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Orono Weekly Times, 24 May 1951, p. 1

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ImKUMqU Vol. 1-5No. 18 $ý,5OOOOO Army Depo t To Be Buiïlt At Cobourg Word frein Defence Mniter Clax- -,Épn was that construction wilI start in teo rnontbs on the building, -which lleniploy 1,f00 persons, inostly civMians. It will be lcnowlýn as the ýCentrnai omriandordnance depot. CGvering the- 125 acre.s aPt thei posrth-east end o0$ thIns torw 3'5 miles ofest0 Oshawa, the depdt ilsre as ssembly andi distribution point fýe Grariy suipplies. flefence Minister Claxton' announ- ,,r-ed today an extensive $S,M00,0O aýimy ordinance supply depot will be at Cobourg and indicated it migit e »uý;ed as an overseas supply point "wben the St. Lawrenoe Seaway is Construction of tht three-huilddnig pr,ýoject wdIIl start wihnthe next, -wo or three nths on the 105-acre ratof land of wic 7 aiwwert tun u ver by the Town of Cobourg' frthe nominal uin of $1. M- Claxton saiti the decision ta khyil"iat Cobourg was ufter ani ex- tnrestudy of n nuniber of places. 1i decisioiv was finally baseti on -1s' -pi.oimity toa hoth tasotnna xai.l Unes and th~e existing oc fc flites, wAhiCh oýpeneti Up "the possibi- ly o0ftrans-océantie shi.ppitg When t-ieSb arec seaway is coin- This was takenl as an indication 1 '-at wh en oengig siscoulti d-ck it Cobourg, tht depot wo,-uld ba 'tiSetit-o senti supplie's't-o Europe. lalfax was t-lie -major supply port in thteat war. Mea.nwhuitlie depa't mill be uLseti toprovitie ncslr ae sn for general stores anti equipmeuit' ant d will i 1ousýe 18,090 diffýrent- itemnis 'et in thttiy.t-dyactiv-ý îties of t-ht armny, rang frein toot-ibruishes te uiffonins anti tents. Thet buildings will be ofE thle nost mýodemr, type. Ccntracts wi Il be ,awmardeti by tender. WESLEY v ILLE FRED T. W. BUNTING Residents of Ajax were s;hocked to leari of t-he passing, early F-iiday 1 nornng, of Fredti T. W. Bunting o'f 1Beatty Avenue. RetiurnTig about9 o'clock Thursday eveniing frniaL us iness trip la Otiaw~a ai-i district, Mr. Bunting eu ' ïpla~ineti of not feelinrg WeLi Late7 ilu the evening Dr. Ruddy of Whitbv was calleti andi Mr. Bunt- ing was taken. to Oshawa Hospital! andi placet in an oxygen tent. le passed away lu his sleep about an hour huter. Ris seizure was due to heart failure. Frederick Thomas Wesley Bunt- ing was bora in Pickering 54 yeai'si ago, the son of Mr, andi Mrs. Rich- ârd A. Bunting. Mr. Buntirg's !irantfathier, Briereton B-unting, ar- rî aPickering f roi Leadl 1851, just 100 years ago. Frederick T. W. Bunting for sarne yeare,- operatedi a general store ini Pickering. Hie was Iter well known' as proba-tion officer I Toronto forý eome years. During World War lT lie apent some tinie workinig on thle AI- atska Higiiway. Following titis, he non em'iplîoyed wvit-h ýhe Pig-gott ConstructionCon Pany, and for the past- thre e yeas las, been feilt i mn anti lectuner fo thle Do-wNhnmiii Nuiiseies atBomn vilStiathroy. Duing thtffi time he( was with Dow- aIrain us esM.Bun)ti 1 g brou- ah a' reat deal ofE pleasure t-oi grou)Lps ofE People al over ntrl anti( Quebec threagL>h bis iilustratd liectures and tallis on horicuulue andi beautiful gartien.e. An aid gard- enler 1hin1seif, lie wns n remeVof bath ickernig antiAjxHortîcult- uinal Socýieties; andi specializeti ini roses. Surviving ln are his' widow, t-le form-er Vera Bu-,liing, two sans, Jack, at hmant iWIlliami ofEOroo anodan oniy sister, Eva Buntinig,ý Ajax. Mr. BUbting ant i hl family were Sunday morning Sarvices were 1Pla1nning te le'ave Ai-'x and Lake up ineidvce deIightful mit-h the, baptisual -,esidence at-t Strathroy ear-ly lit servic-e for six bobies. They mce tjue Jua Onrol Nichote,, daug'-ero M ____________ tatà i rs. CarraI Nic'kis; Sandra ic MâoriÏhl anti Mr. Ted King, Peter- lztbetb' Pay, daughboer of Mr -and yorough, spent- lSuniay afticinoon Mrs. Howard Payne-; James lHenry'wth >Mr.,andi os. Howiart Payne.ý Niehols. son of Mr. anti lis. Ca1 ecetNîchols; FredeiikRay Mc- Mr. anti Mrs. 'Bert Binstitti, HU- 31îde, SoWli ofE lin ani Mrs. Eaulîe lbe't and, Eveliyn, Belleillie, visiteti ~end;Leslie William Fod, son mrb It-h M anti Nos. Trevor Mles anti oté Mr. and MNos. Arche Ford; anti Mr. anti Mos. Ken (suu 'Richard Irwin Miles, son ofE Mr. anti liEr. Carroll Nichels attentiet the- IMrs. Tiie-vOinMîles -'-'l.-. ci, Aii oi Q!JJ5U1mw af th. V4 uldrens - - - - -. lins. Geoige MNartyn anti Lynnu oit Welome MisesDoro<thy ant iîrel liason visited wit-h Mr. anti lir. W. Suidaiy visitors mit-bMn. antiMs.i Garrohll Niebos 'were Mn.' ShieWds, Mr. anti lins. Siti Lancasater anti Don- e41s, 1{ewtovile, Mss. W. Niohiols andi Alze~d ofE Port Hhe Mr andi Nos. Ealle moB$de snd Fred'âie, anti M. anti Mis-. F., c Bridee ment Sunlaiy guests 0oflM,,anti Mrs, Roy Nîcheis. Mr. ani Mrs. A,. Peters e.nd Janie new buL-lddnig, Saturday 1itnaot lirs.Amilti Austin ani Mra. E. B"U'i(yvlClýuig1Ii a-tutonteti a gioup mlleeting of thbe W A. at thbe home 0$o Mrs. Clarence Nlýhetls, F'iday evený- ing. Plans were muade for tht June rneetirig t-6 mhich -Morriali andi Zion ladfies haveirentu iiteti Mr. and MlMrs. Harold Bairrto--diaugli vilsite4 mit-h lis. S. O. Mills, Poti Hfýope m un tiklay. rs lina.&oelintg speot a mceek visit-, ing hem datWghter, Mars. Cecihi Site- main,Eniklan Dejan Bro. Ritidell: t a rotent iuieeiting of$ aur Lodge me hàatitht pleasure od0hee connianry ii ar rothe-r Ccaill T3* Whuo la :a relative 0$f our Trusebi,- Brother Fred Wooyd. lie diii nl-hte .,.sio th -ýjrrking off your OrteiemlaDoni-! paeîzion mth our nm, aud generaly 1 gave an lmpressioiitblei secourt Of whniei h wbu iilong heo nemnb- eeti by ouin mbersu , li lapparent t-hlt ho la a veny leen 1-mcuuber ,anti emle a-'oo900a iti Fel'loýw. Fo1lowiig Mge visit t» oun Lodge, e l'!tea, unr lis very enteevaaning ara1LI'n, p ,e sue oEiis ouipa.ny. Ht mray have toltiyou by inowm ta an -h PraincillGrand Mastber of t-iel Stepney District for 1951-52, andtini 'tiiaregard 1 mas parbiculiarly pleas- to t-onet hinu. Best wisles touentItiin youl ceýunit-y, andi nuay mýe' have t-ha, plots- j une ofE meeltiing more ofE your Bret- Ireni. ORONO, ONT., TH U PSDAY, MAY, 241 Eunmeraters Appeinted GIerie Piggett For Coumty 0f Durham At Jr. H The finul list --mf enuaperatbors lias beeln prepiared for the taking of the Wdesa ~ Census dn Darham Countlr 1iali en for M will ro-flanence 0un' Jun *uveIthtec nig fr ofW Du;lham County is divided iîn*o two Pigigott, 0Orono, distits -wth Ray Diling, BO ni- nmt o ville, sapervislo'r of Dlistrict No 1 an dtorly bond ýbL-nig Harold G0mw qupe-visour of Disti$iet OIrnû lorO'phane No. 2 Tht,, ida Eniunenaors for District No iOrronio Arena, have. been atüten4ing a school in the tlIlOStuking CoixnTninty Centre in B-ownirnlle coni.>inatons7 1 nd~ thone from District No. 2, in the, of Dancng, NewstlrAle ComQ,,,upity HaIl 'durîng A nwdest thils pasit wepk. so u e Enuiserators District No. I ý and taking a C, Nuo 2ý Miss Helen Gardainier; No. 3, Elmer Cox; No. 4, Mss. Rat-benne M. HaTniliton;t No. 5, Miss Mary LNid- de7y; No. 6, Franik Pascot-; NO,. 7, Kenneth Roblin. CartwrigIht-Nb 8 Norman Mount.- joy; No. 9, J. A. Johinstom. ~nveri-N~.10, Newtfon AIlzi- s~rn;No. 11i, Mrs. {wrdMl colim; No. 12, Edigar Bi-eer; No. 1, 'Siti Powars.i Bonainvillle--No. ý83, lis. Cecil] Multloii, No. 84, lirs. Allen Osbo-nel No 35, Mr. Robet-t ent.; No. 36, G. District No. 2 Clake-o.14, Neil Seat No. 115, Wiifred Ha-roke; No-. 16, Mn ,. L. Bourne; No. 17 Wlbur Baske-ville; Nîo. 18, Mlis. M. S. MiIll-in. H-oe-.No. 19, Aa etn;No. 2a, MUontague Bcle No. 21, Geo. ýWatkinls; No. 22, Mos. E. F. Shute; No 23, Howard Quanttrili. Cavan-No -94, ilarolti Tate; j no25 thle boys for those present At t-het,,im learneti that pc o be îk standing accf frein this ver mary 0 th as vet ihto' Mrs. Leoynird Iinesn No. 26, W. Elson; No. 2 ~ Robert Arnstrong. Port Hape- -No. 28, Mrs. Gjliadyr Trenouth; No. 29, Mrs. George Hal- ford; No. 30, Atihur Fse;No. 31 Mrs. Helen C 'Pilslett; No.) 32, Mark, IMilhb~old-4o. 37, AMis.Ali Payne.1 Newcstle-i o. 38, Her-bert Hian.i rotck. Re dedication Services'On JuIy 15 Ant i July 22 Or...t Fish And Hunt club To Meet Tuiesday Night On Truesday next nt- 880pm.l thte Orano Odtifellowsvc' Hall au, inter-ý esting evendng lias been arajageti for cLuýb menibers of tht Orain> FIi'sh anti Hunt Club. In: addition tbcth layinig of plans for thti curýrent- season ac- tivi las the Ontarié Departmnt otf Lande andtiFcorests, through t-ie ce- oprtof oiEur newly appointeti g-asue vardeni, M--. Ken Toflcxi, anti ofh of ithe Lidsay Divisional iOffie, we are t-o lie hvoured mit-h a nuiber ofEheautiful colour4i movies ofE out doo)r milti itfosanhd a piture shoiwing tie agiag oie a farest fine Refreshients will' be svved Yauxr lIibs!ii> ýAi.he Club entIQlS yeu- te thte above for "fret". A geod' lime iilb had tiandti t- is boped t-bat ail. m ienib ers w 1m,i Vy t-Qo-atte,i. Tht OeficiaI yi arti of t-he Orono Unitedi Churcl i roit receutl'y with a g, ooti i'epfrsentnatý'oflpresent. 1 Muchl contera ,eas shiomm as ta tht openilng ofE the new eçilficet witil the, eut-coee;bat a ielifiâte tune hautlif has heen placetiou t-he comçletioai of the building. Two separate Suhidays were thoseni for tht Retiedie-atitu thus allowing four seirvices to lie held for this oc- eashion4rThe iSundays chiosen wlre July 15s an-i'July 22. Services on July 15 whill ýbeh 'heMa" 2.00 andY7.30 pa. wbi'hle monthe tllwl i Su- w ill be conIduc-teti atthe neguar dhureh hoiers 0$ 1.0'0 anti 7.00 Tht- openýinig being a lit-tle oveý a uîot-h anti a liat eway will findi lu- creaseti nedvity mit-h tht construc- tion sb ae te have tht- buildinrg coin- plet-edf by t1i hu Committees ýwere appoint-e tto ar- range the service for t-is -mouen- tou ocSios S., S. No. 2 Withdraws From Clarke Township Areaý Atf sePeoial ILxneeting 0ofClýarke Eveang Auiary mnrshui*p Coulici belt May lqth a 30 im. int-be Tomvnship hall, a by M et r.C.Blig v, 't' dlivilde thie towýnishiP sr-hoolA0is i.IuIg ýa ofE Clarkie ta provitie ton t-ht ithdrawal there frein of thbe fa-m- Tht meinuhers eftht-e Eveninig Aux-1 ýsdheýol acictrien No. 2. ofethoe toma- iiiary enjayed a piensant eiveaing "t ùp «E Clanýke 'rspassedtisine f,- thle hmeitof Cr l Illao ,vluug finst , 'secontd anttid L ath -e occasion 0$ft-hein reguia r et- ~Aiso feubrteeninte.etet pensonis ing on Thunaday, Masy 17th, ýre on iband,mvhulie the bylam, mas aseti dirimg ~eilSession of 1 Mat Alliia. Preoudeut, cs.ucted ou2oiI t-ht business perioti duninig which Tht preswà4rp. iownsfor posoluionz te th of Cianke is îhereby dvitietis(> tat ne thbue portions of the snid towasýhip '-- schoe-l aiea 0$of Larke, formewly kcnowýýn as sohool seetion No. 2 of tht CI t-oiwnshhip of Clarke, shah ho suýd foirai a separate schbool sf.ecti.on under lit former niame et scbool section No.1pB 2 of thttowusfip ofE Clark-e anti -leD rem.aiiing part 0$f tht pr.esent tomav-A alhilp .ehcul antis ü! Clankie shah con-F tinue te te anti form an ownmhlùi tcolarea. This bylaw, suabjeet tai t-ht aprvaR1oiE thle liaisteir ai Eti-lf( rw Hospital. Lt was alsa decidedtito sund a c-ase of Klim milk, ta Af-riea. Mes. Eti. Grahuam, group k-ader for ,oeniunity Frien&ship openeti' er yart of thbe pelograun mithi an appro)- )j-ai vesefollowed by a hyraiin -S&bscription $1.50 per Toleece ain r Asset-Hôn. John W. Jr. Farmers' Anuai Met Theoti» mMjor o v~ins Bond 1 ckey Carnival ws a 1 ucly ev- and Mrs. Alfred a4Niho 1held thie lucky 'hnrd &kia- vie- gvmara~y by the à.t their CaaaivaLQ vvis .qtaged in thc- e-th, ~the ospening ex- ~the fénm of dance by.h H~efarvey Scho-ol runber atten-4ed thias g-enerous in spendlng' chance nt the gianti Lr gaines operat-ed by the exêïtitnnienit o 'f goLng t'a prëSýS it la he Orono Oxiphaiuns ex- e tmeEt their tut- its witih the proceeds iroý. An, accurate suini vening's proceeds are L. ITl-& meeting - openeti wit-h t-le l-ftl stlt-ut-t Ode, folTG-gwed by t-ht Lordis il ti PiayerT t s errctnry-treasurer's ne- -ý'I port - as given by Mrs. Robfinson'. te - It Aias tiecideti by t-he institute io te) Prolcul-e- a bus for t-lie mmbo t nd tending -theT Jastit-ute ivuinitO 't be liti at Map!e Grave an May S0th. L - IThe m"st iniersting prog anime of th- l t-le yesar -mas lins. Oopelainti"talk on 1la' viott. 1Ioe M . Eust àace thoýn inatialle t the aof- ficers for the caninig y'eer. A ewoial heur iobwýet Mira. Loaonanti lra. C. CooDper wlere conveners. lins. W. Cobiedulck lied in ccommuaiit-y si'nging mi», h Miss Sherm-ýin at th e piano.' Mr. Siti Rt-herford spoke an C-t-, izensýhip anti Eucation', emiplhasizing the- -nced 0f disefipline andth-e cos ing oft prieper shows for chiltirai., air» their son.s at the FathE Banquet hîeld on tllmrsday The speake-r was to the gathering of fifty JKeith Aiken wvho brouglit rnany inkeeslin'g facts of major Foete. In -the addiress that folh speakýrer, told the youth thý wvas a Coun'try 01 great cý audti ha.t we Nere living in age. To-day GCadü, be sai( ithe busýiiess se.ssion 'whuts edit wk tas' decidedti tecar yearstheAieldya s m inte is r teas t-l osaiibiit oeep cis to n paiet for iitiref Bammaing lain HoTlte mavil ,P-osptl The Happy Years We are dieilghhted te hrhug.-y giaed news. Coming ta Royal' day anti, Fnidiey, Mgy 24-25 H1appy Yeams la a t J ~~'i14ý l s"QMS 1-'aýu ,every ii-rzî'r ofthun favi , 1~ ocomie f romi the largeet ' 'nd 'cstgrandpa dow%ýn to litt1e junior, el[a!boraeschoojus. Good tieachers and enja tiiis'i hea'sucontenrt. thte ýoe-operation of pupils iLs ver-ýy Im- hemped witibhhappiniesas. FilmeS Poýtamt and creates an atmOWphere th famis saturday Evnin~g1 f.1 clear thinking. storLas ut tefils of the sdvenliiarces A "rte of thianks *w'as 7,gien Mr. mnis dventmtir of yoi4th. If y.o Rutherford foir, is: though1tfu1 ies-'Vier k~eaeu nted, bliushed sa~blund(ened, ynu'li Ilaugh nnd every mlinuLte of this d'eligl The meeting elOsed wit>hGo Save 'iovde Se& "Happy Yeaýrs" fo: the King. lHappy li$ds.y. Eleven Contestaints Viewed Fg rs At W.C.T.U. Con- Coitest wshe ntAiv'Dau ~te Rev, 'A. E Es-Br e~. ýgramn wIl ymi M 'l eIGilson was win'ner Soldiers fo41owed Sil edal for the girLsý Former Orono Boy Visits Locige In En gland Thteallmn letton was recelvet i Povincial Lotige ofE Pasti Grands, by Mn. W. J. Rdlidftl fronu Englani %vih s of course purtiy a rit-ual a'îisin.g out of a vhsit by M.Colin liTige. Taylor at ont ofEthe 1lodges' hinthatl Ail <of uslient -de-sire t-o express, te»unt-ryauT tharts t-o Brothe-r Taylor for The Durham Cou.nty Jr Fariners rerently held their arual meeting in the Orono toYwu hall. There was a -,(od r epresentation 0a juniors from ahi parts of thte unty. Mr. E. A. Sumnmers, introduede the guest speaker, Mr A Barr, director of Boys and Girls Clubs. Mr. Barr acconmpan.led four boys to Scotandi and, Englnnd lst year lie showed slide t prîtaling toe thhemr t-ip and gaeeas commetary alorug wt,-h theni, Thelegatlen sailed on .,the Em-, pres .o $catlaaid and, làke reai org were not seas sick. While acrs the. pond they stayed at the, tarin hoe tlving igbt with the people,, thus 4earninig hlww the peopleieaely live- andFfarin. The four, boys, and M1r. Barr viskied mnany ot the outstanding farin of Sentlanti ani Engi dandi ala'o saw înany historical buildings. &Snme they saw were Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's Oathedrxl.Ruk lngiam Pa.lace andi Rainoral Castie, thte Royal residence in Scotiandi Farnconrib Legreqly thanked Mr, Barr for his splendid addres,-s. Betty melloIfru gave a report oni the Jr. fariner convention at the 0,, A. C. last niont-h Also' Hazel White ,ave a report on -lier trfp' to 4 H.! Cilub CoIvgress in Chicago. Miss Jenan Nobile explaineti to the- boys the i ileps ant rgu ,)os f the Jr.. Gi ome makiing Club. T1ht eloction ofE officers-ý resulted as j [llowaî:Past pr.esident, Murrayv Lord; Presiýdent, Ray Challice; Viceý p)reisidjen]t, anobLgel e Trýeas., MUerrl Van-camp. Mr. Sid Ruitherfordi Spekee On Education At WL. 1 hi_ iegular meeiýtin,,g of the Wo- mn's Instituhte was, helti, May l8th in the Council Cliniber 40$ the Orono TonHall. Mrs. O. W. Rolph, ttii prtesiýdent, - 1 tT Speaker byeleivedi that the la-ws shouIti allow rnir cess to our country. Hiep that iin thle U S. thiere races, but noue are, fo're! ai are Amer-icans, this1 wmas a renuovrkiabie accomy-pl our southieru neigh1bour. ThefastGermaiinipara. the speaker wýas toldti t present ni ît was a"st-ou itier lbnci tauglit tlui e tha,ït maternai trathi coýurd'ite n u Ht w"orid.1 frerimibeddtetiin the n CGernimns t-hat religion wil wans.The kick of te, erne aa moralninat faCto , sai ti hospeakier, i ku IE -ieS couartry. Tu' CI villaIge ai dhamlet- haISis seýhool anti a churcli wherî ter of yo slamoduldt. bilti(s lt-ohle lives of y( adiants a definite strengtü MaL-jor F,ý ote- said tlisý worl towards a btter Caý better Britiish Emi'ire. To t-he youugster-s nt h lie Faii that- regiaades of 01<1 Days:' of ui'f£hr air 1 1 ' Z r Ê3!ý 1

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