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Orono Weekly Times, 10 May 1951, p. 5

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Theodore Ro.vI Prf.eIiiect E.fron ,a pîsbl,10,00 sTme 12,000of Thaeodor ose- vetsprscltter s aeauin arf.FiinlF oroto h The olIoîng re qo:cdfOîîî wis poiteson oii i as orer tffiss. .. ok i us ^ "NIf, about the Russiaiîs, who 1)l1er aon-ver n i n duc o r sils probien thanof iberas, if noth .-ano ou genation. aI est the eueoratiîîwcwil succ te Fenus I vluiook pltem. sa"eol "Il whom sts rauie points sud a i as i eol ba; buthatpeoe wibh o eison storkiegtiu il, as othe ý.pos . .of wom ini us. bra if ussiandchdoo 10 de forely 011 ba ou noandd 10 reois't thue, gothe ofwierlism ten he pse ay po tha roing bues cun o uiu.a.aly aer i . . she lin smeimecexpielîoc a ed lerrt tib wiamalte the Fredch Revolutnd e." nl nersý ilwsi th ond dafsthat eveny lits peoe st face the vefry diffi for appnetoaf wrei-bangfat hoe, wiîh P01*iba powe i alte ford aigin oeg os.Id ltsp A Cat That Ha& 23 Stand-ins Not- every cal ca'u look forward to owning a baaaî eam. Nor would any oriury un-of-the- Mill cal axpýect 10 become ajHolly- woiod star, with 23 staftd mjs. It is in H. llenSmjlt's hook, Rbb rbntat tha talae is tldof an acnrcmillionaire iwbIo ha- quaIatýhs is i3rooklyn 1baIcub b býis favotuita st watcbied c-ver1 by his fvoria reos agen3t. R hubarb i ï-e3deW 1 self. Tbiat'sý what, actigt a Smith, edardhinu 10thepic - ionaire ii th1ecfirsI lac. Jimmy Cagneyr Type So the casting dp~n~n producers weuî oIiol g f- a tougb, inidependlent, jYillhl\y Caguey kiud of cat. They found bîm.yi,, 100 aftar a natîonwida saarch wicb enaded in the bousehold üof Maus. Agnes Murray. But wbat were endearing yojuug cbams 0 he hasebaltconare oly a pobem10the productioni staff. The qusiýty of tougbnyess is a straýin On eeyoycoîîcerne1d, Moody, 18 POuud OangeyMulr- ray meets the -spacîictions ýfor îý.meuîarmen, a-ii right. is pasi ttukuiown before 11948, wheh wanere lhugily mb Mrs, Mur- 'aysgardenI) Imay wPPalibae ea ,21) mnhappy oeta.- To makerasn able deands1onsuichacaWud hae difficutenug.The comedy's plot, hdiyev rIçaks qiaunrea- bab o steai golf halstpt a bll- do 1 lighti, sud jump tbrough1 More Ccooperative It must>, in ail Ocesyhar- portad th2t the;ý rei svrl te cals, of Ver-y mucl i team siza and colouring as Rhuba!ab, ý ojÎCareý agood da oecoeaieî Ibis maiter of stealing gl ai and jumpmg through -rnos Thy ra the onýes wbo do il, b t seams duhfubtat tie.director wViii hava eado il23stndi, (Rhburh atually doas nmost of thework) bot that ib bow t-najny are iyingi wait, Cats, as Kipling once po)jïintad out, are diffaenit. Tbe're baruder ,o work wih tanmlefoi in- stanLce. Tisý' is what D Lirector Ar- thu' Thin'svs ld when hapro- pIosad makîuig "buab. ouId omly shrug sud say: "At estIi c-at doatni't talk." îHa was rfeýr- rîing, nIaîursljy, to bis recttro- tege, Fanis, the talking mrule. 011e of thesc ,days, aîd you ma ilk our R fr1is thefair city nf 01onuthe] l(,Iiinîb in makfing in m11aking s icb a dismal i dctodo notl forgt tat ack n te erlydays ct tat these îîe- fangled auto- Mobiles were oîyapsigfad,. XVby- you ask 1 oe,ý Toronto coîîteinplate nîakiug snb adras tic moveý? Wby do tfitizeulry of wbat ï,i, titimes ciivionsly îcircd l asHgtowi-on-the-Hiilmber gather aronn in gloomy ch.;00 mps uîterin)g under theiirbrata anguage thec like J whicU, if rproduced bere, wouild cuse afive am ire? Well, îîot to keep yoi suspense too long, 1ee'-sjt o-down. For abouit fthe 'steenlh imtike an Al Star Na t io niai1 League Hockey Teaul býas beenseecedWITH- 0OUT ,A-Si NGL-E -TORONTO(- MAPLE EA !A.R N - CLUDED. Ahl, fîiends, thle ini- ignity of t! Now, personaily we have long held the opinion thatthere are two distinct and utterly dferenit brando of bîg-league hockey-the kind you see during the regular season wheu the lads are wo (ring for wuges, and the' sort u,,1iihited in taplayoffs when heyare skan1ting ithenselves bo-egdfor -gold an)d glory, in abouit thait ordr.iBt th10called expertýs 1)odohc AIl star select- ing inin tai apre-playoff type of h(ckýey seriously anid make terpicks on thllat basis. Wich, of course, is sýhe(r nonsanse. and if" you-don't believe il just ask any loyal' Torontonian. On seeçm-d thought, don't bo thar ta ask. j wsI hiold still long enougli and he, or shwill tell you so without anquiry'. Noir ar enb indinities anything ewor nova ic e oyal but itterly fair-mined suoprters of thoseý havie watfcbed or isteuled t10 thir th wnungof Lord' Stanileýy's miug -a ad sa tegreatesot team iii tisý or anyv other worid only 10 awç,ake and flnd Ibat the Ail Star choosers had doue wrong 10 our Ni.If you don't halieve it iet's, for the lieck of îl, taka a loçsk at the urord. Back ii the season of 1931-1932 the Maple Leafs wera winners Df Thec Cup, >Yet the Al-Star team- was composed of Chuck Gardinr (Chlicago); Eddie Shore (Bostoni); Cinig Johnson (Rauger-s); oi Morenz (Canadie--ns); Bihj Cook (Rnes;and 1{ARVE,'Y [JACK- SON (TORONTO). JusI ho3,w' ThaBsermnge 0slpi is st1i11i ouaof te wet yseresof life. ,Perbaps b laus ehawas so outstand1ing in isý position that aven p.reEs-brox sn1oozers, couldn't over- It wsstan uliyarhefore rigbt and jstic onc morpra adu Thle Mapoc lahd their naines, iniscribed l'on Te CPThe Ail- Star rostIer that seýason iuicluded Fral~a Bimek(BRoston); Eaml Seierî(Chcag);Tom iAniderson (Na Yok);SylApps (Maple Leafs); ryan Hexail(New Ycork) sud VLnu atrik (Nw Yr.It bas awy euoto pi7ivate, opinion ' -a thaTo-routo cen tre was iniciud- cd msîlybecusa l i bar 10find aynaasorter sud qca-sier oil ired typ)e wiigfuest y Appsalîbogb ofcoure hamighit have beau chosen fojr his outstanld- 5eaasoni of 14-5 Stanley Cupi- ~uiuuas-Trono MpieLeilfs. Ail ço j til r È.~ 1~ troit); Lachi (Canadiiens); RichIard, (Canadiens);PBlake(andn) Seaon f 946194, taneyCup Richad Caadies); eutïley(Chi- cao..Some easthose Fiyinig Frenhma. . ivestars iastyer rour) this. .M1?ýthave been dirty woýiýk a,,the ýcrossroads that rhey Season of 1947-48. Stanley Cup, winners--we- just forgot tiîe namne but remnemuher liai, Day was the coach', Ail StarTemBrd(o- f((etroit, Must have includedý T-vrk Býrod1a on syýmpath etie grounds; knew as ail washed up anld îhroigh asta ig-timer. Seso n 147V19.TORON- TO MPLE EAFSwon you- know-what. iSar Teýam: Dur- Conachetr(Ciao.eecos ut year, but now tarting to cornle strongly ;in the stretch. Season of 1950'-51, Yucan prob- abl rcal yurslfthe naine that shouild gornhre)i Star heroes: Savwdhuck (De)(troit); Kelly (D- troit) -)iua-Ieîlbush (Bso) Schmiidt (Boston); Hocwe (De- troit); Lnsy(Detro0it). Commentcýl So thieayou hiave il, uihos Seven tintes 7vinýîners of hce' mnost coted awa rd and Juot thýîrea -cun hteml, trenae ntheý Ail ta Uojllof onr mil1,un less ')ou ive cin Trono, on' m youirself frCesh ou)lof tstCýs wih our lve'iôvF6 athouighthyfie Io-c1 te yeof t1e experýtsan Willhmele ud ilnam, those themsel,-ves in mr sordid wy iL fact hersîaley -vCup takinigs, mesrdin cold cash, ,probablAy spelleCd 0ont a lot more blackinký in the Mapjla Leaf s' bank ac-counts; than theMIlStarseývercoleced a hoelot mr.Ad sMiss LoieiLe oc sid,"Akison the hanld 1isverY3romanibt a dia- mouid bracelet lasto ý,foes er." Or, to put it in difrn phrasing:: '"Wbich would you ra'th?-er have- three cheers c or tre bucks?" Sti10 elback to o ur first pre- ii-don't ,forget th1at we warned ~îou Som %la Tprntois going Io run idry Ôf patien,uc ul loose and go on ils own,. And we'll bat there a re a lot vWIjQc -an hardly wait, Protects Feet New pa)ocý forsb e-ro s ïitton nnIfotbt se gives prtcin0gait 1, foot disýeas,, "siCh as Athlets Fot.Basic in- gredsent is idn llli OLGREASES, TIRES ers, mjtcolr n eed prindiers. Powcer savzs. diils. ad athesý, etc Dalr wantcd. Wrte. Warca Gase ud01 Ltmited. Tordisto. 1LTr1$ A 17AC£1 pR-SNO leaning lime js here. Tîme 10 e=akoextra trofilleseinaumtiw appiiers, mop$. brOams,, etc. Fr esrp live foda, rite Bo 20 Nrwtb. nt oulatourai hes'y tfour to tIve dozn ces arearThe same thng Boypule chcslithgeuio ROP back ettheian Writfor ûft dtaits abo'l"ut ,Top N-,otrh 1.OF.Sired hcs.As Turkat Poults. Older Pollets. Fr,.e Cata- 'Top Notah Chick Salas, Guelphs, Ontario. SPRINGI$ILL'B Blood Tastcd Chi, 1çs satis' fy. ýAil popular breede 1200 uFllets $22.00. Ileaay cockerels $6,-00 qud 00. biadium 0 1.10. Leghorn $1.00.,peiason started czlckssaI] ,easoni. S teforparti- culera. springhîl oulttFaa rson, Ontario, ______________ BUY Iha hast. l0etra cu-t 0cchickJ., je nothîng i4f -yos 9st bedsgta ie an extratrc aBy oz ,etra easPar poltaudtha'n xacl ht w'11 hap- cent mre pr cicbut he extra profits par polla-,etiamutta 1.50 1012.1 parerd more. uver ordinatiychickq. Aise Tur:ey F 01s.Oder olet. rýeaCta DVEi<i 51)CLEANI'NI Isg? Write ta o ta nfor-matin W are gid 0 sssesyouus oUýstanîs Do. varîm.euli.. rces y çrasLmtd 791 Vne t.Taroat FOR SALE11 Las.îrth it fuIaoialatsith Bale. RryKf-81PIasAenue. Oshawa. nal.Poo652 Detacors fr'01d or Silv-er -Gie caunters for TUraniom--LIf-,rmatlon FrasDe bein seled laiapasi,For forther 1uiornitionsude ies smple. wr1ite iE. F. Noyity, Box 1.Winý NEW ifls a Sagus.Wncetes 30.06 0 010, 1 M ecal 1 auge po-mpe. doubles. 22 1tarnete. ?22 ries',sera maltes. D. St.LtcJCrady. Lyn. uaro CYCLONE Drilling Machi, coplts on truck with tûools; newcblZ Ws Packham. R. 1. BmnithIlviac. Otr WR ýcao give îÏtimmdiatîdlier a êFr- 1guson Traetarsî and muet eupet Write forprces ,Brca otos.Wsiker-1 ton, onterlo, WliLL bu!' ara. ith or withaot build- ings, onpved rond, ,ithin 90 miles o ont.Box 70 1!23 Elghteenth Street, Nese To'ranto. 1Ontrlo. W) S11j a btarge h1el' f ake rntg sethn10 uies 0f '1aronto, Box 1,. 122 Eighteeatb Sreet. ? , w T0ronto, Ont II.EGSTERED 1 Beaver O0att, $175 Bus. Phona Roelswaod i1 PR12. POTATO GROWERS 1,Attention -Tcxa Fotat Cotarssd Itapairs ai J. Nicol P A C K A G1 es qcnbs upis 'Evcrything ta suiyt tuabea-Ieapr." CoolieSsupplie. oa Otra OAS STATION NO 1 Rghwa, cains. rtre *,,ebmat booth. bouse.,adn. Lcrs , E Small, Savera Bridge. Ont. BÏEAIT1JyL Sco >tcheola, up.Ï3mnb oId. sehîte. hminbloins ressonaeia Hns'y ahti. Hntisvilia F'0.. ont, EQUIPMENT for a emali ApAiary forstalaý. W. G. Davey.Amna 0,Ot MCCORlC-EESIINOcorn,, inder wiýtb leader, good shape. Apit ,Aliter - Intosh. R.R. i., St.-Mrte, , Ot. 2REGISTERED beaglehune mis Appit A. .Adam,Box-18, Rihmopd Mi.,Ont. THE Graham FIlow saves the soil. doobi subsoilimoisture, meusliihatid For sunformation write orvieil-Rodua Statues, UxbrIdge. Otario. For greater tonnage, betterfedngqalt ensilage.,tYeu ca't bast ieHyb)rides. Tricd and pibuyen lu t our ommunitty, eo Pisntlat teast ,somle ou cr acreage %with ans of theSa naew altn Ing ybride. rdaD (A for LI iae Fit 4Afor Ra;lt1i1ega Deivra ourstto FRID HVEtiD OMPANY 0, CANADA1 Cbathamt. Ontario, IIPEC!Aï hv tei-tei s600 . 1 014.91;tI 601 169.tsa ia 710-15 50 aud 125.Ts ue $1.50. Daeswaatd 5% eosj e-. oulred î .ibItor adaro eiti I HakeTira. 142 atheineStret ,ouli. Hamiltanl,Onro Burning Fe vont tact May L u wlinsu n f iamad thIat 700 thinle -u caui't Po an- ther tep Vorshceat ted as if te ar atiagrght 111the iwflas,Taiea udt aIlaver sithtIapain sudtorure Emaal OI udlaa-ewminutes ithe mïer homne, Live ai. Dnd 'tir l ine Ïrae. unt TatphCeil odr.I";19 la. ppî ilWhitoreAveueToronto, or elphne tichrd7741. "IIDiCAL SAISY OUSEE Eor Sifrorc MFUNRO'S ORUG STORE 135 Uin ~Ot~c fe7iBE nCRNSLVj tisuereif or er rgitslsCS, TobEUaTýiSMrtivd ost reed wo Frmuas or etfaddese s epe aInd 3.0. ýtifalo 2Garntd DaPItEE2, 115 North Alefýton aveu,.im meu; qic i n emetti ml ante, tia qai zî for toacca ris hýc e ss i.e lla altatie Rin DruePharmceutial ieO& BESTAS ECZEMASALVE ISAN CA lN DASomentutDry ecxemS('ashe Gale rea ot isppalai ton r'tgws'n. pim p r fassiotlete's agewi) of %uceail c a efltaulss.odoriese Êlataeat. rgadtetesti ho tubbli linveless teSseenatlgui Pe B9RES- AARDRSGSEXOO Gresi Op sat:em ,îesan Riadfed au S. iO.aao n . 'ilsoosnde bfgucaedsu) Bare bugreoaeu ýû amera'tiretes FoSysisen ars ýî7 S~Wte ar Kicl) , nar veto218 RintBtU W. sernt fee The Ran' Branches:r 44 IlariSte.amln forse iand ï fîes. Fr prttciginrs. erte-ta !fL V M Fronesict tt' t. B.,ther, Otala neve? aa framzing rfTabais 20e PHOTO SERVIC (M2 nt,,,, Ur E1tV SlOC husy pansV-fr 11,t GJe Br barry Hedgin.12thsia25fr$90 $2ardy PnrvatHedane Pats 2 01 Ruchs. Crrol.for $198.DarApiTee (MRaîntElorRPlsp r ortau,4 Dar 100ar- Tracs. (Bartit oglppus xor Waesh3nfton siandyini olan 3300Mao o mums Ase 1ortad 00Caush, 2 forl$10 o 33.50 par d ý%on. NoreichonoradCrde Guida ih Evar$2Order-irookdaIa - KNgrsway Nuyrie F ox. STRAWSBERRY PAN SO "Kaý inog l-rer 'aeitna Fais'. Rbse Crit. Norwl1-1idh. ilo STRAWBEIIRY Plants. Kilgsrmierh theila tcd1 i.iseasa 1frea. 100 - 31.10; WashviugtLao ad VineiUd t er1 Lodss .... or.. , eh.............. ... CARAO&A 50 ncs 40; 0 lche Boar0: 15 uchas $210 ar 100. ramer Nuralsietes. Whia Fx. ask qualificainls. acitasl a nt listýe fUil peinc issues.AlusRvean suple.Otz Isetaop. 92QusnDtretOi1,a HAVdetourdOnt.__ _frfrtlse n fullrnerquilrems. Sit lServ iceLbo tor wlETaalyzeanour, oit Adive ton ýc aOntaio to. tapat uretsaat ai ihrecommandtions forCorrettia yoUr areband frtiie prgramwitl tabotaid o ess.Fo rîerinor maton re or matits o ta So.U Sevier.Lalioraorg16 delare St, We Horato Hrs.Sea vaOCICTawnship ae Shoo reS Blords rour ot estnteahrfo Sudeand. dnt.1 BSAM UEL WANTE;StateO.ce ud 42 2 WEl]ihtaonhStr. N., Torota. HRNTESSO& COJ.LARS fite ËWAIL PAINT A five-pound paCka-ge makes a gallon of point ready tm use - enough for an average room. Dries ocourles in less thon 1 houir. Easy to imix and apply, Clecinýsable finish affer 30 cloys. Asic your paint dealer for your colour card. TEEASY WAY T PI TEIL4 A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING

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