrp. AlIï bis farm ustocýck, im- r plements, feed ani furniture. Furth- Th1Z TR RNT er patîctulars s.ee bill. Ternis cashCO AN Jahk R.id, ACOMPANYo Dial 3216- P.O. Box 622 Port ope, Ontario 1; iuin sang Monuments, Gravemarkers and ~fvf~ odefn Hot W ater STAFFORD BO C-ALL UIS 1FO1R ESTIMATES- 818 Duadas St. E. Witby IIA R R E. L C ETTFINE QUA IrY Phone 84 r 12 MONUMENTS ANP Leas erect a hadoie ig. nifled mnmn vrthe 'est- Phone 30 r 16 thnsLasuibute sw gve CONTR AC TO'iR S For_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ FAMand 1HOUSE - We wiIl ho ipased to pick up W 7IRIN Gdad 0r ci pl fan anmais Froe E st nia es1nd -pay hig h osiýt p rev ailin g APPLIAîýNCE ,SALES pics Prmtand RarneodRpaire to al makes oJ EIectrical Equipment Foimeit service telephone andApinesoîct rokj 62, Cobourgj Such as 'loors, Water ee~aters, 2 66w Toronto Eire 8-3636 SAe ron!'".CR»fNYuÇ AT Ar' Car Maret NOw sth1net tcerDcal s ni :io)e BET R CARS tl.bu u.DCARnS 1 E TOC EavetroughL W wu AP îQeI Ph( Fin XVe I Pi-ion t~o j,, o ~ Motor KIN ~ Equ' o T Tehepl Ct. __ fi 4V. Bu lx ~ 1 4 lb. prii. poun Lytn Va I Ontario J C~iristie 'tE ~~s~or Cc P~jIna fl IPINEAP Cru shed l Assorted v..- 4 Phone 12; iIc iaw ai,