fecttea ~ ses tomkewt ks ~- rIRS4 ""'DEAr, ANNE HI,-!RST: Wvhy arn 1 like this? Ia-mi-a, lymrre Mndsaisfed wisMyb myusbrandu littie son. But .1 -~ mn. Ieven go ont wjitb thfee! v he u givÀenth do any g to hae ood time dancing %wîfb sombod wo tiattersme "Th1e worsf Lpart abýout if is, 1 doni't feeli the lea-st 'bit gilty! Can3ý youepanif UNMORAL? * Areyou one of thoe Mboare e- called nmoalhvîg osense ~of glhtand wrong? * - -rjust a illy girl who'c Il niarried iaf 17, and feeI ls s ie as * mlissed the good fýimQs hewa *entitled 1to? * Eitber rao ol xli *~ ~ voi you cildshbebjur * ~ ~ ~ ni sae Wso nigbt af'ter * migt, leaving you aoilone ith * our baby, sud deeded hini- *self as you do, "I'm not doing *anyting wrong?" You would *puit your foot downeentest *en to go borne1 to mther, a on"% you? * WI<t areyourfriendssaug *You inuist b ttrylackiug iit *self-respect to expose yourself *to the g'ossip) your cryuso C nie. * Persas you are one of those * epe(and the'y 'are net A LAUR,,AWH LF Snips sud scmepare whathdu,, puppyý-dog inyis nmade of! And, M oth er, i t's eaLisy sew ilg -eUa Sy appHiqué sud ernbroidery f00. a gay skit!Pattera C904: trans- fer; cuitting chlart in sizes 2, 4, 6". Lauira Weier's irnprved fiat- feraniaescrochet asud knitï.iIg so sile Iýwitb its charts, 'phiotos anud concise directions. Senid TWENTY-FIVE C7ENTS ini coins (sfarnps cannotle se- etd)for thispatrf0Bx1 i23 18,t1,St., NewTonoOf I'riîit plainlyý PATTERN NUM- BER, yurNME sud AD- y Iwonand fte, you fMit fwr US untl ishu bor-es oand1 ctens beeking a new playate * Men thik of you? One of themt * may really fighen You SOM': * righ. A Marriedwomnw hosf *self tatsould ýoncern iyoz1. * Yor buban-d aybecndl *gntan snile 0f yoiradoles- * unn fb did nï',,utif 11v H ow og d yu bik ispa * tience icl ndre. cel(%p:Lsying wiÀù tfre, my Ift Yyou keep it youWe gefscrbeif cot: consurned. : to~au~iec; thatyon asit down, *service of y-ýouc burh.Weigh * spccially the (,vow fossin Ag Jougamyiuboahshauive."A *vow is olnn rmie Io *are Youmlvig Pwto yours *sujggests]ackof baate.Try *to pt bebindyou bsecîid, * wsysand0do tbe dignity of Smeog bshf" as otpes see her,1 lias 1m1ade m n rvoosgirj stpinler trac!is, ýAïne jHirst wl warn iyou w vhere folly leads, IWrite 1ber at Box y, 123 Eighteentb St. New Toroto, Ont but not on accuotth water to give u Mv fempelatue Bt brigt sun3 dys nitbjust eog ht tonaeonid ing and custîuggrass trirnuuin ot fsbub, bilin bofies truslatig f Hingi licreland inere, puttin ginarbit gearod gar ýý" id ii, *!in !(i n ta u looked ad thelawus butli- now we au e aoeh aspet fothrjbpohc.hn uys I mu Ia ae ugas CufIg Cents uI'iore' ura Wheeler Cr t% f lmxui~ us up and titis finie <1. th ocsthatbe lamnun bet- Sec whn ý 5ot 5% f he ýWpl lg bo ues aitn ut n c lad AChis bu-nn ahHdogsAnd 1 lke, d a Ïidth fyr-jstt see1wt t gie rob ere fo meet ýIngthsinresd os eo;iving,- llilI)tul d e o oe a e grhounl o g's bote WeIl, tht wbeat wabs loki ba a' aiitheri very poor j.1 Th 4egcos i eont ote oad boucs od ad atablheu fuli o beathand bstbr ngth-stopas it i the wolf fniote dooanaButyol AStudy in lneAtesAieFaye, w;ie of igrbnldr Phil Harris, Cesar-ote' Day peck On ceach cheek from her pretty blonddagtesAlice, Ieft aýnd Phyllis, The nans of Mother's Day bled "Cpui t he girls ;nn on affect"ioniate mlood, but the new bicycles they rcecived may have hadl somethling to do wihit, t0oo is j.iusf s lird ssork--,aS soel snw r teudIfing a;coal frae Anid of courehewoeamy coldnl't pile into he a and go off for th ekend et iru- mer 0or wifer-,Soenmufta bore neadlook afterthncow. Given proper care Bosse sboud nmkfor af es ninerotb-wceacy uih and rnorning, don'î forget, During that rne yu woud hav tb get ber bred or Cle bave a board- e on1 youbaus at the sudof be lactaton period. veyhqlbve botb, No r)nilk to, buy;au nlirite snpîyloir the save enioiigl.lto nmake ufi.Tiu of tbe advanttages! AlHaf, s for aul biour's work rngbf and nsorn- opg 0f wcs yuou uld s ave f0) pa'y nt good, barýdcash ifor s;ck su i-n ag ge 3 $500 acorinig tu bte b a agaeorprebeBttn you? IFY YOU HAVE an on mid, chlances re so0rncti ug wort hwIle SHOULD BE SEEN apuouiteLO~ o frcgi lndis sppearingi rla azne ad ewvs- aperspinted i in% %acioussgugeýs and circulated t iougouttheworld. tLUUTELS THE WRLD AOUTCnac lie ihonte of 'Seaan 10to te i m epie conntryý, the greater wllbe i r intere Foeransaboýut timn asud thng Ca ý i nsd Canadian roues AMY peope in Latin Arnerica, YAs , io fi'uutýdçmnt nie « roye anid otherpartsJ, 00heWrd areutMe bun J of lPieMs î ks2ai badee 4~resist{ c ~ ~e ~4c cii tvt/le vioinet F'nd', statur iev'î e r' îd:< ~ ~ A uu Yiqi&si ~ t~land of /te globe. ~he louse Of egcn